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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Snow - 10-17-2011

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Pilot ID: Ens.David Crowley
Location: New London
Subject: Combat/Patrol report

Good evening Admirals.

Today i started my patrol in the New London system, when i had patroled the whole system i decided to check on the Leeds system.
When i came to planet Leeds everything was quiet and peaceful, as it should be.
So i decided to scout the Kusarians front lines. But was discovered by two Naval forces pilots who where talking to an AI about the meaning of life or something like that. And since i am a member of her Majesty's Armed forces, i could not ignore them. It's my duty to rid the realm of her enemys.
Then a Naval pilot stepped forward and challenged me. Luckily they fight honorably and only one of them came at me. As Leeds is rightfully ours i couldnt let them take me down and fought with all i had.
After some hard fighting, I finally got the killing blow on the Kusarian as shown in the guncam.
#Guncam 1

While we were fighting a third KNF appeared, but they didnt engage while we were fighting.
After the destruction of the first KNF, one of his wingmen attacked with just seconds in between.
As my ship had taken considerable damage during my first with with these pilots, i doubted that i would survive another fight, since my CD's were about to run out and only 9 bots to go.
Even if this was the case. I decided to stay and fight these intruders.
And after some heavy fighting, I made the killing blow, wich is shown by my guncam.
#Guncam 2

But the threat wasnt over, since there still was an Naval forces pilot left.
And i knew i couldnt fight him with my ship barely holding together from the two fight.
But a freelancer was in the area and asked if he could be of assistance. And that's luck in pure form, the freelancers call sign was : Scott.Koutras.
So i asked him to take care of the last naval pilot who where flying an bomber vessel.
The naval forces pilot call sign was: [KNF]Ci.Yuuto.Ito'.
But after some jousts between those two, one SNAC from the naval pilot found it's way to scott's hull and destroyed his ship. I tracktored him to my hold, while expecting the naval pilot to come for me next.
But he turned away, probably since his ship had taken too much damage from his fight with Scott.
After this i noticed there was an AI ship close by. I hailed it and it explained that it just wanted a few gold bars, " for personal use". And since it had shown no signs of hostility towards any humans, i decided to help it out, so it could be on it's way. So i escorted him to the Dublin system and dropping of Scott on planet New London while we passed by. I took the AI to battleship Hood and asked the boys there if i could get some samples of gold. After some discussion with them, they handed me some samples. Wich i then gave to the AI, it seemed gratefull and was on it's way.
I then proceeded to patrol Cambridge and Manchester, wich was clear of any threats.
I then docked on planet New London, to write this report.


David Crowley signing out.

*** Transmission ended ***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-17-2011


Source - Battleship Norfolk
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

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[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: Patrol Report

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Afternoon,

A report from this morning, I launched from the Suffolk to begin my usual patrol, when I came across two outcasts near Kensington, callsigns, Enrico.Salada and Juan.Covas. Both were piloting Falcata bombers. As I had seen these outcasts previously in other parts of Bretonia, I asked if they were aware of the treaty in place between Bretonia and the Outcasts. However, they decided rather than answering me, to attack. A foolish gesture, there bombers hindered them and allowed me to get behind, I first destroyed Juan.Covas, with the death of his friend, the other, Enrico.Salada decided to retreat into the Cornwall Astroid Field.

Deciding to let him go, I returned to the Suffolk and got the Engineers there to quickly repair the minor damage to my Templar and resumed my patrol, heading for Cambridge. I was passing Planet Cambridge when a passing trader, SS|Olympia informed me that an Outcast was near the lane going to the Norfolk. I made with all haste towards the Norfolk and found the Outcast, and low and behold it was Enrico.Salada. Fortunately for him, when I came on scanners he immediately made a beeline for the Omega 5 Jump Hole in the Grasmere Ice Cloud.

With that, I finished my patrol in Cambridge and decided to dock on the Norfolk and sign off.

[Attached Files: **]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 10-18-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Subject: Promotion Request]
G'Day Admirals, today my fourth official patrol is ended successfully and I think the time is right to ask for my first promotion.
1. I have over ten hours of flight in space
2. A good level of attitude.
3. Four patrol reports counting this one.

Bernard Brown
Bretonian Armed Forces

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-18-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Ensign Bernard Brown, you are known member of the armed forces with good status so far:
- 10 hours of Flight Time
- 4 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (3)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#FF6600]Lieutenant
without hesitation.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 10-19-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Subject: RE:Promotion]

"Salutes" Admiral Piett, I won't let you down. For Crown, Bretonian people I serve.

Bernard Brown
Bretonian Armed Forces

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 10-19-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leeds]
[CommID: Commander Charles.Davis]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 8249421472571050.jpg]

Greetings sirs and Ma'ams *salutes*. Yesterday I received a call from a Liberty Navy officer Commander about nomads that have entered Bretonia space I imidietly launched my fighter to check it out after a full sweep of the Leeds system I found nothing but when I entered the lane to Edinburgh gate I found 3 Nomad class gunboats and 1 fighters. What was their purpose there its not known. But I called in my reinforcement's. And I engaged what seemed to be their only fighter after a short brawl with it may I say it showed quite the skill a skill that matched mine even beyond me.

