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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Johnathan Nox Carter - 05-11-2014

[Image: ypXHVnf.png]
Mister Ishibashi,

It's been a long while since we've dealt with the Gas Miners Guild. Quite frankly, I'm surprised you thought of us when considering the purchase of a vessel... but business is business nonetheless. And I recall the relationship between our two factions has always been one of mutual agreement.

Very well then; you can have your 'Nyx' class VHF. It's already prepped in the hangars for you to get its keys. As for the payment - it's up to you if you wish to bring in the required commodities or skip that and pay a larger sum of credits.

I'll be waiting for a decision.

Yours truly,
Erik Corvin.
Colonial Defense Industries

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Core_One - 05-11-2014


[Image: 4HJayxN.png]

CommID: Santou Kaisa Taruko Ishibashi, Gas Miners Guild Paramilitary
Location: Battleship Daishouri, Sigma-59
To: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries
Subject: Request

Kon'nichiwa Corvin-san,

Thank you for your answer. I've sent 15,000,000 Credits to your account. I can pick up "Nyx" fighter in a few hours.
Also I would like to ask you for one permission. Permission would be about some Guild's modifications.

Arigato for your time,
Best wishes,
Taruko Ishibashi, GMG Paramilitary

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Jansen - 01-01-2015

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Director Alicia Young; Colonial Defense Industries
Location: Coronado, Sabah Shipyard

We regret to inform you that Colonial Defense Industries is about to go through internal changes. This means that we are currently unable to process requests.
Expect to be informed about the changes in the near future.


Transmission end

RE: Colonial Defense Industries - Jansen - 01-04-2015

The following individuals have made deals with Colonial Defense Industries and are thus legally allowed to own and use the mentioned Colonial technology:

Name of the owner: Independent Miners Guild
Name/Callsign of the vessel:
3 Eros class Interceptors (2 operational)
9 Nyx class Fighters (6 operational)
3 Pytho class Bombers (3 operational)
2 Hydra class Gunboats (1 operational)
4 Thanatos class Cruisers (2 constructed by CDI; 3 operational)
2 Zephyr IMG Flagships (2 operational; decades old)
Date of purchase: -

Name of the owner: Gas Miners Guild
Name/Callsign of the vessel: GMG|Helios - Nyx Very Heavy Fighter
Date of purchase: 05-11-821

Name of Owner: Borderworld Exports
Name/Callsign of Vessel: Bowex)Castlereagh - Celestra Class, Bowex)Canning - Atlas Class
Date of trade: 18/07/820 A.S.

Name of Owner: Temporary Autonomous Zoners
Name/Callsign of Vessel: Helena Agrippa - Eros Light Fighter; Theodore Sturgeon - Nyx Very Heavy Fighter; Momomoto - Atlas Transport
Date of purchase: -

Name of Owner: Solar Runners
Vessel Callsign: (SolarR[X]-Ganymede - Thanatos; Another Thanatos not yet named.
Date of Purchase: 23/08/820 A.S.

RE: Colonial Defense Industries - Establishing Third Party Access to Colonial technology - Jansen - 01-16-2015

Colonial Defense Industries has undergone a number of internal changes and is now able to fullfill new contracts.

RE: Colonial Defense Industries - Establishing Third Party Access to Colonial technol - Exodus - 11-20-2015

[Image: ambassadorsoffice.png]

ID: Kelsey Norton
Location: Baffin
Subj.: Request

Kalisti to you!

My name is Kelsey Norton, Ambassador of the popehood and I would like to request a "Nyx" class fighter from your shipyard. Reynard Gull, my former captain placed an order years ago and I would like to do the same. The Nyx Pope Reynard asked for is in the scrapyard, cannot be used at all.

I also have to mention that the current list of yours, about third party usage is a bit outdated. TAZ does not use any of your vessels, yet you have some registered on your list. Please adjust the details so it can be up to date.

I do not know about any limitations at this class of vessels, feel free to inform me on this channel about your decision.


RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Shaggy - 02-29-2016

[Image: 9NMonX5.png]

Let me introduce myself before we start. I am Director of Crayter Defense Industries Ryan Larkin. I run the Crayter Defense Industries and this shipyard where we sell and build ships for our finest customers. I would like to announce that the Sabah Shipyard for Crayter Defense Industries is now OPEN!!!

We welcome our closest friends and allies, and always new ones are welcome.

[Image: kkvmHx6.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Reeves - 04-27-2016

- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -

SENDER ID: Ensign Avery Reeves ::: Liberty Navy, First Fleet
SENT ON: 27 (Wednesday) ::: 04 (April) ::: 823
SUBJECT: Ship request


To whomever it may concern,

Before I even begin this message I would like to state a crystal clear fact, I am quite obviously a Liberty Navy Combat Pilot assigned to active duties and patrols and in no way want this ship request for my on-duty work, I pilot an avenger and it is outside regulations to fly something non-Libertonian on duty.
However, that being said. I do currently want an off-duty ship and due to the pleasing factors associated with the Nyx produced by CDI would like to submit this request for 1 Nyx Fighter, any payments required will be made on site upon acceptance of this request. If allotting me a ship due to my status as Liberty Navy is not possible even though I will be solely using it for off-duty purposes, then I do not take any offense and fully understand.

Avery Reeves
Ensign, First Fleet
Liberty Navy


RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Shaggy - 04-28-2016

[Image: 9NMonX5.png]

Greetings Ensign Reeves,

I am Director Ryan Larkin, my job role is mainly to deal with selling and the responsibility of the Crayter Vessels that are on the open market to people like yourself.

It is a pleasure to meet you and hear that the Liberty Navy Combat Pilots take a good interest in the hard work of the research and development team here on Sabah Shipyard. From what you have told us we are more than happy for you to purchase the Nyx Fighter which is produced by us. I have spoken with a few members of parliament and they have also agreed with me.

So please send the purchase price of 30.000.000 S. C to CR|-Treasury and make you're way to Planet Pecos, for collection, it will be waiting in the dry docks for the arrival of yourself. We do also request a proof of purchase with dated screen cap. The price has been tripled like it states on our information data banks, unless you are able to deliver;

40 units Engine Components; 50 units High Temperature Alloys; 50 units Nano Capacitors; 20 units Optical Chips; 100 units Optronics; 150 units Polymers; 40 units Quantum Multiplexors; 50 units Super Alloy; 150 units Ship Hull Panels; 2 units Nuclear Devices; 20 units Plutonium

To Sabah Shipyard with dated screen cap on each delivery. This will keep the price at its normal rate of 10,000,000 S. C.

We do also request a proof of purchase with a dated screen cap.

Safe flight Ensign Reeves, we will see you real soon.

Director Ryan Larkin

[Image: kkvmHx6.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Reeves - 04-28-2016

- - - - - INCOMING TRANSMISSION - - - - -

SENDER ID: Ensign Avery Reeves ::: Liberty Navy, First Fleet
SENT ON: 28 (Thursday) ::: 04 (April) ::: 823
SUBJECT: Proof of purchase; Payment details.


Mr. Larkin,

The full payment of 30 million credits was wired to the neural net account of the CR treasury from a Neural Net account called 'Atlanta'.

Enclosed below is a proof of purchase and collection of the ship. If there are any further inquiries or proofs needed please contact me on this channel.

[Image: AdLQOR7.png?1]
Taken on: 28th April; 823 A.S.

Avery Reeves
Ensign, First Fleet
Liberty Navy