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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 04-27-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Diablo
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

Certanly not a boring past you had there... and an impressive curriculum I see.
Very well, application accepted.
Don't forget to open your personal file here and to complete the recruitment process entirely, as described in the Join flyer (first post).

Recently a 10th step has been added, to speed up and help new pilots integration.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - pragun - 04-30-2009

***Relaying Transmission***

ID : Daichi Otaka
To : The Kusari Naval Forces High Command
Subject : Recruitment Apllication

Konnichiwa Sir,

I am Daichi Otaka. I come from a family of patriots from the Planet New Tokyo. From birth, every child in our family is instilled with proper values, they are taught the meaning of valor, and the honor of fighting to defend the honor of Kusari.
My father, my uncle, and my grandfather before them, and so on for as long as you can imagine, have been proud members of the kusari naval forces and have spent their entire lives ensuring that nothing in this world comes even close to tarnishing the honor of Kusari.

My flying lessons began before i was taught how to ride a bicycle. I have been training all my life, so that i may be able to continue the legacy which my family has so painstakingly built, and to offer myself in service to kusari, and to the emperor.

Otaka Out.

***Transmission Ends***

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 04-30-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Daichi Otaka
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

Able and recruited!..
I'm sure you'll put to good use one of our Chimaeras.

Don't forget to open your personal file here and to complete the recruitment process entirely, as described in the Join flyer (first post).

Recently a 10th step has been added, to speed up and help new pilots integration.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Banza - 05-12-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: Koji Yamaguchi
To: Kusari Naval Force recruitment office
Subject: Recruitment Apllication


My name is Koji Yamaguchi, 57 years old Kyushu born Kusarian, and I would beg for chance to revenge.
Since war with Bretonia start, I gave two of my sons to fight for Emperor, Nagota Yamaguchi and older one, Tokai Yamaguchi. Both just finish pilot academy at New Tokyo planet. Their age, was too young.
Nagota died in Tau in first month of war with Bretonia, while defending Tau 29 gate. He fought well, but Bretonians had too much. My wife and me, never saw him again, and body is lost, in emptyness of Tau.
Tokai Yamaguchi joined Kusari Naval Force together with his brother, after war broke out, but he was transfered to New Tokyo system, for additional practice and routine patrols.
Just few weeks ago, I recived message from hes superior officer, that Tokai died in damn Tau 31 system. He's patrol wing was ambushed by Armed Force, near Harris mine field.
My flesh and blood, my sons, my family future died that day, by hands of Bretonians.

Me, only male left in my family, promise, to wife, and to ancestors, this will not go unpunish.
I serv Emperor for many years now. Used to work for Samura industry 26 years, as escort pilot.
That gave me enough combat experience, in case, you are worried about that.
Only problem left, is my age of 57. I spent half of my life in space, and it is normal that I can't react on the same way as young ones.

Only thing that is still good about me, is my power of will, and pain caused by Bretonians to my family.
I beg, chance, to revenge.

I will leave Yamaguchi message box account here, in case you want to contact me.
S.K.Y.P.E. box:

Signed by: Koji Yamaguchi

...End Transmission

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 05-12-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Koji Yamaguchi
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

will is a powerful thing that shouldn't be understimated.
I saw a warrior, once, engaging mercyless phantoms alone, making them flee, chasing them through dangerous space and downing their ships.

Hearing of your loss saddens me and make me feel responsible.
Maybe I am.
There is no way for me to compensate but to let your will have its course, welcome on board.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - n1kodemus - 05-23-2009

Incoming Transmission
Loading Complete..
Displaying Transmission
From: Obata Masamori
To: Kusari Naval Forces High Command
Subject: Joining Kusari Naval Forces

I am honored to speak with you.

I want to join the ranks of the Kusari Naval Forces.
My father has served the Emperor for his entire life.
I want him to be proud of me, I want to be like him.

I want to serve the Emperor any way I can.
I am not afraid of dying.
I am ready to sacrifice my life for the Emperor!

Obata Masamori

Transmission Terminated

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 05-26-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Obata Masamori
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

I see they have already gave you your KNF frequencies passcodes and noticed your activity there, I have also received your s.k.y.p.e. protocols just few moments ago.
Kampai! An exemplary application! Don't forget to schedule a flight session with one of our ranked officers as soon is possible.


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Gemel - 06-14-2009

--------Incoming Transmission---------
-From: Kasumi Shinazawai
-Addressed to: KNF High command
-Subject: Fight for honour!



I am just 17 years of age but before you turn me down.

I believe my strength is my will power! I would willingly lay down
my life for my family or my emperor. If i join you will become my
family and i will do the same for each of my comrades. My life has been
boring by most standards. I have left school this year to join the naval forces.
till now i have worked and studied but i know my destiny lies in fighting
the emperors enemies and not in doing my homework! Please, I know my
mother and father will be so proud of their son if i am accepted.

I just wish to serve the people of kusari.... with my life if needed.

Thank you for your time good People.

2nd son of Shinazawai-Kamatsu

Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - LoTeK_ - 06-16-2009

...From: Taishō Sulu, KNF High Command
...To: Kasumi Shinazawai
...Subject: Joining the Kusari Naval Forces

Konnichiwa young one!
I'd say if someone manage to complete the recruitment process described in the join flyer and KNF orientation missions, if he is able to speaksten and if his family agree with him...then he is able and recruited regardless of the age with the exception of some extreme cases of course.
Welcome to the Kusari Naval Forces!


Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Anakronysm - 06-22-2009

....From : Anakronysm
....To : Kusari Naval Forces High Command
....Subject : Honour and Serve

Oha yo gozaimasu

I'm kusarian as well as bretonian, i don't want to hide it.
But my blood and my spirit boils for revenge...
I renied my father and my true name for the honour of my mother.
I want to serve for regain my honour and annihilate most of the deloyal bretonian's people as possible.

I'm already a well formed pilot who defend an serves his home system Kyushu.
My vessel is based on the Nagumo Destroyer and i waiting orders from high command by now...

William Heart aka Anakronysm