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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 01-09-2010

Transmission to: SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades, it has come to my attention that members of the Glorious Revolution have been exhibiting strange and counter-revolutionary behaviour. This concerns me, and anything that concerns me should really concern you

I dont think that I have to remind you that all members of the Revolution, from the highest Admiral to the lowest recruit, are subject at all times to the will of the commissariat. I, of course, am the titular and very real commander of that force, as I am of every facet of the glorious revolution, and I will not tolerate this!

Any member, from this point forward, who exhibits behaviour or voices opinions counter to the revolution, shall be summarily executed. Any officer of the coalition who places his own livelihood above the good of the revolution shall be executed. Any soldier who is believed by his superiors to be an agent of the enemy, to harbour the ideals and propagandas of the foe, or to display anything other than his best in the defeat of the capitalist dogs, shall be put down like the cowardly scum he is.

I am not in the habit of giving warnings, but for some reason today I am feeling lenient. This is your only warning.

As a token of my regards for those scum within our midst, I am making Captain Totenkopt, Commander of the Recon Squadron, a Commissar, in addition to his other duities. Recon Squadron shall become the instrument through which he observes you, and the instruments of your destruction, should you fail. Do not fail.

For the Revolution! McIntosh out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - NixOlympica - 01-10-2010

[font=Impact]ID: SCRA Alexandra "Jail Bird" Volkova, СКРA Александра "заключенный птица" Волкова
Location: O-52, Zvezdny Gorodok, Звёздный городок
Target ID: SCRA High Command

Greetings comrades,

yesterday we have got order from our dear Commissar-Commander Katz to scout Nomad territory.

I was on this mission with Lt.Cmd Lanakov and Lieutenant Aliabiev. I was docking at planet Toledo, so we had meeting at Freeport 11 in Omicron Delta. After 5 minutes of waiting I was attacked by 5 nomad fighters. That fools thought that they can kill me. But I showed them power of my Kalashnikovs. After destroying their ships I tracktored that things called ''Nomads".

After while Comrade Lanakov and Aliabiev came and we started our scouting mission. Our target was thing called "Ravine" in Omicron 99. Way there is thru Omicron Iota.

We were attacked many times, but we destroyed every agressor.

Then we have arrived to Omicron 99

We found our target in that Nebula.

I setted up auto-camera mod here are another pictures.

I have found something what should be engine.

After that I found this purple ray from Ravine structure. I can not explain purpose of this thing

Here we can see The Ravine's laser

After that we were attack by huge fleet of Nomad bombers and fighters.

Here is a picture from fight.

After that I spotted Nomad structure called "Alien jump gate".

Then we have finished our scan and turned back. But we were attacked by another fleet and they forced as to go close sun. We were badly damaged and I lost shield and guns. Lt.Commander Lanakov helped me to get out of there. Then we setted waypoint to Omega 52 without pitstop.

After that I have transfered our Nomad "friends" to CPW-Gdanks. They will be studied.
After that it was necessary to use SDRT (SunDive Repair Technology). SDRT worked and now we are with Commander Lanakov ready for another missions.

Unfortunaetly I was kicked through space back to Planet Toldedo.

*small pause when Volkova is talking with bartender*

They don't have vodka here!

I will be in Omega 52 in 2 hours

Volkova out

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-10-2010

Dirty spies

I deleted the post. The "spy's" message is gone

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 01-10-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Vicenta Gonzalez, Provost Marshal's Office
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station

Comrades, the Provost Marshal's Office has traced the offending signal and I have authorised a team of Marines dispatched to the spy's location. He will think twice before trying to hack into our secure networks again! Oh, no he won't. Because he will be executed for his crimes against the Coalition.

Viva la revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Andrew_Bonesovich - 01-10-2010

***Incoming transmission***
[Image: 2cfuydw.png]
***ID: Lt. Mikhail "Beagle" Petrov***
***Subject: Intruder***

Today, when on ordinary patrol trough Omega systems, I found an intruder in Omega 52.

[Image: 4hxt8w.png]

He didn't respond to my requests to stop. I gave him multiple chances to comply, even. After stopping him myself, he opened fire, so I returned the favor and he was blasted to pieces in a short period of time.

