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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-10-2008

To: BAF Command
Comm. ID: Sir Andrew Stuart, Privateer CO

---Transmission Initiated---


I mean, yes, well, my good man, Flash, or Lieutenant Commander Finn Hopkins, however one likes it, have just returned from an extended foray into Kusari space.

Indeed, 'twere mighty interesting, our time in this exotic locale, as we made both strange friends and apparently fearsome enemies!

We were set upon by a hired rogue mercenary fellow, piloting a ramshackle ship, which I, of course, put down handily as good ol' Flash chased after some dastardly Zoner destroyer with a complainin' git at the helm, lightin' him up with good old fashioned Bretonian Antimatter!

As it were, we befriended another explorer in this benighted nation, a jovial Junker fellow, who was most happy to assist after the usual monetary pleasantries.

We also made the acquaitance of a charming Amazon warrior woman, too, a Golden Chrysanthemum, I would believe, who aided us in putting some form of robotic bounty hunter to flight! Truly a brave lassy, what with her being scantily clad in armour, it barely covering her lithe Scimitar's hull!

Anyway, Finn and I did our usual duties, plundering the local barbarians, educating them in the ways of civilisation, informing them that yes, in fact, we do have the best fruit, vegetables and tonic wines available in Bretonia, as well as some of the finest cigars, unlike those Kusari swine, who spend their time eating Man's best friend.

We helped ourselves to their heathen gold, and set off home, to purchase aforementioned Bretonian luxuries and to fill up Her Majesty's, Carina the First's, War Chest, to find that Reggie is Her Champion! Well, the brandy, port and quality cheeses are on me tonight!

Hooray indeed. So, in short, there were lasers and we robbed the dirty slant-eyed dogeaters. Reggie got honoured, there is a party planned. Yahar!

-Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-11-2008

To: BAF Command
Comm. ID: Knight-Admiral Andrew Stuart
Subject Matter: Opening Another Front by Extending Letters of Private Reprisal

---Transmission Initiated---

This plan is still in something simliar to a theoretical stage at present, so please bear with me for but a moment, my most esteemed colleagues.

As we well know, the barbarians are at the gates, and will soon find a way into our beloved nation. In spite of valiant defences, there is only so much we can do without aid. Liberty seems unwilling to get involved in another conflict, and Rheinland seems to support our aggressors, after a fashion.

So, yet again, I am forced to come up with an unorthodox contingency should things get any worse...

So far we have successfully experimented with Letters of Marque, issued to myself and my subordinates... as well as long-term mercenary contracts for the likes of the Mandalorian Mercenaries.

I believe I have a more extreme, yet possibly effective answer...

The Bounty Hunters' Guild.

Now, I apologise, but hear me out...

The Kusari don't give the Bounty Hunters free reign of their home, despising them as foreigners, forcing them to stay on Deshima station. We can play this to our advantage.

By offering monetary incentives, as well as playing up their interest in the war(they will lose vital business if Kusari expands, as the Kusari aren't as welcoming as ourselves), combined with giving them the right to annex territories for private gain, we may be able to create an allied force on Kusari's unguarded rear, splitting her forces in order to create a window for ourselves to regroup.

I know this may sound like insanity, but the plan is only in its preliminary stages. At present, I am engaged in clandestine negotiations with the Guild's leaders. If this doesn't go through, I could still pay them to keep Deshima quiet and let the Blood Dragons build up strength.

Any objections?

-Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-11-2008

Comm. ID: Admiral Sir Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

Greetings all.

In spite of this message, things are not desperate. This is but one man. The Kusari Naval Forces have a hero in their midst, and I shan't dispute it, but we have the numbers, the resources, the conviction and more than enough courage and skill to see us through to victory.

'Tis my pleasure to serve with you all, boys and girls.

Let's get to it.

-Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 11-11-2008

To: Admiral Sir Andrew Stuart
Comm. ID: MOD James Ralston

---Transmission Initiated---

Sir Andrew

It is with regret that I concur with your assessment of the neccessary means to neutralize this threat.

Extraordinary threats require extraordinary measures.

Do what you must. I retain plausible deniability.


