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Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Printable Version

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Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Hielor - 06-30-2011

' Wrote:During the first week or so of June, we were well over 30 hours. Which is why I thought we were okay.
It's a sliding window, counting the 30-ish days prior to the time you check. So if you check on June 7th, you're counting everything from May 7th through June 7th--when checks get run again at the end of the month, any time in May that was included in your check on the 7th won't get counted.

So, given 15 hours in May, you would need to have arrived at 45 hours if you check during the month of June in order to be guaranteed to have reached 30 hours in June.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Govedo13 - 06-30-2011

' Wrote:The Aoi made a few mistakes. They have a comprehensive plan to fix said mistakes.

Why not give them a chance? Would our lives really be so negatively impacted if we gave them another chance?
Giving them another chance will mean that they are above the rules and it will be unfair to the other factions that also make few mistakes and lost their official status. So I fail to see the logic of this topic , at least in the last few pages of it. They made new proposal - indeed in wrong forum section but still, if you want to comment something about the faction comment it there. I think that the facts are facts, the rules are rules and all should follow them- this is the only way to assure fair treatment of all factions.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Grumblesaur - 06-30-2011

All they need to become official again is 500mil, a revision and re-post of their faction request, and patience as the Admins consider them.

The hardest part is waiting.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Aphil - 06-30-2011

Quote:it will be unfair to the other factions that also make few mistakes and lost their official status.

So it's "fair" that a faction should basically be completely retconned from existence? That we should pretend any and all interaction that they had never happened? It's fair that their hours upon hours of hard work gone? Time that is irreplaceable a complete waste?

The other factions were typically lost causes, their leadership giving up on them, or without making much effort to fix their mistakes.

The Aoi already had a plan before their status was revoked. A plan they've made public. A good plan, to be honest.

The "rules" were meant to make the server a better place. Instead, we hide behind them to protect us from things we don't like, changes we fear. We twist the rules to suit our own needs.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Govedo13 - 06-30-2011

' Wrote:So it's "fair" that a faction should basically be completely retconned from existence? That we should pretend any and all interaction that they had never happened? It's fair that their hours upon hours of hard work gone? Time that is irreplaceable a complete waste?
This applys to all factions that lost their status I fail to see why this one should be treated differently.

' Wrote:The other factions were typically lost causes, their leadership giving up on them, or without making much effort to fix their mistakes.The Aoi already had a plan before their status was revoked. A plan they've made public. A good plan, to be honest.
So the others suck but Aoi are perfect? Aye I got your point you are not biased at all.
' Wrote:The "rules" were meant to make the server a better place. Instead, we hide behind them to protect us from things we don't like, changes we fear. We twist the rules to suit our own needs.
Indeed you are right- the rules are for this- to ensure fair treatment and environment for all, I dont see anybody hiding from anything here. What I see is a pointless whining and indeed your posts showing how group of people wants to twist the rules to suit their own needs, the AoI are not the first faction that lost their official status- nobody from the other factions that lost their official status cried for second chance or told us stories "how if when but we etc."
The rules are quite clear on that matter, the warning was issued in public, the tracker is public, all AoI members could see it. I fail to see why we should be not fair and treat differently AoI then the other factions.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Divine - 06-30-2011

Can't believe I didn't ran over that thread 'till now, discussion's been on about this on Skype, though seems as I was occupied otherwise...

Nothing constructive to be expected from me here...
Killing off the Aoi Iseijin.
Good job punks.

Let me know once you created something great like them, k? k.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Aphil - 06-30-2011

Quote:This applys to all factions that lost their status I fail to see why this one should be treated differently.

Yes, but see, those other factions are based on vanilla NPC factions. It's members can simply continue doing what they do as indies or an unofficial group. The Aoi have no such option.

Quote:So the others suck but Aoi are perfect? Aye I got your point you are not biased at all.
I am not, nor ever was a member of the Aoi. And, myself and Akura... well, we aren't the best of friends. So no, under the circumstances, I should be biased AGAINST the Aoi. But see, I don't care about trivialities like "Oh, I don't like this person so I'll disagree just because."

Quote:The AoI are not the first faction that lost their official status- nobody from the other factions that lost their official status cried for second chance or told us stories "how if when but we etc."
The rules are quite clear on that matter, the warning was issued in public, the tracker is public, all AoI members could see it. I fail to see why we should be not fair and treat differently AoI then the other factions.

No other faction (to my knowledge) has been in such a situation. The situation being the loss of official status while they're still active, and still contributing quite a lot to the server, and the prospect of not being able to continue on as an indie or unofficial group. To see everything they've done sweeped under the carpet and everyone basically going "Well, THAT never happened."

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Govedo13 - 06-30-2011

' Wrote:Yes, but see, those other factions are based on vanilla NPC factions. It's members can simply continue doing what they do as indies or an unofficial group. The Aoi have no such option.
Why? You can RP just everything. They could just make knf snubs and RP with them, while proposing again to get official status. Or you want to say to me that non vanilla added factions should be treated otherwise? For more info see NovaPG.
After all this is the best option that they have in this situation. Nobody should be above the rules.

"We have untagged ships "is not excuse-there are many other factions with untagged ships if they loose their official status would they act in the same way? What I wanted to say at the first place that this topic have informational purpose and it turned out in AoI stuff topic. If you want to comment the faction better use the other one that Akura made. Imagine that all 4 members of ALG come here to cry because they lost their official status- it looks bad for the people who cannot accept the facts.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Aphil - 06-30-2011

Quote:Why? You can RP just everything. They could just make knf snubs and RP with them,
Except they can't because the ID restrictions wouldn't let them properly roleplay as such.

Quote:Or you want to say to me that non vanilla added factions should be treated otherwise? For more info see NovaPG.

I wasn't around for NovaPG, and quite frankly, they're irrelevant now. They've been defunct for years.

Quote:"We have untagged ships "is not excuse-there are many other factions with untagged ships if they loose their official status would they act in the same way?

Few other factions depend on not being meta-gamed by other people for the tag they use.

Quote:What I wanted to say at the first place that this topic have informational purpose and it turned out in AoI stuff topic.

There really isn't much else to discuss. Two Warnings, and the highlight being the Aoi's loss of their official status.

Quote:If you want to comment the faction better use the other one that Akura made. Imagine that all 4 members of ALG come here to cry because they lost their official status- it looks bad for the people who cannot accept the facts.

Yes, but see, the ALG -ARE- inactive. You yourself said they only had 4 Members. The Aoi was still very much alive and kicking before the rights were taken away, with plenty of members.

Admin Notice: Faction Statuses Revoked; Warnings for Inactivity - Divine - 06-30-2011

' Wrote:...
Few other factions depend on not being meta-gamed by other people for the tag they use.
Few other factions have been working / are working with untagged ships just because of that. And even less few factions who use tagged ships on a regular basis are metagamed that much...

[03:45:46] Divine: On the other hand...
[03:46:45] Divine: Dev guys are working on so much stuff for the mod, yet it seems none had been so far even bothered creating a tracker for IDs, which sure would come in handy for tracking activity of factions like the Phantoms(gone)/Keepers/Wilden/Aoi...
[03:47:11] Divine: it's not that those IDs they use are used by a ****load of people so you cannot find the right chars out of the thousands using that specific ID.
[03:47:35] Divine: but hey... changing ships lights and the trade lane overwatch system for cops is sure more important >>
[03:48:01] Divine: as a prog used to do the job of an admin ...