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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Sandermall - 11-07-2011

[Image: v6m59f.jpg]

<div align="right][07112011/BDY]

Report filed 1203 New London Time.
Battleship Derby, Leeds.
Ensign Sandermall.

After a long absence whilst recovering from damage sustained in combat, I today patrolled Leeds once again. The following is worthy of note.

Launched 1143.
Entered West Leeds Smog Cloud 1145.
Encountered 5 Outcasts, 3 Mollys and 3 Gians seperately over the course of eight minutes, between 1146 and 1154. The largest grouping was a patrol of 4 Outcasts.
I found my hold to be entirely filled with pirates, so I returned to the Battleship Derby at 1154.

Docked with the Derby at 1158.

The increase in pirate activity in the West Leeds Smog Cloud is interesting.
One Templar aboard the Derby awaiting orders.

Carina Regina,
Ensign Sandermall

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 11-07-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair
Location: Battleship Essex, Dublin
Subject:Patrol Report

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen

After some time off from the Armed Forces I've taken stepped into my uniform and taken out the Templar again yesterday. With all the energy I've gained during that time I really felt ready for the daily hard work again.
And it really wasn't long untill the first call reached me. It came from the HMS-Sheffield with Captain Isaac Eppes on board. Obviously there was a Corsair Battleship floating around in Cambridge. I met with the Sheffield on the way there, docked and took my place as First Officer onboard. The searching patrol went well. It took only after about 5 minutes untill we had the 'sair on scanners. After some skirmish fire exchange in dangerous distance to Cambridge it managed to get away to Omega-5. The Sheffield stayed in Cambridge to secure the perimiter.

I left in my Templar to take on the routing patrols again. But it didn't stay routine for long... *sighs*
Salisbury's scanners showed that the Merchant Navy had entered there and short afterwards some civilian bombers. Only seconds after that the emergency call from the Navy popped up on my screen. As I reached Salis, the [Convoy].HMS-Ingham was under heavy fire from 4 bombers. The patrols couldn't do anything. I immediatly engaged and drove them off. They fight continued to Kensington were they finally ran, without even scratching my Templar. The Convoy was secure, though the day wasn't finished yet and it shouldn't be for a very long time.

Because only 10 minutes after the Convoy's rescue, Derby picked up other sairs in Leeds. With the help of a Mandalorian, LtCdr Ree and Phantom.Queen we searched them and drove them outta Dublin. Though during the fight a Molly showed up and shot at everything that came in his sight.
When we chased them in direction to the Dublin Jumphole, 2 Hessian cruisers showed up.
They were pirating a Bowex Shire and shot it and its crew in cold blood. After seeing this without the ability to do anything we toasted them. The first one went down really fast only by the fighters, and for the second one, one of our Battleships went in. While shooting the Hessians, more Mollys showed up and opened fire on us too.

We chased them into Dublin and finished off the Scylla they brought. Sadly one of its stray shots hit my Templar's engine and I couldn't risk stretching it in a fight. I had to fly back and dock at Essex. It should be ready again within this hour.
The rest of the Mollys died or ran.

[color=#009900]Enemies shot down: Approximatly 10

[color=#CC0000]Casualties: None

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours,
Commander Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 11-08-2011


Source - Winchester Station, Salisbury System
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

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[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: Patrol Report

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening,

I began my usual patrol by launching from the Ark Royal, I headed for Leeds and assisted the local BAF forces in fighting the usual Kusari incursion into Leeds orbit. With that, I decided to patrol New London, which other than the occasional trader was rather quiet in terms of traffic.

I continued my patrol by heading into Manchester and dropping off some local miscreants I collected on Newgate. Interestingly, I was contacted by a pilot in the Liberty Navy, James Hedley, who wanted to patrol both Magellan and Cortez alongside myself. Of course I agreed and we patrolled both systems, which other than encountering a pirate in Magellan along the lane to the Manchester Jump Gate from Freeport 4, all was clear. Said pirate fled when we came within scanning range.

After finishing patrolling Cortez, I bid farewell to Hedley and returned to Bretonia, signing off onboard Winchester Station.

[Attached Files: *]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 11-12-2011


Comm ID: Leiutenant James Barett
Target: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Report for today

I undocked from the Derby just in time to see the battle end. I engaged the two remaining gunships in my Templar. Would someone give me some tips on setting up a Challenger?


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 11-12-2011


Source - Planet Leeds, Leeds System
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Received...
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Opening Message...

[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: Battle in Leeds

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening,

We were ordered to scramble from Leeds due to the Gallic Royal Navy invading Leeds, rather bold of them if I do say so considering we have beaten them in Tau 31. I launched from Leeds and was immediately in the thick of it. Commodore John Clay was in command and ordered all ships to target CCCP|Le_Courage. Well, no Battleship can stand up to several challengers and he succumbed to our fire. After that, Commodore Clay ordered us to target GRN_YAN, who, like his comrade was also destroyed. Another Gallic, the CCCP|Hibaru, a "Lynx" fighter decided to dive into planet Leeds where the atmosphere took care of him.

