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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 12-21-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Source: BAF|Ens.Derek.Kerr
Subject: Liberty Cruiser, New London system

Good day, gentlemen.

While doing a quick reconnaissance in the New London system I came across a Liberty Siege cruiser bound from the Manchester system. I ordered the cruiser to cut its engines and proceeded to question the Captain. I believe it to be more ignorance to current political agreements as to the positions of navy personel and pesifically Capital ships. His replies agreed with this statement as he claimed to be 'passing' through.
The captain was complient and appeared to show no hostility, leaving the system when requested.

While interviewing the captain I recorded serveral images to back up this report, and they are as follows.

Uploading recorded images...

..... File One ......

..... File Two ......

..... File Three ......

Uploading Communication Records...

...... File 1 .......

...... File 2 .......

Although the vessel did in the end leave Bretonian space i did believe it was appropriate to report on the cruisers odd appearence.

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End of Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 12-22-2011

ID:Lieutenant William Folge
SUBJECT:Artifacts transport
Today I took my bomber out of the hangar for a quick sweep of the core systems,when I met a corsair titanic transport in Leeds,near the Cambridge jump hole.I asked him to stop,but he didn't listen to me,so I opened fire immediately.
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_21_16_26_14_72.jpg]

At this time a mercenary appeared out of nowhere and decided to help me with that corsair.
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_21_16_31_38_26.jpg]
The transport unfortunately docked with Trafalgar.But the worst was to come:the mercenary didn't receive the money he was supposed to get from me for helping me with the corsair.As soon as I was about to give him something for helping me,he opened fire on me.Immediately I retaliated and forgot about his money.
Even I had only 20 nanobots and full batteries,I terminated the mercenary relatively easy.
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_21_16_33_04_78.jpg]
[Image: Freelancer_2011_12_21_16_44_14_99.jpg]
And this is how I have gotten my first bomber kill.

That would be all for today ladies and gents.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 12-22-2011

ID:Lieutenant William Folge
SUBJECT:Artifacts transport

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,today was a big day for Bretonia.
I started my patrool from Essex,where I found a molly destroyer going to New London to engage a corsair dreadnought.I myself didn't believe it untill I was it with my eyes.We caught that corsair,pinned it down and destroyed it.After this,we went in Cambridge,where we met a massive capital corsair fleet near Norfolk.We engaged it with everything we had,managed to inflict some heavy damages.But our losses started to increase,so we had to retreat.The corsairs retreated too,they needed to refuel and repair.

Then we went near the Leeds hole,where we meet another corsair battleship.After we destroyed it,the big molly horde backstabbed us and engaged us.We managed to destroy 2 snubs and 1 gunboat.When I saw Feya dueling a molly barghest,I wanted to stand down.THen he engaged me,so I had to retaliate.

I ordered feya to stand down and let me finish that one off.While I was fiddling with the keys,the molly managed to gun me down.So that's one point minus for me.I promise that for how long I will live I will never thrust the mollys again and exterminate them all ,even after they helped us.

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And also,I think it would be a good time to request my promotion to Lieutenant Commander,because while I was a Lieutenant I managed to achieve:
-8 Patrool Reports
-over 3 months active in the Armed Forces
-a level 3 attitude level.

I have learned alot while I served in the Armed Forces,improved my bomber duelling skills and participated in some big battles for defending our beloved country .
I will serve Queen Carina as well as I can!


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Savi - 12-22-2011

::ID: Ens.Wayne.Johnson
::Subject: 22th of December Ens.Wayne.Johnson report::

So after the encounter me and Folge had with the corsairs and mollies, I continued my patrol. After some time, I realised that a molly called Gregory.O'Neil is making troubles in Dublin for the BAF. So I decided to hunt him down. When we meet him, I was with police officer Axel.Foley who also have been engaged by the angry molly. He refused stop firing and duel with my ship for his life, so I decided to purge. After 5 minutes he found himself near Battleship Hood where I managed to terminate him without any looses.
I continued my patrol in Leeds where, near the planet, I scanned a gaian wildfire smuggler. He refused to drop cargo so me and the police officers engaged. He soon docked on Planet Leeds for repairs, but after 2 minutes I managed to trick him and follow to Cambridge, where he decided to drop cargo, while he was heavyly damaged. We returned to Leeds, where, on our surprise, we encountered a Hogosha transport passing trough Bretonia. We immediately took measures and hunted him down.
That should be all for now.

Here are the guncam shots : 1 2 3 4
Ens.Wayne.Johnson out.

