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Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Printable Version

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RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Madotsuki - 11-23-2013

  • Character Name: Richard Rozen
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 11-23-2013

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHC-Valhalla, somewhere in Omega-54 system
ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: 3UKmIWl.jpg?1]

Tag, herr Rozen. You've fullfilled all requirements quite fast, so I have no doubts with promoting you to Flieger of Red Hessian Army. You've earn your first line on your epaluettes, wear it proudly.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Mask - 11-24-2013

  • Character Name: Ulrich Weiss
  • Current Rank: Flieger
  • Requesting Promotion to: Gefreiter
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • 5 reports in message dump, 7 total. [Link][Link][Link][Link][Link]
  • Convincing at least 1 civilian to believe in our cause (proof via message dump) [Link]
  • Gathering at least 10,000,000 credits worth in materials or funds for the betterment of the cause (donated to armoury) [Link]
  • At least 1 confirmed kill of Rheinland lawful fighters/bombers [Link][

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 11-24-2013

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: 3UKmIWl.jpg?1]

Tag, herr Weiss. I'm a bit surprised, that your way to gefreiter rank was so long. Anyway, hereby I'm promoting you to Gefreiter of Red Hessian Army. You've earn your second line on your epaluettes, wear it proudly.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Karamanjdji - 11-25-2013

  • Character Name: Helga Schwartz
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 11-25-2013

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: 3UKmIWl.jpg?1]

Tag, frau Schwartz. Your actions proved, that you'll be valuable asset of Red Hessian Army, especially because of capturing nomad powercell. I'm proudly promoting you to Flieger of Red Hessian Army.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Dimon - 11-26-2013

  • Character Name: Nefarius Karlen
  • Current Rank: Rekrut
  • Requesting Promotion to: Flieger
  • Promotion Requirements:
  • Two reports in Massage Dump [Link] [Link]
  • Ship loadout [Link]
  • Identification [Link]
  • Affiliation [Link]

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 11-26-2013

Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay

[Image: 3UKmIWl.jpg?1]

Tag, herr Karlen. You've proved yourself as strong and fearless pilot. Perhaps your past is fishily, but I'm sure that your future deeds within Red Hessian Army will be great. I'm proudly promoting you to Flieger of Red Hessian Army.

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - Zayne Carrick - 12-01-2013

Transmission established...
Source: Vogtland base, Dresden system
ID: Diplomat Gotthold Ludewig

[Image: 264px-RHA_Logo.png]

Guten tag, herr Weiss. Oberkommando carefully watched for your moves and deeds last months. And they're wishing to give you chance to prove yourself as field commander. Hereby you're given rank of Probe-Oberleutnant with probation of 60 days. Show yourself a great leader and after your probation you'll become real Oberleutnant, but if you'll fail Oberkommando... Well, you'd better die in battle in that case.
Your command ship, [RHA]RHC-Morgenstern is waiting for you at Wolfsburg shipyard. Good luck, herr Weiss

Transmission terminated.

RE: Red Hessian Army Promotion Centre - .Gypsy. - 03-23-2014

[Image: vaL5IDl.png]

Character Name: Olof Huber
Current Rank: Rekrut
Requesting Promotion to: Flieger

Promotion Requirements:

Quote:Two reports in Massage Dump: [Link] [Link]
Ship loadout: [Link]
Identification: [Link]
Affiliation: [Link]