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Extraordinary equipment registry - Printable Version

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RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Lord Helmchen - 07-27-2020

[Image: DVW29jtW0AIpk4J.jpg]

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ID: Samuel Fuentes
Location: OS&C|TE-Cloud-9 Orbit of Curacao
To:Rheinland Extraordinary Equipment Registry
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: License Request

Greetings Mr. Schneider

as it looks there was a Missunderstanding between us, of course we Take all Necessary Safety Mesures. as OS&C is a Respected and Long Time Partner of Rheinland i thought this was Something i dont need to mention let me Apologice for that. the Cloud 9 haves a Modern Jump Calculator on Board that reduces the risk of the acidents you mentioned to 0.05%. we will have an MK2 Jumpdrive on Board that is only Capable to Jump the Cloud 9. Furthermore let me Clarify that we are Not Plan to Unse the Jumpdrive in Rheinland. this Jumps will be Made from Liberty, what we ask for is the Permission to Move Through Rheinland with the Deactivated Jumpdrive back to Liberty we have no Intentions to Endanger Rheinland, its Peapole or the Other Civilian Shipping.

Safe Skys,
Samuel Fuentes
Capitan OS&C|TE-Cloud-9

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: kA4jnzr.png]

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Kaiserreich Rheinland - 07-31-2020

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]

Guten Tag Samuel Fuentes,

There was no misunderstanding, We stand by our decision to DECLINE your request to use a jump drive within Empire of Rheinland.

The basis of why we are declining your request is as first mentioned; blind jumps are a danger not only for your crew and ships, but also to civilian or military installations within the Empire, and a danger to installations of our allies inside our house space. Without a careful plotted course, according to our calculations, you could jump inside a sun, a planet, a mountain, into the path of a ship in a trade lane, or a station and we are not willing to sacrifice the risk of our citizens or the livelihood of your people.

While you may not be jumping within Rheinland, you still run the risk of jumping into Rheinland and the above being a problem.

As stated previously, please apply when you have acquired the appropriate coordinates and when you can prove to the Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro that a safe jump can be made.

Kind regards,
Dieter Schneider

Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Lord Helmchen - 07-31-2020

[Image: DVW29jtW0AIpk4J.jpg]

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ID: Samuel Fuentes
Location: OS&C|TE-Cloud-9 Orbit of Curacao
To:Rheinland Extraordinary Equipment Registry
Encryption:Neptune Spear
Subject: License Request

Greetings Mr. Schneider

ok Mr Schneider what I will tell you now is a Company Secret, so i Trust you will keep it a Secret. the Jump Calculator i mentioned earlier is a Randomizer with a Database of Jump Coordinates, all of this Coordinates are Set to the Borderworlds. there is a Higher Chance that i get Hit by Lightning, than that my Ship Jumps into Rheinland. therefore, I ask you again for a License to move my ship trough Rheinland with a Deactivated Jumpdrive MK2, my Ship Causes no Danger to Rheinland or its Peapole. all what i need is a Corridor through wich i can move back to the Starting Point in Liberty. in the Attachment i Put you a Example of 3 of the Coordinates, so you can see it for yourself. as this is a Company Secret i Trust that Rheinland as our Partner House will Ceep it. and i Appologice for not telling your earlyer, this was a Secret i had to have Permission form my Boss to tell you.

Safe Skys,
Samuel Fuentes
Capitan OS&C|TE-Cloud-9

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: kA4jnzr.png]

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Kaiserreich Rheinland - 08-08-2020

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]

Guten Tag Samuel Fuentes,

It is nice to see that you and your organisation is ready to deal with our Buro. Your new message is very interesting and I must say that your secrets are safe.
Taking into consideration your new evidence of being capable to organise a proper jump into a selected sector, the Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro APPROVE your request to move your ship throughout the space of Kaiserreich Rheinland with a deactivated Jump Engine, with the following clause:
  1. If you are detected of using your engines to Jump from and to Kaiserreich Rheinland Space, you will be fined 35.000.000 credits for this infringement of the approval this Buro bestowed upon you.
  2. Until said fine is paid, your vessel will be targeted for Seizure by the Kaiserreich Fleet und Polizei.
  3. Endangering of any citizen, installation, vessel within the system (planet-wise as well) or usage of said jump drive to jump from and to Kaiserreich Rheinland will automatically cause for this permit to be withdrawn immediately.

As stated previously, please apply when you have acquired the appropriate coordinates for jumps to and from Kaiserreich Rheinland and when you can prove to the Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro that a safe jump can be made, you may receive your A1 permit (Eligibility applies).

