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The Mollys - Feedback thread - Printable Version

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RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Shaggy - 04-12-2016

(04-12-2016, 08:05 PM)Blodwyn ODriscoll Wrote: Maybe it's just we don't have the same criteria of what is a fair fight... or i'd say, a balanced one...

But i don't mind, that's the game. we'll adapt.

What does this mean, considering you had the better pilots from what I hear?

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Haste - 04-12-2016

If you want a neutral observation from someone who never got into the fight, it was even to the point that the targeted players on both sides were losing nanobots at nearly the exact same rate. The fight moved (to the Goldern Coin?) after both sides lost one ship almost at the exact same second.

I'm not sure who lost the more valuable PvPer there though (or what happened when the fight started moving) so I can't really say much there.

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Ayman - 04-12-2016

it wasn't fair to have me as 1st target while i am the worse PVP skill hehe dam i couldn't even seeeeee from the fire colors hitting me pffffft. but i had fun thank you guys one day i will kill you thu Tongue


RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Antonio - 04-12-2016

As someone who didn't participate but was there watching, I can say that BAF did all they could to keep the fight balanced while it was near Graves, including the Gateway gunboat we started shooting 5 minutes after he came. I don't know what happened later though as the fights split up.

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Thunderer - 04-12-2016

[Image: qLvJSuJ.jpg]

If you chaps can't agree, it can be easily solved the other way. MORE DUNKIRKS! Maybe we can call the Makos too, I'll have to check.

PS: That's a core 4, by the way

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Gagadug. - 06-11-2016

I just want to thank you guys for keeping the third fighter out. We didnt do well either way ;-)

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Epo - 08-04-2016

Hey guys, I came here to ask about something.

What's your reasoning behind drop everything demands? Like that one is the worst possible present in disco, it doesn't even needs to get confirmed. I could log out, but I didn't . I came and even RPed with you, meeting such a rude attlitiude, to say at least.
Call it however you want, but drop everything demands are not suitable for official factions, even independent players withno any clue about things going on demand credits, not the whole cargo. That's just a waste of time, money and not the best behaviour to meet.

I'm waiting for your reply.

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - pulha - 08-04-2016


So, you saying that the molly should have let you keep the gold ore, which was mined by a BMM miner (the pure enemy of the molly)? I think it's reasonable of the molly not letting you keep it, besides, he was letting you both go, empty but alive.

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Epo - 08-04-2016

Say whatever you want, but demanding the whole cargo to drop is rather rude and doesn't encourage further gameplay interactions. For me actually, gameplay is more important than anything else. To be honest, you will not find many new opportunities for interactions if you keep playing that way. Just my two cents. That way or another, noted and thank you for reply

RE: The Mollys - Feedback thread - Traxit - 08-04-2016

Sounds like you're just mad you couldn't get your profit, sad thing pirates exist huh? Let's delete piracy.

Though I would like to suggest something for the mollies:
Maybe next time you could take some of the cargo? 2,000-3,000 units instead and not everything? Seems like a much better solution, don't want all those angry traders flooding your feedback thread.