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Rheinland Military Message Dump - davnolan - 02-27-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

Location: Bonn Station

ID: Flieger Josef Brackmann

After the incident with the LSF in New Berlin, I returned to Bonn Station to finish filing my report and grab some bunk. I was awoken by a distress signal coming from Omega-7. Three hessians, [RHA]Emil.Meier, [RHA]Kasimir.Richter and [RHA]RHT-Seehund, were targeting traders. I suited up and grabbed my fighter and found Flieger Lewis Shepherd in the vicinity. Together we headed toward Omega-7. While we were enroute, the Hessians destroyed the trading vessel Bayern_Transport.

While we were headed toward the Stuttgart Jump Gate, we ran into a pair of Polizei who offered to accompany us, Alfred.Neumann and RussianBeer. When the four of us arrived in Omega-7 we found only two of the Hessians remaining, Emil and Kasimir, fighting with several freelancers and mercs.

We announced our presence and intent to assist and Neumann, Shepherd and I joined the battle. RussianBeer sat there, watching, and seemed confused. After a few minutes of taking an intense beating, the two Hessians fled the system to Omega-7. At that point, one of the mercs, David.Williams, admitted he'd been paid to do a job, and he intended to finish it. He began opening fire on Flieger Shepherd.

We three began to return fire, as did the freelancers present, including Guard and Clint_Meyers. A third freelancer, Luka, decided to sit it out and see who won.

Guard was put out of action by David.Williams, and was then joined by [RHA]Ernst.Neurath and a Hessian "Heimdall" gunboat, ID'd as Raubvogel, which came out of the Omega-11 Jump Hole (which we had chased the previous Hessians to and were fighting at nearby).

Alfred.Neumann was taken out by David.William's Supernova Torpedo, while Flieger Shepherd was shot down shortly after by the "Heimdall" gunboat. I continued to fight for some time with the remaining three hostiles, but eventually their combined firepower overwhelmed me, and my ship was destroyed by the Hessian gunboat. I ejected in my escape pod and was only recently retrieved by a passing Daumann miner on his way to Bonn Station in New Berlin. I am currently awaiting a replacement vessel for outfitting.

Flieger Brackmann, out.

***End Transmission***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - davnolan - 02-28-2010

***Incoming Transmission***

Location: Braunschweig

ID: Flieger Josef Brackmann

After loading up and undocking from Bonn Station, my long-range scanners picked up a known Hessian gunboat in Omega-7. Flieger Helga Stainder was in the area, and together with RNC Kuun Lan we grouped and headed to the Omega-7 Jumpgate in Stuttgart. Unfortunately for us, the Hessian continued on to Omega-3, out of our jurisdiction.

While we entered Omega-7, however a pirate Captain.Kidd destroyed a trader, ID'd at Pythios[M]. To try and track the pirate down, we patrolled all of the mining regions in Omega-7 as well as the tradelanes, but there was no sign of him. We decided to return to inner Rheinland space.

It was while we were returning to New Berlin that our long range scanners picked up the presence of two LSF members in Hamburg. We immediately pursued, and our battlegroup was joined by RNC Admiral Auztin Engels. Together we secured their escape route to Bering and Hudson, and Flieger Stainder and I actually found them. Unfortunately, we asked permission to fire, and when it came, they'd already began to run, taking the recon data they'd gathered with them. After chasing them to just shy of Texas, we turned around and headed home to Hamburg.

At this point we were joined by Gefreiter Emily Hermundt and Flieger Sonja Hermundt. As the highest ranking enlisted member, Gefreiter Emily Hermundt took command, and ordered us into Hudson, as our long-range scanners indicated Liberty forces were beginning to mass in Texas.

We took the tradelane toward the nearest planetary body in Hudson and set up a line of fire. When the Liberty forces arrived, it was with a Dreadnought, a Battleship, several bombers and six gunboats. Gefreiter Hermundt ordered me, as the only bomber, to go for the battleship, the fighters to attack the gunboats, and for our cruiser and battleship to turn around and fire behind them as we headed to the Hamburg gate again.

Those plans soon changed, however, and we were ordered into a full attack. During the battle, the Gefreiter changed targets often, ordering a hard switch, but the intensity of the firefight made it difficult for the fighters to comply.

The LSF ships took off, leaving the Liberty Navy to fend for itself, and the Liberty Dreadnought left as well, apparently believing adequate strength to deal with us remained. The first ship to be taken out was by our battleship, commanded by Admiral Auztin Engels, destroying the ship ID'd as Kesowa. As ordered, I lined up my bombing run on the battleship, but was tailed by a gunboat, designation Spear.

