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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Snow - 10-21-2011

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[Image: DTNNewsBritishMinistryofDefenceMoDDec1120094.jpg]

[color=#FF0000]Pilot ID: Ens.David Crowley
Location: Planet New London
Subject: Patrol/Combat report

Good evening Admirals.
I began my patrol from battleship Essex. When i got out my scanners picked up strange signals, so i went there to get a better look at what it was.
There i discovered this as shown by the guncam:


The blue ships didnt feel like the were built by humans, there's something really wrong with those.
And i dont even think they are human to begin with, their speech is heard inside your brain and it feels like youre having an headache. Frankly i was unsure what to do in this situation, but i decided that they are an threat just like anything else that might threaten Bretonia and engaged them.
The Corsair cruiser that were fighting them already got destroyed. Leaving the "things" to focus on another target.
I got close enough to the "things" big ship, i think you could call it a capital ship and took a guncam shot of it, as shown in the guncam:


As you can see there's nothing human with this ship or creature. It somewhat pulses and it's weaponry is too advanced to be of Kusari or any other house origin. Wich is quite troubling.
There were two lighter crafts of them "things" wich started to fire on me and i must say that their technology is superior, but i managed to lose their interest in me and they aimed for one of the freelancers that were


An Bounty Hunter also showed up and started to fight against the blue things, unfortunatly he was shot down
by them after a long time of fighting.


The battle raged for quite awhile, even innocent traders that just came trough the jump gate to Dublin were destroyed. They eventually were pushed out. But to me it seemed more that they were just done with what they came for. About when the enemy forces had disappeared, Lt.Layla Clay joined up with me. I briefed her lightly about what had happend. There were also an kind of odd individual that seemed hell bent on fighting us, his call sign is: Halo
But as i were to engage him another showed up and sneak attacked my target. I stood down and let them handle it. Turned out they were both pirates, dont know the exact reason for this engagement.
The one with the callsign Halo was eventually the winner, but had taken heavy damage and fled the field.

Then Ens.H.Walton joined us aswell. And Lt.Layla ordered an patrol to be done.
We started with Leeds system that were clear. We monitored the traffic for awhile aswell.
Lt.Layla then ordered me to check Manchester and Ens.Walton to Cambridge.
Both systems were found clear and as we returned to New London system, we got told that an KNF had taken 50 bretonians as hostages and demanded 2 million as ransom for their freedom.
As the Lieutenant had no other choice but to buy them out, since it would be to dangerous to open fire on the Kusarians ship. I then docked on planet New London to have my ship repaired and write this report.


David Crowley

[color=#FF0000]*** End of transmission ***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 10-21-2011

[font=Agency FB]~~~~Stream detected~~~~

**Uploading data**

[color=#FFFFFF]Source: Battleship Derby
ID: Lieutenant Layla Clay
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: Report

[font=Garamond]Good morning admirality,

Reporting from my late shift last night.

I undocked from battleship Essex where I found Ensign Crowely in a harsh crosstalk with a certain individual called Halo`. As Crowely already reported Halo` was suddenly involved in a fight with another unknown ship upon our intention to engage him. Badly damaged he vanished shortly after he had shot his opponent. Upon the appearance of Ensign Walton, I decided to start a patrol into New London and Leeds. With both systems being seemingly clear, I ordered Corwely to patrol Manchester and Walton to look after Manchester. I soon received a message on a private channel from an unknown hostile Kusari ship. Apparently, he held about 50 Bretonian citizens to ransom in his cargo hold. It was pretty clear, the ricemuncher demanded 2 millions for the release of the prisoners. Knowingly that this might be a nasty trap, I headed alone to the arranged loaction in Leeds for the reputed handover. In the event, it was neither a bluff, nor a trap. A Kusari Gunboat , holding several Police Pilots and Armed Forces officers, as well as a few civilians, was waiting there all alone. I deemed it to be the right thing to pay the sum in order to release the captives. All of them being in more or less good healthy condition have been sent to the medical station on battleship Derby afterwards.

Shortly after that incident, we received a call from the newly commissioned Prison Liner Glasshouse for a meeting in the orbit of Planet New London. Together with Ensign Walton, I escorted the Glasshouse on its way to Dundee with a payload of Light Arms for the Border Station, followed by an prisoner transport from the Stirling to Newgate in Manchester. After this swift and luckily flawless continued flight me and the Glasshouse signed off at Planet New London.