With the GRN neutralised, we turned our attention to the Kusari forces who were helping us, suffice to say, the enemy of my enemy is not my friend and Commodore Clay ordered us to engage the KNF, starting with the IKN Kumano who was destroyed rather quickly. The IKN Sushi-town, whom I destroyed after he foolishly got in the way of my SNAC. The IKN Noodletown was next and of course, he was destroyed like his fellow comrades. With both the GRN and KNF soundly beaten, Commodore Clay ordered us to return to Leeds orbit where he took a picture of us all.

With another victory in Leeds, I proceeded to sign off and write this report.

Attached Files: [********]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - arvg - 11-13-2011

ID: Sir Jack Fraser, Duke of Norfolk
[Image: norfolkciv.png]

Men and Women of the Armed Forces,

Dark news indeed that a rogue Gallic battlegroup picked Leeds to assault. However, it is my duty as the CinC to acknowledge heroism and bravery in such adverse times. Which is why it is my duty to award the following Courageous Action Medal to the below mentioned men, women, and units.

Derek Kerr
Lt. J. Barret
Lt. Lucas Alexander
Commodore Sinclair
Commodore Clay
Sir Fortunatus Wright
HMS New Zealand
HMS Excalibur
HMS Primeval Breaker

Her Majesty acknowledges your brave service, and loyalty in these times, and thanks you, as do we all, for your dedication to a free, and strong Bretonia.

In Service to her Majesty,

[Image: Norfolk.png]
The Duke of Norfolk
Fleet Admiral and Commander in Chief of the Bretonian Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 11-15-2011


Source - Battleship Derby, Leeds System
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00] Very High

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Received...
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[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty.
Subject: UFO's in New London

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening,

First I would like to thank Fleet Admiral Fraser for the award. I remain dedicated to Her Majesty and Bretonia and will do my utmost to serve both Her Majesty and the Bretonian people.

Right, some rather interesting events happended today. I began my usual patrol by launching from Winchester Station. Where I was greeted on secure comms by Commander Sinclair and a Secondary Fleet pilot named Infinity. Infinity seems to have been patrolling near the Manchester Jump Gate when he informed us that a potential target; a "Skorpion" Gunboat was on the lane to the Manchester Jump Gate. Commander Sinclair ordered me to assist Infinity and determine what exactly was happening. I did so and when I arrived at the scene I was greeted by the most unusual ships I've ever seen.

These ... things were clearly not human. The large blue UFO seemed alive .. it was pulsing as if it was a living creature. They just started firing ... there weapons, especially on the Skorpion gunboat were powerful, far beyond current technology. Well, Commander Sinclair ordered us to fire back and we did. However our 3 Templars barely scratched the Skorpion, and it's weapons were making a meal of our shields.

So after a few futile attempts to bring down it's shields, the pilot of the Infinity informed us that his Templar was taking a heavy beating and that he couldn't take much more. Commander Sinclair ordered us to retreat, we did so heading back to Kensington. The Commander decided to bring out the heavy guns and took his position aboard the HMS Sheffield. I remained at Kensington to monitor these ... things to see if they approached the station. They didn't. It might have been the nearby Destroyer patrol.

After a couple of minutes, I asked Commander Sinclair if It was necessary for me to get my Challenger. He replied negative and said we needed the Templar's agility untill we got wind that another one of those large blue UFO's was in New London. I recieved permission from Commander Sinclair to retrieve my Challenger and I did so. However, by the time Commander Sinclair pnboard the HMS Sheffield and I had arrived, they had fled to Manchester, we pursued them to Manchester to Birmingham Station where they split up headed into Cortez and Magellan.

With that, Commander Sinclair ordered both myself and the pilot of Infinity (who was badly damaged during the fight and informed us that repairs of his Templar may take a while) to return to normal duties, I did so heading back to Leeds to enforce the embargo. I signed off aboard the Battleship Derby and proceeded to make this report.

Attached Files: [***]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 11-16-2011

**Logging in**

.....please proceed with the report ensign Wayne.Johnson.