Hope that helps and have a great day,
Dieter Schneider

Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Marcellus - 10-02-2020

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ID: David Farina
Location: Planet Manhattan
To: Rheinland Kaiserliche Bureau of Extraordinary Equipments

Subject: Extraordinary equipment registration

To whom it may concern.

My name is David Farina and I am the captain of the Orbital Spa & Cruise "Svalbard", a "Democritus" class Luxury Yacht. The ship is registered under the roster of the "Triton Expedition", a subdivision of the original Orbital's fleet, focused on providing our guests the most thrilling and exotic experiences all over Sirius.
In order to achieve this goal, most of our cruises departing from Baden-Baden involve routes through unexplored and/or dangerous areas, such as the Omicrons and the Omegas systems.

Providing lifetimes experiences is our mission, but protect our guest's safety is our greatest duty. That's why I'm asking for a license to equip my vessel with a Cloaking Device MKIII and carry it within the borders of the Empire, specifically on the routes to and from Planet Baden Baden.
This special equipment has no use inside the Imperial borders, where we at Orbital Spa and Cruise rely on the watchful eyes of both Navy and Polizei.

Registration form is attached below.

David Farina
Captain, OS&C|TE-Svalbard

> > > > Closing Transmission < < < <

[Image: PojtqNs.png]
A sub-zero experience

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Lachtraube - 10-14-2020

Callsign of the ship: Normandy

Type of the ship: "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier

Name of the Captain: Dr. Richard Batsbak

Ship papers (ID) and affiliation (IFF): Freelancer / Freelancer

Type(s) of the installed extraordinary equipment: Cloaking Device

Purpose: The Cloak device only used to reach deep into uncharted Systems and as an self protection measure.


Hello Everyone,

my name is Dr. Richard Batsbak.

I am a scientist, who is exploring those instable Jumpholes and some other phenomena within Sirius.
I am upgrading my equipment so i can get better results from my test and field trips.

Therfore i am going to buy an "Bustard" Civilian Light Carrier.
Callsign : DSR-"Normandy"-SR1
I would like to obtain the permission to fly this ship within Rheinland territory.

Since some areas of Sirius are quiet dangerous, i am going to obtain a Cloaking Device as well.
The Cloak device only used to reach deep into uncharted Systems and as an self protection measure.

I hope you can grant me this permissions.
This could really help me progress my researches.

Best regards,
Dr. Richard Batsbak

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Kaiserreich Rheinland - 10-15-2020

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]

Guten Tag Dr. Richard Batsbak , Ich heiße Dieter Schneider.

The Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro has recieved your request, we will provide you a response shortly.

Viel Glück bei Ihren Bemühungen Fraulein Meier.

Guten Tag David Farina,

The Kaiserliches Registrierungsbürountil has approved your request to carry a Cloaking Device MKIII within the borders of the Empire. Extra security for your passengers is of the upmost importance. I expect you understand using it within our borders should not be be necessary and you are to operate strictly within the Rheinland Laws.

Kind regards,
Dieter Schneider

Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Kaiserreich Rheinland - 11-02-2020

[Image: HoJg5HC.png?1]

Guten Tag Dr. Richard Batsbak

The Kaiserliches Registrierungsbürountil has approved your request to carry a Cloaking Device MKIII to use on your Bustard for research purposes only. You are to operate strictly within the Rheinland Laws, and in information that may effect or threaten the safety of the House of Rheinland is to be shared with us immediately. Failure to do so will result in fines, and the removal of this licence.

Kind regards,
Dieter Schneider

Kaiserliches Registrierungsbüro

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Starfliers - 05-31-2021

Connection Established ██
Transmission Opens ██
Civilian Level Beta ██
[Image: starfliers_logo.png]
Leon, Starfliers ██
Rheinland Government ██

My name is Leon, and I run a small company called the Starfliers. We're essentially explorers, cartographers and have the hardware to gain Rift-Data. I understand Jump Drives and Survey tools are restricted. My vessel - the NX-01- has this equipment on board. So I am here to send in an application to review my ship for legal operations in Rhienland space. I have also attached my vessel's Infocard to this transmission. As a way of being transparent with my application.

31.05.828 ██
Transmission Closes ██
Connection Terminates ██

RE: Extraordinary equipment registry - Rheinland Government - 08-25-2021

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Guten Tag Herr Leon.

I am very sorry for the delay but one of our interns has lost your document with the approval of your registration. Without losing any more time your request has been approved. Ich Danke Ihnen für Ihre geduld.

Kind regards,
Dieter Schneider

Rheinländisches Registrierungsbüro