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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 06-13-2010

------Incoming transmission---------
------Origin : BHG|Millers Draft-------
------Recipient : Sprecher des Kanzlersamte, Accounts payable dept. -----
------Subject : Bounty claim--------

Payment for outstanding claims #88, #89, #91 and #100 recieved in full.

[Image: RMpayment.PNG]

As the proverb goes in Rheinland : "Ordnung m?ss sein, no matter what they say, so now I can afford to feed my crew Saurkraut three times a day."

McKinney Miller,
Captain of the BHG|Millers Draft.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Sturmwind - 06-13-2010


[font=Century Gothic]Sehr geehrter Herren,

The payments have been transferred to your representative bank accounts. Thank you for your contribution to securing the integrity of Rheinland against these malefactors.

[Image: szar.jpg]

Keep up the good work.

[color=#33FF33]Lucas Engel
Bounty Coordination Officer


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - teschy - 06-13-2010


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Tequilla.Sunrise - 06-15-2010

Comm ID: Jesse Casas [Rebel II]
Target: Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office

Found a Phantom in Omega 7, and took him down on sheer principle. Those are some mean hombres. Then I go to look and see you have them bountied for 5 million a pop... a nice chunk of change in my books.

Ident & Kill
[Image: th_phantom_id.png][Image: th_phantom_kill.png]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 06-15-2010

------Incoming transmission---------
------Origin : BHG|Millers Draft-------
------Recipient : Sprecher des Kanzlersamte, Accounts payable dept. -----
------Subject : Bounty claim--------

After doing a shift on the DHC-BHG contract in Omega 7, my crew and I were transiting to New Berlin for a resupply of that fine Berliner Rheinland Lager, when we came across a Corsair Pilgrim Slave liner, indentified as "Scylla", having shot out a tradelane ring, and in the process of pirating a mining vessel, the "De_La_Roche", enroute to offload his cargo.

After confirming with the mining vessel that he had been extorted a fee for passing by the Corsair vessel, I promptly commanded my crew to man their battlestations. The Corsair vessel attempted to flee in vain, shooting RM recruits along the way. Alas, he managed to take out 4 RM recruits, before my crew dispatched his vessel.

The incident took place just east of Planet Stuttgart, in the Stuttgart system.

Please forward payment to the Neural Net account of BHG|Millers_Draft for the sum of 1.000.000 Sirius Credits.

McKinney Miller,
Captain of the BHG|Millers Draft.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Tequilla.Sunrise - 06-16-2010

Comm ID: Jesse Casas [Rebel II]
Target: Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office

Found two Corsairs pirating in Stuttgart. The trader was very grateful at my timely arrival, as they began shooting. However, I managed to distract them while the transport escaped. Found two more Corsairs in Omega 7, managed to down one and make the other run to Omega 5. The miners were very grateful there, as well.

ID shots
[Image: th_ascreen177.png][Image: th_ascreen178-1.png][Image: th_ascreen185.png]

Kill shots
[Image: th_ascreen181.png][Image: th_ascreen180.png][Image: th_ascreen187.png]


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - hribek - 06-16-2010

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
-( Frank "Indigo" Banks
Coalition fighter, Omega-11

Dead Hessian, Dresden

Dead Hessian, Omega-11

Dead Hessian, Omega-7

Pay Owed $4,000,000
Send Money To: Indigo.Reaver
[color=#CCCCCC]-( Transmission Terminated

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - ArmsAndLegs Guy - 06-17-2010

------Incoming transmission---------
------Origin : BHG|Millers Draft-------
------Recipient : Sprecher des Kanzlersamte, Accounts payable dept. -----
------Subject : Bounty claim--------

While patrolling north east of Freistadt down to DHC territory at Briesen, the ELINT equipment picked up the faint signals of tractorbeams. While tracking down the vector for these signals, the scanners picked up a Corsair ID'ed Correo Frighter, identified as the Negi. Appearently this cannibal had been stealing ore from the fields north of Freistadt. When hailed and asked politely to stop with the sentence "Hold it right there, Sir", the vessel engaged cruise and entered the tradelane to the Stutgart system.

We pursued the vessel into the Stuttgart system, and was joined by my esteemed colleague, the Fireball, in pursuit of the thieving Corsair. He was then dispatched with no difficulty.

Alas, the ore he had stolen perished in the explosion of his vessel.

Please forward payment for a total of 1.000.000 Sirius Credits to the Neural Net account of BHG|Millers_Draft. I will take care of paying my associate.

Total outstanding from the Rheinland government : 2.000.000 Sirus Credits for Bounty claims #105, and #108.

McKinney Miller,
Captain of the BHG|Millers Draft.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Sturmwind - 06-18-2010


[font=Century Gothic]Sehr geehrter Herren,

The payments have been transferred to your representative bank accounts.

[Image: bounties.jpg]

Keep up the good work.

[color=#33FF33]Lucas Engel
Bounty Coordination Officer


LAWFUL CONTRACTS - RHEINLAND - Rheinland Military Bounty Coordination Office - Wuselkobold - 06-20-2010

<<<incoming transmission>>>
<<<establishing visual communications>>>

[Image: 945887890-00.gif]

[Image: Crowforumuse.png]

'ello there!

Assisted the RFP in some nasty furball yesterday, here are the results:

[Image: th_scra1.jpg] [Image: th_scra2.jpg]
SCRA-VHF exploding in combined fire
[Image: th_rha5.jpg] [Image: th_rha6.jpg]
[RHA] Odin exploding

Neuralnet bank account is Daniel.Crow .


Daniel Crow

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<<<signal lost>>>