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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Printable Version

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RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Wolverine518 - 02-11-2022

Full name: Jurgen Fischer
Brief biography: Born on Planet Hamburg, Jurgen's father was part of the Rheinland military and was part of it during the Nomad War. He went MIA afterwards and hasn't ben heard from since. Jurgen heard about him form his mother and his military friends about how good of a person and a pilot he was. This inspired Jurgen to enlist a few years ago and he has served with diligence.
Age: 30
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: Nothing spectacular

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
Wanted to serve as his father did


German knowledge level will not affect your application): Very basic German

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: English is my main language so should be fine

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): Within the last few years was a civil war that was recently resolved and are still dealing with criminals such as Red Hessians, Bundshuch, and others

Link to your reports: None

Reason for joining?:been playing freelancer for years and got into disco about 2 years ago and wanted to try out some Rheindland stuff

Your Discord Name: Wolverine518#9320

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 02-12-2022

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Kaiserreich Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Herr Jürgen Fischer
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag Herr Fischer,

The Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it, and you are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet under probation status with the rank of Flieger. Carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself much honor!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Flieger, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Ulon - 02-15-2022

I am honored and humbled to hand in my formal application to join your ranks.

Werner Roth

Full name: Werner Roth
Brief biography:
800-821 Early Life
Born 20th of February 800 on planet "Stuttgart", district "Neu-Hessen", city "Siemensheim". Grew up and lived in rural areas until 817. Completion of Secondary Education in "Heidelberg-Weinheim." Brief study of Economics and Law, including 1-year study abroad in Bretonia and Kusari (6 months respectively), before enrollment in "Clausewitz-Akademie der Rheinwehr" in 821, during the on-going war against Liberty.
821-823 War with Liberty
Specialization in Logistics, Successful participation in "Premature Course-Conclusion" program to favor quick deployment. Participation for 18 Months in Naval Logistics as part of "Logistikflotte 3" as "Seekadett", no combat encounters.
823-827 Peacetime / War with Kusari
Successful Enrollment in "Sonder-Flugakademie der Rheinwehr" on planet New Berlin following peace agreement in 823. Completion of courses graduation with honors in 825, too late to see deployment in War with Kusari. Assignment to numerous fighter patrol groups in late 825-827. Participation in minor skirmishes with Red Hessians and Unioners in Dresden, Frankfurt and Stuttgart. Reached rank of "Oberfähnrich/Leading Ensign", pending CO promotion.
827-829 Civil War
Discontinuation of military service during the outbreak of Rheinland Civil War, membership and work for "Veteranen- und Zivilverein zur Aussöhnung und Heilung Rheinlands (VZA)" [Veteran and Civil Society for Reconciliation and Healing of Rhineland] until late 829.
829 Re-enlistment
Re-enlistment in Rheinwehr in early 829 at the starting rank of "Soldat/Flieger". Deployments in Cologne and Frankfurt Systems in late January and February.
Age: 29
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr:
Single-handed defeat of a fighter platoon of "Unione Corse" ships in Cologne in January 829;
Several Skirmishes against Red Hessian ships in Cologne, Frankfurt and Dresden;
Discovery and subsequent pursue of Bretonian Military trespasser in Frankfurt, February 829 under the supervision of Großadmiral von Thielau.

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
Serving the People of Rhineland; Achieving Honor for the Emperor, Rheinwehr, Family and the House of Rhineland

German knowledge: Native

English knowledge: Proficient.

Other languages: Partial knowledge of French and Japanese, which I continue to train, so that I can speak all House languages. 6-year study of Latin during secondary education and law studies.

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland?: Dealing with the aftermath of the Civil War, Liberty-Rhineland War. Focus on consolidation and fighting against criminal and subversive elements. Protection of newly secured trade route with Gallia.

Link to your reports: See after-action report by Großadmiral von Thiele, 15th of February.

Reason for joining?: New to Freelancer Discovery, Veteran in the Space-Game Genre and MP-RP

Your Discord Name: Ulon#1848

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 02-15-2022

[Image: i7cKCjD.png]
Source: Schlachtschiff Kaiserstolz
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Großadmiral Karl-Heinz von Thielau
Recipant: Roth, Werner
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag Herr Roth.

Since we've already talked in space about your application, it was handeled with priority.

The Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it. Carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself much honor!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

Since you have been part of the Rheinwehr secondary fleet and we met each other in space where I saw that you have been well trained and I think you are able to lead squadrons, I will hereby announce the following;

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Leutnant, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Karl-Heinz von Thielau, Erzherzog zu Stuttgart
Großadmiral der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr
Governor of Stuttgart
[Image: YISHxEs.png][Image: BAksLYE.png]

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - elias_oriley - 04-07-2022

Full name: Robert Braun
Brief biography:
Robert Braun was born in New Berlin. He grew up in a small town and decided to become a miner at a young age.
He worked in this profession for 10 years. Due to the continuous attacks on him and his colleagues by pirates in the Thuringia sector, he decided that something had to change.
So he decided to join the Imperial Rhine Army.
Age: 32
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: None

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
Für Kaiser, Volk und Haus!


German knowledge level will not affect your application): Motherlanguage

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Level is good. Played on a bunch of english RP Servers.

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection):
Know the standart Lore. But to be honest im a bit overloaded with the whole Forum stuff.

Link to your reports: None

Reason for joining?: Played Freelancer for hours when I was a kid and allways wanted to be part of rheinland army

Your Discord Name: R.Braun

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - elias_oriley - 04-07-2022

Sorry postet it double, dont know how to delete it.

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - MathiasCZR - 05-07-2022

Full name: Alois.Derman
Brief biography: Transport Industry for Dauman Heavy Construction. Previous Military Service in the RM.
Age: 37
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: I served with pride and joy on behalf of the Rheinwehr against the Liberty Navy during the war.

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
I previously served and reached the rank of Hauptmann during the war. Years of fighting and war fatigue had taken their toll on me. And the conclusion of the war with Liberty left me at odds with those in High Command about the decisions that were made in the conflict. Such disagreements lead to more...volatile arguments between myself and other officers. In the end to avoid any more calamities and to clear my head an agreement was reached to grant me an honorable discharge from military service. Though this action was supposed to give me some reprieve, it only served to marked me in shame. Now at now last I seek to return and rejoin the ranks amongst my fellow comrades and set things right! Civilian life never suited me anyway.


German knowledge level will not affect your application): Moderate

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Yes

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): ***The war with Liberty is over. But now Rheinland is facing many internal threats that seek to destabilize everything from within. The Hessians and many other pirate and political organizations are a threat that can no longer be ignored.

Link to your reports:

Reason for joining?: Old Veteran

Your Discord Name: MathiasCZR01#5152

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 05-07-2022

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Kaiserreich Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Herren Derman, Alois und Braun, Robert
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag die Herren.

Herr Braun, the Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT it. You are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet under probation status with the rank of Flieger.

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for training and assignment - follow your flight Offiziers' instructions closely and they will bring you back to base safe, sound and victorious.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Flieger, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Herr Derman, the Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT your re integration into our ranks. You are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet again under probation status with the rank of Kapitänleutnant. Carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself as much honor as before!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for re-assignment - follow your superior Offiziers' instructions closely to get up to date again.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Kapitänleutnant, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Lukas - 05-20-2022

Full name: Lukas Mayer
Brief biography: Born on planet New Berlin, from a modest family, saw military career as a viable exit of a quite hard life. After the basic training, joined the security detachment of Daumann, flown few years there, until a pirate attack that costed the lives of many comrades and then decided to go back to Vaterland service to free Rheinland of soome of those pests.
Age: 32 years old.
Remarkable encounters as part of the Rheinwehr: Multiple fights against pirates.

Reasons for joining the Kaiserliche Rheinwehr
Fight the pirate menace that hinders Rheinland progress.


German knowledge level will not affect your application): Is my natural language.

Can you speak english in a level high enough for a RP server?: Indeed i can.

Are you familiarized with the current conflicts in Rheinland? Outline them (copy/paste will mean inmediate and permanent rejection): Right now pretty much only the pirates i guess?

Link to your reports: None

Reason for joining?: Well feds are dead and i like turtles.

Your Discord Name: lukas#7277

RE: Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Recruitment - Kaiserliche Rheinwehr - 05-24-2022

Source: Rheinland Militär Hauptquartier, Neu Berlin, Kaiserreich Rheinland
Encryption: port RM-HC-R8C-RU7T-EMT
Submitter: Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen
Recipant: Herr Lukas Mayer
Subject: Re: Bewerbung

Guten Tag die Herren.

Herr Mayer, the Oberkommando has carefully studied your application, and has decided to ACCEPT your re integration into our ranks. You are therefore being incorporated in Rheinland Military primary fleet again under probation status with the rank of Kapitänleutnant. Carry out your duties as you have to date, and you will no doubt bring yourself as much honor as before!

You are hereby requested and required to report to the Rheinwehr Hauptamt für Kriegsdiensteinschreibung, Planet New Berlin for re-assignment - follow your superior Offiziers' instructions closely to get up to date again.

From now on, you are under probation status with the rank of Kapitänleutnant, hence your Bewerbung is accepted.

Rekrutierungsoffizier Jakob von Schweighöfen