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RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - ai_ascendant - 10-25-2012

I don't agree with the attitude of the poster above--not helpful, that--but he has a point regarding vanilla game lore and precedent --infected humans in the past did show Sirians how to build cloaks and ships. The technology existed.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Serpentis - 10-25-2012

Erh, I know I have no right at all commenting or voicing my opinion, since I have been away for quite some time.. But this.. Just caught my eye..

I have to ask and since I don't want to look trough all the 11 pages of text here (if I missed the question and answer then sorry), but are you rewriting the Nomad lore completely then?

As far as I have understood it from the way the original creators of the Nomad lore had made so that the Mindshare (Mirrorshare now I suppose), would not be able to (Nor why would they) break off from the others cause of the bond to that share (or something similar).

How ever, I must say it's an interesting take on a "Civil war" of the Nomads, but.. I can't help to think it's.. Contra-productive against the nomads, since they (as I see them) are supposed to be a antagonist faction (which Disco may not need, but nomads are apart of Freelancer and Disco soo Tongue), all terrible and what not threatening humanity with their mere presence.
The separation of a splinter group of Nomads which are more "Human", which to be frank, sounds like you want to have the nom nom thingies without being nom nom's or play by their restrictions (eventually ofc).

That's what I think when I see it.. Unfortunately..

And then there's the Idea(s) I planted in front of Huggie some months ago (: (remember?)

Anyhow, that's it for me Ally, and I wish you all the best.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Soul Reaper - 10-25-2012


Everyone saw that in high school dude, about how humans know how the brain reacts to certain chemicals and electrical signals, that's not what I'm talking about. We (humans) know that doing it works, but we do not know why it works.

Freelancer was never a finished game, there's actually stuff in the engine's source code that hasn't even been used, there's not really that much detail. But it doesn't change the fact that nomad bodies are grown, energy, organic stuff, its all grown, not manufactured. We're not scientists, I doubt anyone on disco is a scientist, I can't just go into the details of molecular biology and say that its something different than DNA. We might RP as researchers and scientists, but we can't really give the details of what we're doing because we don't know anything. I say DNA, I mean it as the genetic code of a nomad body, you can call it whatever, I don't care. No one goes into detail because they can't. Clausen should I put it...WRONG. Might have been right, but in disco, wrong.

Though I'm guessing you just took it way to seriously and actually went and found some of that detail just to try and prove me wrong, which wouldn't really work on anyway because, one's a scientist and proving them wrong about some neuro/microbiological stuff won't really matter.

And vanilla lore? The -keepers- took some of that, made it into what it is now and put it into disco, this is Discovery Freelancer, not Vanilla Freelancer. There wasn't really that much history behind anything that happened in Freelancer, it was roughly made, disco creates its own lore somewhat based on vanilla. If you want something really detailed just wait for Star Citizen, it'll have all the backstory and detail you need, so people don't go and change everything.

This is Freelancer, stuff doesn't make sense, at all. I've tried for a while to put in some sense, I gave up. Go with the flow.


Ye, kinda explained that to Echo over there, check out the post.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Alley - 10-25-2012

This thread isn't here for your daily penis enlargement. You should be ashamed of yourselves.

This thread can be closed, again, as even simply asking questions/answering without turning into a hard drive on fire seem to be a challenge for our local recluses.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Govedo13 - 10-25-2012

I see another nomad "elite" brainfart using ships that are closed to the general public as indie, it gets even worse with the other such "special" group trying to troll them.Timbuktu summed up the rest-this place is going down really fast.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Jihadjoe - 10-25-2012

Sod off, Govedo. Your input is unwelcome, hostile, moronic and agressive.

As for the group itself, and the actual development of the nomad stuff that already exists, I like it. It gives movement. Previously the nomads were static. Everyone bitched at them for it. saying "Oh it's too exclusive, nobody develops it, all conservative and blah blah yadda blah" inevitably ending in someone saying "Just a way of keeping blah plays out of the loop yadda blah"

Now when the nomad lore does develop, and the player do carry stuff forward, involving people both inside and outside the nomad community, creating roleplay which is saweeping, interesting, dynamic, new, creative, inclusive and above all (in my opinion) good, everyone goes "BUT IT'S NOT THE DEVELOPMENT I WANTED!!!!"

Here's news for you. The development you wanted died with your hostility.
The development you wanted died when you didn't present it.
The development you wanted died when you were rude and obnoxious to the people involved in making this happen.

The only "elite" around here, is one any and all of you could be a part of, if you'd only put the effort in instead of crying about how you're not a part of it. Literally anyone could speak to Alley, or Huggie, or Rodent, or me, or any one of the people involved in this and present an idea. Literally anyone could say "Hey, here's a novel idea".

No it won't always be on your terms. No that's not a bad thing. This shit is collaborative. It's not happening on Huggie's terms, not Alley's not anyone who's name I mentioned. We keep being surprised, often by one another, and that's cool. It's got people form all over this community working on it. It's got people slogging their guts out to make a workable version of this, and the best it gets is Govedo's lame-ass post spouting a line and a bit of trash about an elite.

You wanna join in? Learn how to interact with people as if you're a human.

RE: The K'Hara Rebellion - Sarawr!? - 10-25-2012

Right, I do believe this has gone on long enough, Closed.
