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Is it worth to make RP? - Printable Version

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RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Geneva Shipping Platform - 01-09-2019

Its like i said,they had theyr toy, and then forgot about it, and now hat someone else is playing with theyr toy they whant it back.
No GSP is not a faction and its not going to be hence we 4 vote for what to do instead of having a leader,
On last note, Sombra im still waiting you to tell me which rule did i break?
(and dont come a me with the ridiculous nmame inport claim again)

and btw i NEVER whanted to FR5 anyone and the sole purpose of using the freeport was to have kind of a center were to rotate RP around, its not that important i can RP with the sun if needed, what bothers me is that everyone read my several RPs and didnt say anything,
Sombra whants me to respect ongoing lore but reserves the right to ignore whatever so, its really hitting the ridiculous.
No worryes not another letter of RP will be made by me, images stars and medals , countless hours lost, just cause someone is too important to respond RP from others,
Plus, very agressive person , unpolite and ongoing insults dont help when you acuse me of being childish.
Its ridiculous that all of the oficial Zoner factions abandoned the freeport inRP no wonder no one respects Zoners, the peapole representing them, if your one of them Sombra i am not amazed at the way Zoners are being treated.
Shamefull. But like i said, keep your toy, ima RP with the star now, just hope you gona say that 23 years ago you RP with The Reapers of Sirius and although nothing was said about it for 23 years its still stands?
Best Regards

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Sombs - 01-09-2019

I'm not demanding FP1 back. You never had it in first place. TAZ/IRG/OSI control it.

You're missing the point over and over again, and I grow tired to deal with you selectively ignoring what I write. This is not about having control over something. This is about you having ignored established structures and not showing any willingness to cooperate or any acceptance of your mistakes. Until you learn to see the issues, there is nothing else left to say. The official factions can simply report any RP thread you write as you pretend to represent a station you can't represent.

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Lusitano - 01-09-2019

well of what i can see thiss tarted long ago and and lost action, and then in one day ... even less ... BOOOOM!!

reply to the original question before all the bitXXXXXX started ... the answer is yes Smile and no Sad
Yes depend who you are ... we all know there some players are lets say VIPS ... ok some deserve it because discovery exists thanks to him ... and they can do some stuff other may not do and have .. let say some influence on the heading of the story line ... to bad many times is for his or her best interest but ... we all know how things are , in my country that is Portugal and we speak a language that is called portuguese, that some thinks is spanish ... we have a saying " uns são filhos e outros são enteados", translation " some are sons and others are stepchildren" ... it means that some are better treated, but like i said before, some deserve it. The problem is .. and now comes the part of why i said no to the answer is that we take that saying and add a part "" uns são filhos e outros são enteados e outros são filhos da puXX" ... i think i don't need to translate the last part ... wha tis means is that some are very well treted and some not so much and others no matter what they do they are always "F" word! That happens a lot here! that is why i left this game some years ago and decided to return but ... nothing changed :\

it is very easy to see that no matter what many do, if some few "sons" decide to go other way, all your work is useless. i can go with the flow but sometimes is to strong that can drown you!! And that is why back in the glory days, to enter the server was very difficult because it was always full and now ... back on those days one post on the comm channel would pass to page 3 or even 4 in less than a day if nodoby answered! Back on those days you would go to the ship vendor page and was full of ships of people buying and selling and now not that really!!

i my personal opinon ... i think that disco can continue to have "sons" and "stepsons" but not the others ones, and that means that ALL opinions .. in this case .. all RP should be considered.

take care and have a good night Smile

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Geneva Shipping Platform - 01-09-2019

Sombra i never spoke as administrator of Freeport, always as Geneva administration, poking about freeport no one said anything.
inRP when you repeatedly communicate and no one ansers , theyr dead DEAD
inRp on your own rules, YOU ABANDONED the freeport and nothing you say can change that fact.
You can say there was lore you can say my name is imported... cause you have zero else to say, i never said i controled the Freeport , I never gave orders related to it in RP or anything
If you had read closely and poroperly youd have seen that at the most we at Geneva felt the "obligation" to look after the instalation, in the RP i made about its upgrade i speak of OTHER Zoners, that given the canaria situation could make displaced Zoners to come live in Freeport 1 , so you see, the Freeport RP wasnt even for our use but for others, the original idea was to bring more peapole and activity to the Omegas
So your acusations of power RP and all that are just... crap.
So yeah, i look at your messages downword, disrespectfull continuously agressive behaviour, you are what we call a "flamer".
If you were my son you bet ur ass you wouldnt speak like that to anyone and i mean anyone.
Best regards

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Thyrzul - 01-09-2019

Is it worth to make RP? Yes.
Is it worth to step on the toes of others? No, unless pissing off people is exactly what you want to achieve.

