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The End of the OPG - Printable Version

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The End of the OPG - Laowai - 10-31-2009

I have to add my personal sadness at this event.

Having been a long term Corsair player, from long before I became an Admin - My own dealings with the OPG have always been thoroughly enjoyable and a great part of my overall experience with Discovery. As the third part of the faction "triumvirate" of the Corsair nation and Council the OPG has been an essential part of what is the current Corsair RP and ethos and it is with great regret that i see them fold in this way.

Im not sure of the background to why this has happened - I can only respect the choices of those who led the OPG so well for so long.

My own personal dealings with Gentle have been fantastic - I have not always seen eye to eye with the OPG, yet I have always respected them and have felt that that respect has always been reciprocated. Gentle, we have had many Role Play interactions in game and you personally have been heavily involved in many of my own Characters, some that you know obviously, and perhaps a couple you dont - Your presence in Gamma and amongst the Corsairs will be sorely missed.

All the Best mate, and all the best to those of the OPG who stay with us.

The End of the OPG - Zork - 10-31-2009

its hard to hear this message

i never image that a leavin clan can bring sad feelings to me

i never was a OPG member
but im a real corsair
and i liked to see guys like spaceball 3 or grimly on my scanners

the OPG is dead on disco now, but not in my minds

i hope the brotherhood and the benitez family take some OPG pilots
cause just the guild, not the pilots are dead.

to every one who leave us now

i wish you all a good non-OPG live

remember the time you create feelings to other ppl.

best regards

Fleetcommander Zork leader of Team go to Hell [Zork.g2H]

The End of the OPG - Shikapearl - 11-01-2009

Sad...I never expected this...probably because i was not here for a long time...
As for us the Remnant...WE SHALL LIVE ON...As long as i am here...

The End of the OPG - Geisha_Maiko - 11-04-2009

Back in the days of ScornStar, our Harvester founder had laid out some Prime Directives for us Harvies to follow.

One of them were: OPG are allied.

I was never told the full story of why...and like most of the Harvies Bots, we didn't question it too much either. We just logged on, flew our ships and when ever we saw a OPG tag, we give them an 'OPG Detected- Unit Acknowledged "...Harvie speak for Howdy.

When Unit 06 was being 'put together', ol ScornStar had all sorts of internet problems. He kept falling off the net for huge moments of time. After the third or forth time of being disconnected, He enlisted the help of OPG-Gental, to help outfit the new Unit 06 ship, give it some directions of where to go to buy shields and guns and other data.

In the history of 06, FTGW may been the Harvester's founder, it was OPG-Gental that 06 refered to as 'Creator'.

Since then, many events had pasted raids, defending the 'home' systems, banter between OPG and others..
..........and the newbe Corsair :Hey Junker, what are you doing here??

Harvester: Unit Online: Reply Found. Unit is allies of OPG bio units.
newbe Corsair :Whats OPG?
Harvester: //You sure your a Corsair?
newbe Corsair://Yeah. Why?
Harvester: ://You might want to Goto discoverygc and READ up on OPG and their friends.


It was a great flying with the OPG.
Corsair space and the whole Freelancer game, will not be the same without ya`all.

The End of the OPG - el.ninho - 11-08-2009

You can still count on my suport hermano....Like allways...Sadly to read this, but i knew that must hapend....


The End of the OPG - Death.RunningVerminator - 11-08-2009

It was nice to fight all of you. When i would "accidentally" loose my way, and end up in Gamma...


A man in a falcata has a big D: on his face, while the five ships behind him are grinning with knives in thwir mouths

*End of flashback*

When you say that final goodbye to your ship, just remember, "A good captain, always goes down with his ship!"

The End of the OPG - ryoken - 11-24-2009

Oh's Noooo
I finally come back after 8 month's off to find all 15 my char's gone(roughly 10bil in fund's) and now me old faction is dead? what shall i ever do? OPG was the only pirate faction i liked. Hell i even donated over 50 CODE's to the cause.
Oh's well. If need be i shall start from the bottom, and rise to me old pain in the azz self in a few very long week's of thrashing trader's.:crazy:

The End of the OPG - Baltar - 11-25-2009

@ Gentle: Sad to see the end. Had a good run.

RE: The End of the OPG - DragonLancer - 09-26-2014

//sorry please delete

RE: The End of the OPG - Echo 7-7 - 09-27-2014

Gravedig - closing.