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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 12-27-2010

Sighing and looking at his watch, while the speechless muppet continued to cry about his kneecap... Mendel activated his TAC-link... "Igor... bring some pain killers to interview room one..."

He stood imperiously over the fallen miner and crooked a finger at the next applicant.

"While this useless lump bleeds on my carpet... you can answer my questions instead."

The misshapen Doctor Igor limped into the room bringing a vial of painkillers and a glass of Vodka to chase them down.

Mendel took them both, swallowing the pills to drown out the awful headache he was developing from the miner's pathetic whimpering, using the vodka to wash it down, as he smiled pleasantly sitting down in his chair again.

"Now then... What brings you here, recruit?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - ChillerMiller - 12-27-2010

Milan sat again in front of the Commissar hopefully having the correct answer to his previous question

"Comrade Commissar you gave me the question in what Trotzky believed in and if he was right or wrong..."

He paused for a moment

"He believed in permanent revolution of the working class people, which means that the revolution cannot be stopped. The Revolution gives us the light to see the right way. Revolution is a way of thinking, it is a way of life, revolution is what we are living for. It is for the hearts of the people.
And I totally think he is right, we must only look at the current situation all over Sirius. The people are suffering from the oppression of their leaders. Governments and Corporations are exploiting them only to make their life better while the other ones suffer. I totally believe in the Revolution and I want to fight for it with all effort I can put into it"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 12-27-2010

"I like a man who learns from his earlier mistakes. Now that you have actually read your Little Red Book for Dummies... let me explain to you what Leon Trotsky was a complete raving lunatic..."

Mendel opened his mouth to explain, then stopped, shrugging, "Now muppet, shut up for a second. You don’t seem to be the right type for this… not cut out for it, eh?"

“But-But!” The recruit began.

Mendel pulled the trigger, and shot the arrogant pup in the gut. As he mewled and fell to the floor. His blood mingling with that of the other idiot.

Mendel stood, and walked over to stand above him. Pulling the teaspoon out of his coffee cup he tossed it on the deck between the two wounded men.

"Now I could waste a bullet on both of you... but really I feel like being in a sporting mood. So there's a spoon... Only one of you gets to survive the rest of the day... I think you get the idea, yes?"

He sipped his coffee, and banged out a cigarette, lighting it and relishing the smoke as it coiled out of his mouth. "So show me why I should bother with either of you... Boris," he gestured with the cigarette. "Give them five minutes, if they don't do anything... you can shoot them both."

Mendel smiled as he turned and walked out of his office, while Boris slammed the door behind him, locking the two idiots in the room with the spoon.

With smoke trailing out of his mouth, he casually flicked ash on the lapels of the next candidate.

"So, Mister I-am-not-such-a-moron, what in the hell makes you think you're worthy of the revolution? Give me something else, sunshine, or you're next to fertilize the people biodomes."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Pancakes - 12-27-2010

Mile got drifted slowly, cursing Interspace Commerce for ruining his life as he forgot that talking button was pressed. He made an apology and asked the permission to dock on the Trotsky.
As he docked he recalled in the words: "You shall die if we order you to" and muttered to him self he would die while crashing into Newark station one day.
He asked the nearest person where can he find the requitment office, the secretary told him there is already someone in the office and guided him to sit on the chair near the door.
He set, and waited...

Coalition Recruitment Thread - ChillerMiller - 12-27-2010

You could see the pain in Milan's face. He was fighting the pain

"I suffered myself from the tyranny, my life didnt have good moments. Robbery from the government and the situation to do nothing against it hurts. I want to stop this, I want to do something against it..."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 12-27-2010

Boris pointed to the spoon.

"Do something, Comrade."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - ChillerMiller - 12-27-2010

Milan crawled towards the spoon and grabbed it. Blood was everywhere but you could see a smile on his face

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 12-27-2010

Mendel held up a finger to silence the recruit he was talking to, listening to the screams coming from inside his office.

"Hmm sounds like someone's getting spooned..."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - ChillerMiller - 12-27-2010

Milan had no chance. Live or die. He took the spoon and started to smash the other recruit's tongue. Loud screams could be heard and blood was everywhere. After he died Milan was silent for a moment.
He sighed

"I had to do it...forgive me"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - arvg - 12-27-2010

Mendel excused himself from the recruit as the screams inside the room finally fell silent. Leaning around the door he gestured for Igor.

"Take him down to the infirmary, put his guts back in, and if he survives... let him do the paperwork... if he doesn't... he won't be missed."

Mendel turned back, "Now... NEXT!"