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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 12-28-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Source: Ensign, Derek Kerr
Subject: Alien Activity

Good Evening, gentlemen

Over the past few hours myself, Ensign Moore and Ensign Bloom began a brief patrol of Leeds, our intention to catch out any attempting to breach the embargo, or to catch pirates aswell as Kusari vessels.
While returning to Planet Leeds from the New London jump gate we became aware of a faint unknown signiature at about 12,000 metres of towards Stokes. As we moved closer we became aware that ship appeared more alien than your standard trader. This caught our suspitions and Ensign Bloom and myself moved into investigate. Ensign Moore was held back by the trade lane incase the creature should attempt to run, in which case he would use the trade lane in order to cut off its escape.
This however turned up to be unneeded as a few well placed cruise disruptors managed to stop the creature dead in its tracks. We continued on to question the creature on its reasons for being in Bretonia. It gave extremely evasive answers, causing us to watch the creature more and more carefully. Eventually after we believed we had started to get somewhere the creature attempted to flee, we pursued the creature for several minutes, doing our best to cut off and hinder its escape. Opening fire near the end of its escape attempt to send it the message in a more basic language. This attempt succeeded as the creature appeared to give up.
Unsure of what too do we considered on the possiblity of the creatures release, it was unarmed, and we believed that we had managed to cut it off before it managed to gain any insight into any knowledge that Bretonia had too offer. In the end the creature was released, as it was unarmed and knights do not kill an unarmed foe. We kept an eye on the creature after that just to make sure it left Bretonia, which it did promptly.

An unusual sight in Bretonia we felt the need to that images of the alien vessel, aswell as some records of the conversation.

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Second Alien Appearence

After this event had concluded I assumed that, that would have been the last we had seen of our 'purple friends' for a good while. However not an hour or so later, ensign Moore reseived a transmission of a similar alien vessel stalking a Bowex vessel in Omega 3. We moved out immediately to investigate the anomely. I unfortunatly was forced to return to Bretonia to deal with certain areas of paper work, notably this one, at the Planet Cambridge. Confident that the other two ensigns', and the two Bowex fighter craft which had accompinied the transport, ability to deal with the alien vessel, I departed and made my way back to the Planet Cambridge, where I completed my report on the resent alien appearences. Before I left however i took a few images of the alien craft.

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It was unnerving to all of us that such a vessel would appear in Bretonia, however so long as we are aware of the dangers they hold, i am sure that we can easily prevent an surprising incidents such as this.

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End of Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Renoktu_Ree - 12-28-2011




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[Image: Rene3ltcdr-1.png]

Salutes* Sir,

the last weeks was almost silence for me on my patrols,i take some fresh bloods with me and we
was going for standart protocols.

One day i got a call from the Commander of the Derby,he send me files from the last location of the Ensign
Derek.The ensign was fighting against a unknow units of enemy ships,so i start immediately my engines and heading to hims last position.

When i found him he was in a hard fight against several Corsair fighter and a Corsair Gunboat,all near the Cambridge jumpgate.

He was alone and does it really really good for an ensign,he managed to dodge the enemy fire and fired back and hit them hard.

I joined the fight in my bomber,we focuse our fire on that dirty gunboat and we make it finaly leave on the end.For more details you can read it from the ensigns report.


Few days later when i start from salisbury stations from the last training simulations,i get a call from some
ensigns who was on patrol in leeds and they found some pirates who like to make trouble there on the lanes
to Edinbourgh.

When i arived to the position the ensign Daniar and a independent Soldier of the Armed Forces with name John Maloney was in fight against this pirate.

Ensign Moore joined me and we observing the fight.
Daniar had make it well in this fight but the pirate shows that he wasnt a rookie,i decided that Daniar get out of these fight and go for repairs and i orderd ensign moore in for him.

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I wont that a fresh blood get lost so safety goes before honor.
Moore shoot immediately on the pirate who was realy hard to hit in that Sabre,few minutes later arived a friend of the pirate with the same ship transponder ID called 5C|...

From the comms witch we cough before it seems they are citizen of kusari,and that explain some to me why they attack our units there in leeds.

This fight take to long for me so i orderd all units on one target to end this finaly,the pirates wont give up by any chances so we needed to use deathly forces.

