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Rheinland Military Message Dump - Ebon - 02-25-2010

***Incoming signal, source Ravensburg ***
***Transmission received, title: Report #3, opening ...***

Tag Meine Damen und Herren !

Today was another 'strange happenings' tag. Ich weiss nicht, were such situation had place before I joined Rheinland Military, but I start to get worried... Thats not the place for my whining though.
I entered my Wraith today for everyday patrol. And again, my comm channel had message, this time from Major Voelkel, with order to move out asap to Sigma 13. I dont know details of this operation, I only know that communication with Feldwebel had been lost. It took mi short time to get on place. Really, I couldn't find myself in whole this situation. We were staying at Helgoland, waiting for any scanner readings or communicators msg. I will allow other Militaries to describe whole this situation detailed. I do not have full info about it.

After all this we returned to New Berlin. There we have been ordered by Major Voelkel to continue our patrol mit Herr Fischer. We moved out immediately, and after taking one trade lane, again SOS message came. Couple of pirates were disturbing some poor trader journey.

Hessian units
1 Bomber class vessel, 1 VHF class vessel.

We arrived there before any robbery was made.

Full transmissions report

Ja, Hessians started to shoot, one of them promised me some nice trip back home in my escape pod. As it appeared, it was worst day for him, than mine. Engagement was so quick, that I instinctively dodged, and get on first target. It ended like ...


... this. Second target, bomber, was fighting shortly. In the end admitting failure, he flew.


I haven't got time to make scanning of my whole vessel after Sigma 13 patrol mission, so I went right away to Battleship Karlsruhe docking bays. Still, I have bad feelings about all this 'Nomad technology' stuff. Is it possible they could track me down after all those years?

Signed: Franz.Kurtt

***Transmission terminated***
***Signal lost***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - GodsFavorite - 02-25-2010

***Incoming signal, source Battleship Strausberg Control, Gefreiter Sven Wolf***
***Transmission received, Title: Report #1, Subject: Joker, Phantom***

After being grounded by several long and necessary repairs, I scrambled my ship to come to the defense of New Berlin, against the ner-do-well known as The Joker. A detailed report will be filed by Major General Rall I believe, as he commanded the force tasked to destroying The Joker.

I was sent to Stuttgart to assist in the defenses there. Just as I reached the gate, a Phantom came through. I notified Frau Malte, and proceeded to detain the vessel. He resisted and fled, muttering something in an alien language.

[Image: keep29.png]

I pursued him, and eventually his ship hung still in space for a fatal moment. Acting on instinct and training, I fired off a Supernova blast, eviscerating his ship. Unfortunately, I failed to find an escape pod. It was either picked up by the LWB, or the pilot never made it to his pod. I hope for the latter, but fear the former.

[Image: 2gshog6.png]

Gefreiter Wolf, out.

***Transmission terminated***
***Signal lost***
//thank you Ebon for the code.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 02-25-2010

~ Incoming Transmission ~
~ ID: Flieger Adrian Wiesen ~
~ Location: Battleship Strausberg ~

Guten Tag Meine Herren,
Today Joker came to New Berlin, Again! With smaller force this time, and no need to say, was taken care of, Again!
[Image: RM-MD-P-3_1.png]
After a short fight, we managed to shoot Joker's Gunship down and his 'Thug' decided to escape. We couldn't
get him this time, but it wont happen twice.
[Image: RM-MD-P-3_2.png]
After that we received a transmission from an unknown vessel who was requesting access to New Berlin Orbit.
It stated that its location is Frankfurt Jumpgate, so we moved in to intercept.
[Image: RM-MD-P-3_3.png]
The Vessel seemed to be a lifeless mechanism which was controlled by an AI unit. First we suspect it to be a
Libertonian Spy Drone, which soon enough we realized it is not. So, as Admiral Malte ordered, we directed the
vessel to Strausberg for further Scans, and I believe the scanned data is being processed as I am filling this
report. After that I had to depart to repair damages on my ship from the fight earlier.

