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Discordian Q & A - MaliceCorpse - 02-21-2010

' Wrote:Links good! More! More links!


Err Dude

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 02-21-2010

' Wrote:Err Dude


Well, obviously that Cabal has disbanded and moved on. Remember: "We Discordians must stick apart."

Here ya go:

Principia Discordia

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 04-29-2011


New crop of cabbages in Sirius, eh?

Cabbage: n., Discordian euphemism for domesticated primates who have not yet loved and/or excercised their Pineals sufficiently.

Pineal: n., A small gland in the primate forehead, which requires the above-mentioned love and exercise to function properly.

Address your posers here to: Episkopos Mal, COEE, POEE.

(On second thought, you may want to review the preceding dreck first. Your question may have already been answered, or otherwise obfuscated.)

Oh, and if I don't respond right away, meditate upon the image below. It may contain the answer anyway.

[Image: 38411303.jpg]

Discordian Q & A - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-29-2011

' Wrote:(On second thought, you may want to review the preceding dreck first. Your question may have already been answered, or otherwise obfuscated.)

Oh, and if I don't respond right away, meditate upon the image below. It may contain the answer anyway.

[Image: 38411303.jpg]

But if you can't believe everything you read, how can it have been answered?

Because after all, we're all members already ...

or not.

Happy 3177!

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 04-29-2011

' Wrote:But if you can't believe everything you read, how can it have been answered?

Because after all, we're all members already ...

or not.

Happy 3177!

Dear Happy 3177:

"Answers" are somewhat akin to wooden mallets. You won't know how one feels until it bonks you in the head.

Such is the price of Illumination.

There is sombunall "truth" in your third line. This is known as "Maybe Logic".

Or not.


Discordian Q & A - Agmen of Eladesor - 04-30-2011

' Wrote:Dear Happy 3177:

Erm, Happy 3177 isn't my name. I was wishing you a happy year, since this is the year 3177, based upon the calendar that I follow...

or not... :)

Discordian Q & A - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-01-2011

' Wrote:Erm, Happy 3177 isn't my name. I was wishing you a happy year, since this is the year 3177, based upon the calendar that I follow...

or not... :)
Well, it could be 3177. Then again, it might be 2011. Or, it could be 1432 if you're a muslim. Then again, it could be around 1714 if you're one of those folks who doesn't believe the Early Middle Ages actually happened. If you're North Korean, it's 100. According to the traditional Chinese calendar, it's the Year of the Rabbit. If you're tracking it from the founding of Rome like an ancient Roman would, it's 2764.

Nobody knows what year it really is! Either that, or everybody's right but they all have different answers. Not a bad example on the state of reality in general, if you think about it.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-01-2011

Thanks, Cappy.

However, I got to checkin', and Agmen is correct.

Today is indeed Sweetmorn, Discord 48, in the Year of Our Lady 3177.

Hoisted on my own petard! I'll do better next time!


Discordian Q & A - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-01-2011

Actually, I would like to have a bit of a discussion regarding the Fifth Commandment from the Pentabarf.

Perhaps I'm not intoxicated enough at this point, but...

"A Discordian is prohibited from believing what he reads."

Does this mean that we are to not believe everything we read? But if we are prohibited from doing that, then it means we must believe what we read. Since this was, you know, written down...

And I also have a question - does having a Polish Sausage or a Bratwurst count as having a Hot Dog? Unfortunately, the only Hot Dogs that were available Friday happened to be Kosher, so I partook of a Bratwurst instead, as the general contents of the cylindrical tube were similar to those of a generic Hot Dog. (Of course, no bun ... but I have found nothing in the Fnord against Relish, Catsup, or Ketchup.)

Also, has there been discussion that Eris seems to be similar to Loki, in general cause and effect? Has Loki had a sex change operation?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-02-2011

Why, I believe I see some shine on that Pineal, sir.

Question the first is known as an "infinite regress". I'd take an overcoat.

Question the second is a historical matter. In Eris' time, the variety of tubular meat snacks was pretty limited, as was the choice of condiments. Today, we are allowed to experiment (except for the bun part).

As to Loki, not sure if He ever had his plumbing reworked. If not, He should wear a comdiment.
