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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - Sand_Spider - 11-22-2010

Comm ID: Eadric Pureheart
Location: Planet Denver, Colorado System

Good day, sirah!

I see you have taken the "Liberty" to turn down my bounty claims, a shame I would think! Let me give you something to consider then.

They're were no less than eight, yes eight, Coalition vessels; all of them bombers! Now myself, being in a gunship vessel, could have been torn to shreds by such a force! However, I decided to take that risk in attempting to snuff out those craft, knowing full well I could have lost my vessel!

Now, I am not demanding that you pay unto me the 16,000,000 credits that the bounty claims are worth, no! But I somehow feel cheated out of some credits, sirah! Had I not been there, things might not have gone so smoothly; I even became their focus-factor at one point during the battle! The repairs for such a scuttle were not to be laughed at.. As such, I would very much enjoy - at the very least - a fraction of what the claims are worth! (And do be reasonable about it, won't you?)

As a final note, sirah: Ask those naval officers who participated in that battle! I made clear that I was to be the one claiming these kills, and that they very much appreciated my aid!

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - The Republic Of Liberty - 11-22-2010

Central Liberty Internal Treasure
[color=#66FFFF]Ferris Dufresne

[color=#99FFFF]Eadric Pureheart,

[color=#99FF99]As the head manager of the Central Liberty Internal Treasury I'm only allowed to hand out payments based on pre-set regulations and conditions. Therefore we are not in the position to discuss claims that fall outside the set terms. However, I can provide you with a more elaborate motivation as to why you haven't received any payment on the SCRA claims.

As was stated in the previous transmission, your evidence did not prove that you personally shot down any SCRA target. The bounties provided on this board are based upon you, the "board employee" neutralizing a target and thus enable yourself valid for a claim. If there would have been cases of rewards being handed out for assistance, then that would have been stated on the board. You have automatically agreed to our conditions of payment by deciding to register yourself to us. Make no mistake, we are more than glad to see that you have assisted fellow officers during combat and we appreciate the effort, but as stated, we can only pay you based on the conditions that are set on the board.

If you still feel to be in disagreement with our decision and wish to officially object it, you are free to take this matter to court.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - Ascalon - 11-22-2010

Where the money is going: BHG|Don.Quixote

Kills: pirate transport

Circumstances: doing usually patrol i found pirate transport in galileo. as i noticed rogues like galileo/

Proof: rogue ID, ship :
kill screen:
Payment owed: 1,000,000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - kikatsu - 11-23-2010

---Incoming Transmission---
--CommID: Mrs. Abigail Beckett--
-Location: Manhattan
-Attention of: House Liberty Bounty Commission
-Ship Details: AP-18100 Manta ID Sign: BHG|Mrs.Beckett

Now seeing as I am a certified and licensed member of the Guild my registration is therefor all set and I get to go straight to taking some cash. Anywho...Was flying my Manta around the junk fields behind Manhattan, tryin' tah make a map and I happened across a tiny Rogue. Figured, well yah know, what the hell. And pop, one dead pirate. I had another lined up to die but the bugger managed to get to Rochester before he was able to be downed...all the relevant data'll be attached to this transmission. Pleasuring doing buisness.


Where the money is going: BHG|Mrs.Beckett

Kills: One Liberty Rogue SV-17 Virage

Circumstances: Mapping died.

Proof: Payment owed: 1,000,000

Much obliged,

Mrs. Abigail Beckett

-End of Transmission-
--Data Connection Lost--

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - Ascalon - 11-23-2010

Where the money is going: BHG|Don.Quixote

Kills: 1 bomber, 1 hb

Circumstances: when i jumped to colorado by jump gate from new york, i have found 3 LR bombers. Unfortunately after long fight two bombers ran, and i killed one.

any hours later i found two pirating rogues. one was gb, i killed him, second ran.

Proof: rogue ID, ship :
kill screen:

rogue gb ID:
kill screen:

Payment owed: 2,200,000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - Sand_Spider - 11-23-2010

Where the money is going: Eadric.The.Pure

Kills: Junker smuggler slip up

Circumstances: Was on a pleasure cruise through California, when I stumbled upon a Junker Slave Liner! Naturally I scanned the vessel out of pure precaution, and sure enough, there it was: A full load of the orange substance!

Payment owed: 6,000,000 credits

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - Valinor - 11-23-2010

Where the money is going: John.Taylor

Kills: 1)Rogue Werewolf, Outcast Sabre 2)Hacker Bactrian 3)Pirates in Magellan

1)On the lane for West Point, i found those two fighters pirating a trader.

2) Between California Minor and the Magellan Jumgate, i found this hacker disrupting the lane.

3) In Magellan, i met two pirates camping the Leeds jumphole, that were stopping a Border Worlds Transport moving some ore to New York, and then, i was engaged.

Payment owed: 5.200.000 credits.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - MetalPheonix - 11-23-2010

Where the money is going: Eric.Haze

Kills: Werewolf, Liberty rogues

Circumstances: Bunch of pirates hung around outside manhatten i fought them for awhile, Navy showed up they drove the capitol ships away. I was left with one werewolf to fight out, We strayed far from the captiol ships. It was a close fight but i came through after a second freelancer came and helped but at that time the enemy was already in critical condition and so was I

Proof: Payment owed: 1,000,000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - Valinor - 11-23-2010

Where the money is going: John.Taylor

Kills: Barghest, Rogue Gunboat

Circumstances: On the way for New York, in California, the trade lane was disrupted by a Rogue gunboat. His friend in a Rogue bomber joined the fight later too.

Payment owed: 2.400.000 Credits

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - Republic Of Liberty - MetalPheonix - 11-24-2010

Where the money is going: Eric.Haze

Kills: A LR barghest

Circumstances: We found four rogues one the west point to norfolk lane, I decided to take out a bomber, He tried to flee i didn't let him, I nearly got another one but his teammate repaired him.

Proof: Payment owed: 1,200,000