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Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Gateway Shipping Inc - 09-01-2013

=Boosting Signal=

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Madotsuki - 09-01-2013

The invitation to join!
Every new worker that joining us will get EL-HiL51 "Mammoth"!
Every worker that will work bona fide will get CT-69 "Crane" as a reward for service.


RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Black Widow - 09-16-2013

Bump, We're still hiring

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Black Widow - 09-24-2013


RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Abolisher - 09-26-2013


Percival Sanders



Character background:

I've been self-employed since the age of 21, flying various transports and freighters as a freelance trader, and many of those years were spent as the captain of those ships, which I owned. I was born and brought up on planet New London, but I haven't had a real home after I left (no need if you're a trader like that). Well, that's my rather boring story of my life so far.

Motivation for joining our corporation:

It's time to join a faction, it's getting too competitive for my business to survive on it's own. Plus, Gateway have always seemed the most friendly shipping faction in Bretonia.
Sky.p3 contact protocols:


Yours Sincerely,
Percival Sanders.

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Black Widow - 09-26-2013

Hello Percival, your application is hereby accepted.

Please make your way to Kensington Shipping Platform to pick up your contract!

Bruno Gehard, Executive Officer - Gateway Shipping Inc

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Pel - 10-04-2013

I fly Gateway. I would be in Logistics, I guess.

In-game name: Blinkie
Age: 40
Character background:

I was just a normal Cambridger youth, raised to love the Cavaliers, hate the Hokkaido Herons and with dreams of studying at the School of Agrarian Sciences.

Cambridge is a nice place-- plenty of food, good standard of living. Don't expect me to tell you I suffered through my childhood. I played ball with my friends, explored the fields and orchards at the outskirts of the city, constructed forts to defend from imaginary scoundrels and watched every space adventure vid I could get my hands on.

I outgrew my dreams of adventure in space and turned my attention to getting a PhD, like my parents. Halfway through my graduate studies the Shogun and Kusari Emperor started their buildup to wage war on Bretonia. As the Queen's Breadbasket, Cambridge was tasked with stockpiling food for the war effort. What this meant was that we all had to tighten our belts and feel some real fear for once. And funding for the universities was severely cut. Most of us were encouraged to join the officer corps or quit school to aid in the war effort.

This was when my family lost a lot of our wealth. Two of our properties had to be sold due to the downturn in our fortunes and the reduced incomes my parents could earn with their careers in academia. My father passed away during this time and my mother ended up in a condo, with most of the family savings going to support her after she lost her job in the university.

My hopes of inheriting anything dwindled down to nil, so I eked out a living until I could finish my degree, but then found myself unable to find gainful employment in my field (Informational Science).

So, despairing of finding any good opportunities planetside, I cashed out my trust fund and purchased a Firefly so that I could try to make my living on the trade lanes. I have been successful enough to trade up to a Shetland Train, but find the life of a trader to be lonely and perilous. I could lose everything at any moment to pirates, my pilot is an ex-Marine who speaks in sentences of no more than three words and apart from catching up on my reading and researching the markets I have little in the way of stimulation.

So I began to think that there might be more security-- and some welcome company-- if I were to join up with an established company. When I started thinking this way, Gateway Shipping was the first to come to mind.

Motivation for joining Gateway Shipping:

I was never a big fan of the war, so I liked Gateway's focus on economic and humanitarian concerns as we prepared for the invasion. My sense of Bretonian identity has always been more about science, innovation and exploration than anything else. The way Gateway works together with other underdogs around Sirius is, to me, a proper Bretonian outlook. We may not have the most resource-rich region in Sirius, but we have the wherewithal to make the most of what we have, without needing to be be oppressive to our neighbors or belligerent about our borders.

Maybe I'm just a liberal Cambridge boy who doesn't know what he's talking about, but I like what Gateway represents and how they treat their employees.

Favored division: Logistics
Skype name: pelbarandu

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Black Widow - 10-04-2013

Hi Blinkie, your application to gateway has been accepted, please setup a S.K.Y.P.3 Protocol for yourself and send me the uplink so I may add you to the relevant channels.

Cheers and welcome aboard

-Bruno Gehard, signing off
-Executive Officer
-Gateway Shipping

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Gateway Shipping Inc - 10-20-2013

=Bump, Still Hiring=

RE: Gateway Shipping Recruitment - Manny Calavera - 10-28-2013


Rick Dale


Character background:

I was born and raised on planet Manhattan in the New York system Liberty. My father had a meager job at a Liberty ale brewery. He moved boxes of liberty ale to the shipping platform. When I was 10 years old my father took me to that factory and showed me his job and how it worked. I got bored very quickly and was unimpressed . After doing his job he showed me the Shipping platform where ships dock and pick up supplies. I thought to myself, when I grow up that's what kind of job I want. When I turned 18 I asked my father for a loan to purchase a small civilian freighter. I told him my plan and promised to pay him back and eventually I did. After taking a the necessary courses for flying, I was finally able to ship products. My first contracts were easy. It involved taking goods to other bases in the same system. After being familiar with the basics I decided to take products to near by systems. After a few years I was shipping to the border worlds and other Sirius houses. Eventually I had enough money to buy a small transport. After years of shipping and travel I know the best routes like the back of my hand and know how to avoid pirates. After seeing several companies shipping in different systems, I decided that its time for me to join a Shipping company and master my carrier. That being said, I like gateways ways of conducting business compared to other companies and I think it's the best company for me. Motivation for joining Gateway:

I like that gateway works with smaller companies and has good relationships with companies like IMG.
SKYP3 contact protocols:

Mr. Booze (Zevulen.Ebert)