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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-11-2011

[Image: 25flv0j.png]

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Lieutenant Bernard Brown, so far in your career you have achieved:
- 30 hours of Flight Time
- 5 patrol reports
- Good level of attitude (3)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#00CCCC]Lieutenant Commander
without hesitation.

Lieutenant Lucas Alexander, your progress in the armed forces is very impressive. For your time in our ranks you have achieved:
- 32 hours of Flight Time
- 15 patrol reports
- Bomber Training pass
- Example: One member trained
- Good level of attitude (4)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#00CCCC]Lieutenant Commander
without hesitation.

Congratulations to the members above. Take your new positions with the responsiblity you have shown so far and keep making us proud of your actions.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 12-11-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Norfolk]
[CommID: Commander Charles.Davis]
[Directed: BAF Admiralty Board,BAF Officers,]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: ssssds.jpg]

Fellow High command officer this is Commander Charles Davis contacting about a very emergency case. At 1950 hours Sirius medium time the Cambridge sensor grid detected several Rheinland military craft entering Bretonia space. I was told by Command that they did contact the Rheinlander s for explanation they had none and said that there were no forces in Bretonia. Well I took Lt Clay and we decided to have a look. We hold out at New London until the Cambridge sensor system detects them again. Witch it did in exactly 2018hours Sirius time headed for sector 3 F,G. We went on our way once we arrived at 2030 hours. The So called Rheinlander s were engaging a Corsair smuggler operation.

I figured that that's why they entered Bretonian space to stop the shipment. I asked the The Rheinlander s to ID themselves but all I received was a plea for help against the corsairs. And sense the Corsairs are a mutual target I told Lt Clay to engage the Corsairs. After the Rheinlander s secured the contraband I realized that the Rheinlander fighters started emitting a strange signature I pulled off and starting scanning the Rheinlander Ships. What I found was horrible. Those Rheinland fighters were wilds.

The Remains of the the Rheinland Infested Fleet. I was shocked when I realized we were helping infested human beings and told Lt Layla Clay to change her target to the Infested Rheinlander s. But it was already to late we were outgunned and outmatched. The Corsairs were pulling off to save their lives and who can blame em. For once I agreed with the Corsair. Turn off Weapons and run like a lass. Witch we did.

This was one large operation that the Infested Rheinlander s have pulled for a long time it wasn't just one or two fighters like they usually do it was hell a lot more. I did some researching and I managed to pull out a Comunication from the IMG Reporting Sighting's By two Infested pilots that according to me were commanders of the entire operation that took place in Cambridge.

Here is the Tranmission and according to the records Gun cams and logs. I managed to find out that there is a connection and that attack on the Corsair transport witch was carrying human organs was planned long ago . I currently Advice The Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty to Increase security around all important installations to have the BPA sweep the systems more carefully. I fear we may not have seen the last of them.

On an other note I will like to recommend Layla.Clay for a Medal or a tittle she truly put it out there.

That is all. Davis out
Gun camera
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-11-2011

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Commander Charles Davis, when I was reading your report I found a lot of Classified information, that is why I will recommend you to not speak about this operation with anyone except the members of the admiralty board.
Now to the subject. Your report is throwing light on something importart, something we underestimated: A mobilisation of the wilder forces which results in direct strike with mysterious purposes. I am surprised how have they managed to penetrate Omega-3 aka Snowdown's defenses or how rheinland forces were not aware of their presence but that is probably going to remain a mystery.
In your report you have mentioned that they were planning this attack. By calculating the possibilities without underestimate the wilders, there is chance such planned attack to happen again. Due to these actions in Cambridge, I will increase the security of the system by sending more men to patrol with more reliable sentry.
If they return to Cambridge, we will be ready.

Admiral Sir Firmus Piett
Commander of the South Fleet

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 12-13-2011




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[Image: Rene3ltcdr-1.png]

Salutes*Sir Admiral,

I start my portol yesterday from Leeds Battleship Derby.
The commander of the Derby send me Files which they got from the Battleship Norfolk.
Norfolk reported that at combridge was seen serveral enemy units and that i better shuld check the situation.

When i enter the system and starting to patrol i got a call from the HMM-Leroy.Jenkins the captain named Lee
send me the position from him and i closed up to him.

The location was near the Omega 5 Jumphole,and the HMS was with a Molly units waiting there.
When i arived the Molly jumped to omega 5,i ask Lee what happend there.
He report me that serveral enmys was jumping to omega 5 .Red hessians / Corsairs.

I decidedt to take a look to the other side from the jumphole to analyze the situation.
Ca. 9clicks from the jumphole to Cambridge was a huge fight,my scaner dont show all of the enmy units,
but what i got was enough information for calculating the potential of a attack if they wuld return to

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This are the Files which shows the last position of the enemys near Cambridge.
After i saved these files i return immediately to not provocate a attack from these enemys.

When i return the Captain of the HMS started a discusision about leaving this place.
I need to remind him on some laws and orders which was given to us that we dont fight for fun
like he was looking for,and that we are here to protect and not to provocate a fight.

He shows me are level of a bad atitude for a high ranked officer and try to push the trubble with the enemy.
Later we meet us again at Leeds.
But before i talk this files speak for themself Sir.

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I dont trust him personelly,he smell like a traitor but the end analyze are not my part this wuld be work
for our intern inteligency staff.
All what i saw was that he risk lifes from civilians and other mates from the Bretonia Armed Forces
just for open cmbats for his own fun.

This arent our way this was never mine aswell.Im here to protect and fight for defending civilians
my mates and the crown of bretonia!

Well Sir,at the end of this day i saw him speaking with a Kusarian near stokes,
that was the last position of the Dunkirk HMS-Leroy.Jenkins,i headed back to Derby for my paperworks.

This wuld be all from me Sir.

Long live the Queen,carina regina imperatrix!

Lieutenant Comander Ree End...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 12-13-2011

ID:Lieutenant William Folge

SUBJECT:Training session in Salisbury

Greetings ladies and gentlemen!

Yesterday I started patrooling the Bretonian systems of Leeds,Dublin,New London and Cambridge and found that they were clear.
After this patrool,I went in Salisbury where I met admiral Firmus Piett and Lt.Cdr Ree.I engaged in a hard fighting session with the Admiral and The Lieutenant Commander,which was very benefic for all of us.Later on,another ensign came in Salisbury,and I was very surprised to see that he had very nice duelling skills.That ensign was Henry Moore.

That would be all for today.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 12-15-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leeds]
[CommID: Commander Charles.Davis]
[Directed: BAF Admiralty Board,BAF Officers,]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: ssssds.jpg]

Fellow High command officers today was not that how to put it interesting. I responded with the Leeds to a Distress call about a corsair battleship in the Edinburgh system all we found was a Molly destroyer witch me Commander Discrolll and another destroyer managed to destroy it was supported but a bomber but it fled as soon as it saw what was going to happen.

When Escorting Admiral Piett on the way back to Leeds. We detected a Lone Coalition Bomber I figured this could be be a trap and decided to moore the Leeds in the Dundee system and get my fighter. Once I arrived the small fighter braw was in front of the Leeds gate in the Edinburgh system. We managed to drive them off from the gate And we didn't peruse admiral Piett decided we cant afford to chase them.

That is all. Davis out
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - koske - 12-17-2011

[Image: bernardbrownINCbaf.png]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

Greetings admiralty,
I'm reporting today's Dublin status, that was pretty hot. Together with ensign Derek I head to the New London where we assisted HMS Destroyer under command of Captain who was heavily damaged by enemy battleship Corsairs I assume, black box is with me and I guess some data can be retrieved. Few minutes later we have call from Lt.Cdr Ree who asked for assistance in Dublin next to the battleship Essex. We followed the target, it was Molly boat. Flying around and making mess as usual, actually drama started here.

We were ambushed by two molly boats, highly skilled pilots but that didn't disrupt us. We forced our plan to take them down at all costs that we actually already payed. Ree was put of the action and his escape pod was with me, several minutes later Ensign Derek lost his engines and also his escape pod was with me. Pretty much for one day, eh? They are returned to the battleship Essex after the fight unharmed.

I was all alone without any support and guess the instinct for survival was in control of situation in the field, I still don't know how I managed to handle battle but isn't much important now. In the meantime two Corsairs gunships showed and started heavy fire on molly's ships, only thoughts I had were to use such situation in my interest. Which I did, Mollies were weakened and one of their boats was burning badly, I guess crew didn't make it along with commander. Support from Essex was on the way but till they arrived molly destroyer was pretty much of a problem for, corsairs ships were knocked out from a fight and again I found myself lonely. However, HMS hit them hard but with much luck even this time, our destroyer was surround and under heavy fire so, basically wasn't much of a help. All remaining fighters were putted out of the action by me and of course other ships were gone for repairs along with enemy destroyer which life support was failing.

Evidence No.1: Open
Evidence No.2: Open
Evidence No.3: Open
Evidence No.4: Open
Evidence No.5: Open
Evidence No.6: Open

Bernard Brown
Lieutenant Commander
Bretonian Armed Forces

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 12-18-2011

::ENCRYPTION: Medium::
::From: Ens. Wayne Johnson::

Today, near the Jump Gate Dublin-New London, while doing I have encountered a strange mercenary, payed by the mollies to kill Armed Forces pilots. He didn't talked too much and engaged from my tail. I've immediately taken measures and destroyed his ship. Also Firebrick..Reaver shown up in a Havoc MK2 bomber, but he managed to get away while I was killing the merc.