In service to the Queen and the Homeland,

[font=Edwardian Script ITC]
L. Clay

[color=#FFCC66][font=Agency FB]**Upload complete**

~~~~Stream closed~~~~

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Juzt156 - 10-21-2011

+++Incoming Transmition+++
+++ID: Ensign Kian Williams+++
+++Security: High+++
[Image: KWilliams.jpg]

Greetings to the Amiralty,

I have returned to active duty, since and injury kept me from returning to the Armed Forces, it feels good to be back.

My Report actually begins, from the moment I launched from Sailsbury. I detected a vessel, bearing the esignation Aethen and a Liberty Navy IFF. When challanged the Vessel immediatly departed claiming it had made a wrong turn. This vessel could warrant watching in the future.

[Image: BAFreport1.png]

I then, patrolled through various systems before arriving back in New London, where I discovered are rather vocal Gian Gunship bearing the name Talon's.Embrace. It had been pirating the trade lane to the Manchester Jump Gate. I enganged it, but in a Templar the fight was unlikly to go my way, a civilian bomber apeared, Anthony.Wilson and assiseted me, I was then also joined be Ensign Crowley, and we sucessfully defeated the Gunship together.

[Image: BAFreport2.png]

I then returned to Sailsbury with Ensign Crowley.

I hope that this report is satisfactory

Your Obident servant,

Ensign Kian Williams

+++Transmission Terminated

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Snow - 10-21-2011

*** Incoming transmission ***
[color=#FF0000]***.....Decrypting............. ***
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[Image: DTNNewsBritishMinistryofDefenceMoDDec1120094.jpg]
[color=#FF0000]Pilot ID: Ens.David Crowley
Location:Battleship Derby

Good evening Admirals *salutes* .
I would like to present myself for an promotion from Ensign to Lieutenant.
As i believe i have completed the tasks necessary for the rank of lieutenant.

First: I have 29 hours of flight time
Second: Completed 7 patrol reports
Third: Attidue level of 4

I hope this is enough information to reach an decision

David Crowley

[color=#FF0000]*** End of transmission ***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 10-22-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

[Image: 29x6v6b.png]
[Image: 95ves5.gif]

Ensign David Crowley, you are known member of the armed forces with good status so far:
- 29 hours of Flight Time
- 7 patrol reports
- A good level of attitude (3)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#FF6600]Lieutenant
without hesitation.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 10-22-2011

[Image: James_Layton_Ralston.jpg]

Admiral Firmus Piett

I am pleased to inform you that Cabinet has approved you for a National Service Medal, which as you know is awarded to Armed Forces or Bretonian Police personnel or Bretonian citizens who make substantial financial donations to the war effort.

This on account of your recent private efforts to add to our fleet.

Which efforts can only help to speed our eventual victory.

We shall schedule the ceremony within a week.

Trusting the above is sufficiently clear,

Fleet Admiral James Ralston.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 10-22-2011


Source - Battleship Ark Royal
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Received...
Transmission Decrypted...
Opening Message...

[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: Alien vessel in Chester

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening,

Well, I started my regular patrol by launching from the Suffolk immediately headed towards Leeds to enforce the Embargo and help fight off the usual KNF incursions. While doing so, a passing trader coming from Newcastle informed me that a strange ship was in Newcastle near the Barrier Ice Cloud. I recieved permission from the Captain of the Ark Royal and headed to Newcastle to investigate this strage ship.

I arrived in Newcastle and made with all haste towards the Ice cloud, while searching the Ice Cloud, I came across a Molly Base nestled inside, Mull Station. It was defended by three weapons platforms. No doubt this is where all the Mollys are striking from in Newcastle, with the exception of Belfast. After a good 20 minutes of patrolling the Ice Cloud looking for this strange ship, I found it, callsign Shar'ru, near the Jump Hole to the barren Chester system.

I decided to follow it through to Chester and chased it through Chester, the alien seemed 'disturbed' by my presence, but never attacked me. I followed this alien vessel into a particle cloud where I came across a very large alien object, I believe it was a space station. I tried to scan this alien space station, but I got no vaulable data. The alien ship quickly docked on the space station and then launched a made threatening moves towards me, it was clearly distressed and I decided to destroy it as its intentions clearly were not benign.

I engaged and after a brief dogfight, the alien vessel was destroyed I decided to get out of there before any more of these strange vessels appeared. I headed back to Newcastle and docked on the Ark Royal to sign off and make this report.

[Attached Files: *******************]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Encrypted
Closing Message...

[color=#CC0000]-( END TRANSMISSION )-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 10-22-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Subject: Arrival at the Center]
G'Day Doctor Natasi Daala,
You told me that it would be wise to visit you "SRC", I chose to spare one day without my personal fighter and to distance myself from patrols but not because I want to give up! I'm just using my free day in some useful matters. I arrived at 09:00PM SMT and I'm unpacking my stuff in private room I just got from "Uhmm from from", I didn't remember his name I guess. So, as I was saying I'm in my private room unpacking my stuff and preparing to sleep because I need rest after not so long trip to this center, I thing you will take all necessary moves from here?

Bernard Brown
Bretonian Armed Forces

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 10-26-2011


Comm ID: Lt. James Barett
Target: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Report for today

After setting off from the Norfolk, I headed to New London via Cardiff, finding nothing to report. However, between the other side of the Jump Gate and Kensington, the tradelane was disrupted by three Corsair light fighters. I engaged them and captured all their pilots, taking them to New London for dropoff. I am now onboard the Suffolk.
Lt. Barett, signing off.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 11-02-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

After patrol in New London system where I found corsair on the lanes to the one BMM station who was obviously waiting for his victim and also his rage was on critical level. Didn't actually work on his side, of course he tried eliminate me in my own kingdom and fight started on his initiative. I had not much time for dialogue.

Fight wasn't on my side and I started to lose badly, I had several hull breaches on my ship and slowly my oxygen drained to the minimum level. My body reacted on it and I lost control over the situation, thanks to one bounty hunter "Ronald Greer" which gave me nanobots and actually save my life in that fight.

Evidence No.1: Open

Bernard Brown
Bretonian Armed Forces