The last few pages aren't about control, authority, powermongering. They're about awareness of your surroundings, of those others around you. And being ignorant of your environment wasn't even your worst mistake, worse was not accepting that you made this mistake, and not trying to remedy the issue. Newbie mistakes I'd expect from someone who joined just a few months ago.

Don't stop roleplaying. Just make sure you don't screw up anything in the process. This is a multiplayer community, there are other people around you playing this game too. Be considerate of them. Play together.

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Sombs - 01-09-2019

(01-09-2019, 10:59 PM)Geneva Shipping Platform Wrote: Sombra i never spoke as administrator of Freeport, always as Geneva administration, poking about freeport no one said anything.
inRP when you repeatedly communicate and no one ansers , theyr dead DEAD
inRp on your own rules, YOU ABANDONED the freeport and nothing you say can change that fact.
You can say there was lore you can say my name is imported... cause you have zero else to say, i never said i controled the Freeport , I never gave orders related to it in RP or anything
If you had read closely and poroperly youd have seen that at the most we at Geneva felt the "obligation" to look after the instalation, in the RP i made about its upgrade i speak of OTHER Zoners, that given the canaria situation could make displaced Zoners to come live in Freeport 1 , so you see, the Freeport RP wasnt even for our use but for others, the original idea was to bring more peapole and activity to the Omegas
So your acusations of power RP and all that are just... crap.
So yeah, i look at your messages downword, disrespectfull continuously agressive behaviour, you are what we call a "flamer".
If you were my son you bet ur ass you wouldnt speak like that to anyone and i mean anyone.
Best regards

Stop lying.

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Geneva Shipping Platform - 01-09-2019

Remedy what exactly?
The RP is already droped, as you saw by the previous posts Geneva has its days counted,
i didnt harm no ones toys and they even didnt give a frak about it ,
didnt harm no ones RP
didnt interact negatively on any on the interested parts wich would be not Sombra but the Oficial factions Sombra mentioned.
What i dont acept is that no one cared about the Freeport until i start using it, now they saying i clamed it and that i cant do this and that, when they themselfs are doing zero about it for more than a year.
And no, its pointless to make RP.
if players ignore what you do to speak their mind years after in a flood thread when the god damn Feedback Thread is empty.
Anyway i see nothing to fix hence i didnt break anything or disrespected anyone
(in fact i was the one being disrespected constantly and didnt see no one warning no one about it)
Best regards

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Sombs - 01-09-2019

Yeah, you caught my attention when you tried to take credit for something that was done by someone else - namely the extension of Freeport 1, which was done by Kazinsal as dev with the pretense to simulate the natural growth of the Zoner NPC faction. You however tried to sell it, inRP, as if that was your work, which is something I don't approve of. For such a thing, and I happen to be the person that did exactly that, you need to put in more effort. In my example, the Nichols Upgrade Project, which took almost two years to accomplish and was plannet in detail by myself, included multiple factions, multiple players and had a big documention to it, so it was approved as SRP/Dev-Request.

You on the other hand did that one post of administrating Freeport 1, claim it was abandoned - we told you it wasn't, and CoF was still alive back then, but you ignored it - and just happen to have benefited from Kazinsal's spontaneous upgrade of several Zoner stations and Trenton, which has simply nothing to do with what you did. No SRP/dev request, just you pretending Geneva was causing this. And then one thing followed another. I told you about the rule about imports and you seem to not understand that forum names and actual RP characters are a difference; I told you about not taking credit for other people's work, told you that you can't just pretend to be a representant of an NPC asset (that is powergaming, another rule broken) and told you that there are people and groups that are in charge of such things and that you merely needed to approach them. You didn't, petulantly arguing against it with anything unrelated to it, coming up with baseless accusations and belittling. The issue with that is that you seem to not care for any established structure that pretty much safeguards both a certain quality control and mutual respect between people who actually went through the effort of making official factions and building up a network of qualified freeport representants, who are obliged to answer comms and bring in their own ideas.

