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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Printable Version

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Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-04-2010

Matt Smith takes off his leather jacket as he enters the bar. Another long shift over, he anxiously awaits his brother's imminent arrival.

"Aye bar'mn, nae crap tha' night eh? Double whisky - nae ice."

The barman pours an overly purple liquid into a tin glass

"Whit crap is this? Fricking hell man, cannae get a good drink fer love a'money"

He throws a 10c bill onto the bar, takes his change and takes a seat. He sniffs the drink and snorts.

"Smell's like tha' cockpit of a'junker whore liner!"

He check's his watch, John's late.. Again.

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-07-2010

' Wrote:Angelina went to Redline with a Cup of orange juice in her hand and ask'd the Commander. Commander is this Chair free sir? She raises a eye brow and points at the chair witch is in front of Redline.

*Redline quickly hides the seringe he had just poked in his arm and stuffs it into his pockets, where the syringe goes through his pockets and into his pee oee*


*Redline jumps up, knocking over the table in process and bangs his head into the overhead light*

*he falls on the floor, twitching, grabbing his nuts and head screaming*


Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 11-07-2010

Angelina Pulls away from the table wile Redline flip's it. After he is on the floor Angelina Grab's him pull's the seringe out of his pocket, and pee oee. She then make him Stand up and Slap's him and again he fall's. Once more Angelina Make's him stand up , and puts him on a chair. She say's to the bartender Give me some ice. bartender say's . Yes ma'am! and for 30 sec's he was back with Ice, Angelina took the Ice pack and put it on Commander Redline pee oee .Holding the Ice pack and rubbing it in Redline pee oee she say'd.She look's at the Commander. Dont worry sir your able to have kid's Looks ar the Commander Sirius , like in herr reports. You alright Commander ? Felling Fine sir ?

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-07-2010

*Redline sits in the chair groaning, then notices what Angelina is doing*

'oshi- You must want a promotion bad eh?'

*he grins painfully*

'here, gimme that'

*he yanks the icebag out of Angelina's hand*

'I don't need frozen wedding vegtables Dimitrova... I appriciate the thought though'

* he notices the syringe lying on the floor and quickly sntches it from the floor and hides it underneath his seat*

'Damn, uh... umm... cold medicine in syringes...'

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - mtjsmith - 11-07-2010

Matt looks over his shoulder to see what appears to be Dimitrova jerking off Redline

"Jeeesch, Oi've only had... whit... tae of these? Now a'm seeing things...

Matt looks at the cup of what was the ridiculously purple liquid

"Barm'n - another!

Matt slams another 10c note down, swigs from the tin cup and relaxes back into his chair.

"C'mon John, where are ye?"

Matt notices the TVcast, and the Manhatten Chargers are on

"Pah! Nae good sports, nae good drinks...."

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - ChillerMiller - 11-07-2010

John Smith enters the bar and looks a bit stressed

" Oh man i need a beer"

After he bought his beer he sits down to a table and enjoys a moment of silence

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 11-07-2010

Angelina Back's away discussed How dare you *sighs* I am trying to help you and you return the favor how, by insulting me *she sighs again* And what is that syringe for hm ? *raises an eye brow* your taking drug's now Redline *she give Redline an evil eye*. *She Turns* And Smith I will deal with lather *she looks back at commander Redline*

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Dashiell - 11-07-2010

'I wasn't taking drugs! I-I- I have this cold and that was innocent cold medicine'

*he rubs his pee pee*

'damn that hu- whooaah... thats better...'

*Redline's pupils grow to saucer size and a vacant expression sits on his face*

'Hey Dimitrova, I didn't know you had pink hair...'

*Redline stares in front of him with a retraded smirk on his face*

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Pacific - 11-07-2010

She is shock'd Oh my god what the hell is this ? *She slaps him* get a grip of yourself commander? *she looks at him very evil* Commander what was in the syringe sir, you better tell me or I am going to take you to the nearest Doctor. *She look's at Redline*

Libertonian Servicemember's Bar & Grill - Rodent - 11-07-2010

Stanford enters the Bar and Grill looking for peace. She doesn't get any. The first thing he sees is Redline fallen at a side, and Dimitrova bending over him. The hell? She signals to Dimitrova to come over, and gives Redline a decidedly cool stare.