- Fl.A.Wiesen

~ End of Transmission ~
~ Transmission Terminated ~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 02-26-2010

~ Incoming Transmission ~
~ ID: Hauptgefreiter Adrian Wiesen ~
~ Location: Battleship Strausberg ~

Guten Tag Meine Herren,
Today, we received a transmission from Briesen Mining Facility via Emergency Channels, which which reported
presence of 4 Members of 'Red Hessian Army' right next to the station.
Therefor, we enrouted to Omega-7 ASAP. Orders were clear, we did not have permission to go deep into the
system, and were only commanded to force Hessian forces away from Station. Reports were correct and as
soon as we jumped to Omega-7 System, we found 3 Hessian Vessels on our Scanners, and soon after, another
Vessel joined them.
[Image: RM-MD-P-4_6.png]
They were asked to leave, really politely - which was in a manner they proved they did not
deserve - but instead, they opened fire on us.
[Image: RM-MD-P-4_5.png]
It was a hard fight for me, because right from the very beginning, I had fire from all four Hessian ships on me.
Therefor, my vessel took heavy damage, but in the end, they could not achieve what they had claimed, because
All three of the RHA tagged ships were destroyed by me.
[Image: RM-MD-P-4_1.png]
[Image: RM-MD-P-4_2.png]
[Image: RM-MD-P-4_3.png]
[Image: RM-MD-P-4_4.png]
After all the three vessels were destroyed, I realized there is already more than enough fire on the last Hessian
Vessel, So pulled out of the fight. After the threats were eliminated, we had no reason to stay in that system
any longer, so returned to Strausberg to repair and resupply.

- Hg.A.Wiesen

~ End of Transmission ~
~ Transmission Terminated ~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dra1003 - 02-26-2010

## Incoming Transmission ###
ID - Fl.Joachim Lehmann

Subject: Patrol report

Well i figured i go out and patrol today. It started out in Dresden where i ran into one unimportant trader and a bounty hunter in a spatial with a police iff Strange ja? anyway in frankfurt i ran into a orbital spa and cruise ship carrying a bunch of cargo but was other wise clear. He seemed annoyed that he was scanned for a 3rd time but.. its protocol so i dont care.

Anyway i meet up with Hg.Xander and we went on a patrol to Munich but found nothing until we went back to Frankfurt.. where we found this. Crazy Patriot. I believe Ge.Tanja took care of him so me and Xander went to Stuttgart to assist RNC.Kuun.Lan wit some pirates . As soon as we got there i saw him running for the jump gate and no pirates in sight. We proceeded to scout the system but.. a important personal matter came up for me and i had to leave..

Thats all for now ..hopefully more action next time ja?

.:Transmission Terminated:.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vogel - 02-27-2010

Getriebe Zu: Rheinland Militar Oberkommando
Von: Hauptgefreiter Xander Vogel
An: Patrouillenbericht #7

[Image: rmreportimage.png]
Flieger Xander Vogel reporting in.

Today's "patrol" began with a bang. I'd just left Oder Shipyard after a quick once-over on my Wraith when a civilian sent a (personally directed) distress call; he was being pirated along the trade lane between Neu Berlin and the Brandenburg Border Station, along that stretch that intersects the asteroid field. Herr Hauptfeldwebel Weissman had just launched at some location nearby, so I called him in for backup and went to investigate. It wasn't hard to find the situation; our old friend Herr Mike Stah of the Red Hessian Army was trying to pirate three transports at once in his single bomber. It's stunts like these that really undermine the RHA's claim to fame that it's "above pirating".

In any case, Stah was there trying to goad a million credits out of some three transports, by himself. Before Herr Weissman arrived, however, a Bounty Hunter Guild fighter and gunboat arrived on the scene. Stah, as usually, started running his mouth, and the Bounty Hunters threatened action, but Weissman showed up in time to stay their hand. But he couldn't stay Stah's hand; the fool opened fire on one of the Hunters and I was ordered to engage. A little rusty, and in the middle of an asteroid field, I took a few hits from his cannons but in the end sent him packing, and by packing I mean in a body bag.

<Attached GunCam Data>

Herr Weissman and I were about to begin a patrol after seeing the Hunters off when a Rottfront pilot showed up further down the lane. This "Leo Trotzky" began speaking his nonsense around the same time one of their "truth transmitters" started blabbering. I attempted, of course needlessly, to sway his opinion of his "occupation" and leave, but he merely called for backup instead, and a Vlad Lenin appeared to help out his Red comrade. This wasn't before a civilian transport registered to a Nina Starcatcher was gracious enough to lend me a refill on my nanobotts before leaving the area.

