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141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 05-31-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Again, bonjour mes amis!
I have finally reached the forward base located in Orkney system.
The travelling was clean, and I dare to say that no contact managed to be able to track me on radar.
Mon operation will resume tomorrow, I will hope to be able to gather some intel or information regarding the Nomad presence in Gallic and Gallic contested space...

Until then.......

This was Forlorn d'Autoine...Au revoir!

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-01-2012

[Image: w3dacfzdo2ie.png]

Colonel Davids hier.
To all One Four One units, we have a serious situation. I want you to pay attention to following Interceptor report:

' Wrote:#2 here.

I checked Omicron Zeta system since Meskhenet tracked down ship movement that was not according to
our common flight patrols. During the investigation I stumbled upon some interesting vessel, belonging to
the Kusari Naval Forces.
* * *

I followed it some time and tried to interrogate the pilot, but he was rather a diehard in giving out any
information. I would not have bothered about this much, but as soon as he got too near Mu and even
witnessed Meskhenet, I had to stet in and request any information he had gathered. He did not like that idea,
his beviour grew more and more hostile, especially since independent agent Tom Kenobi and me kept his
cruise engine disrupted. In the end a fight broke out with the KNF fighter being destroyed.
* * *

Neither Kenobi nor me could track any sign of emergency pod, so I asumed the pilot is dead and docked
at Meskhenet for repairs.

That would be all for now.
#2 out.

To all units, I want you to keep an eye on Omicron 92, we do not know if any distress signal was sent to
to Kusari space, but we can be assured, some others will look for the killed pilot if he does not repond after
some time. Keep your concentration high!

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-10-2012

[Image: 6zc5zva8ej4.png]
[Image: Phelan.jpg]

Davids hier.

Our efforts to rebuild TaskForce One Four One have again born fruits. With zhe help of Evora's facilities ein former
Corsair Osiris battleship zhat was abandoned due to heavy damage, has been brougt to 90% operational status.
Right now zhe battleship is undergoing final refits as some of its armarments as well of its armor.
Engine Core, bridge and zhe crew facilites are already done. We expect zhe Denedra to be at 100% operational status
within zhe next few weeks.

[Image: u24ihq72wea5.jpg]

Davids out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 06-10-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Bonjour, mes amis!
It's tres magnifique to be back at my home, far away of home heheh
I guess you all want to know how mon operation came out...Well, for short, it was a succes, but let me detaliate it a bit...
I arrived together with #2, which was sadly, running a bit late, at the meeting point at FP 10 in tau-37, where we have met the Maquis
Before we could start our, let's say, negotiations, we had to wait for #2, and surprisingly, members of the Legions des Dammes arrived as well
When #2 came, we started to discuss the matter, at first, we saw that the Maquis were highly interested in what we had to say, while the Legion had some doubts about the reality of our arguments.
After some minutes of talking, this have changed quickly, the Legion decided to accept our desire of friendship and so we made an agreement with them, while the Maquis, gradually lost interest as they thought that the Outcasts are not such a serious threat and so they went to Omicron Alpha.
We happened to meet a member of the Union Corse and also from the Colonial Republic there, at the Freeport too.
When we finally locked the agreement with the Legion des Dammes, they left, and we thought about the Maquis.They didn't answered our calls, and we thought they might be in trouble there
I decided that me and #2 should head in Alpha and help them, a maneuver which could win their trust.
Once arrived their, we pinned down the Outcasts together with the Maquis until they brought their capital ships.
We then left back to the Taus, while the Outcasts didn't even bother to pursue us.
Seeing this, the Maquis accepted our proposition aswell, and, for your knowledge, the proposition states as follow:

They will provide us assistance against the Outcasts and the Nomads, including Wilde, also providing us with intel and news of their future presence in Gallia, while we will provide them aswell with general assistance against the said enemies, as well with the required intel we gathered along the time so they can efficiently battle them too, while also giving them information about the general state of affairs in Sirius

I also promised the Colonial pilot, that I will request permission from the High Command, to announce their High Command about this meeting, monsieurs

This covers everything, I guess, I hope that, what I managed to accomplish, raised to your expectations.

This was Forlorn d'Autoine.Au Revoir!

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mikrosh - 06-12-2012

[Image: drakons.png]

Good day commander!

Our friend, Mikrosh Ancestor forwarded me some communication archives between him and the corsairs.
Yesterday one Corsair Vessel entered Zeta and acted like the corsairs are owning Omicron Zeta and the
entire Omicrons. The vessel captain was somehow looking for trouble if you ask me sir, but that is for you
to decide. Mr. Mikrosh contacted the Elite Corsair Guard about the above situation, and the ECG declined
that they have any intentions mentioned by the said ship, or the fact that they know the ship in cause.
<The Suspect Ship><ECG Commlink>

Mr. Mikrosh fears that there might be a group of Corsairs willing to instigate to war between Order and
the Corsairs. We couldn't find any reason why someone would want such a war, unless they are payed by
one of our enemies.

