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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Asgardian - 12-16-2008 **Incoming Transmission** ~Comm ID: Michael Parway ~ >>Meanderings of a Xeno<< --Message Reads as Follows-- Well, I've finally managed to get this comms system online, have to get use to using one of these 'keyboards' again, I'm use to using touchscreens and what-not. Once i managed to get my nimble Hawk, i set out on doing some low-level missions for the Alliance, taking out small weapons platforms, some annoying bounty hunters etc. But then, when in New York an LSF agent, =LSF=Fluid, managed to find out i was in the system and challenged me to a fight! Now, I'm brave but I'm not stupid, so I badgered the corrupt agent. ![]() The next day I was once again sent on missions to prove my worthiness, however an LSF agent once again disrupted my work. This time it was Chris.K.J. He immediately locked onto my energy signature and began pursuing me. Once again, his ship was far more powerful than mine, and so i retreated back to Ouray Base. Unfortunately defenses were down at Ouray and docking systems offline, which meant I had to make a run for it. The nearby New York jumhole provided a quick escape route, and so I took it. Unfortunately, the LSF agent didn't back off and continued to pursue me throughout the New York sector. Whilst in New York, I almost convinced a pilot to join the Xeno Alliance, however before I could tell him and New York of the extent of corruption within the government, my port side wing 'broke' off and i was forced to retreat to Colorado. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() He looks over to see his ship wing being taped back onto the ship Hmmm, and it looks as if my ship is being 'repaired' so i should be back serving the cause soon. Parway out. --Message End-- **Connection Terminated** Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - torchwood - 12-17-2008 :incoming transmission: :opening Xeno comms: Comm ID:joseph Stinger argh! what a day! i never new rogues were so...rogueish. i was patroling around Ouray. when a rogue came out of nowhere. he started calling me Nora. i was gonna engage but...i was completly outclassed. i knew that Jack Tar had finished his lunch break so i Told control to give me his assistance. we went into battle and Jackshot me with a missile (accidently of course) and took out my shields. then jack took him on by himself, from what i know it lasted for half an hour until jack also got shot down. luckly we were picked up by a xeno patrol afterwoulds. Joseph stinger out :ending transmission: :closing Xeno Comms: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - torchwood - 12-17-2008 :incoming transmission: :opening Xeno comms: Comm ID:joseph Stinger he did it again! me and Jake cutter were sitting around Ouray, when the rogue turned up...AGAIN! we had to keep him from attacking Ouray and buy our patrols some time to get there. so we engaged knowing we could not win. we both got destroyed and i have to go back to hospital...AGAIN! Joseph Stinger out :ending transmission: :closing Xeno Comms: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - torchwood - 12-17-2008 :incoming transmission: :opening Xeno comms: Comm ID:joseph Stinger we went on a raid today. we were planning to attack detroit munitions. but we bumped into a Hacker, who called for help from a rogue. and guess which rogue it was? what one which shot me down twice! anyway. we managed to take down the hacker. ![]() but the rogue was a bit of a problem he show down 2 of us and me included, again... ![]() ![]() i have no idea about the outcome of this battle. Joseph stinger out :ending transmission: :closing Xeno Comms: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - centauri5pirate - 12-25-2008 ***** INCOMING TRANSMISSION***** COMM ID: DESERT.MOJAVE RANK: JUVENILE SUBJECT: DE-BRIEFING SOURCE: OURAY BASE, COLORADO TRANSMISSION COMMENCING...... My long-range reconnisance patrol proved fruitful today. After a run on the outer rim of the Silverton field, I headed over to the New York system. Planning a photo patrol of inbound/outbound traffic to Rochester, I encountered a Rogue patrol approximately 6k from the Colorado/NY Jumphole. It consisted of 1 gunboat and 4 Wolfhound fighters. Seeing the Gunboat as the biggest threat, I flew high as the fighters broke formation to engage me. I looped and dove in a barrel roll, coming in on the gunboat's 6 o'clock. My anti-matter cannon hit the gunboat's engines, ripping the back half of the ship off. I then turned to engage the fighters. My combat lessons proved extremely useful as I dispatched the four fighters without much difficulty. I managed to tractor in the gunboat's escape pods and headed immediately back to Ouray. Almost to the Jumphole, I encountered two Junkers, apparently on a long-range patrol. Their CSV hulls proved to be no match for my Black Widows. I then jumped to Colorado and docked on Ouray. I then checked the captured pilots into the interrogation department. Below is copy of my booking sheet. ![]() XA-DESERT MOJAVE out. ......END TRANSMISSION. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - torchwood - 01-09-2009 :incoming transmission: :opening xeno private comms: Comm ID: Joseph Stinger Well my friends, What a day! i departed on a raid on new york with a small group of fighters, and seemed to have rather a difficult day. firstly my Banjo had broken. so without Jack noticing i stole his. when we entered New York we did our normal enterance and seemed to not annoy the navy boys at all. so we decided to do plan B. i pulled out Jacks Banjo and began to play a rather good tune. then somthing very bad happened. Jack's Banjo snapped in half! no idea how but i am hiding in my closet! anyway after that a Joe Morgan came along as back up. he seemed to have too much wisky and started telling the navy some very...weird stories. with that the Admiral, David Hale seemed to get a bit cheesed off. we decided to move closer to a navy base. and there we found a single navy patrol. he called for back up and then the real battle began. it started off with a massive Skirmish, so i decided to even the odds. I challanged David Hale openly to a duel to the death. he agreed so we fourght for 20 minutes. then he knocked off my Shields and a mine hit me bang on. (painful) after that i had to eject the escape pod. Hale said it was back to huntsville but he could not seem to find my pod. i then called in a xeno patrol to pick me up undetected and i am now in hospital due to....burns from the mine. i think if Jack visits i will be there a little bit longer. Joseph stinger signing out :ending transmission: :closing private comms: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Jihadjoe - 01-09-2009 Jack stormed into the bar on Ouray, he's been looking for hours now and he simply couldn't find her... "Where in tarnation is Matilda?" he bellowed. The collected members of the xeno movement all looked up at the door where Jack stood, his hair visably greying as he got more stressed. "Where the hell is she? One o' y'alls gunna be knowin', an ' I's not gunna be happy if it dun' appears soon." He spat on the floor and walked out, having given the whole room a piercing glare. Nathan Williamson sat on a stool at the bar smiling slightly at Jack's abject fury, it had been a long time since he'd seen him tyhis mad, and it always sent a little smirk across his face. "Isn't Matilda what he calls that damned banjo?" Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Jihadjoe - 02-08-2009 Jack paced around his office at Ouray impatiently, he'd been waiting for news about the Fastjack operation for some time now, and alamonet just wouldn't stop leaking. He needed that man back. His bad temper was only increased by finding his beloved banjo, Matilda, smashed up in Joseph Stinger's quarters. He didn't quite have the heart to bust the guy back down to hatchling, but he had half a mind to do it. the raid the other day however had gone more than to plan. Jack paused in his pacing and smiled as he remembered the LSF ships turning to dust... "Haw haw" he thought, "three o' dems in under a minute, dat Scepter fellow sure be quite an asset to us folks." Jack sat down behind his desk to plan for the eighteenth time the fastjack bust-out, but all of the plans seemed absurd or unoriginal. They needed something different in order to make it work. Huntsville had stepped up it's security of late. The police knew something was up. Jack played with a pen in silence for a while, eventualy gave up with planning and headed down to the bar. Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Cyro - 02-08-2009 Incoming message From: Jake Andrews Good day there, high command. My first week seemed a little harsh, but I've finally gotten used to the Starblazer. One of my first jobs was to protect Barrow base from Unioner attack. With help of some others we succeeded. After that, I had to get back to Ouray. I did my best to prevent any detection by lawful forces but it seemes that I ran out of luck. ![]() I just put the throttle to full and luckily, they didn't find me - I finally arrived at Ouray. A few days later, Boa asked me to help him with a little patrol, and I was up for it. Soon in New York we had enemies on scanner. One LSF fighter, and one Navy fighter. We engaged them and actually destroyed one of their ships: ![]() Unfortunately, the blast from the mine got the Boa too. ![]() I quickly tractored him and engaged cruise engines. I had no chance against the remaining Liberty fighter. After that, I safely arrived at Ouray. That would be all for the report. Message end Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - selsyn - 02-08-2009 Incoming Transmission... Connection Established. Loading Message. Message loaded! [i] *tapping noises* Is this damned thing on? Hullo! *crashing noise* Hullo? Hullo? Can this thing hear me? Ah good. Well, i be Buck Harley, mah sirs and missus. I just wanted to be a lettin' y'all know that I be done wit' your "mahnda-tory training" period, and have a gotten mahself a super trans-poonder thingie fer mah ship! Here one gosh damned minute, while i get the data to show up. *another crashing noise* There we go now! ![]() So, i think that should be a doin' it fer y'all. I'll be a'waitin' your replah here. Mah lady is real-proudlike of meh. Buck Harley out! *tapping noises* *yells* Betty! Where be mah al-co-holic beverage! I thought i be real clear when i said i wanted a drink! *recording continues on for several minutes. Random domestic noises can be heard.* Message terminated. |