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[Infopage] Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Printable Version

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RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Office of National Security - 05-17-2018

We tried to refrain from posting negatively in this thread for a very long time now, as nothing is being gained by stirring up heat but we have come to a point where we consider Harmony's attitude to be close to unbearable in our eyes.

Not only is every encounter with you a mere constellation of infestation accusations, you also keep outnumbering pretty much every hostile ship, especially us, that comes in your range. You also keep breaking the engagement rules about leaving enough time to respond, just earlier was the third time that one of your ships dropped a line and instantly attacked out of the blue, even uncloaking literally beside our ship. We don't mind the sheer outnumbering, we have clear rules that even if you are ganked, you should keep fighting, but with you, I can only remember 1 fight that was a fair duel, which is ironic, considering you complained about receiving ganks from the Liberty Navy side.

Not once has any Harmony ship even considered a slightly longer session of RP before engaging, and we can say that as a rather aggressively played faction. In fact, we rarely open fire on your ships anymore, they mostly arrive and no minute later a fight is breaking out.

Then there is your base, seriously, a giant station that has a PoB attached to it just so it can spot the PoB weapon platforms? Are you for real? Literally no other station in this game possesses this but you do, explain why.

Really, I wish we wouldn't have to end every interaction with Harmony eye rolling or just disappointed. As two opposing sides that encounter each other often, which is how it is supposed to be, we should be able to fight honorably to an extent, enough to give the other side a chance at enjoying the interaction. Keeping silence between our sides is not the solution, communication is important, otherwise, this won't end up in the right direction.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Thunderer - 05-17-2018

Related, there is a Liberty POB at Houston in Texas which the LN tends to hug in case the Separatists do a raid, making that impossible. Have the Separatists ever planned destroying it? I'm a little confused by your lack of action related to this.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Skorak - 05-17-2018

(05-17-2018, 08:08 PM)Office of National Security Wrote:
We tried to refrain from posting negatively in this thread for a very long time now, as nothing is being gained by stirring up heat but we have come to a point where we consider Harmony's attitude to be close to unbearable in our eyes.

Not only is every encounter with you a mere constellation of infestation accusations, you also keep outnumbering pretty much every hostile ship, especially us, that comes in your range. You also keep breaking the engagement rules about leaving enough time to respond, just earlier was the third time that one of your ships dropped a line and instantly attacked out of the blue, even uncloaking literally beside our ship. We don't mind the sheer outnumbering, we have clear rules that even if you are ganked, you should keep fighting, but with you, I can only remember 1 fight that was a fair duel, which is ironic, considering you complained about receiving ganks from the Liberty Navy side.

Not once has any Harmony ship even considered a slightly longer session of RP before engaging, and we can say that as a rather aggressively played faction. In fact, we rarely open fire on your ships anymore, they mostly arrive and no minute later a fight is breaking out.

Then there is your base, seriously, a giant station that has a PoB attached to it just so it can spot the PoB weapon platforms? Are you for real? Literally no other station in this game possesses this but you do, explain why.

Really, I wish we wouldn't have to end every interaction with Harmony eye rolling or just disappointed. As two opposing sides that encounter each other often, which is how it is supposed to be, we should be able to fight honorably to an extent, enough to give the other side a chance at enjoying the interaction. Keeping silence between our sides is not the solution, communication is important, otherwise, this won't end up in the right direction.

Shelco it's really just you. No one I know is interested in playing with you anymore.

The rp I receive from you on any character is just tedious. If there is pvp you lag typically but I mean the first part really makes one not want to fight much at all. After all those fights with you there's also really no reason to stand there and talk with you right next to the base we launch from.

In a way it's worse than newbie indies because you don't expect anything else really.

And before you ask why I didn't answer anything in your text, I only skimmed it. That dark colour is way too much of a pain to read.

(05-17-2018, 08:22 PM)Thunderer Wrote: Related, there is a Liberty POB at Houston in Texas which the LN tends to hug in case the Separatists do a raid, making that impossible. Have the Separatists ever planned destroying it? I'm a little confused by your lack of action related to this.

I don't feel like a pob at a capital or at least major planet is an issue. Considering fights shouldn't happen either right at the Freeport or right at the Planet anyways. Those serve as grouping points to have fights in between imo. Only problem in regards to it is that it's set to IFF fire. So while Bristol will only fire when shot, the one at Houston will open fire right away. But so far that's not a problem. I mean then again our forces rarely manage to group and leave Bering in time before the Navy fleet arrives.

Shows just how important for a working war it is to be able to invade the enemy. Something that the Gallic war is lacking sadly.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Thunderer - 05-17-2018

Whenever I raid Liberty with my Coalition battlecruiser from Bering, alone or with buddies, if I don't catch an LN cap far enough from a POB of theirs, they will hug it until they've assembled at least twice the forces. Then I will have to retreat because I don't like getting steamrolled, and they will log off feeling like if they logged for nothing. And they are right there.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Skorak - 05-17-2018

Well afaik the intention of that base is not to be hugged. Same as Bristol is made to store Military Salvage. It just got that many guns when people threatened to siege it.

What I am surprised about is that Liberty is allowing weapon's platforms at the planet. iirc that used to be restriced to official law enforcement.

Still I don't intend to harm that base.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Office of National Security - 05-17-2018

So this is how you handle feedback? I explain what bothers me about your faction's behavior and all you do is say "No one I know is interested in playing with you anymore" and that you didn't even read the feedback. How great. Just because nobody but me dares to speak out against you doesn't mean everyone else never has a complaint. You should see what I read about you from time to time, I'm merely presenting what bothers me, not even in an aggressive manner, all you do is become personal.

Explain how any RP that was brought to you is tedious so far, give examples. I don't lag in pvp unless the server lags, I always have 0%, and it is also unrelated to the feedback you received. I didn't say a word about your actual fighting, just your outnumbering.

How is it right to not roleplay with someone who is 6k away from the Freeport? It is a neutral station to the LSF ID. Why does a base of you anywhere instantly mean that no RP should be done near it? Nobody asks for a tea party near the Freeport, that is not what was stated. What would be appreciable would be simply more than there is now.

Also, the text is now in white.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Kazinsal - 05-17-2018

Just curious since I don't see any operational zones on the OP -- do y'all just operate in the eastern independent worlds and eastern Liberty or do you pop over to the west sometimes? I keep hoping to run into Harmony but Octavarium doesn't actually go into Liberty or the Bering/Hudson region very often at all.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Skorak - 05-17-2018

The idea was to go further but there's few bases we can dock at since Rogues are nodock. We had/have shareds in Ontario but with how much of a focus there is on Bering it's really difficult to leave much.

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Kazinsal - 05-17-2018

Okidoki, makes total sense. Hopefully our factions can run into each other organically at some point!

RE: Battlegroup Harmony - Information and Feedback - Skorak - 05-17-2018

I really want the faction to go out more. But that's a bit tough to organise considering you really need to prepare to face a lot of ships hunting you. Not impossible but challenging.