MOD James Ralston

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-12-2008

Comm. ID: Admiral Sir Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

It is with great joy that I let ye know that so far, the plan which I have recently put forward regarding one Daisa Suburo Sakai of the Kusari Naval Forces has been succesful.

The destroyer, 'Chikuma', which he commands, was critically damaged, several decks depressurised by myself and a 'Kiretsu' strike force, encouraged by the money and supplies provided by myself.

This man has been proven to be anything but invincible. If the womens' rights movement in Kusari can pull this stunt off, I'm sure a trained military force can do the same!

-Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Derkylos - 11-15-2008

Combat Report
ID: Ensign Aldwyn

My first kill today-one of those Kusari bounders! Captain Nelson and I had attempted to track down a known smuggler in Dublin, when he ran into a group of deuterium traders at Stokes. Rapidly responding, I began to assist him in escorting them to Planet Harris. However, they decided to make a break for it, and, overextended as we were, battling off multiple Kusari vessels, they escaped. A full report of this matter has been submitted to the BPA for further processing. After said incident, we were patrolling in the vicinity of the Nagasaki, when the Captain was jumped by a lone chimera that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Unable to defend himself, his ship was quickly destroyed. I then jumped into the fight, intent on revenge. After several passes, we seemed to be eaqually matched, but, suddenly, both hit a mine at the same time! Thankfully, the sturdy hull of my Templar was able to take the brunt of the explosion without failing. The Kusari was not so lucky, his flimsy ship being torn asunder by the explosive energies. Having retrieved the Captain's escape pod, I set course for Leeds to repair my severely damadged ship.
Guncam footage enclosed.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-16-2008

Comm. ID: Admiral Sir Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

Urgh, that was a close one. Myself and Reggie, Lord Sir Reginald III, the Queen's Champion, that is, ventured into Kyushu with the express purpose of raiding Kusari's mercantile classes. Well, we did so, but also found ourselves accosted by the local criminals, who seem to be the bedfellows of their Imperial government. Well, hell, I say, who cares!? Myself, and Reggie's Liverpool Packet put several of the buggers to the sword, including a few dog-eating farmer sorts as well as a whatsit Yakuza Hogosha type.
[Image: 311lvmq.jpg]
[Image: scrgp1.jpg]
[Image: qrajq1.jpg]
After this, and forcing a Zoner, [TAZ]Erinloch to drop a cartload of Deuterium, we proceeded into New Tokyo, where we met up with my good men, Finn Hopkins and Robert Chevalier. In the process of rendezvousing, the Packet and I were forced to destroy some kamikaze lunatic at the helm of a Kusari transport. He really should have invested in heavier weaponry. Or paid us.
[Image: zkh98i.jpg]

Then, we found ourselves engaged by some sort of Kusari electro-defence thingy. Some sort of robot thing, a Stinger by the name of 'Debiru', which was joined by a Bounty Hunter, of all things (In Kusari, yes!), by the name of Livid, a heavily armoured gunship.

After a tense battle, we dispatched the gunship, and ripped the armaments from the droid, forcing it to leave.

We then proceeded to relieve a Libertonian trader, Xydonus, of his repair bots and shield batteries, to much complaint and whinging about his rights and such like. Oh well, if he thinks his rights have been violated, he can contact the local police forces. Hurhurhur.

Now, a most entertaining thing happened... a PanGal cruise liner passed us by, with a load of passengers. Now, we haven't robbed those with human cargo before, that being a touch unsavoury, but we managed to do so politely, the passengers being willing to pay for having witnessed the show. Myself, Reggie, Finn and Robert all posed for pictures as they donated to the War Fund. A great day was had by all, and I even requested that they send copies of the videos to ourselves.

Feeling tired after all this excitement, we returned to base in Tau-23, Robert's ship needing a bit of an engine refit as Finn, Reggie and I jumped back into our hotseats and plowed into Tau-29, after the KNF destroyer, 'Goju_Ryu', piloted by the son of a man that many of us consider a hero, John Cabot of the Mandalorians.

He claimed that we were shameful, the boys and I made gags about his white guilt, all the usual, then we engaged, lighting her up with antimatter and all sorts.

[Image: f3g8xd.jpg]

Anyway, as the guncam shows, we did well there, too.