I advise to enforce our patrol routes and send some scouts in Delta, just in case. Also, a talk with the
Corsairs won't hurt I guess. We can send someone to talk with the Corsair HC in person, it has more of an
impact than a lifeless communication.

Drakon over and out.


[Image: endyc.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-13-2012

[Image: 6zc5zva8ej4.png]
[Image: Phelan.jpg]

Commander Davids speaking.

Agent Drakon, I suggest we track zhe situation regarind zhe zoners and zhis Corsair in Omicron Zeta, but do not, I repeat do not commence an attack on zhe corsair for now.
From what I have inferred from your information we do not know enough to see what is going on.
All agents, keep ein close eye for Zeta for now. Corsairs showing interest into our backyard is something I somehow dislike.

Over and out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 06-19-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Bonjour, monsieurs et madames!This is Veteran Agent Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.
Yesterday while I was running the Malediction for maintenance checks, I though of engaging in a patrol with it in Omicron Mu to wind up the crew a little bit.
While on the patrol, I spotted an enemy Outcast ship wandering aimlessly in the system.It was succesfully intercepted by a fresh recruit who joined the ranks of the Order and who agreed to help moi.
While I was closing in, I found out that the enemy ship was a ,,Storta" Destroyer Class vessel.
I gave it exactly 3 warnings to cease its engines and to surrender, but its captain didn't even bothered to answer mon comms so I given up the order to open fire, and so, moi and the little recruit, opened fire at the enemy vessel.
The vessel offered little to no resistance and so it was quickly destroyed.
I have to thank the fresh rookie who was piloting The.Ariety's.Dream as without him, I wouldn't probably be able to intercept that vessel.He showed great competence and skill.

The scanners onboard mon resheph, Malediction, managed to capture some battle pictures of the fight, so here I present you the destruction of the enemy ship: **

Needless to say, I come to wonder, how could a ship of such a size, pass the Order's defence forces undetected, and head so deep into our territory.By the time mon radars spotted it, it was passing near planet Akabat.

A note:I have also encountered some Order pilots who had a malfunctioned IFF, I hope the Order's High Command could solve this soon.

This was Veteran Agent Forlorn d'Autoine.Au revoir!

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Saberuneko - 06-19-2012

[Image: jaicia.png]
Jaicia Lancing here,
I am glad to report that we're back at Zeta. It seems like Juichi has been through too much
while at Junnator, he looks somehow traumatized and doesn't want to talk about what he did discover.

Give him some time to rest and settle, and let's see if he recovers. He might have seen something
awful to be like that... He will contact you as soon as he's better.

Jaicia, out.
[Image: endgx.png]

141| Internal Channel - Mercarryn - 06-24-2012

[Image: 6zc5zva8ej4.png]
[Image: Phelan.jpg]

Commander Davids speaking.

Operatives Lancings, it is gut to see you in zhe Omicrons again. During your absence some things have happened,
but I am surre you are already aware of zhem.
Nonzheless zhere is something Juichi has to have ein look at. Yesterday Mu was raided by two Makos and one Thresher.
One of zhe Makos belonged to zhe group known as 77th, which used zhe chaos to send some irritating data
and somehow...set up ein beacon. And I want to know what zhe purpose of zhis was.

Anyway, after some initial losses - two of zhem zhe OCV-Intrepid and zhe Malediction under commnand of d'Autoine -
we were able to make zhe Core vessels pay for zheir attack. I want to commend zhe independent agents Dorres
and Mujito for zheir excellent combat performance.

* * * *

Something I cannot say about you d'Autoine. Your lack of combat skill forces us to use spare ressources to repair
ein Resheph cruiser. Using one cruiser to fight two Mako battleships and one Thresher was about to fail
from zhe beginning. I do not want to see zhis again!

Over and out.

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]

141| Internal Channel - Eduard - 06-24-2012

[Image: b84n61.png]

Bonjour Monsieurs et Madames.This is Veteran Agent Forlorn d'Autoine speaking.
Monsieur Davids, excuses-moi s'il vous plait, but in mon defence, the Malediction wasn't designed for such encounters and furthermore, the enemies took us by surprise as we weren't prepared for such an assault

Now, let me get to the reason why I sent this message.
Earlier the day when the makos entered Mu, I, along with monsieur Kado and some members from the Horus
encountered the 77th Gemini in Omicron Zeta.
The vessel was carrying order prisoners and nomad remains.We managed to convince the captain to give us
the prisoners and the nomad remains, and so, we managed to capture 1 nomad gunboat remain and 6 fighter remains.
I also entered into the ships servers and erased any data files it had about our systems, this was completed due to the fact that the vessel's captain allowed me to do so.I then took the opportunity and managed to copy some files to mon database which are now awaiting decryption.
At the moment, I can only say that the gathered data contains information about a base in the Tokelau Cloud in Delta and various mission data and objectives.

This has been Forlorn d'Autoine.Au revoir

[Image: 22r3rdbeu4kv.png]