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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Snow - 10-09-2011

*** Incoming transmission***
*** Connecting................***
***... Loading..................***
*** Opening transmission ***

Pilot ID: Ens.David Crowley
Location: Planet new London
Subject: Patrol / Combat report

Good evening.

I started my patrol from planet New London, as i undocked i was contacted by Lt.Commader Clay.
He ordered me to come to his location to deal with 2 reavers that where in the system, when i got there Clay and 2 police officers was already engaging the reavers. I was ordered to engage and destroyed one of them.
[Image: Namnls2.png]
The other reaver was taken care of aswell by an police if im not mistaken.
After this, Lt.Commander Clay had to dock to fix some paperwork so i continued patroling.
I entered Cambridge wich was peaceful and quiet. I then continued into Manchester, there i only met two bounty hunters other then that the system was clear of any threats.
I then headed to Dublin wich also was all nice and quiet for a change, so i then decided to dock and do some maintenance of my ship.
Later i then undocked and got a strange message from Lt.Cdr Ree that there was an "nomad" in new london, at first i thought this was probably an pirate with a strange nickname. But when i reached Ree's location i saw a blue strange, well i think it was a ship.
When i came about 5k from where Ree and this blue transparent ship where fighting, Ree's ship blew up from a mine malfunction on his ship. Luckily i got his life pod, then that blue ship started to engage me.
Not that i didnt mind, it had it coming since that thing shot at Lt.Cdr Ree.
After some fighting among the asteroids i destroyed that thing.
[Image: Namnls3.png]
I then tractored the remains of the blue thing and headed for planet new London, where i docked.
When i examined the remains of this blue thing, i discovered this
[Image: Namnls4.png]
Since im not quite sure what it is or what it does, i decided to keep it locked up in my hold for the time being.
But it seems to be "alive" somehow... Well better not think about it i guess.
Anyway Lt.Cdr Ree have been sent to the infirmary to check for any injuries.

Ens. David Crowley signing out.


*** Transmission ended***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-09-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Ensign James Barret, you are known member of the armed forces with good status so far:
- 13 hours of Flight Time
- 4 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (3)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#FF6600]Lieutenant
without hesitation.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-11-2011


Source - Planet Leeds
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Received...
Transmission Decrypted...
Opening Message...

[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: Battle in Tau 31

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening,

I recieved intel that the GRN were gathering a strike force in Tau 31 with the intention of attacking Leeds, I scrambled from the Suffolk, and made my way to Leeds where I met up with the BRF|HMS-Victorious, HMS Sheffield and QCP|Fortunatus.Wright. We broke through the defences of the Nagasaki and entered Tau 31.

GRN forces where in the proximity of the gate, so we entered formation and advanced. A Council Battleship, callsign, Le.Terminatuer allied with us to destroy the GRN, alongside a Freelancer callsign Luka. However, Bretonia's resident pests in the form of Reavers arrived, Amythest.Reaver and Silver.Reaver arrived to help the GRN.

The GRN forces consisted of 2 Valours, callsigns CCCP|Unite and Vengeance, alongside an Obstinate Cruiser, callsign CCCP|Enrage and several fighters.

We engaged and after a while destroyed the CCCP|Unite shorlty followed by the Vengeance. The CCCP|Enrage followed shorlty after, though the Reavers managed to destroy the Le.Terminateur. After that the Mandalorians arrived to assist us though after a protracted dogfight with the Reavers, Silver.Reaver managed to take me out of action.

My escape pod was tractored in by the BRF|HMS-Victorious. It seems the Gallic Royal Navy is getting bolder in the Taus, though they leave much to be desired in terms of coordination and tactics.

[Attached Files:*****]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Encrypted
Closing Message...

[color=#CC0000]-( END TRANSMISSION )-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-11-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Fleet Admiral Ralston, I am happy to announce that the ship I promised and sponsored to serve as our newest diplomatic vessel was constructed at Southampton Shipyard before few days. The ship type is one of our finest and most luxury Royal Liners, equipped with everything necessary to carry on board and satisfy the needs of high level of celebrities, including Her Royal Majesty.
The ship name is HMRS-Britannia and is ready to set sails on its first maiden voyage.

Bretonia Royal News Transmission

The other project, that I promised to you, will be done in few weeks because the HMR ship was a priority.

Yours, Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Commander of the West Fleets

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 10-12-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Admiral Piett

Excellant news! Your philanthropy does you well, and your nation.

I shall be recommending you for a suitable form of recognition. I do not want to ruin the surprise, however.

Do stop by New London and take me for a tour of this new boat of yours. We shall assign it to the diplomatic corps posthaste.

Well done, Firmus. Well done indeed.

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 10-12-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

[font=Garamond]Gentleman, on the far side of the Leeds system where Kusari company's are taking valuable ore from our Kingdom in order to support their Empire my mission started. I found in the field unprotected Samura miner, I thought "maybe he is working hard just to feed his family" but in the other second image in my head was flooded with my own people who suffered large losses during the war, at first I didn't want to kill him nor to arrest him because that captain and his crew are not fighters and as far as I know they didn't murder any civilian. War is bringing many strange situations known to man and I of course took one that will defend my people, but then another problem appeared. My ship was not equipped with disruptor missile and I didn't have any chance to stop him, Samura ship docked on former BMM station "Stoke Mining Station" After that I done several patrols in that area just to make sure that everything is going fine.

I guess this part isn't going to mention anymore patrols. I'm going to speak about my personal mental state and of course I will ask for opinion, all you know that I had no war experience in my past so, now my main problem is how to deal with my own thoughts? I knew that military life is going to be hard and in one way I was prepared "physically" with my good shape but on the other side psychological problem with indecision came. I'm ready to defend my Crown, Queen, people and colleagues in the force, have no doubt in it but... I wanted to ask, is my crisis temporary and what is the best way to stay professional?

Bernard Brown
Bretonian Armed Forces

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-12-2011

-[Incoming Transmission]-

Natasi Daala]
[Location: Planet New London, Surgical Reconstruction Center]
[System: New London]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: 10hmxde.png]

[font=Agency FB] Greetings Ensign Bernard Brown,
My name is doctor Natasi Daala, one of the current directors of the SRC established in planet New London. First I am sending you few classified files from which you can learn more about us. Second I will inform you that admiral sir Piett ordered me to take your case under my review.
Now on the subject. In your last reprot you said that you feel confusion in your mental state. As scientist and doctor I will tell you that the period you are right now is considered as Normal, but there is always a risk of mental collapse or more serious complications to arise in time.
The reasons for your current state are normal from medical and military point of view. Confusion, uncertainty and especially the stress, may lead to pain and even lunacy in future. To neutralize the possibilities of such things to happen, which may result in more problematic situations as well as to keep your mental level in the borders of "healthiness", I will recommend you to visit SRC once you feel you have time. There our combat scientists will help you deal with this psychological problem.
And dont be afraid ensign. The military career always have a risk to cripple the mind of the young pilots but that may only happen if no medical care procedures were done in time.

>>...Sending Classified Data...<<
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[font=Agency FB] [color=#9999FF]-[Transmission Terminated]-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-16-2011


Source - Planet Leeds
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Received...
Transmission Decrypted...
Opening Message...

[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: Patrol Report

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Afternoon,

I began my usual patrol by launching from New London, where I immediately came across a Lane Hacker, callsign peite_pivo, who was piloting and Falcata Bomber, clearly intent on pirating the lanes. I gave him two chances to desist and leave, he refused. So after a brief dogfight, I destroyed him. I continued my patrol in New London and them moved to Leeds. Which was suprisingly quiet, other than the usual KNF sorties against Leeds which was predictably repelled by the Battleship Derby. I moved on to Newcastle which was also empty other than the odd Molly patrol coming from Belfast.

With Newcastle and Leeds secure, I moved into Edinburgh where other than the usual Gaians, there was nothing of any interest to report. I checked Perth and the Shetland which were both secure, the BPA is doing a remarkable job of keeping the Gaians in check. With that, I moved to Dublin, where I came across a outcast, Enrique.Salada who was piloting a Sabre, typically, he taunted me and refused acknowledge my orders for him to leave the system. So after a protracted duel, I gained the upper hand and eventually destroyed him. A local BMM miner, callsign, God, thanked me for making Dublin just a little bit safer. With that, I headed back to New London and signed off on the Suffolk.

[Attached Files: NONE ]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Encrypted
Closing Message...

[color=#CC0000]-( END TRANSMISSION )-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Aingar - 10-17-2011

connection established
password *********
access granted
direct stream initiated...

Source: Planet New London
ID: Lt. Alex Clarke

Priority Medium
Topic: Reporting in


As you can see, I'm back from my.... unpleasant adventure, my pod was recovered by Battleship Essex and I was sent to New London for medical checkup, they should be done any time now.

I don't think there is anything more I have to say, and I feel.... tired.... signing off...

<div align="right][color=#9999FF]Alex Clarke
[font=Courier New][color=#33FF33]stream terminated
logging out...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-17-2011

-[Incoming Transmission]-

Natasi Daala]
[Location: Planet New London, Surgical Reconstruction Center]
[System: New London]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: 10hmxde.png]

[font=Agency FB] Greetings honorable members from the Admiralty Board.
I am sending you this message to inform you about the life of lieutenant Alex Clarke, which is right now in danger. After we received his pod on the landing side of SRC, we started immediate medical tests. The results from them where not good at all. Lieutenant Clarke seems to have epilepsy which started to become worse in time. For five hours he collapsed several times which lead to his transportation to the Intensive Treatment wing of SRC. There we subjected him on new tests and treatments in order to fix him, but he collapsed again. His current condition can be stated as coma and the time necessary for him to recover is, sadly unknown.
I can assure you that his life support systems wont be stoped even if we have to wait for him an year. Nevertheless our team belives he may be back among us in approximately from 3 to 5 months. That is all I can say for now but I will keep informing you on his status.
Doctor and Researcher from SRC Natasi Daala, signing off.

[font=Agency FB] [color=#9999FF]-[Transmission Terminated]-