[color=#CC0000]::END OF TRANSMISSION::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-22-2011

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Lieutenant William Folge, your progress in the armed forces is very impressive. For your time in our ranks you have achieved:
- 45 hours of Flight Time
- 8 patrol reports
- Bomber Training pass
- Good level of attitude (3)
That is why you are granted the rank of [color=#00CCCC]Lieutenant Commander
without hesitation.

With this promotion the Lieutenant Commander's seats are considered occupied. All Lieutenants that are requesting promotion wont receive it until the seats are released.

[Image: 2gy3ytg.png]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 12-23-2011

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge

SUBJECT:KNF forces obliterated

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,today I started another patrool of the core systems.
I had ensign Jones Cloo under my command,and while we were patroling the systems,we met near Norfolk Battleship a vessel callsign Emiyl who was unlicensed ,unidentified and was carrying gaian wildlife.We halted the transport,asked it to drop the wildlife,because it was obvious he had no license.He didn't seem to understand,so I opened fire.When I was about to deliver the final blow,he dropped some wildlife and I halted my fire.After some time,he dropped it all,and we let it go.
[Image: screen10.jpg]

After this incident,me and Ensign Cloo went to Leeds system ,where we meet a couple of KNF fighters on a intercept course.We rapidly went back to the planet to switch to our fighters and engage the kusarians.
In the meantime LtCdr B.Brown signed in and offered to help uswith the KNF.I engaged one fighter,heavily damaged it and finally my mine finished it off.
Then I moved onto the next fighter and took it out with ease.

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After the Kusarians were eliminated,I went with the ensign to Salisbury for a little training session.I tested him and he seemed pretty confident and reliable,but not a match for my eagle.So I switched to my Templar to give him a chance to even damage my ship.His biggest problem was that because he was flying a Templar,a more maneuvrable ship,like the Eagle or Chimerae could run circles round it and shoot it in the back.
After some time I met another ensign,which I tested too,and he seemed to be a good pilot.
In the end,both ensigns showed good piloting skills and shooting skills.

That would be all for today.



Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 12-24-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Essex, Dublin
Subject: Incident Report

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen of the High Command

I appologize for my time i'm sending you this report, since the event it bases on already happened 3 standard days ago. But as you can imagine, my whole time was needed as lead officer in space. Dublin has been a mess lately.
My first point in today's report is about some Zoners in Dublin. Normally not a problem, but they were on board of two capitals, Juggernaugts to be exact. As I got the message from Commander Charles Davis, i went on the bridge of the Invictus and went to help him.
At the time of my arrival his negotiations with the Zoners, trying to get them to surrender peacefully and let the legal sector clear the rest, had already failed. The Juggy's weapons were firing hot. I immediatly ordered the Invictus to fire and after a hot battle, which only narrowly missed civilian and Bretonia Armed Forces casualties, one of the Juggys exploded, though the other one escaped during the process. The explosions of the first one forced us to get more distance between us but the Juggy's hull could resist it.
A weird signal transmitted from one of the Zoner capitals disabled all our guncams, so we have no chance to trace them.

My second point is the most important one. Only two days after the incident with the Zoners two Ensigns called me out to Dublin. They had radar contact with a Liberty Navy vessel.
I immediatly took of and arrived just in time as they were establishing radio contact. I took command of the talking and got a weird picture of the pilot flying it. It was a Navy bomber, idling near Hood. I couldn't get into deeper talking as there was a Molly nearby, trying to insult us.
The Navy pilot told me she felt like throwing herself against her command right then. I told her to get the hell out of Bretonia as she didn't have permission to even enter. Sadly we couldn't escort her out as the Molly who had gotten reinforcement attacked us.
*Uploading guncam pictures* 1, 2

The fight with the Mollies afterwards didn't go as planned. Their ships had weird 'teleportars' installed. They were warping around the place and we were forced to retreat to Essex. Once there the Mollies took the chance and took of, but not after sending two Ensigns into their pods on the way there. They were checked in Essex's medical bay and flying again.

My third point is nothing spectacular. The HMP-Glasshous made some prisoner transfers and requested an escort. I was with it the whole time, but nothing happened. The prisoners are safe and secure at Newgate now.
The rest of the time i spent with patrols and false emergency calls.

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours,
Commander Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 12-26-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Source: Ensign, Derek Kerr
Subject: Cambridge Patrol

Good Evening, Officers.

