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Rules Clarification Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Czechmate - 04-10-2021

RULE:4.4 - Characters registered on a bounty board must be at least neutral to their employer and hostile to the faction that is bountied. This requirement does not apply to individual bounties. Board owners are required to verify that hired characters have suitable reputations.
QUESTION: does this mean that if my personal rep is red to someone I can claim against them?

e.g. Corse registers on EFL board. The Character has Ageira as -0.7. This means the character can claim bounty against Ageira, but can't if the personal rep at time of encounter is -0.55?

Why is this rule in place exactly? The target should still see me as white?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:(Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Googolplex - 04-23-2021

RULE: 3.5 - Characters of level 29 and below or ships using a Recruit ID may not be attacked unless they:

Attack first by draining the shield down to 50% or firing a cruise disruptor;
Are at the scene of a battle and refuse to leave when told to leave;
Take an active part in a roleplay interaction;
Possess a codename (Class 9) weapon; or
Attack a player base.

QUESTION: What if the character <level 29 is smuggling, can lawful ships stop them? Can this player be attacked if he/she does not comply?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:(Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Czechmate - 04-23-2021

3.3 - All piracy demands to characters or Player Owned Bases must be cumulatively reasonable.
QUESTION: What is considered reasonable for pirating combat ships

e.g. Corse meet a CAU6 Gunboat they pirate
Junker bomber swarm meets a CAU8 full code JD4 battleship they can pirate

What are the maximum reasonable amounts they can ask for?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:(Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - TheKusari - 05-05-2021

RULE:Ships & Systems Classification
QUESTION:The Uncharted systems aren't listed. The systems only accessible by blind jumping into them. Are we able to get a list of those that are still active?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:(Leave blank for Admin/Mod comment)

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Binski - 11-08-2021

RULE: 3.1 - Players are considered to be ''PVP Dead'' if they die during a PVP encounter or dock while hostile combatants are within docking message range of other players. A "PVP Dead" player must:

QUESTION: As far as I know there's no dock message for 3rd party observers of ships docking on carrier vessels, is that correct?. Does it count as PVP death if you dock on a player ship using its docking module?

ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: Docking on a player's ship is not considered pvp dead. It is an acceptable tactic in pvp fighting.

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Stewgar - 05-17-2022

Is this thread even used anymore?

RULE: 1.4 - All character, faction, ship or station names must be easily readable and roleplay appropriate. The use of profanity, country tags, memes, pop-culture references, non-English letters, or excess symbols is not allowed. For examples, see here.
QUESTION: I was pirated by somebody with a ZTV before his name. He flew with a Zoner IFF which I assumed meant he was a Zoner Transport Vessel (commonly used acronym). He was, instead, a pirate. At the very least this is poor gamesmanship but I am curious if this constitutes as a rule break? Figures, the one time I'm not recording and the sleeziest of them all comes by.
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:. There is only one ship in the entire playerbase with the acronym ZTV. I don't think it is widely used enough to be considered poor gamemanship.

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - All Worlds - 10-30-2022

- POB's built in House space, as listed below, are subject to House laws and fees.
- POB's built in non-House space that are bordering a House system, as listed below, are not allowed to be engaged for lack of payment, should one be issued.
House Space: New London*, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester, Newcastle, Poole.
Independent Worlds
Bering, Cologne, Cortez, Coronado, Dublin, Galileo, Hudson, Inverness, Kansas, Kepler, Magellan, Ontario, Provence, Puerto Rico, Unknown, Vespucci, Zurich,.

QUESTION:Is Dublin house space or not? Do House Laws regarding POBs apply there?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:No, Dublin is not House Space.

But taken from the BAF ID:- "Can enforce laws within Bretonia House Space and Dublin".

And taken from the Server Rules:- "If ID restrictions and allowances conflict with the server rules, the ID overrides the rules" (except 2.8 and 3.4).

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - R.P.Curator - 10-27-2023

Uncharted Space
Uncharted I, Uncharted II, Uncharted IV, Uncharted V, Uncharted VI, Uncharted VII, Uncharted VIII, Uncharted IX, Uncharted X

House Space
House Military, Police, and Intelligence factions may enforce roleplay consequences upon any players, factions, and POBs found breaking House Laws within House Space.

Uncharted Space
Factions with ZOI in systems bordering an Uncharted System have their ZOI extended for the duration of the connection.

> Earhart is not mentioned here - please update
> Since the Unst.JH from Earhart are not known unless scouted, the only ones with permanent ZOI atm according to the rules are Liberty factions. A notifying message should be displayed on server what Unsta.JH out of Earhart is active - to alert the factions in said systems, and to prevent an extra load of work for Admins if factions from different systems clash inside without ZOI: i.e.: An Unst.JH has appeared in the Systems Omega 3 and Vespucci - something similar to the Ion storm notification.

ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:. Earhart is currently treated as attending parties have ZOI and enforce their respective laws.

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - Barrier - 02-18-2024

Faction Right 1. Official player factions have authority over players of the same NPC affiliation, as long as RP justification is provided. This authority applies in forums and in-game, and applies to player faction diplomacy, and strategic and tactical direction, however, exercise of that authority, on the forums and in game, is restricted to official faction members with the rank of the official faction leader and second in command(s) of the faction. The authority may be exercised through the use of in-game in-RP orders, which, if not obeyed, can result in in-game in-RP consequences (arrest, court martial, and even "lethal" force in extreme circumstances). Official player factions cannot, under any cicrumstances, require another player to follow non-canon RP if that player doesn't want to. In case of IDs with multiple official factions, this right can only be used if the faction leader of each make a unified decision to exercise it.
  • The plan is to establish a treaty between [RM] and IMG| where neither side shoots each other in Omega-7.
    Are [RM] and IMG| then allowed to order their respective indies not to engage one another based on that treaty (to be ratified via comms forum rp)?
  • If say the order is disobeyed and no in-rp consequences change the indie's conduct, are the factions allowed to then FR3 that player?
  • On a separate note, does a communication channel proclamation count as in-rp orders, or do all such situations have to occur in-game?
  • Related to this, say IMG communicates evidence of an RM indie engaging their ship. Is [RM] allowed to punish the indie with in-rp consequences (and FR3) based on the evidence of that communication? Or do they have to actually witness the "transgression" in-game?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER: Indies are not required to follow consequences of RP conducted by an OF of the same ID/affiliation. So, no, you cannot command them to not do anything their ID currently allows them to. As a result, you are unlikely going to be approved to FR3 indies for following their ID lines.

RE: Rules Clarification Thread - rwx - 04-18-2024

RULE: 2.0 - Every ship must have one ID equipped, and play in a way that represents the role of that ID. [...]
Is it allowed to use a Wild ID on ships
  • using an open tag, which is known to be assigned to another faction (like 'RNC-', '[GRN]', 'IKN' etc.)
  • using an protected tag, of a third party (e.g. an official faction) with permission from the tag owner
  • with a callsign similiar to a character with another ID?
ADMIN/MOD ANSWER:Yes, you can use a Wild ID on ships that would fall under open tags, as above. The OF would have to give you the password to their tag and agree to allow you to play a Wild character, but there is nothing preventing this.