As I was lining up my bombing run, he managed to take out my shields twice, and the second time as I passed by my battleship target, designated BlackSun. My third torpedo was a direct hit, as were the previous two, but the resulting blast tore my ship apart, and I barely had time to eject in the pod.

As I floated away from the fight, I continued to take notes on the battle. Gefreiter Hermundt ordered a hard switch in targets approximately eight times, but her orders went largely unheeded in the fierce fight. Most of the fighters were struggling to avoid the multiple gunboats' fire. They managed to take out {TLG}Rednes, but then RNC Admiral Auztin Engels and the cruiser, RNC Kuun Lan went down nearly side by side by hostile vessels and the gunboat Joseph.Smith. Flieger Helga Stainder managed to gun down Sarge126, but at this point I was too far to see the make of the ship.

It was at this point, with just the fighters left, that Gefreiter Hermundt ordered a general retreat. I eventually made planetfall back in Hamburg and headed toward Braunschweig to buy and refit a new Snubby. It it from there that this report is being filed.

Flieger Brackmann, out.

***End Transmission***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Envy - 02-28-2010

Incoming Transmission...
Location: Battleship Moselle
ID:Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel

Todays patrol was a little smoother than most; of course it goes without saying that the Joker was handled again, but that bit was already covered. With Neu Berlins security covered I thought it would be a rather safe bet to have drinks with Feldwebel Drum. That however later turned out to be a mistake.

Reports showed that two Fliegers were previously gunned down in Stuttgart by an unknown Hessian force. Leutnant Schneider went in to investigate, and despite my impaired state being the only pilot available I was sent to her wing. Immediately we found the wing of Hessians consisting of four bombers and a single fighter.

In exchange for one of their pilots they agreed to leave the system, and so they appeared to have done. Leutnant Schneider and I continued our patrol of the Stuttgart system, once again running into the same wing of Hessians, but this time they did not feign playing along. For some reason a bomber pilot thought it a good idea to challenge my Wraith to a duel which I was encouraged to accept by Leutnant Schneider.

Maik Lehmann was his name if I recall. We didnt waste much time getting to the engagement, with myself utilizing the speed of my ship to counter his raw power. I say, focusing on staying alive when youre intoxicated becomes a bit cloudy. My hand was constantly shaking as I tried to take aim, sweat trickling along my brow as I lined up razor after razor shot.

I couldnt really tell how much time it took given my mental state, but eventually the bomber burst into pieces, causing his comrades to make a break for it. The Leutnant and I chased down another bomber, stopping him. Since he refused to halt I was given permission to fire. It was a rather hopeless situation, with the bomber constantly disrupted and under fire it is no surprise it was also relieved of a recognizable shape.

Unfortunately the bomber had wasted enough of our time for the rest of the Hessians to get away, so we returned to Battleship Moselle where I will be taking it easy and relaxing until my head simmers down.

Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel

Transmission Terminated...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Bazza - 02-28-2010

Incoming Transmission

Location: □

ID: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀

For Major General Gunther Rall.

I've scrambled the source of this transmission. I trust you'll understand why.

The information that you requested is complete and ready to be patched through.

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[[Download this file]

I do hope we can continue to get along well, Rall.

Transmission Terminated

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wafellini - 02-28-2010

:::ID - Rheinland Military
:::Rank - Flieger
:::Name - Helga Stainder
:::Patrol Intel
:::Incomming transmission

21:35 - I started my engines and set off to Braunschweig to buy a better equipemnt for my Fighter.
21:50 - My ship is ready and I start patroling Rheinland space - Long range scanner detected multiple LWB units in the area.
22:00 - I located the LWB ships although they were heading asteroidfields and were staying mostly out of my scanner range so no danger to citizen of Rheinland was possible and for me following into fields could end in falling into LWB trap. I continued my patrol route : New Berlin -> Frankfurt ->Munich -> Stuttgart ->New Berlin
22:25 - Another Flieger arrived Mr Josef Brackmann and he reported detection of Hessian Gunboat
22:30 - we decided to intercept a pirate with a help of Rheinland Cruiser Kuun Lan
22:40 - we arrived at Omega 7 and we detected Hessian in Omega 3 , out of our zone of influence so we decided to patrol the Omega 7
22:45 - We received a call about pirate name : Captain.Kidd - we decided to search the Omega 7 for that pirate - after checking all mining fields and TL area with no sightings of mantioned pirate , we went back to Rheinland House Space
22:50 - In Stuttgart we received a call from Hamburg from Battleship Westfalen - detection of LSF ships in the area - possible recon unit
23:00 - we arrived in the system and came under command of Rheinland Battleship Name-RNC Admiral Auztin Engels - We were ordered to block the Texas gate. In Texas we had a visual range although both ships manage to run from our scanner range. Meanwhile back up has arrived . Highest rank officer took command , Gefreiter Emily Hermundt and she ordered , after blocking all exits from the system and still no detection of chased LSF pilots , to retreat to Hamburg,
23:30 - Gefreiter Emily Hermundt - orders us to go to Hudson
23:40 - we encounter a Liberty Navy fleet with multiple (possible 6) Gunboats , Dreadnought and few Assaulty Battlecruiser (possible 1-2) with escort of 3-4 Bombers and other (possible 2-4)Fighter class ships
23:50 - after forming up a line and counting our chanced we decided to fight with the enemy of Rheinland.
24:00 - some of the ships including Dreadnought fleet from the Battlefield BEFORE the fight
24:30 - Battle startes. I was unsure of targets given by Frau Hermundt because of heavy fire comming from Gunboats. Although I focues on Bombers atacking capital ships - as long as the Cruiser and Battleship were operating Gunboats weren't much danger and could be destroyed easily.
24:50 - after heavy fire I manage to destroy shields and 50% of 2 bombers. I was unable to shoot them down because I was under heavy fire and I was trying to switch target when Bomber was avoiding me and not shoting Capital.
1:20 - after shooting one bomber down name : Sarge126 , damage done to other 2 Bombers (about all Shield batteries - multiple shield damage and 30-50% of Hull) Our capital fleet has been defeated and we were ordered to fall back
1:30 - at this time I would appologize to Mrs Gefreiter Emily Hermundt for not obeying all here targeting orders, it was my first day in RM and I was a little confused what to do and excited to much to stay focus on the orders - I was focusing on my fighting and tactic experience mostly. I decided that I would be a great use if I defend the Capitals instead of focusing fire on the GB which Gefreiter Emily Hermundt ordered us.
I am sorry and I can asure you Mrs I will never fail you again!
1:40 - We falled back to Hamburg and I Re-armed and repaired my ship.
1:50 - 2:20 - Fight with MM forces and Diana Blane with few (possible 2-3) wingmen . Our forces were to short to engage those fighters so I decided to take Diana down a possibly make others just leave. Unfortunetly I was to tired after the first fight and my flying skills didn't match Diana experience, I failed and lost my ship...although Hamburg did located my Escape pod and I was able to survive that lesson.

Helga Stainder report - Transmission Ended -
Rheinland will prevail! For the Kanzler!

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wafellini - 02-28-2010

:::ID - Rheinland Military
:::Rank - Flieger
:::Name - Helga Stainder
:::Patrol Intel
:::Incomming transmission

Day 2
Patrol report
10:00 - 13:00 - usual patroling missions in Rheinland space.Encountered RHA wing 3 ships and one Indie Hessian. One ship destroyed by me others engaged by units from WD , some indie Military and me flee to Nebula in Stuttgart.Rest of patrols doing well. No problems apart of Zoner Destroyed escorting a trader...escorted out of system and Zoner whale attempting to enter Liberty with some HTalloy. Stoped and redirected to go other way - he was heading some borderworlds.
16:00 - 19:00 - Before the patrols I had some Fighting Simulations and than under command of Herr Drum we began our patrols heading Sigma 13. On way there we met a Corsairs GB . He complied to leave system so we escorted him out of Frankfurt. Quick patrol in Sigma 13 and nothing to report.
When we arrived in Berlin , Herr Drum commenced scan on one of the trader carrying passengers and side arms. While investigating I detected a VF unit on Sabre. Herr Drum ordered to intercept - I did with a help of another flieger , after asking him to comply and trying to arrest he opened fire. In response we atacked him and I destroyed his vessel. Short after that we detected a RHA unit near Planet Berlin. We went to investigate.
RHA pilot said he was in jail for 20 years and now he wants to become a miner, he said he is on his way to change his life in Hamburg. On way there he wanted to show me something. I did with weapons hot followed him and I detected a structure ... possible a base...but some of the data was destroyed when my ship was damaged by the station turrets and the RHA now opening fire on me. Although some of the data has survived and I have a possible location of the base he showed me...5-7 / B-D deep in the asteroid field.
It was more like a depot...small station...My ship was destoyed and some of the data is incomplete but I got a bad-quality picture of it (quality is bad because it was taken from an escape pod)
::::Incomming data::::
::::Transmission ended::::

Summary :
One Fighter - Class VHF - origin - Red Hessian technology, Odin - RHA unit - Destroyed
One Fighter - Class VHF - origin - Outcast Technology , Borderworlds Sabre - VF unit - Destroyed
One Fighter - Class VHF - origin - Rheinland Wraith - [RM] Rheinland Military - Pilot - Helga Stainder - ship status - destroyed
Intel - acquisition of information about Hessian base , possible sector 5-7 || B-D
Patrol distance - about 2000K

Pressent status of Flieger Helga - in medical after returning with escape pod - status - mentaly : upset and worried but stable and calm , health - apart of some scratches - status stable and ready for duty.
Awaiting another ship in 4h time from 19:30.