[Image: 6gbic8.png]

Apart from this, the patrol was smooth and nothing really interesting happened. Our comrades from the RHA had some problems with cannibal gunboats, but before I managed to get my bomber out, they were done with them.

Whole Omegas were crawling with Corsairs as always, but without any serious support, I wasn't able to do much about it.

Lt. Mikhail Petrov,
Recon Three

*** End of transmission ***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-12-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Commander Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 CPW-Trotsky СРЩ-Трoцкий

TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

[Image: Katzscomm.jpg]

It was determined that our recent intelligence data on Omicron Alpha has been woefully neglected. And eager to update our Recon database, Lt. Commander Razin and I endeavored to set out to complete an age old Coalition Rite of Passage, the Hispania Run.

This is where elements of the Fighter wing proceed to input their names into the log recorder secreted aboard the Hispania back when the ship was sabotaged by the founding members of the SCRA.

This is a log of great historical value, the names of our greatest leaders are recorded there.

It is valuable, Comrades, to return to the roots of our cause, to touch and lay a hand upon that old steel beast that one of the Alliances last, desperate, attempt to escape the Coalition.

[Image: screen135.jpg]

I have accomplished this task, and I challenge any member of the Fighter Corps to do the same.

The Hispania is our forebears Legacy, we are that legacy made flesh. The Will of the People, the Peoples Militia. Let none doubt your resolve.

Lt. Commander Razin and I have both inputted our names into that log recorder, and did so while the Outcasts scrambled desperately to stop us.

We even managed to declair that the system be renamed Bjorn-i-vostok, and Malta be renamed St. Luis-Berg but the local inhabitants, desperately scrambling Capital class vessels to stop us, were not fond of these new names.

It is of no consequence. The task was completed, and we have returned. Now it is down to you, the next generation of the Coalition to make that journey, remembering the ideals that brought you this far, those same ideals that will carry you forward.


Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Командир Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Andrew_Bonesovich - 01-12-2010

***Incoming transmission***
[Image: 2cfuydw.png]
***ID: Lt. Mikhail "Beagle" Petrov, Recon Three***
***Subject: Recon mission report***

Zdravstvuytie. Prepare yourself for a long one, comrades.

After reading Comissar-Commander's Katz report and recommendation regarding the Hispania, I took off and flown all the way to Alpha to see and lay my hand on Hispania myself too. I didn't knew what all was I going to experience there.

The first obstacle, the huge minefield in Eta, was quite easy to beat. I've found a narrow passage trough the field, and flown trough easily. I documented this and marked it on the navmap, in case someone doesn't know where it is. It might be handy in the future.

Here you can see a wreckage of something. Might help your orientation when you're trying to find the passage.

Here is the map.

After entering Alpha, I was lucky at first. No one noticed me, they had a bounty hunter to shoot, and whole Alpha was hunting for him. I took the ship straight for the Hispania. Well, not straight. I've flown under standard radar range and approached from below. Then my luck left me. Unfortunately, the hunter and the outcasts were fighting just near the Hispania, which didn't allow any silent approach to the target. Rushing in in a Partisan wouldn't end up well, so I had to wait a while.

After a few minutes, I tried my luck. It seemed like that the space around the wreck is clear now. But as I approached closer, scanners started showing contacts and I had to withdraw. The photo shows how close I got.

The Outcasts who detected me alerted all their forces, and knowing our previous visit, they started guarding the area around Hispania. I quickly ran away, and started my secondary goal - mapping the system and it's defenses as much as possible.

This was in the very end before my leave. Wondering what is that Omicron 82 hole? Da, that's the most important and most interesting part, I'll get to that point soon.

I tried my luck and contacted the Outcasts over system comms, asking for any jumphole out. More different ways for retreating can be useful, and I wasn't sure if I have them all. One of the Outcasts, D.Jameson, recommended a certain sector - E2.


I knew it could be a trap, but I carefully travelled there regardless. I found nothing at first, but after coming closer, my scanners detected a slightly unstable jumphole. I took a deep breath and jumped trough.

The first thing I noticed was energy weapon fire landing on my shield from various directions so I've gone evasive. Those Weapon Platforms were bearing signal very similar to Phantom one. This caught my attention. As soon as I was out of their range, I started exploring the deep, dark space. The radiation, asteroids and nebula wasn't very nice to my scanners and guncam - That's why the shots are quite bad quality.

