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GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-12-2008

Saigo Looks at the sudden amount of activity, "redecorating heh?"
Quote:The actual room is well lit, with images of flowers beautifully decorated along the walls making you half think that we are soft beautiful people and then you notice... the higher ranked members still have their weapons despite you had to remove your weapons before you came in.

"Or hadn't you noticed? Mabye the rest of the station but not my room or this room i'd have to say... Anyway, Konnichiwa Akira i overheard you saying your new to the Golden Chrysanthesmums... so i would like to welcome you in *bows* and if you ever need anything just tell me."

GC Tea House - Unholy1 - 10-12-2008

Amaya walks into the tea house and sits down at her usual seat at the bar. Can I get a glass of tea, and a dose of cardimine please.

Waiting for her glass of tea she notices a few people trying to remodel the place.
She thinks to herself I thought it already looked pretty cool in here although it would be cool if we had a few nice shiny Katanas on the wall.

Amaya thanks the bartender for the help, then chugs down her tea.
She over hears Akira talking about she was new.
I'm sorta new around here to Akira, but if you want you can hang out with me and I can show you the ropes...

GC Tea House - thierry007 - 10-12-2008

Watsas! How do you exept that i can do that? Hehehe Ah Commander Saigo... Could you Upload Further Orders for me? Also someone have some Oil? or Water?

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 10-12-2008

"I'm sure Lady Kurisho would appriciate my spontanious creativity assault, no? Anyway, Saigo, I'm going to start with the shower facilities... and I need your help!

The hot-tub and all the plumbing crap just arrived, so I'd say it's time to start tearing up the old tiling. The place looks like the inside of a prison right now. ALSO, we need to upgrade the stations' fire-supression system. Right now, it's like we're living on the inside of a pipe-bomb." Watsas stated.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-12-2008

"Hm, indeed, Im sure she will, though i can't speak for her...
And what do you need help with?
Also John, go test your guns on some Hogosha or help watsas redo the shower facilities"

Saigo then takes a drink of her tea with a strong shot of cardimine, for normal people it would kill them, But not for Saigo.

GC Tea House - Akira Ishida - 10-13-2008

' Wrote:"Konnichiwa Akira i overheard you saying your new to the Golden Chrysanthemums... so i would like to welcome you in *bows* and if you ever need anything just tell me."
"Thank you, Saigo-san. I will." Akira said before bowing quickly.

' Wrote:She over hears Akira talking about she was new.
I'm sorta new around here to Akira, but if you want you can hang out with me and I can show you the ropes...
"Thank you. I uh... I know the ropes, so to speak, already.... I think. I did manage to work my way from a Hawk to an Eagle." Akira smiled.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 10-14-2008

The sounds of powertools, and watsas cursing to himself and destroying the shower facility with the Daemonhammer of Infinite Discontent reverberated through the station. Without explicitly hearing the word 'no', watsas had went to town on the Showers, completely stripping the tile floors and walls within about an hour and a half.

Watsas, and the few GC technicians crazy enough to support him on this plan were now busily replacing the shower's piping, installing the new hot tub and sauna fixtures, and generally making a mess of the place. Watsas activated his personal communicator to contact some of the other personell.

COMM: "Saigo, Akira, whoever else, could you go get the big air compressor out of my ship and bring it up here. We need to start up the nailgun and the sandblaster. Also, we need caulk. A LOT of the stuff. And ask Kurisho which one of the interior paneling sets I should install. Also, send John to go to Kruezberg to pick up that artificial waterfall kit thingy on Yanagi. I'm going to make it look like there's a little tiny mountian spring draining into the hot tub. Looks cooler. Watsas, OUT."

Watsas de-activated the comm and started to cut into a large metal pipe with a rotory saw, causing compressed steam to vent into the room.

"Bah, someone close the steam valve! I told them I need this pipe so I can install the siphon for the steam bath. And hurry, it's fogging up my photoreceptor."

GC Tea House - Akira Ishida - 10-14-2008

' Wrote:COMM: "Saigo, Akira, whoever else, could you go get the big air compressor out of my ship and bring it up here. We need to start up the nailgun and the sandblaster. Also, we need caulk. A LOT of the stuff. And ask Kurisho which one of the interior paneling sets I should install. Also, send John to go to Kruezberg to pick up that artificial waterfall kit thingy on Yanagi. I'm going to make it look like there's a little tiny mountian spring draining into the hot tub. Looks cooler. Watsas, OUT."

"Hehe, he is quite the determined one, isn't he?" Akira said to no one in particular. Upon arriving at Watsas' ship, she found... She did not have the access. Oh, great...

GC Tea House - Geisha_Maiko - 10-14-2008

' Wrote:And ask Kurisho which one of the interior paneling sets I should install.

Lady Kurisho steps out of one of the side offices, leading into the bar.

"Where the frak did you leave the design samples ", she yells back into the coms, her voice trying to be louder than all hammer and other activites of construction.

''...and there better be a LADY added to my name the next time you scream for me !! ''

She stomps down a hallway, the looks around at the table's in the bar. design samples here..........Looking more.

When did *I* start working for Watsa ??? she mutters to herself.

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 10-14-2008

"Kurisho... I'm sorry... Lady Kurisho, the design samples are out in the hangar, next to my ship. They should be sitting on a crate next to the big giant slab of marble. Also, I'm going to need that brought in here. And don't drop it on your foot, it weighs like ten tonnes. Thanks." Watsas announced into his comlink.

Watsas simply stood for a moment, staring at one of the Blank walls and visualising what could be... taking a sip of an iced latte through his helmet as he did so.