We managed to make them leave from Leeds,the pirates splitted up.
One Ran to Dublin the other Ran to Edinbourgh.

I orderd Ensign Daniar and Maloney to stay on the one who ran to Dublin,me and ensign Moore was on the other.Me and Moore lost the Pirate near Islay Base,he was hard demaged when we lost him.

It seems he learn finaly not to fight against the baf at least.
Maloney and Daniar hunted the Pirate trough Dublin,but at the end he managed to escape.

For the record,it was a victory anyways,but for the future i suggest to note that these pirates of Type
5C|*** ***** , are very dangerous.I suggest to get them on our list of Dangerous enemy of B.A.F.

After this we regroup all on Leeds Battleship Derby,for repairs and new orders.
We got some reports from the Derby of a lonley KNF units somewhere around stokes,
i send John Maloney to check this out.

Few times later John calls me on my comms that he found the enemy unit patroling around Stokes,but he wasnt alone there the KNF got soport from some Rookie Pilots in theire Desstoyer and Gunboats,and a secondary fleet of KNF with heavy Battleship soport.

I orderd him back to derby,there was nothing we can do for now and it seems the KNF was just on a patrol and not looking for a fight.

I call ensing Moore and Daniar so John to dock for a short brake,tea time,while i was in a talk with the Commander of Derby.He told me that they got some issues to contact the Battleship Macduff he was a bit worried about this and ask me if we culd check this out for him.

I agreed and met the ensigns in the bar for the brefing.
I orderd Ensign Moore and Daniar to stay in leeds for holding the blockard to taus,i though its a good practice for Daniar and Moore knows how to make this job and he can teach him a bit.

I take John Maloney with me for the trip to Tau 23,to the Macduff.
My tummy makes bad sounds when i though on a possible KNF invason or something on Macduff.
I take this thoughs down,and we start our templars on way to Edinbourgh.

We decided to fly incocnito outside from the lanes to the macduff,we need no attention from KNF while we are on a reconnaissance mission.
After a while we arived the Macduff,i tryed to contact them and my heart makes a jump when the commander answerd me on my call.

We docked and talk with the Commander,he said a Ice Rock had hit the communication systems of the Macduff and the technican are on that to fix it again,shuld be done in one two days.
Relieved John and me go for a cup of tea to the Bar, five minutes later we was on way back to Leeds.

Ensign Moore and Daniar Report me that all was alright there on the blockard and that Daniar make a great work there.

Few hours later the duty time was over for almost all,there was nothing spezial to report.
I docked on Derby and Report the Commander all about Macduff and going to my desk to write some paper work.


After my rest i go back to duty,i was on patrol around planet leeds orbit when ensign Derek joined me.
We patrol around the system leeds and check some traderships for the cargo hold on the blockard to taus,
standart protocol.

Later i decided to go for some training simulation units for me and the ensign,but in half way we got disturb from a Pirate,ship frequency 5C|... again.

I orderd the Derek to dock and get a refil of ammo and Bots,i fly immediately to the pirate to get the attention on me.
The Pirate flow a Eagle with Pirate ID,it was the same who escaped me and moore to Isley some hours ago.

He was good but he had expect not that hard resistance against him,poor pirate.
Ensign Derek joined me to finishe this fast and not to risk anythink against this pirate.

The Pilot of the eagle was pretty good,but we managed a great maneuver against him which alowes me
a targeted hit with my mini razor on the Eagles hull.

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The Ensign Derek shows a great understanding in tactical fights and are pretty skilled in his templar,
i trained few times in the past and he gets better and better,he learn fast.
And his atitude are exemplary.

I suggest to promote the ensigh Derek Kerr to the next Rank to Lieutenant of the bretonia armed force.
He deserves it and im sure he wuld be very usefull in his new Rank Sir.

That wuld be all for now Sir.

Lieutenant Commander Ree end...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Junes - 12-29-2011

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ID: Lieutenant Layla Clay
Affiliation: Bretonia Armed Forces
Subject: An important notice

[font=Garamond] [color=#000000][size=small][font=System]~Layla appears on the screen, dressed in casual wear, being rather clustered, yet distraught.~

I apologize for interrupting that early in the morning but it's a matter of dire importance..