<Attached GunCam Data>

... And then the Joker showed up, resplendent in all his 'gory'. He was still packing his gunship and decided to "help solve the local dispute" because he "loved squabbling" or some other such thing. In the meantime, just to add fuel to the fire, the two Bounty Hunters from earlier appeared, taking no clear stance on their course of action.

They really didn't need to since things developed quickly. The Rottfront pilots, on the verge of siding with the Joker, suddenly turned around and noticed that the Bounty Hunter gunboat was carrying a metric ton of Liquid Cardamine. Weissman and I obviously had more dire concerns than the policing of this little article, but the Rottfront had no such tact, and decided to play Polizei officers. They demanded the Hunter's immediate surrender of the Cardamine, to which the Hunter retorted it was to be taken back to one of their research labs. When asked for what purpose, the Hunter merely inferred that, "What if we could use it to make a cure for the drug? No more Outcasts." The Rottfront pilot, Trotzky I believe, was flippant enough to reply, "And what if I grew three meters tall and shot rainbows out of my a$%, it'd be nice but it's not going to happen." While this situation seemed to be growing to a boiling point, the Joker apparently thought it prudent to take matters into his own hands.

He shot at the gunboat.

A few seconds later the Rottfront pilots used the excuse that they would "Stop firing at the Hunters when they dropped the Cardamine", and opened fire as well.

Luckily, in the middle of all this, Weissman and I received a host of reinforcements, from Gefreiter Voelkel to Flieger Stahl and a reservist pilot by the name of Hans Wolfgang. The Rottfront receieved a few helping hands of their own, including a number of Red Hessians, but by then we'd already designated the Joker's ship as the target of the day. Our four Wraiths (sans Weissman) laid into it, and eventually gunned it down. We turned around to find the two Hunters and Herr Weissman engaged with two Rottfront and two Hessians, one of whom was actually destroyed while we took care of the Joker. Our flight of four held back in support.

Admiral Malte arrived on the scene, along with Major Voelkel in the gunboat RNC Hansa, which was present to pick up the escape pods of the Hunter gunboat which, under fire, eventually gave in and exploded. I attempted a quick foray into the rapidly developing fight in order to pick up the Liquid Cardamine, but a Hessian, who had joined in with several others, managed to snag it instead. By now Hessians were pouring into the fight, rapidly unbalancing it. Admiral Malte sent Gefreiter Voelkel into the fray, then Stahl, then myself as it got worse.

The fight dragged out into the nearby asteroid field where fire was concentrated on Vlad Lenin. While my shots were the last that landed before his ship was rendered a fireworks display, the credit really goes to the rest of the pilots involved; we whittled him down together.

Unfortunately, the Hessians decided to bug out, along with the surviving Rottfront pilots, taking with them the load of Cardamine. We cost them, and they cost us. In the meantime, the crew of the Hunter gunboat were taken back to the Strausberg for interrogation into the methods they used to acquire those drugs.

<Attached GunCam Data>

We pulled out of the asteroid field as to not be ambushed and regrouped and resupplied at Neu Berlin. The Admiral gave the order to send us out on patrols, and Herr Major Voelkel on the Hansa was given command of the operation. The group was comprised of himself, Gefreiter Voelkel, Stahl, Wolfgang and myself. Tanja and Hans were grouped into Zwei flight while Stahl and I became Einz flight.

After setting out to Frankfurt, we ran across a short chain of Freelancers packing Rheinland military gear, namely full-fledged R7-n Hornvipers. One of them complied with orders to check with the Oberkommando and turn in the weapons at Mainz, while the second ran himself out into the nebula and disappeared.

<Attached GunCam Data>

Flieger Lehmann joined our group as Wolfgang left, so Stahl was regrouped with Tanja and I got Lehmann. I took our flight out to Munich, which was dead as a graveyard, and then returned to Frankfurt. Meanwhile, Zwei flight checked out Sigma 13. However, in our case, we ran across a Volksfront pilot in the middle of trying to convince some civilian to join them. "We will feed you and treat you well," or so his story went. He tried to escape once my flight showed up on his scanners but a Mosquito in his tailpipe persuaded him to cut his cruise engines. Of course he kept on going at a leisurely pace out towards the jump hole off Heidelberg.