The nasty radiation nearly convinced me to turn around the ship which was getting damaged, when I stumbled upon something big. One huge rock, deep in the dark, surrounded by many weapon platforms.

It wasn't just a rock though, there was a huge base of unknown origin inside. Because of the defenses, I didn't dare to go closer. Many Phantom Weapon platforms around suggest that the base might be theirs. If we are to make ourselves sure, I suggest a few more organized Recon wing missions into the system. There was no Phantom ship activity in the system at the time, the base might have been just abandoned with automatic defenses left online.

As soon as I left the hellish place, I've set course for the nearest jumphole out of Alpha. Confused by what I've seen just a while back, I didn't pay enough attention and one Outcast noticed me. He got too close and I couldn't escape from his range. Surprisingly, he didn't want to shoot me - He gave me suggestion to exchange information. I took the chance, and tried to make him tell me more than I told him, which I think I succeeded at.

He seems to know a lot about Phantoms, and suggested giving us some info. They are apparently neighboring with them, which again, proves my theory that Omicron 82 is Phantom-controlled. I don't know how much he can be trusted, but he certainly knows something.

I continued on conversation with him. It was very, very long. I've recorded most of it, and chosen a few parts of his speech which I thought are interesting. If anyone of the higher command wants full version, I'm ready to send you the whole huge amount of data.

In the end, he gave me something that I could call a "gift". He claimed it might be useful for our scientists to gather more information about Phantoms. I honestly don't know if that is true - but the package wasn't rigged by any cameras or spy systems, so I took it to our labs.

The way back was quite calm. He even didn't stop me from leaving. Either he's totally stupid, or has some motives I don't understand. Either way, this concludes my report. I hope the information provided will be useful.

Oh, and I swear I'll finish my touch-the-Hispania mission later, really.

Lt. Mikhail Petrov,
Recon Three

*** End of transmission ***

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Herastean - 01-12-2010

Incomming transmission
From : Lieutenant Yuri Aliabiev / Gold 10
To : SCRA high command

Priviet comrads, today I've take my Insurgent and make a patrol in the O-3 and O-7 systems, for 30 minuts thoses systems was safe, but an ALG pilot have been attacked by a corsair gunboat, and I encounter 2 HAF corsairs but they don't engage me. I was Unable to help the civilians with my ship but the pilot docked on a space station who saved him and his crew. I requested a Revolution bomber who have been accorded to me, I will now try to take down thoses damned gunboats.

I've also discuss with that ALG pilot, it seems that the civilians are not aware yet that we are not a scourge for them but an hope. I tried to explain him but he stayed on his positions, but he seems to don't be against our way of think, he just doubt on the way to apply it. I also patroled in O-52, nothing to report.

I think that we need to prevent the civilians that SCRA is not their enemies, corsairs are, outcast are, pirates are, not us. I hope to be on duty with my comrades soon.

To the next patrol comrades, for a red dawn!

Lieutenant Yuri Aliabiev, Gold 10, Over.

Ending transmission... Over.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 01-12-2010

Transmission to: SCRA Fighter Corps
Comm ID: Commissar-Captain Totenkopt, Recon Squadron
Thought of the Day: Purge yourself, before you cleanse the Enemy.

Comrades, I am proud to promote to the rank of Lieutenant Commander Comrades Mikhail Petrov, Vicenta Gonzalez, and Stenka Razin. Wear your new rank and responsibilities with pride, as you have earned it with your dedication to the Revolution.

From this moment forward, it shall be a requirement of the Recon squadron to hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Should any of our current officers wish to join, I may be willing to accept applications in private. Should you hold any commission as a Commissar, that distinction will be stripped from you. I am the only Commissar, you shall be stripped of that, as I am the only Commissar in Recon. You shall be my agents, but I shall direct you.

Now, carry on with your current assignments, but remember your special orders comrades, I will not tolerate failure.

For the Revolution! Totenkopt out.

Transmission Ended

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 01-12-2010

Transmission to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral McIntosh

Comrades, all requests for new fighter or capital ship IFF transponders must go through me. That is all.

Transmission Ended