At about 8:30 PM, close to end of my shift, I was patrolling a last perimeter between Manchester and New London when I encountered near the Manchester to New London gate a molly called Dara! in a Arbeiter Unioner very heavy fighter who was waiting for his next piracy victims.
After I told him to leave and return to his base, he refused and instead opened fire on me. The fight was intense, his mini razor hitting my hull 3 times, but in response 3 nuclear mines hurt him badly. The fight looked very tied, when I remained without mines. Then he attempted to hit me with his razor several times, consisting mostly in failure, but my superior accuracy lastly managed to turn the tide of the fight. With his hull burning in flames, he tried to escape, but eventually he failed, his cargo pod being transferred to BPA Newgate.
After that, I continued my patrol trough New London, and successfully landed on Battleship Derby.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 11-19-2011


Source - Planet Leeds, Leeds System
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00] Very High

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[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty
Subject: Battle in Leeds

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening,

I recieved a distress call that a large force of the KNF where gathering for an attack on Leeds, supplemented by some Hogosha. It really does show how desperate the KNF are when they allow criminals to fight alongside their "Emperor's Navy" Kogen must be pretty desperate. Nevertheless, I undocked and met Lt Brown near the Derby and we both proceeded to join the battle. When Lt Brown and I arrived, what we saw wasn't heartening. The HMS Conqueror was under heavy fire as was the HMS Sheffield by three Kusari Battleships. Both the Conqeror and the Sheffield went down after intense fire though they did heavily damage the Kusari Battleship Hauro, which predictably fled when myself and Lt Cdr Ree gave it a taste of our SNAC's.

I then turned my attention to the Zennin and proceeded to slowy take down it's shield and slightly damage it's hull. However, we were outnumbered and had no heavy support available. These particular Kusari battleships were equipped with an ungodly amount of missiles and were very fond of firing them. Slowly but surely the missiles combined with the rather persistent Hogosha meant we had very little chance of winning.

I myself, after going through my countermeasures rather quickly had very little chance of surviving the onslaught of missiles the KNF were throwing at us. My Challenger was destroyed and I was tractored in by some BAF ships that were scouring for suvivors after the battle. I am currently in Leeds Military Hospital and will be assigned to active duty again tomorrow.

While it was a defeat. We did fight them to a standstill and prevented them from getting any closer to Leeds orbit.

Note that during the battle; some fool callsign: [T&M]Escort|JetPack asked if the Kusari dogs "needed assistance" and joined the battle of the side of the KNF. He could be riding on the tails of success, as it was clear at that point that Kusari had superior firepower and numbers.

Attached Files: [**]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Gruffalo - 11-19-2011


Source - Planet New London, New London System
Encryption - [color=#FFFF00]High

[color=#CC0000]Transmission Received...
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[Image: t7bqt1.png]

[color=#CC0000]Identification: [color=#CCFFFF]Lieutenant Lucas Alexander
Receiver: [color=#CCFFFF]BAF Admiralty
Subject: Patrol Report

[color=#CCFFFF]Good Evening,

I began my patrol my launching my Templar from the Battleship Suffolk and commenced my patrol of New London. Not much to report untill I came across a corsair. callsign PorcoRosso. He intially mistook me for being Police, of course I corrected him, can't have uppity Corsairs going about not knowing the difference between the Police Authority and Armed Forces. I ordered him to leave Bretonian Space immediately. The Corsair seemed to hesitate and then tried to scan my ship, I enabled firewalls and he then agreed to leave Bretonian space. Satellites on the Cambridge line kept track of his progess and lost contact with him in Omega 3.

I continued my patrol into Manchester where I recieved a report that an Order Osiris Class Battleship was operating in Leeds. I headed there and switched to my Challenger. I met up with a Secondary Fleet pilot, John Alster above Leeds and we commenced the search for this Osiris. After searching the system and finding no trace whatsoever of said Osiris. I later heard that it was destroyed.

With that, I switched back to my Templar and met with Lt Clay and Lt Barret near Planet New London where Lt Clay was engaged in combat with a Corsair, callsign Alonzo.Martinez. The battle was nearly won until the Corsair said that it was enough and that he would leave. Well, we wouldn't let that happen. Lt Clay ordered Lt Barret to take her place and finish this Corsair off. Lt Barret put up a valiant fight but somehow the corsair had got a refill of nanobots and shield batteries. I joined the battle and assisted Lt Barret in fighting off this corsair, however Lt Barret's Templar sustained heavy damage and he had to eject. I tractored in his escape pod and continued the fight. I was slowly gaining the upper hand, the corsair was good, I'll give him that. A Bounty Hunter then arrived, Arcova|Alpha-5[Reno] to assist. The corsair, perhaps finally realising that pirating near the capital was a bad idea and he tried to run. Of course, that wouldn't happen. He had shot down a fellow BAF officer and I intended to see he paid for it. We chased him until we were in the orbit of New London, where the corsair in his infinite wisdom, decided that flying into the atmosphere of a planet was a good idea.

With the corsair dealt with, I thanked the Bounty Hunter and signed off on New London.

Attached Files: [**********]

Lucas Alexander
Bretonian Armed Forces
Carina, Regina, Imperatrix

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