[font=System]~She coughs.~

A- Admiral Clay has suffered a terrible mental collapse tonight and-

[font=System]~She closes her eyes shortly just like she wanted to hold back a tear.~

I hereby request a temporary suspension from active duty for about a week, maybe longer, I don't know...

[color=#000000][font=System]~She sniffs.~

That's all, Clay out.

~The screen flickers and goes black.~

[color=#FFCC66][font=Agency FB]**Upload complete**

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - FallenKnight - 12-29-2011

-[Incoming Transmission]-

Natasi Daala]
[Location: Planet New London, Surgical Reconstruction Center]
[System: New London]

Establishing Video Uplink
[Image: 10hmxde.png]

[font=Agency FB] Lieutenant Layla, the incident with Admiral John Clay was caused by this unknown virus that was trapped in him but if the first symptom was mental collapse, I would like to assure you there is still hope to save his life. To achieve this we need to investigate the virus and to start our experimental healing procedures in the '€œHive'€.
I am sending a shuttle to planet Cambridge so we can transfer Admiral Clay to SRC as soon as possible.
We will keep you in tact about his health status and....your concern is understandable I assure you we will do everything we can to save our admiral, our friend and your husband.

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[font=Agency FB] [color=#9999FF]-[Transmission Terminated]-

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 12-30-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Source: Ensign, Derek Kerr
Subject: Dublin Patrol

Patrol Report 01

Good Evening, officers

Through the early hours of this day I did a thourough sweep through Dublin, often one of the most problematic systems, I was sure that it would be worth a look. While moving between the Battleship Essex and the Battleship Hood i became aware of a faint signature on my scanners, I immediately recognised it as a molly fighter from a few days prior.

Previouse Engagement

I had encountered him in leeds, watching the lanes and moved off to investigate, quickly escelating into a fire fight i showed the dog his place, however. clearly his stomache failed him as he attempt to flee of to the nearby molly base, within Cambridge (via the Cambrigde jump hole). Although i was close on his tail he managed to hold his ship together long enough to reach the base, forcing me to break off.

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I moved in and intercepted the fighter, i was eager to catch the blighter due to his initial escape. Escaping with only a fraction of his hull remaining of his ships hull drove the blade home. As always with mollys i had a nice bit of 'friendly' banter. Talks quickly turned to threats and from that too a firefight. Eager not to let him escape me a second time I watched his ship keenly and during the fight managed to catch him with a mine as he turned to face me. With the target out of the way I felt a degree of relief and satisfaction for the removal of one more Molly in Dublin.

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Patrol Report 02

Later on that day I returned to Dublin under the command of Lieutenant Commander Alex Clarke. For the first few moments everything seemed calm, this quickly changed however when we became alerted of two pirates, armed with gunboats within Dublin. We came across some fighters, around the battleship Hood, employed by the Free traders united Mining group. Lieutenant Commander Clarke questioned the fighters as to the where abouts of the pirates, however this questioning turned up with nothing and we started to move off towards Graves. Approximately half way there we came across a distres call from an trader vessel. We moved into investigate, our scanners quickly picked up the two assailents as the pirates we had been after. Following this knowledge we moved into engage. The fighting did not last long, the gunboats had been held up with, and were under fire from, a small FTU bomber force, fighting relentlessly the FTU fighters continued to detain the gunboats long enough for us to get stuck in. Although we did loose one bomber in the assault, one of the FTU's escorts, we were successful in our attempt.

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Overall generally a successful day in Dublin i'd say.

Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End of Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Matthews - 12-30-2011

== Discovered Signal ==

== Opening Message ==

[font=AR Julian][color=#33CCFF]Pilot ID: [color=#6666CC]Jonathan Sinclair

Location: Battleship Essex, Dublin
Subject: Eagle-341

G'day Ladies and Gentlemen of the High Command

I had a troubling experience yesterday in Dublin. I got a call about an ECG strikeforce hitting the miners, so i dispached togther with the cruiser HMS-Bristol and Eagle-341. The start of the fight went well and their Gunboat was down pretty quick, but then the troubles started.
I called to target their bomber though couldn't get completely on him 'cause of an enemy fighter hanging on my arse. I tried to maximize the Eagle's efforts as i didn't see the bombers shields drop while i couldn't attack him, but instead he reacted already pretty agressive. I didn't think much about it then but in review it shows his attitude pretty clear.
I continued commanding but we had to withdraw to Essex. I started to get more energetic and the Eagle's response was just complaining about me and he disappeared without asking for permission and left the Bristol to its destruction. I had no chance of getting the enemy snubs and newly turned up gaian gunboat of the cruiser, not with still this fighter on my arse.
Later on the Eagle contacted me via a private chanal and although i didn't have to explain myself to him, i did.

