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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Pepe - 10-14-2011

Where the money is going: Joshua.Hammer

Kills: LegendOfThunder; Outcast; gunboat

Circumstances: My sister and me intercepted an Outcast gb introuding NY, by West Point. My sister's ship Jericho.Hammer gave him final razor kiss, but it's me who claims the bounty, please.

  • <a href="" target="_blank]</a>
  • <a href="" target="_blank]</a>

Payment owed: 1.400.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - BaconSoda - 10-16-2011

-( Incoming Transmission
-( Reaver Mercenary Company
-( John "Pumpernickel" Mackinac

Haven't eaten in a while. Hard to believe, but I'm not scavenger's food yet! Another Reuben please.

The food stamps can be found here:

Rogue Reuben

One point six million to Pumpernickel.Reaver, please. Thanks.

~John Mackinac

-( Transmission Terminated

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Ryummel - 10-16-2011

Where the money is going: Steve,Holloway

Kills: [FL]-Narcotic; Sabre VHF/Freelancer

Circumstances: A freelancer sitting near Norfolk Shipyards carrying 5 units of Cardamine in his cargo hold. According to section 1, part 1 of the law, the cardamine is listed as illegal commodity in Liberty, and since no law-enforcement agent was taking part, I claimed the head of the guy.

Proof: Payment owed: 1,200,000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Stygian - 10-17-2011

[Image: commslinkamethyst.png]
Had a Rheinlander sticking his nose where it didn't belong down in the Omegas. I don't think he'll be doing it again.
1.5 million to Amethyst.Reaver
[Image: commslinkend.png]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - lukasz_r128a - 10-17-2011

<div align="right]Opening channel<<<
Source: West Point<<<
ID: Reno Raines<<<
Subject: Bounties<<<

Greetings sirs. Bring my apologize but I wasn't avaliable for some time. Fortunally that time is over now. And because I noticed that my Merc License is still actuall in Liberty I have something for you.

Quote:[color=#99FFFF]Where the money is going: Reno.Raines

Kills: Liberty Rogue Warewolf

Circumstances: I spotted him during routine fly around West Point

Proof: Payment owed: 1,200,000

[color=#000000]<div align="right]Transmission terminated<<<

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Estal - 10-17-2011

Where the money is going: BHG|Nanny.McPhee

Sabre VHF / Outcast

It was a simple patroling duty. I scanned two Outcast ship in the Badlands at the tradelane. I demanded two LN pilot from the Sabre's pilot, but he was not a collaborative type of men.
The bomber docked on a base in the Badlands sadly.

  • [Image:] [Image:] [Image:]
    [Image:] [Image:]
Payment owed: 1.200.000 SC


Nanny McPhee

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Irwin - 10-20-2011

[Image: commslinkperiwinkle.png]

  • Account Name: Periwinkle.Reaver
  • Target: Pirate Eagle, TS|Zack.Blazer
  • Amount to be paid: 1 Million
  • ID Shot
  • Kill Shot
Told you I'd be back. ID shot's in Magellan, but the guy had me chase him to California, so I'm pretty sure it still counts.

[Image: commslinkend.png]

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Vrabcek - 10-21-2011

Where the money is going: Untreue

Kills: 1x Lane Hacker+ 3x Order

Circumstances: The hunt began and it was succesful


Payment owed: 1 200 000+ 4x 1 000 000 + 400 000= 5 600 000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Pepe - 10-21-2011

Where the money is going: BHG|=Pepe

Kills: [LH]Fenix, Sabre

Circumstances: We were patroling Callifornia when I spotted some Hakkers, but they mannaged to escape me before engaging. Later, we were hunting Rogue cruiser in Magellan when same 3 LH ships came to help him. Trapp... We managed to demolish some of them. Unfortunatelly, cruiser was not among them. My friend managed to wipe out one gunboat and I was in charge for a Sabre.

Payment owed: 1.600.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Pepe - 10-22-2011

Where the money is going: BHG|=Pepe

Kills: Keepers Scorpion gunboat

Circumstances: I noticed Liberty forces long fighting some LH in Cortez. Then LH received a help from 2 pirate bombers and Keepers gunboat, so I entered Cortez and started to search for them. Liberty started to lose ships, but LH lost all of theirs. I arrived on the battlefield when it was almost over, just one Keeper left, but somehow was kicking 3 brave, but damaged LN pretty bad. Then Indians appeared on my sensors, so our odds changed badly. I sent my hostile thougts out, attacked alien hard and we managed to slay it somehow, loosing our last fighter. Luckily, one BAF noticed Indian smoke signals and helped us to wellcome them warmelly.
Unfortunatelly, I wasn't abble to hit down any Indian ship by my self.

Payment owed: 1.200.000