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Sunbucks Cafe - Printable Version

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Sunbucks Cafe - Nitram - 05-12-2009

"Heh, what put tikerbell overthere in such a fine mood..."

*Finishes his co-co, uploads a few credits to the tip jar and leaves*

Sunbucks Cafe - Bauer - 05-12-2009

Jack walks in just to see Radclyffe finish his drink. He walks over to him and notices he isn't drinking coffee. Jack walks over to him just as he's leaving.

"Cocoa? COCOA? That ain't a real drink! Yer not leavin' until you've had a coffee!"

Jack picks up Radclyffe, takes him back to his table and orders two drinks. He then notices Shaw drinking. When the hell did they start serving alcohol here? Meh, I must be drinking too much.

Sunbucks Cafe - Nitram - 05-12-2009

"Bleh... Fair nuff' Capn, but I get an ichy trigger finger from coffee, so after this we goin to bust some chops."

*Starts drinkin coffee*

Sunbucks Cafe - Corsair - 05-14-2009

Ukon viewed the scene with casual distaste. Cafes weren't his favorite place, but he needed a quick caffeine fix.

He ordered the most potent coffee they had. He was facing another 8 hour shift.

Sunbucks Cafe - Stygian - 05-26-2009

Aiden stumbles into the bar still half asleep. The latest patrol was a bad one, so he rented a room to get a few hours sleep before the fight back home to Denver. He no more than sits down when a CNS bulletin comes on the veiwscreen.

"Breaking news. An unexpected ion storm has enveloped the entire Sirius sector. It is believed it may last several days. Experts are still baffled and we will share more information as soon as it is received."

After a few moments of shock the chatter resumes. He hears everything from complaints to rookies saying they are relieved. Aiden sighs and looks up at the the bartender.

"Give me three of the strongest drinks you got. This is going to be a long couple of days."

Sunbucks Cafe - Zapp - 05-27-2009

As the ion storm winds buffeted Fort Bush, what appeared to be the entirety of the LPI on-station huddled in the Sunbucks, the lights dimmed and everyone in blankets. There was a flashlight, and they got ready to tell ghost stories... what brave soul would go first?

Sunbucks Cafe - Dab - 05-27-2009

Alexi Burgess looked around nervously.. Suddenly she couldn't control herself any longer and squawked, "Be gentle! I scare easy.. Chief, why? Why!"

Sunbucks Cafe - Zapp - 05-27-2009

"BECAUSE AH SAID SO!" he roared, making more than a few twitchy officers jump.

"O'BRIAN!" he bellowed, chucking the flashlight at the Deputy Chief and hitting him upside the head. "GIT TA STORY TELLIN!"

Sunbucks Cafe - hack - 05-27-2009

Hull O'Brian awakens and pulls on his t shirt and jeans, and makes his way down to Sunbuck's.

Apparently the Mother of all Ion storms was raging outside and no body was going anywhere....

Might as well have a few then, not going on patrol tonight...

Suddenly a flashlight is chucked at his head......

Sunbucks Cafe - Sarawr!? - 05-27-2009

Deputy Chief Williams was sitting on the floor, in the corner near the back of the cafe, listening to the Dark Matter waves thrashing against the station, she was holding herself and rocking back and forth, sobbing softly like a scared child in a thunderstorm after losing it's most favorite teddy bear.

"I wonder...I wonder when....when the Ion Storm will end..."

She sighed softly, looking around, pulling her blanket up over her knees, waiting to hear somebody start a story.