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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Printable Version

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OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Rionia - 08-24-2011

]] Connection established [[
]] Origin: Leo Briggs, Ames Research Station [[

This is Leonard Briggs from the Firefly class transport ship, Khorne.

I have recently decided to try my hand in interstellar commerce and I have found myself working with a few members of your organisation. Overall this group seems to be very well organised and exactly what a newbie like myself could use to gain a little more experience. I would be honoured if you were to allow me to be a part of your organisation.

Many thanks,
Leo Briggs

]] Connection lost [[

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - nunchakus - 08-24-2011

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Hello Mr. Briggs,

I've sent our company's application form to your neural which you should receive shortly. Be sure to read through it and fill it at your own leisure.

You may then resend it to my private frequency where we will review your application.

Have a good day.

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Redirion - 09-17-2011

..::Incoming transmission::..
Sender: Ned Laster
Location: Freeport 10

Greetings OSI,

I am here to sign up for your trade devision.
Let me introduce myself: I am a member of a family closely affiliated with the Independend Miners Guild. However I could not identify myself in shooting rocks and hauling the ore for the biggest profit. When I have found out that my elder brother joined the Order to protect Sirius, I got inspired to do my own part. I prefered a way with less potential for conflicts though. I left Java and combed through Sirius and especially the outer systems to look for bases in need of supplies - and eventually ran out of credits by doing so. Therefore I had to get in touch with my family again.
While my rich uncle was upset at me in first place for not following the line of the family, he finally gave in. To my surprise he funded me a Zoner Whale. "It is just fitting to you" he said. Proud to be in command of such a magnific vessel, I have decided to put myself into service of the OSI.
I want to take part in your organisation to bring welfare to all Zoners and the systems disregarded by the house corporations. On the other hand I still need to learn not to completely neglect my own credit balance.

Looking forward to receive your application form.

Best regards,
Ned Laster

..::transmission terminated::..

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - nunchakus - 09-17-2011

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Greetings Mr.Laster,

I was about to have my break when I received this message. Nevertheless, an application form is being transferred to your private neural net account. Once received please read and understand the questionnaires and send them back to my frequencies once you filled them.

Have a good day.

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Synergys - 09-21-2011

Transmission sent:Long-range:Transmission arrived:
Encryption:Low:Transmission start:

Comm ID: Robert ' Bob ' Paulson
Subject: Employment
Vessel transponder: Persona

I'll start off by saying that I'm applying for the transport division. Not escorting. I'm of no use for that. I was born with the friendliest gen ever. And also a very strong sense of my surroundings, which has served me alot during my travels. My ship, the Persona, is a Zoner Whale, thus I wouldn't need help getting a vessel in the first place. Me and my crew are used to the Border Worlds, encountering threats and safely escaping them. We don't fear others. If we would, why fly a ship that has no defence measures?

So, I'm hereby sending in my form. If further questions are to be asked you can contact me on the long-range transmission through the S.K.Y.P.3. protocol. The contact add is: archangeltb.

Well, I'm leaving again. Further exploration needed. And shipments, of course.



Transmission broken.

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - nunchakus - 09-21-2011

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Good day Mr.Paulson,

A veteran is always good on our book, saves us the time to train them or in bad cases retrieve their ship's black box. But first you'll need to fill out the application form I've sent to your neural net channel. Pass it back to my private frequency and we can begin evaluating you.

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Odin_Starr - 09-23-2011

Incoming Communication.........

Topic: Employment.......

Connection Established.........Commencing Transmission........

Greetings and Salutations ! I am pretty new to the system. I am interested in applying for your Transport/Trade Division of OSI. I currently fly an Albatross and have been running my own trade route ((discovered through exploring a bit)) and have been doing so pretty much since day number 1. As an added bonus i am not that bad of a fighter pilot should the...... ''need'' arise for one. If there be anything else that need be known do not hesitate to contact me requesting further information. Have yourselves a great day............ Odin Out

Terminating connection.........

Connection Lost.......


OSI Recruitment (iRP) - nunchakus - 09-24-2011

[Image: nunchakus_trans.png]

Greetings Mr.Odin,

Starting fresh I see, it might take awhile but you'll get the hang of it eventually. In any case an application form has been sent to your neural net channel. Read and understand it and fill it out at your leisure. Be sure to send it back to my frequencies and we can begin our evaluation.

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Manueldekort - 09-26-2011


let me intreduce myself im Maddoc son of honest small trader stationed @ Manhattan planet NY, i allways worked in my father's company called 'solar trans' i rarely shipped out of the house systems, my father was one of 'what ya know is the safest way' now 4years ago my father did a route to planet NT to never return noone have heard from him again, ive been working freelancer with the only left over ship a rhino i managed to buy a Transport with the small savings i could get from trading, i cannot survive on my own these days with trading in the house systems, so my Question is could i join this vast company of yours to take the respect of the family to hights my dad never dreamd of and to give me a view more then the house systems

regards Maddoc

over and out

OSI Recruitment (iRP) - Stygian - 09-30-2011

[Image: gabetrans.png]
Greetings Mr. Maddoc,

I'm very sorry for your loss. Space can be a very dangerous and harsh place. A reality that we in this business have to live with every day. Thats why we have to stick together out here, one of Omicron Supply Industries main goals.

I'll have my assistant forward you a questionnaire to fill out. Once you fill it out just send it back over the same channel.
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]