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*MR| - Republica de Malta - Printable Version

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RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Reeves - 02-03-2020

(02-03-2020, 07:34 AM)Spectre Wrote: In short, the faction represents its own sect of Outcasts, but not the entirety.

Be that as it may, there is substantial lore to suggest why major rebellions do not occur on Malta or among the Outcasts in general. Yes, dying from withdrawal is one thing, but a native Outcast is psychologically addicted more so than the physical. If you're a coffee drinker, it's a bit like giving it up for a day and realising just how much you truly need it. You feel suboptimal and unable to cope with regular activity. You've also admitted that this faction is primarily propped up by foreign benefactors and essentially volunteers, so how can it even be a sect of Outcasts at all?

(02-03-2020, 06:50 AM)DarkTails Wrote: Cardamine addiction is mitigated through import of stabiline via proxies. Stabiline enables cardsmine addicted individuals to survive and function.

While you are right in stating that stabiline allows an addict to survive and function, it both does not erase the psychological addiction along with centuries of reliance and is more akin to using a band-aid to limit blood loss from an open wound. It's also portrayed as not being the most accessible thing to get and quite expensive.

You also mentioned that factions which cannot accomplish their goals should not exist. Which I will respond to by stating that you have misunderstood the essence of my argument. The point I am making is not the fact that this faction cannot hope to win or achieve its goals. It is that it has no logical basis to exist with the lore that you have currently prescribed it. And even a brief amount of research into the lore of the Outcasts is reflective of why such a movement, originating from Outcast society, cannot occur. The same simply does not apply to any of the other factions that you have suggested as also not qualifying to exist by virtue of their goals being unachievable. Yes, the goal of those factions may very well be impossible to achieve, but there is no lore to suggest that their formations and pursuit of such goals is impossible.

I would ask that you try to understand the points being made instead of simply disagreeing and finding any means under which you can justify such disagreement. That doesn't allow for constructive discourse. Which is the point.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Prysin - 02-03-2020

(02-03-2020, 06:49 AM)Anton Okunev Wrote:
(02-03-2020, 06:44 AM)Prysin Wrote: No anton, something does prevent you that, it's called Cardamine. And given that your life depends on it, any attempt at separating or going against the Maltese gov, will leave you cut off from your cardamine supply.

Any attempt at going against the Maltese gov, would inRP, get you bountied or wanted "dead" not alive, by a criminal organisation. Thus you're going to have to pay big bucks, in order to get cardamine without trying to rob cardamine transports.

Granted, you can do that, but you won't survive that way. You're up against the largest criminal network in sirius, you'll have no safe havens. So whatever supply of cardamine you can get, will be severely limited in amount. Your organization will never grow big enough to be a real influencing force against the millions of outcast pilots out there.

And its not like the outcasts are a charitable operation. They are drug dealing criminals. They aint gonna take you to court. They'll kill you, and be done with you.
This is inRP problem, and should be played out inRP. I personally think that colorful description how they die on Borneo, or being uncovered during infiltration attempts on OC stations could be actually nice and fun RP.

You and Reeves were more about ooRP side of question, which is not problem, as far faction players realise who they are gameplay wise and where their claims go.

EDIT: Estimations of RP quality is another topic, i just give up to go here, because think that hard lore is something what was losed decade ago, and while it wont be reworked heavily with infocards, news and guidelines, its just about "is it fun for most of players or not".

You did not understand my argument at all. Sure a movement like this could exist, but it would be snuffed out in a short amount of time.

Both inRP, and ooRP, MR| simply cannot make a rational argument for their own persistence.

A political movement of 5 people (players), could easily be maintained. But a larger group simply cannot rationally justify their existence inRP. They cant grow to any meaningful size. The roleplay, because it is about outcasts and their unique biological composition, is not rationally sustainable.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Typrop - 02-03-2020

This isn't just 'not vanilla.'

Simply put, this faction is a walking contradiction. The reasons why have already been demonstrated, and saying that this is just a deviation from vanilla is a strong contender for understatement of the year. Compare if you will, making a vanilla player faction to be setting a foundation. It's definitely just the base, very much so, and after enough time and addition, it can grow into its own structure. This is akin to building a house without a foundation, faction-wise. It doesn't exactly hold up, and mostly just looks like nonsense.

I'm not going to debate the inrp/oorp specifics of it, at least not immediately, because I already more or less have. The holes have been made. Other people are more or less just asserting similar thoughts with more, or less explanation. This isn't an idea that works in this context, straight-up.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Shiki - 02-03-2020

(02-03-2020, 06:50 AM)DarkTails Wrote: Cardamine addiction is mitigated through import of stabiline via proxies. Stabiline enables cardsmine addicted individuals to survive and function.

Stabiline lore is that it helps regular people to recover from the Cardamine addiction, not replacing Cardamine for the Outcasts.
Though, even if MR is having it over proxy despite having bad relationships with most of Cardamine trading factions, it's not quite deciding anything. Whole faction existing away from Malta is simply not possible because Cardamine inhalers are not long term solution.

Quote:"I'm starting to get sick -- guess I've been away from home too long. These runs to Liberty can be taxing. The inhaler masks aren't a long term substitute for the Cardamine-infused biosphere of Malta." - Shannon Loftis, Outcasts, Mactan Base

In all Freelancer universe, Outcasts is literally the worst faction to have government in exile with.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Spectre - 02-03-2020

(02-03-2020, 10:45 AM)Reeves Wrote: More words...

If all you've come here to do is tell me and the people who have worked hard to give this faction credit and meaning that 'the concept shouldn't even exist' and that 'there's no point', then I'd like to kindly ask you to not post here. If you're concerned with people not providing constructive feedback, you're only portraying a hypocrite by adding to the assumed concern.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Spectre - 02-09-2020

(02-02-2020, 03:05 PM)Ramke Wrote: The main concern is activity: you have not managed to achieve the minimum activity requirement requested from Official Factions.

Just gonna bump this.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Spectre - 02-10-2020

Gonna bump this again, seeing as the officialdom request rules got patched.
Seeing as how under both sets of rules *MR| has the required amount of time (3d3h12m42s under the old system, 4d16h31m3s under the new system), I'd like to ask that this vote is done again to comply with your own legislation.


RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Shiki - 02-10-2020

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Lythrilux - 02-10-2020

Looking at the recent posts in this thread, it sounds like the best thing for this faction moving forward would be a combination of Freelancer ID and Outcast IFF.

RE: *MR| - Republica de Malta - Megaera - 02-10-2020

Why are you guys so hellbent on using OC ID while not being OC?
I remember the commune also using OC ID, but later changing that for something more suitable