Helga Stainder statement :"Stainder family will pay for another ship if RMHC decides it was my fault and I am fully responsible for the destruction of the vessel , if RMHC decides I should return a vessel by my founds than so be it. Helga Stainder OUT"
Notice for today - Never trust an unlawful.

Report data ended:::transmission terminated::::

Rheinland Military Message Dump - lukasz_r128a - 02-28-2010

***Incoming transmission***
From: Fl. Klaudia.Linn

Guten Tag.
Today in time when I was on patrol in Stuttgart system I've received a message from Tanja Voelkel about situation near tradelane from Bonn Station to Stuttgart JG in Neu Berlin System. When I arrived to battle area I immediately engage a hostile targets. It was a good day for me. In the name of Kanzler I was destroyed two ships:
[Image: beztytuukw.png]

When we end with this hostiles, we start to check all systems near Neu Berlin.
Me and Joseph Brackmann were designaded to check Stutgart and Omega 7. Stutgart was clear, but in Omega 7 we meet a Hessian pilot. We want to arrest him, but start making trouble and engage us. Unfortunally my ship was blow up by his mine and my escape pod was tracted by Joseph. Also Flieger Brackmann was take care of this Hessian and take him down...

***Transmission over***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Sturmwind - 02-28-2010

**********Incoming transmission**********

Transmission source: Battleship Karlsruhe, Stuttgart System.
Encryption code: AZ21-Z22-OI79-XT30-PK63

Checking transmission validity...
Decrypting transmission...
Establishing communcation link...
Establishing video link...

#Video file on screen#

[Image: voelkel-comms2.png]

Submitter: Major Alec Voelkel, Rheinland Military.
Subject: A proposed scout mission of Sigma-13


Sehr geehrter Oberkommando,

During our patrols of the Sigma-13 system, we have came accross several difficulties, even resulting in the temporary loss of a whole patrol wing, who disappeared and reappeared most mysteriously. The matter is still not investigated.

As we frequently ran accross unknown anomalies, explosive fields and even code-blue lifeforms, which could be perilous to our patrols being sent out in the unknown, I would like to propose the following:

The RNC Hansa, the Korvette under my command, equipped with the newest line of sensor systems, should spearhead a recon operation of the whole Sigma-13 system. Escort of course, should be provided by a fighter wing as well as a required guide from the Gas Miners Guild. Our primary mission would be mapping the system, marking the perilous anomalies, possible source of hostile attacks and altogether providing more information for any patrol we send out into the Crow nebula, so our pilots wouldn't be flying almost entirely blind out there.

Of course, the permission of the GMG will be needed to commence such a mission, as well as requiring possible assistance from the ALG to use Helgoland as a temporary base of operations.

I'm awaiting your reply.

Major Voelkel signing off.

Powering down transmitter...
Cutting comm link...
Closing visual data...

------------------End of Transmission-----------------

Rheinland Military Message Dump - davnolan - 03-01-2010

***Incoming Transmission***
Location: Battleship Moselle
ID: Flieger Josef Brackmann

Today when I suited up and punched out of Bonn Station, I immediately received a transmission from Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel. Apparently an RM battlegroup comprised of Gefreiter Emily Hermundt, Flieger Klaudia Linn, and led by Hauptfeldwebel Gunter Weissman, was engaged with a group of the Joker's thugs, the Joker and a pair of wayward freelancers.

I was given coordinates and flew immediately to assist, but upon arrival was told to stand by as backup. Hauptfeldwebel Weissman ordered his fighters to target Joker's Thug-Spanky, who was shortly thereafter destroyed by a flurrying barrage of Gefreiter Hermund'ts guns.
[Image: th_022810HermundtkillsSpanky.jpg]
The next target was the Joker's gunboat, which went down under a hail of fire from various sources.
[Image: th_JokerMoneyShot.jpg]
At this point, Flieger Helga Stainder also arrived on the scene and was ordered to stand by.