Zwei flight, along with the Major, rendezvoused with us when we were about half way to that jump hole. This "Daniel Boehmer" said a few choice words about the Rheinwehr being "traitors" and "influenced by Liberty" and a few slights at the quality (and gender) of our pilots. Needless to say, Frau Gefreiter Voelkel instructed him in the lessons of reality, but the bastard escaped through the jump hole just as his nanobott supply ran out.

Curiously, in the middle of all this, a certain Adolph Neumann contacted me from half way across Sirius. The conversation was benign, and actually reminded me of myself, but my attention was firmly planted in the situation. The channel log will be included along with that of the Volksfront pilot's banter.

<Attached GunCam Data>

Einz flight was directed to rendezvous with Herr Feldwebel Henrik Drum in the Neu Berlin system, where he took command and immediately set off for Stuttgart. While that was along our patrol route, Herr Drum went there with a great sense of urgency, but somewhat stoically. As it turned out, a reservist cruiser by the name of RNC Kuun-Lan had let out a cry for help... yet we saw the ship leaving the system just as we entered it, followed by a reservist fighter. We overheard some comms chatter, suspicious in that it referred to the cruiser as "Running like the Kanzler's dogs do", so we went to investigate. The perpetrators, a pair of ner-do-wells, identity unknown, saw us coming and made a break for the nebula and escaped.

Herr Drum was ordered to take Einz flight, now down to just the both of us, into Omega 7. The patrol there was... brief. The good Feldwebel then took us back to the Karlsruhe without incident. Running low on fuel after an eventful few hours, I requested permission to divert and set down on the Battleship, destined for the mess hall that I'd missed five hours earlier.

<Attached GunCam Data>

<Ende der Bericht>

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Envy - 02-27-2010

Incoming Transmission...
Location: Oder Shipyard
ID:Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel

Yesterdays patrol yielded nothing worthwhile except for a small group of accused pirates and some crazed Junker that threatened the Major Generals life. It started with Hauptgefreiter Fischer, Gefreiter Helge and I following the Major Generals orders to enter Frankfurt in search of pirates; Joseph Porta and Wrath of Rochester.

As Rall entered the system we all formed on his wing, with Fischer being the first to stumble onto our suspects. Immediately they refused the Major Generals orders to halt, making a break for it. The two suspected- criminals broke off in separate directions; one was out maneuvered by the Hauptgefreiter and took a most unpleasant Dive.

Joseph Porta was next with us hot on his tail, but unfortunately he escaped into a nearby field which disrupted our scanners allowing him to get away. Thats when it happened; some crazed Junker began threatening the Major Generals life, then the Rheinwehr as a whole. I believe the words by Varok were, If you see me, consider yourself dead.

With that we returned to New Berlin where I was forced to dock for pre-scheduled ship maintenance while the Major General went onward to deal with The Joker issue.

After such a hard time with recent patrols, I was rather pleased this one turned out to be quiet,

Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel

Transmission Terminated...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - lukasz_r128a - 02-27-2010

---Incoming Transmission---
From: Fl.Klaudia Linn, New Berlin Planet

In routine patrol in New Berlin system I've received a strange readings from long range. They showed LSF units bombarding Potsdam Planet. When I've arrived near that area I saw Libertonian Gunboat and Battle Cruiser.
[Image: 21367831.png]

Beacuse I was alone in that moment engage them would be suicide, so I started talk to them for collect some time and call reinforcments.

[Image: 70796318.png]
[Image: 34408014.png]

In time when I were "talk" with them, I opened a secure channel with ]~WD~[ unit, describe situation, and ask for support. It was really needed because hostile units engage me and I was force to protect myself.
It's really hard when Battlecruiser and Guboat are trying to destoy you ship. Next 5 minutes was really difficult for me. But I had a lucky, backup arrived very soon and we engaged the hostile units in the name of Vaterland!

Unfortunally, some kind of short local Ion storm catch me and all system were down and shows only red alarms...