Recently, under the command of the Sommerville, I aided in a patrol of the Cambridge system. We had entered via a jump hole in Leeds and so were far off from standard Armed Forces patrols. As soon as we entered the system we became aware of a Corsair fighter, by the name of 'Barbarossa'. As far as our scanners could tell us he was alone, so we moved into engage.
It quickly became aware to us that there were a few more fighters on the fringes of our scanners, however we were confident that with the Sommerville (A gunboat) and myself (A fighter) we could win. For the first portion of our engagement things went as planned and the Corsair fighters began to slowly break down. Following this prior achievement we noticed a Corsair Gunboat, appearing out from nowhere, joining the fray.
Even with the numbers against us we fought on, and managed to hold our own. In an attempt to 'push the blade home' the Sommerville attempted to separate the Corsair force by travelling through the jump hole and dividing the Corsair force. By jumping through the Leeds. However not taking the bait, the Corsairs remained with myself on the other side of the jump hole, the Sommerville was forced to return. Yet we persevered and continued fighting, this held out until one more Corsair ship (a bomber) appeared forcing us to withdraw through the jump hole.
Once through we continued to fight. It was at this moment that Lieutenant Commander Ree became aware of the incident and moved into assist (armed with a bomber). With his help we were able to break away at the gunboat. But with the loss of the Sommerville things began to turn for the worse.
Shortly after the destruction of the Sommerville Lieutenant Commander Ree was also lost in action. Under the order of Lieutenant Commander Ree, from his escape pod, I withdrew to the Battleship Derby.

With the unfortunate condition of my CO, the captain of the Sommerville, I felt it was my duty to report on the results of our patrol.

I also apologise for the lack of images, of the Corsair vessels in question. As although my ship did, safely, reach the Battleship Derby the on-board image recorder was damaged and so I was unable to retrieve any images of the vessels in question. I was however able too successfully retrieve the audio files, from the patrol.

.....Audio File 1.....

.....Audio File 2.....

.....Audio File 3.....

.....Audio File 4.....

......Audio File 5.....

.....Audio File 6.....

Wishing the best too the Sommerville and her crew, and also too Lieutenant Commander Ree and god speed to their recovery.

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End of Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Kopesh - 12-27-2011

ID:Lieutenant Commander William Folge
SUBJECT:Multiple reports

Greetings ladies and gentlemen,I have to post here 2 reports from 2 different days.

1st report.
This report is 3 days old.
I started my patrool from the Hood.I asked on the system chanel if everything was allright,and then a guy callsign 5C|Camael started taunting me.I started a searching patrool to find him.Eventually I found him and asked him to leave Bretonia.Since he didn't listen to me,I opened fire and destroyed his ship with ease.

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2nd report.
This report is from yesterday afternoon.
I started my patrool with Ensign Daniar through New London and Leeds.
When I reached Leeds,I encountered 3 corsair ships near the tradelane from Planet Leeds to Durham Border Station.Since my hatred towards those canibals is very high,I opened fire at once and ordered ensign Daniar to get there as soon as possible.Luckily another BAF pilot callsign Dylan Garrard came to the scene and aided me.
When ensign Daniar arrived,it was 3 vs 3 and therefore we were able to deal some heavy damage to our enemy.
After some time,captain Ryan Williams came to the scene too,and since the new Ensign wasn't doing well in the battle,I replaced him with the Captain.The ensign started flying towards Leeds planet,and the corsairs followed too.The captain and I managed to exterminate them,where the captain scored 2 kills and I scored 1.
After this incident,we all went to Salisbury ,where I evaluated the new ensign and gave him some usefull tips.His dodging and aiming skills were not in a good shape,so I tried to help him the in best way I could.
Also Ensign Henry Moore signed in too,and he had a really good impression on me.His fighting skills improved a lot recently and I believe he should be promoted to Lieutenant because he really deserves it.

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After I trained the pilots,I was contacted on secured chanel by the captain of the vessel callsign =CR=Shahal.He wanted to talk to me about stationing a Colonial Fleet in Leeds to assist us in our war against Kusari and Gallia.I kindly told him that I was unable to give him a clear anwser because my rank doesn't allow me to allow foreign capital ships to be stationed in our space.So I am sending this matter in your capable hands,Admiral Piett.
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That would be all for today.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Jam - 12-27-2011

--[Incoming Transmittion]--
Sender ID: Admiral John Clay
Priority: High
Subject: My retire
Report Begin
Fleet Admiral, Admirals, members of the Armed Forces.
I am no longer able to fully serve in her Majesty's Armed Forces. My health started to betray me...

It all started few years ago, when they found a sleeping virus in me. It woke up last night. I have around 2 months left. Sorry, I... I can't talk at all. I am starting to feel pain all around me.

I request medics on Cambridge, as fast as possible.

Clay out.

End of Report

--[Transmittion Terminated]--