Soon after this event, I've encountered a freelancer transport and a bomber hauling gold from Graves. But that wasn't everything in his hold. I found out that the bomber was hauling 2 nomads so I asked him to drop them. He agreed, but when he dropped the nomads, he immediately shot them.

Here are the evidences: Evidence 1 Evidence 2 Evidence 3

[color=#CC0000]::END OF TRANSMISSION::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 12-19-2011

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: Her Majesty Ship Leeds]
[CommID: Commander Charles.Davis]
[Directed: BAF Admiralty Board]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: 29998172131383dm725x.png]

Fellow High command officer this is Commander Charles Davis contacting about a Zoner incursion on bretonian space by two Zoner Juggernauts in Dublin myself on the Leeds and Commander Sinclair in the Invictus and sever other reserve ships were on scene I tryed to contact the Zoner ships to ask them if they can explain why are they here and to leave but my transmission was responded with silence and then gunfire.

I ordered the fleet to open fire and decimate the ships the battle raged between the jump hole of Leeds and the Battleship Hood. Once the zoner ships realized they were going to lose they started to head for thew sun in a hope that they can escape. But we managed to take out one .The other one fled to Omega-49 where the Corsairs were doing something. I decided not to risk the fleet in going to deeper in the Omega-49 system due that the corsairs might setup a trap. We returned to Dublin.

That is all. Davis out
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 12-21-2011

ID:Lieutenant William Folge

SUBJECT:Another alien incursion.

Well,I was having my tea on New London,when the alarm sounded.It was about Dublin and some unknown ships,and also some Kusarians.
I rushed as fast as I could to Dublin in my Eagle,where I found some avengers engaging Mollys and IMG forces near Hood.Immediately I rushed to help our compatriots,and the battle escalated.
We fought eachother for at least 30 minutes,in this time we moved from the Hood to Leeds and backwards.The Hogoshans used some strange retreating tactics,but they did not work.
When they went to Leeds,I took Eagle 23 with me to intercept the hogoshans.When we reached Leeds we saw some lone BAF and IMG and Mollys pilots outnumbered,so we went and helped them.Soon they started pounding us with everything they had,and even brought more fighters.At times I alone was outnumbered 3 vs 1,but my ship did not break down.I was able to deal some heavy damage,but they damaged us even more.
Back in Leeds we had a IMG Zephyr carrier supporting us with Solarises.After some time the hogoshans went back to Dublin,where they meet the guns of the Zephyr.
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_20_20_02_50_62.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_20_20_05_17_61.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_20_20_08_35_87.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_20_20_28_31_90.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_20_20_28_47_96.jpg]
After some time,they scattered and ran away.After the Kusari problem has been dealt with,we turned onto the next problem:the unidentified ship.Apparently it jumped to Chester system .I quickly went to Essex to switch to my bomber and then proceeded to Chester,where I found a Outcast dreadnought apparently helping the aliens.Unfortunately the Zephyr has been destroyed by overwhelming firepower.
There was a Bretonian Battleship staying at distance and pounding the 2 battleships.I immediately opened fire ,managed to heavily damage the alien battleship,but unfortunately it ran away.
Fortunately we managed to destroy the outcast Ranseur,even under heavy fire by alien fighter ships.
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_20_20_42_24_40.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_20_20_51_48_52.jpg]
After we cleared the area,we returned to Essex for repairs and to finish my tea.

In this fight I learnt something:That I am not really efficient in mass battles,where almost everyone is concentrating on me.To fix this issue,I promise to train very hard in Salisbury while outnumbered in a asteroid field.My ultimate goal is to be able to actually deal some damage in mass battles,not pulverise everyone in a fair duel.

Now,onto another report,which I must include.This happened almost a week ago,but I couldn't inform anyone about it.
I took Eagle 23 and an Ensign in a patrool in Cambridge.At the outskirts of the northern ice cloud we meet a couple of mollys.We asked them to go back to Arranmore.Since they refused,we opened fire on them.At first the odds were even,but they brought in more reinforcements because they can't even fight 2 versus me and win.When it was 3 versus 1,I asked Eagle 23 to help me.After a long time,his ship was destroyed ,so I was left alone,untill a Bretonia Gunboat arrived to save myself.After some time,I lost that gunboat too,so I was again alone versus those 3.I managed to heavily damage all of them,and scare them off one by one.Seems even 3 versus 1,they can't win.When I was on the verge of finishing off one opponent,a lone mine suddenly hit me and pulverised my ship.
That made me very sad,because I managed to avoid most of the guns of those mollys,but a mine alone finished me off.
Because I certainly do not want this to happen again,I promise to train in Salisbury against mines.My dodging skills need to be raised,because they are not good,it seems.

That would be all for today.