A damn good night, if I may say so myself. Makes up for the stalemate suffered earlier on today!

-Stuart out!

---Transmission Terminated---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Derkylos - 11-17-2008

--Combat Report--
--ID: Ensign Aldwyn--

Three events of note, today.

First off, an artifact smuggler by the name of "Honor". Well, he had none (awful spelling, too), docking with New London before I could prevent it. I notified the docking authorities, tho, and they assured me that all of the artifacts in question had been gathered up. The miscreant then fled into Corsair space with a hold full of light arms! Unfortunately, the abundance of rookie Corsairs meant that I was unable to keep up.

Then, while chatting to a Bowex employee in New London, I noticed a pair Wild on long range scanners (you know, those nomad-infested chaps). They appeared to be in Cambridge. I scrambled there immediately, the Bowex pilot with me, as his charge was apparently to begin a trade run from Cambridge. I engaged the enemy (one fighter, seemingly of Rheinland origin, and one larger ship, the likes of which I have never seen before) while he tried to meet up with his partner. However, when no trace of the transport was found, he joined me in attempting to remove the Wild. We were hard-pressed, but, fortunately, one of our destroyers (the Redoubt, was it, or the Steadfast? I couldn't make it out in the heat of battle) was rapidly dispatched, and managed to destroy the larger vessel. With this, the smaller one fled to wherever they came from. It appears we may need to increse our patrols in Southern Bretonia in order to counter this new threat.

Finally, I met up with some of those White Tiger chaps. While helping them to obtain the correct papers, we encountered a vessel, callsign "Shade", above Leeds. He claimed to be some sort of BAF deserter, and opened fire on us. Unfortunately, I must have been a little tired after the previous engagements, as he managed to take out my Templar with relative ease, but I managed to eject without serious injury.

I am currently at my father's residence on Leeds, awaiting a replacement craft.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Koolmo - 11-18-2008

Transmission to: Privateer HQ
Comm ID: Lord Sir Reginald

Well, wandered through Kusari again, got some cash, rather a lot of stupid Zoners out there, including a Jupiter Guild, silly chap. Got jumped by some bounty hunter, destroyer, killed him. Jumped two Zoner dessies, after they refused to give Lord Andrew some supplies, killed 'em both. Two gunboats and a bomber against 2 destroyers, silly Zoners. Never stood a chance... I think Finn got some more cash somewhere in there, and now home safe, although Cutlass-Boy has some painting to do.

Nothing unusual, really.

Notworthy out.

Transmission Ended

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - bluntpencil2001 - 11-18-2008

Comm. ID: Admiral Sir Andrew Stuart

---Transmission Initiated---

Jeeeesus, that was harsh. The boys and I on the Queen's Ransom got a red alert from Lieutenant Brock, due to a Kusari Naval Forces escorted Samura transport hauling Deuterium to Kusari.

We sped from Tau-23 to Newcastle, closing as quick as possible, until the good lass, Brock, managed toascertain that they were taking the Barrier Pass, through Inverness, Cortez, Coronado, Baffin and Tau-29. With some stress, the Ransom was wheeled back, and stormed through Newcastle, Leeds, Tau-31 and Tau-29 at breakneck pace.

As I did so, Lieutenant Catherine Brock took out the escort Chimaera, one 'Ragin' Gaijin' as the others made their way into 29, where they found myself, and a new friend blockading, cutting them off at the pass.

My 'new friend' was a Freelancer, by the name of Jessicka Leblanc, whom my admittedly simple gunner, Franky, seemed to take a liking to. He even offered his spare eyepatch as a souvenir (Note that I'm sure that every now and then it covers a different eye.), the one that his mama apparently gave him.

Anyway, with the lassy's help, we took out the Catamaran, piloted by Hikaru Sulu, and the Deuterium laden transport, before returning to Tau 23, where we had a most delightful discussion with the young lady who assisted us, apparently trying to make up for her brother's stint as a Molly (just like Franky).

Well, for the next few days, Miss Leblanc appears to be workin' for us. Good show, I say, one mighty lovely lassy, even though my addled gunner should keep to himself.

Well, after a pair of successful missions, we've a lot of drinking to do.

-Stuart out

---Transmission Terminated---