[Image: 13780053.png]

---Transmission Over---

Rheinland Military Message Dump - davnolan - 02-27-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Location: Bonn Station
ID: Flieger Josef Brackmann

Before beginning my patrol pattern today I decided to take the opportunity to purchase and outfit a "Snubby" for myself, as per the requirements of the Rheinland Military. As I was on my way to purchase said bomber, I received an urgent transmission from Flieger Klaudia Linn. She informed me that a pair of Liberty vessels, a Cruiser and a Gunboat, were approaching New Berlin, deep in the heart of the Vaterland!

Knowing that her vessel was a fighter, I decided to quickly complete my journey, purchase the bomber and outfit it so that I might best assist her against the larger vessels. I immediately sent out a distress call on the emergency frequency (//RM emergency chat) and quickly loaded up my Bergelmir. I set out to return to New Berlin immediately, and saw that Flieger Linn had had similar ideas, and had expanded the battlegroup to include the RNC Kuun Lan, Flieger Cedric Stahl, the ]~WD~[RNC Wilhelmshaven and the ]~WD~[RNC Harkesheide.

As I entered New Berlin from Braunschweig, I checked my navmap and plotted a course to Flieger Linn's location. On the way, however, I encountered one of the two Liberty ships, fleeing. From a distance it looked like the Liberty Gunboat, one LSF - Dr. Faust, but it was difficult to tell the exact make of the ship from 6 clicks out. I immediately ordered the ship to cut its engines, but was ignored.

I continued to pursue the ship, despite my inability to stop it due to my lack of a cruise disruptor, and gave constant updates to the battlegroup on the gunboats position. During this chase, the combined forces of the Rheinland Military easily defeated the Liberty Cruiser.

Originally fleeing south and west from sector 5E where I found it, the gunboat changed course toward Bonn, docking with a tradelane in the process. I followed, also taking the tradelane, but due to my updates, just before docking the Wilhelmshaven, the Kuun Lan and Feldwebel Hans Klemmer blew past me. All four of us arrived at Bonn just in time to see the impossible. The gunboat docked with the station! (//Yeah, he actually did it)

Angered by the sudden loss of neutrality of Bonn Station, we kept the station surrounded on the offchance that the gunboat might disembark. After waiting an appropriate amount of time (//He logged off, never saying a word) we broke up the battlegroup.

I continued my patrol to the Stuttgart system, back to New Berlin, to Dresden and back to Bonn, whereupon I docked to hold a conference with the station board of directors. At the suggestion of Feldwebel Klemmer, due to my proximity of the situation (//I have SS of Faust's actions), I submitted what information I could about the gunboats docking procedures with the station and demanded an explanation. (//A formal complaint has been filed with the admin)

At the moment I am still docked with Bonn, awaiting word from the board of directors, who have graciously comped me a suite for the night. I will keep my communications lines open, awaiting any possible further instructions from the command staff.

Flieger Brackmann, out.

***End Transmission***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Vrabcek - 02-27-2010

Patrol report #35

To: Rheinland Military
From: Hauptfeldwebel Gunter Weissman

...Uploading video sequence...

[Image: 150x150.jpg]
Meine Damen und Herren,

Today i was in command of the patrol wing in Berlin with gefreite Voelkel and Feldwebel Drum. I ordered the wing to check the Dresden system while i was patroling the Berlin system. After we split up i have met a well known face near the lane to the planet Neu berlin herr Mike Stah. As always he was pirating and terrorising the population. He dont wanted to come wiligly to Vierlande so i had to arrest him by force. His bomber class vessel was destroyed in a little while but i couldnt find his pod again.

[Image: 40038447.jpg]

After this we have continued in our patrols. Suddenly after some hours i have recieved a massage from herr Mike Stah that we wants to be arrested. He told me he realised all his crimes and want to end his hessian pirating. I have found him in Stuttgart and i was suprised that he really wanted to get into prison. So we escorted him to Vierlande and the guards there will take care of him now.
Such behavior should be an example for all those hessian criminals. There was no need to use force or get anybody hurt.

[Image: 13758206.jpg]
[Image: 63725505.jpg]
[Image: 93716975.jpg]