Flieger Klaudia Linn took out the next ship, a bomber by the name of Firewarrior-II, as ordered by the Hauptgefreiter. Linn's streak continued on to Jack.Ripper, a freelancer who chose the wrong side. The last surviving Joker's Thug was Dorky, and the Hauptfeldwebel destroyed him on a pass with a mine.
[Image: th_022810LinnkillsFirewarrior.jpg] [Image: th_022810LinnkillsJackRipper.jpg] [Image: th_022810WeissmankillsDorky.jpg]
Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel destroyed the next ship, by the name of Smeagle, leaving one last ship, a freelancer with a meanstreak named Luka
[Image: th_022810TanjakillsSmeagle.jpg]
Honorably, the Hauptfeldwebel offered to face him in single combat, but after realizing he was badly outmatched, Luka spent all of his energies attempting to flee. Seeing this angered the Hauptfeldwebel, and I was given orders to take out Luka. I complied, and destroyed him with my Firekiss MkII setup.
[Image: th_022810BrackmannkillsLuka.jpg]
We returned to the Battleship Strausberg to rearm and refit, and several pilots returned to base. We were left with Fliegers Helga Stainder, Klaudia Linn, Hauptgefreiter Xander Vogel and Hauptfeldwebel Weissman. In addition a patrolling navy man, Hanz Wurst, also joined us. Weissman determined that we would run patrols, and placed Vogel in charge of the fliegers.

Vogel took Hanz toward Hamburg and Weissman ordered Linn to take command of a second wing and take her and myself to Stuttgart and the Omegas. Long-range scanners indicated that a known pirate, Captain.Kidd was in Omega-7, so upon arrival Linn ordered me to patrol the Daumann mineral fields while she took Kruger.

The Daumann fields were clear, but Linn ran into Captain.Kidd near the Kruger fields with the help of a Patrol.Bravo that requested our assistance. Unfortunately, he escaped. We chose to rendevous at Freistadt station to continue our patrol, and while I was waiting there my scanners picked up a Hessian by the name of [RB]-Alex.Jaeger.

I ordered him to surrender himself peacefully to be escorted to the nearest detention facility. After discussing the issue back and forth with him for a while, he refuted our claims to authority several times. By this time Linn had caught up and, after we contacted our superior officer, gave the order to engage.

The Hessian targeted me first, and turned out to be an excellent shot with him mini razor. Choosing not to engage by jousting, I switched to evasive maneuvers, trying to get Linn in line for a shot. Unfortunately, the Hessian rode my tail pretty close, and his shields barely even got scratched. He pulled a hard switch and turned on Linn, taking our her shield with guns and laying a mine in her path, destroying her ship.
[Image: th_022810RBAlexJaegerkillsLinn.jpg]
Realizing that he was a good enough shot that running wasn't going to do me any good, I turned my ship around to engage the Hessian. Laying a long path of mines behind me, one hit his shields, and as I turned around my guns finished them off, taking part of his hull as well. On his next turn he passed too close to one of my mines, and he was toast.
[Image: th_022810BrackmannkillsAlexJaeger.jpg]
With my patrol of Omega-7 finished, I contacted Hauptgefreiter Vogel, who ordered me to return to Bonn Station in New Berlin to take care of a possible spy. While I was on my way back, I was informed that the spy was gone. I continued on to Bonn anyway, and upon arrival requested permission to dock with the Strausberg to refit and rearm. Vogel gave me permission to return to base, and I did so, setting a course for Braunschweig, where I wrote up my report. Upon arrival I also sent a request to the RMHC for a promotion.

Flieger Josef Brackmann, out.

***End Transmission***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Razr - 03-01-2010

Incoming transmission :

Source :
Battleship Moselle
Comm ID : Major General Gunther Rall
Priority : Medium

The time is once again approaching, where pilots of the Rheinwehr are recognized for achieving their goals within our ranks. High Command is finishing the votes for the latest promotions within the officer and flag officer ranks.

Those eligible for promotion are the following;
  • HauptFeldwebel Gunter Weissman
  • Hauptgefreiter Xander Vogel
  • Hauptgefreiter Hans Putzkammer
  • Hauptgefreiter Adrian Wiesen
  • Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel

Those who wish to be eligible must fulfill their given criteria within the next 40 hours, presenting it on mine, Admiral Matles, or Engels desk. On another note, being an enlisted pilot and having fulfilled the criteria Flieger Josef Brackmann is promoted to the rank of Obergefreiter.

Thats all for now Piloten, youve your notice get to work.


Major General Gunther Rall