You have certain qualities, but refuse to cooperate, in a multiplayer community where it is pretty much all about cooperation. With the community, the devs, the admins, etc. Do you not see an issue with that?

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Geneva Shipping Platform - 01-09-2019

(01-09-2019, 07:31 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: You can try to bend the reality, but you tried to powergame the administration of Freeport 1 [1] a month before CoF disbanded [2] while the disbandment message clearly stated how things are treated with the new status.

Again, you either play along with the people who play the game along the rules and regulations or continue with your bullcrap. You can either work with IRG, OSI, TAZ and their elected people (@Shinju, @Doc Holliday, @"Captain_Nemo", @"The Flame Touched", me and @Caconym) or against organized structures that are not breaking the lore, player RP and the rules - because that is what you do. Point and case.

(01-09-2019, 11:05 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote:
(01-09-2019, 10:59 PM)Geneva Shipping Platform Wrote: Sombra i never spoke as administrator of Freeport, always as Geneva administration, poking about freeport no one said anything.
inRP when you repeatedly communicate and no one ansers , theyr dead DEAD
inRp on your own rules, YOU ABANDONED the freeport and nothing you say can change that fact.
You can say there was lore you can say my name is imported... cause you have zero else to say, i never said i controled the Freeport , I never gave orders related to it in RP or anything
If you had read closely and poroperly youd have seen that at the most we at Geneva felt the "obligation" to look after the instalation, in the RP i made about its upgrade i speak of OTHER Zoners, that given the canaria situation could make displaced Zoners to come live in Freeport 1 , so you see, the Freeport RP wasnt even for our use but for others, the original idea was to bring more peapole and activity to the Omegas
So your acusations of power RP and all that are just... crap.
So yeah, i look at your messages downword, disrespectfull continuously agressive behaviour, you are what we call a "flamer".
If you were my son you bet ur ass you wouldnt speak like that to anyone and i mean anyone.
Best regards

Stop lying.
Yes that podt date is 03-05-2018, 06:24 AM
Did you anser it??? did anyone???? Where is your anser or anyones??
You have nothing , you have Zero RP with itNeither oposing neither saying absolutely nothing
Or you whant me to make RP like,

"We are going to repair the Freeport 1 hence theyr actual administrators are letting it rot and the Oficial factions act like it doesnt exist."
or better yet
"Transmission to Freeport 2 current administrators, we whant to join you and get a freeport for the pirates, another one.
or youd prefer:
"Ask Core to nemp the crap outa the Freeport (they are getting the hang of it by now)and make it say an Embassy for Core in the omegas"
Thats ridiculous dude.
Administrate all you whant actively or leave the assets for other active players to have fun with, thus improving overal game experience for others not only you and your friends, or pretty soon you and them will start feeling very lonely in Disco as its fairly easy to see by server activity (wich has been increassing these last few months with some new players jumping in like my neigbours next to freeport 1 wich i very much apreciate )
and again i remind you, we are 4 players not 1 or 2 that keep a faction alive by afkíng to get the time needed to stay oficial.
Actively be active on your assets, or let go of them, and see what players do with it, use your knoledge to guide them if you see they need help (everyone needs help)
that would be the way to go, instead of making a big fuss because a guy built a base next to mine i help him build it and teach him how to operate it NOT destroy it cause whatever.
Change atitude would help the Comunity.
And anser the RPs ffs , peapole spend time doing that crap and might actualy whant to comunicate and estabelish ties, but how will that happen if you dont even bother to anser?
Best regards

RE: Is it worth to make RP? - Sombs - 01-09-2019

Freeport 1 was never abandoned, it was not rotting away. Freeport 1 was the seat of CoF (CoF was still active during that time, we told you) and even BAF has a presence on that station. Again, point and case.