After a Secondary Fleet vessel arrived the Nomad gunboats opened fire on us. We were under Fire from the Nomad Gunboats and fighter for 2 mins before the secondary pilot ship was destroyed got the pod on time. But I was left alone for some time against those odds but I managed to hold till a LSF agent came to support me as well as some mercs and Pilots from the Armed forces. I setup a target and we all engaged them. The nomad gunboats fall like every single gunboat we meet. Give it enough fighters to shoot it and it blows like a Kusarian running away to stokes (he laughs).

After we drained one of the gunboats the Order arrived. Well they took their time but they engaged the nomad threat with us. After the the Nomads were all gone I pointed my guns towards the Order agents even if they helped us they have be punished for their crimes they did back in the early stages of the 800-801 AS war. The LSF agent went back to Liberty after the nomads were gone cause I asked him to do it. The Order agents while being shot at claimed they were neutral to the crown and that we have betrayed them. I am not aware of any cease fire between the Queen's Armed forces and Police and the Order.

Also I recommend to High Command to approve the putting of more sensor beacons around the Magellan hole. Cause this force of Nomads latterly passed most of Leeds undetected.

Davis out

Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-19-2011


Source - Battleship Suffolk
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

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[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: Patrol Report

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Morning,

Another patrol report, launched from the Norfolk and aside from the odd Corsair trying the circumvent the Cambridge Line, the system was quiet, I tractored in a few of their pods and dropped them off on Cambridge, they'll be on the next prison convoy to Newgate. With that, I carried on New London and quickly patrolled the system, which aside from the usual Molly attacks on London and a few Corsair patrols, was uneventful.

I continued to Manchester, where I passed the odd trader and headed to Newgate to deliver some Mollys and other miscreants who were rotting inside my cargo bay. I'm sure they'll enjoy their stay on Newgate. On my way back from Newgate, heading towards Sheffield Station, I came across a pirate on the lanes, callsign, Vindicate, who seemed to be working on his own. I demanded he leave Bretonian Space at once and drop some BPA pilots he had in his hold. He refused and decided attacking me was a wise course of action.

Like a coward, he tried to flee when he started to lose. Of course, the Queen's justice accounts in all balance. I prevented him from fleeting and destroyed him. Unfortunately, I couldn't detect whether he ejected or not. With that, I decided to return to the Suffolk and sign of.

[Attached Files: **]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-20-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Greetings Fleet Admiral Ralston.
I have promised to you something and here I am after one and half week to inform you that the second project is finished. You can find everything here in this folder.

[Image: Democratic-Alliance-Top-Secret-Document.png]

I hope you will be pleased with these efforts and results.

Yours Admiral Firmus Piett
Commander of the West Fleets

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 10-20-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

[font=Garamond]"Bernard stretched on the bed" I'm sorry but I will report from this posture. Last patrol drained my body energy to zero. I guess start will be in Leeds where Captain Winters and I meet, sun side of planed Leeds is beautiful... That was my last thoughts, because Cpt.Winter took everything under his command.

"Cpt.Winter formations in online 100% and we are ready to leave"

Our destination was Dublin system, informations from "Headquarters" shown Reaver and Corsair activity near New London jump gate. On the sight I heard one reaver speaking "Armed forces? We are always doing your job" provoking us verbally, I expected a fight and indeed they were there for one. Like always I saw big mess in one second and fight began, all I heard were orders from my Captain Winter and back there he was my only hope. On my personal luck and the luck of the team we drove them to the Molly base where few of them seek help. Did I said few? Yes because others fall fighting Winters strong tactic.

After successful patrol we had back to battleship Essex where we received orders about new threat, Kusarian organization "Avangers" is planning to strike on the crown in order to kill growing economy of Bretonia. We found them near jump hole to Leeds and of course strike them, two Avangers fall really fast and one was razored by my main gun. One Hogosha was still out there, and I got orders from Captain to eliminate it. While my fight I saw Winters in fight with one Corsair. Unfortunately he was forced to dock for repairs because his ship survived several hull breaches, I was alone with Ensign Jones who managed to gain control of situation with good fighting skills. Same story, we got some of them and others escaped with threatening messages.

Evidence that I will upload, evidence are just my view of the fight and some parts will miss.

Evidence No.1: Open
Evidence No.2: Open
Evidence No.3: Open

Bernard Brown
Bretonian Armed Forces

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 10-20-2011

Comm ID: Lt. James Barett
Target: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Report for Today

I started my patrol from the Derby, heading towards New London. There was notrhing of note to report apart from the occasional Molly patrol. I arrived at the Norfolk in Cambridge some time later and took an assignment to pass the time. On the way back, I noted a Nomad on my scanner, heading towards the Omega-3 Jump Gate. I decided not to follow.
James Barett, signing off.
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix