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SF Message Dump - Firebird - 09-07-2007

Comm ID: Admiral Firebird
To: Admiral Christopher Phelps

Given the constantly increasing threats to Bretonia and the continued advance of Kusari into Bretonian space, any assistance in defending civilian interests is appreciated as well as the assistance against common enemies. I will remind you, although I suspect I don't need to, that Bretonia is a sovereign nation and our regulations and laws will still be upheld by your forces while stationed here (ie. in simple terms...if player X is hostile to SA but neutral to SF, treat them as neutral, self-defense always applicable).

(Apologies for not posting in your message dump figured to keep the conversation in one place).

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 09-07-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Firebird
Comm ID: Commodore Hyperwave

Point taken. HF should remain on "hostile," but be watched more closely than ever before. They entered Leeds with the sole purpose of attacking Sierra. I must warn that they will still attack us openly in Bretonia regardless of our status towards them.

Additionally, because of HF's status with the South Alliance, we need to be very careful on their placement of ships within Bretonia. Because the SA have moved to Bretonia, HF will likely feel that we are supporting the enemy, who are also supporting us. It may make tensions with other factions increase.


SF Message Dump - BlueBelly - 09-08-2007

To: SF Admiralty

From: Cadet Bluebelly

Re: Absence


Please forgive my absence. It is only recently that I have become lucid to my surroundings due to a pyschotic episode levied upon me by a local spacial event (Real Life). My mental capacity was reduced, but I have recently been released by Fleet Medical and must now resume my basic training.

Overall, I am requesting permission to resume my duties and to attain proper IFF (rep) and vessel designation (Name change to [SF]-SFF-BlueBelly, presently in "Maestro" & "Maestro.").

My respects,

Cadet BlueBelly, Knight of the Garter

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 09-08-2007

To: Cadet Bluebelly
From: Admiral Firebird

Cadet, its good to hear your recovery is going well. I'd like you to resume duties in the Bretonian Guard, there are a number of both friendly and hostile groups operating in Bretonia and there is great need of assistance in ensuring the safety of Bretonia and its civillian population. Be sure to read up on the current command structure as things have changed slightly since your leave of absence.

Again welcome back.

End of Transmission

To: Cadet Bluebelly
From: Admiral Firebird

Cadet, its good to hear your recovery is going well. I'd like you to resume duties in the Bretonian Guard, there are a number of both friendly and hostile groups operating in Bretonia and there is great need of assistance in ensuring the safety of Bretonia and its civillian population. Be sure to read up on the current command structure as things have changed slightly since your leave of absence.

Again welcome back.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - BlueBelly - 09-08-2007

To: Admiral Firebird

From: Cadet BlueBelly

Re: Orders


Your faith in me shall not be for nought. I shall make haste to review all archived documentation and adhere to the local intel. For the Queen Mum!

My regards,

Cadet BlueBelly, Knight of the Garter

SF Message Dump - BlueBelly - 09-09-2007

To: SF Admiralty

From: Cadet BlueBelly (in the "Maestro.", for now)

Re: Phantom engagement


I wish to heap as much praise upon our brethren the SA and LSF. They fought excellently against the Phantom scum, and it was an honor to fly with them in such an adventure. I cannot claim a single vessel, but my actions helped send many Phantoms to their just rewards. Overall, I am still in the process of aligning my IFF and vessel designation.

My regards,

Cadet BlueBelly, Knight of the Garter

[color=#33CC00]Post edited by FellowHoodlum. Reason: Cleaning ooc posts

SF Message Dump - BlueBelly - 09-09-2007

To: SF

From: Cadet BlueBelly

Re: Intel scan


While returning to HMS Sulfolk, I encountered the Phantom's "vaunted" Darkstar licking his wounds near Mactan, with an HF at his heel. I took this opportunity to gain intel on his vessel's disposition and continued on my way unhindered.


My humble respects,

Cadet BlueBelly

SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 09-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Commodore Hyperwave, SFBS-Sierra

An HF battleship and two fighters were encountered in Cambridge today. Three SF ships were crippled or destroyed, and none on the HF side. While the Sierra inflicted extremely heavy damage on the battleship, the battleship, the mini razors and novas from the fighters overwhelmed the Sierra's armor. Shortly after, the remaining two SF fighters were killed. After approximately 6 minutes, a BAF pilot, Maestro was destroyed.

After reviewing the last fight, I believe that the main breach between the forces leading to our loss was strategy. Currently, the SF tends to fight in a disorganized manner. I believe that at training sessions, while we should focus on skills, strategy and teamwork are just as - if not more so - important. If we are able to solidify guidelines, then we may be a more effective fighting force.

Yet we still live to fight another day.


(OOC: I am much more satisfied with this fight. It was even, and the only main breach was strategy (it's nice to be able to pinpoint that. Skills were at about the same levels, fluctuating here and there))

Unfortunately, I am inundated for most of the week during September and October. I'm usually doing things at irregular/changing hours, so it will be hard for me to organize training/strategy sessions for the next two months. If I can get one organized, I'll make sure to be there. I was hoping that I would have more time than I do (as of two weeks ago), but I don't. If anyone else can organize something, it would be great, as I think it would greatly benefit us. I probably can't make it as it will probably overlap with something (:angry2:) unless we're lucky enough to pin down good hours. Hopefully others can make it, though.)

SF Message Dump - BlueBelly - 09-09-2007

To: Admiral Firebird

From: Cadet BlueBelly

Re: Engagements


I cannot offer much in relation to the Leeds engagement. However, their pilots are not on par with ours. I have their measure and shall continue the fight for the Queen Mum! In addition, my IFF is aligned with local forces and I have engaged the HF within the orbit of Dover. The silly bugger is now floating home upon the solar winds and many prisoners were released. Also, I intercepted a Nomad smuggler also within the orbit of Dover. Those vile beings are now dust within the abyss.

My humble respects,

Cadet BlueBelly, Knight of the Garter


SF Message Dump - Stratus - 09-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF Personnel
Comm ID: Commander Drake, SFCR-Stratus

During routine patrols in Cambridge today, a Nomad brain smuggler was found. Mcbattle, flying a Battlestar docked at CRI and sold the Nomad brains before he could be stopped. Fortunately bridge crew managed to record his cargo before he was lost from scanners. When he undocked he claimed to have no knowledge of the Nomad Licensing rules, nor did he know he was smuggling. After a lengthy discussion, involving me giving him a 2million Credit fine, and then impounding his vessel for failure to pay the aforementioned fine, he ran.. they all run.


Myself, Puck[M], John_Cabot[M] and Emperor_Norton, followed. Outnumbered against two Liberty Cruisers and Two Kusari Destroyers, the smuggler ran, all the way to Omicron-91.

After chasing the smuggler from Omicron-91 to Omicron Gamma several times and Engaging twice the inevitable happened. My already short H-Fuel supplies ran out ((RL called me)). Current situation of the chase is unknown. Mercenaries should report conclusion

End Transmission