Normally i'm not that keen on punishement as i don't think it works that good, but this Eagle stepped even over my line.
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Quote:[30.12.2011 03:23:27] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: C'mon, you're not under fire Eagle, i am. Take this bomber out
[30.12.2011 03:23:44] BAF|Eagle-341: up yours I've been droping his damned shields
[30.12.2011 03:29:22] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: Attack this ****in' bomber. I'm sick of it
[30.12.2011 03:29:29] ECG|Gen-Dada: pfff
[30.12.2011 03:30:06] BAF|Eagle-341: if you don't mean Dada, then ****ing say so or quit your bitchign b/c I've been shooting the bastard for 10 minutes now
[30.12.2011 03:30:38] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: I'm not talking specifically to you, but you still should watch your language. I'm your superior, by far
[30.12.2011 03:31:28] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: New target. Gaian GB
[30.12.2011 03:33:03] BAF|Eagle-341: and all I've heard from you his whining like a little kid
[30.12.2011 03:33:22] BAF|Eagle-341: Yes, he's obviously the best commander in Bretonia
[30.12.2011 03:33:39] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: I told you to shoot it because the 2 min i didn't shoot the bomber its shield were completely up
[30.12.2011 03:33:39] BAF|Eagle-341: with fire from his eyes and lightning bolts from his arse
[30.12.2011 03:33:55] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: If you don't like getting orders i suggest you leave the Armed forces, and that quickly!
[30.12.2011 03:34:02] BAF|Eagle-341: so obvoiusly he's not in need or want of help if all he can do is bitch and whine
[30.12.2011 03:34:14] BAF|Eagle-341: so go for it on your own *commander*
[30.12.2011 03:34:40] BAF|Eagle-341: Oh I don't mind orders, but being told to shoot something after I've already been shooting it is idiotic
[30.12.2011 03:34:42] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: Bristol, get back to Essex. There's no need to fight when we're by that far outnumbered
[30.12.2011 03:35:06] BAF|Eagle-341: you are the absolute worst battle commander I've ever encountered
[30.12.2011 03:35:16] BAF|Eagle-341: and your attitude is that of a whiny pissant little kid
[30.12.2011 03:35:19] Death: HMS-Bristol was killed by an admin
[30.12.2011 03:35:20] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: i didn't talk to you there you idiot
[30.12.2011 03:36:29] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: Now you better quit yourself before beeing quartmarsheled
[30.12.2011 03:36:56] BAF|Eagle-341: try it, and I can show video of me already downing that same ship's shieild when you're crying
[30.12.2011 03:37:03] BAF|Eagle-341: about telling me to shoot it
[30.12.2011 03:37:35] BAF|Eagle-341: so I was already shooting the target you called, yet you still acted as if I wasn't doing anything
[30.12.2011 03:37:40] BAF|Eagle-341: and you call that being a good commander?
[30.12.2011 03:37:54] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: For the 4th and last time. I didn't tell that to you! And you get quartmarsheled for your attitude towards me, not your
[30.12.2011 03:37:58] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: target
[30.12.2011 03:38:05] BAF|Eagle-341: which, by tthe way, you don't even have any right to be in your job if you can't tell a volunteer citizen
[30.12.2011 03:38:11] BAF|Eagle-341: from a regular BAF
[30.12.2011 03:38:25] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: if you hadn't noticed, you weren't the only one in the group -kid-
[30.12.2011 03:38:47] BAF|Eagle-341: you singled me out specifically in your statement as I was the only eagle in the group
[30.12.2011 03:39:11] Death: Calixto committed suicide
[30.12.2011 03:39:26] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: When we were still in the fields yep. Because there i was busy with a fighter and didn't see the bombers shield drop by a
[30.12.2011 03:39:32] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: bit
[30.12.2011 03:39:33] BAF|Eagle-341: telling me that I wasn't under fire, even though my shield was gone
[30.12.2011 03:40:07] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: You weren't under fire. The bomber and one fighter were on the dessie, while the second fighter was on me
[30.12.2011 03:40:27] BAF|Eagle-341: Then why had the fighter downed my shields?
[30.12.2011 03:41:06] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: and if you haven't gotten the memo, i can tell you to target him to maximize your eforts even if you're already on it
[30.12.2011 03:41:20] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: that doesn't excuse your behavior, -at all-
[30.12.2011 03:41:33] BAF|Eagle-341: you need excuses for your own
[30.12.2011 03:41:35] BAF|Cdr.J.Sinclair: Now get out of the comm. You'll hear from me again

[font=Kunstler Script]Yours,
Commander Jonathan Sinclair

[color=#000099][font=AR Julian]== Message terminated ==

== Signal lost ==

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Lamare - 12-30-2011

Incoming Transmission...
Comm ID: Ensign Henry Moore
Subject: Patrol Report

G'day *Salutes*

I have two things to report,
First one is unkown vessel displaying false zoner identificator,
Which undocked from Planet Leeds.
Scanning shows that ship is Rheinland production and belongs to Rheinland Police officer.
Vessel didnt anwer for my calls, instead vessel broke Docking codes again and landed on Planet Leeds.

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Second thing is Destroying corsair gunboat in Manchester system.
I was send to Manchester by Command officer to help our ship Called HMS-Bristol,
Corsair threat was removed fast and succesfully.

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~End of Transmission~

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - stardust47 - 12-30-2011


Comm ID: Lt. James Barett
Target: BAF Defense Intelligence Staff
Subject: Report for today

Earlier today, at 1300 SMT, I undocked from the Derby and headed through New London. I shot down several Corsair and Molly raiders on my way to the Norfolk in Cambridge. All prisoners were unloaded at Planet Cambridge for processing.
Barett out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Arctic95 - 01-01-2012

Incoming Transmission...
Source: Ensign, Derek Kerr
Subject: Leeds Patrol

Evening officers,

Earlier today I was involved in assisting in the defense of Leeds against various Gallic patrols. As well as watching out for any new insurgents, armed with my Challenger my aim was to assist in countering any of their capital ships. This proved to be successful and was readying myself for another sweep of the system. When I received a notification of Corsair pirates within Leeds, armed with bombers. Instinctively I began to move my Challenger back to Planet Leeds so that I might rearm with my Templar (which had until now been held in hangers on planet Leeds), since it would be much more effective for countering the bomber threat.

As I reached Planet Leeds my sensors began to pick up a large amount of activity in front of the Planet. This activity quickly proved to be the Corsairs i had been made aware of. The bombers were focused on HMS-Debeli Boda (A Bretonian Battleship). Realizing the danger I touched down with my ship on the Planet and sped my fighter out of dry dock.
As soon as the ship was air born I made my way to assist the Battleship, which was under fire from three other Bombers. A quick firefight ensued, managing to send a bloody message to the corsairs, they appeared to turn tail and run. I attempted to pursue, however due to the current state of the Battleship and the speed at which they were going I felt it would be ill advised.

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Derek Kerr
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End of Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Pacific - 01-07-2012

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Norfolk]
[CommID: Commander Charles.Davis]
[Directed: BAF Admiralty Board,BAF Officers,]

Establishing Video Uplink

[Image: ssssds.jpg]

Fellow High command officer this is Commander Charles Davis Contacting you about today's events. I received a call from the Harbinger that fighters were needed. When I arrived I saw sinclair and a Kusarian fighting two Gallic royal navy Bombers. I Jumped on the Frogs but they decided to run away. But it was some kind of a technique that proved quite effective. As one runs and spams mines at its chasers the other one snacs the fighter that has no shields from the mines that the runner planted.

Thats how they managed to get Admiral Clay and a Kusarian I tractor ed the pod of the Admiral how ever my tractor beam failed to tractor in the Kusarian. Must have been a malfunction I will get the teh teams on it but I am sure he managed to made on his on to the Nagazaki. Now me and Sinclair saw what the Gallics were trying to do so we attacked the chaser that was snacking well ponce we turned on him his snacking days were over. His nanobot supply vanished like fire under water. So they decided it was time to move to retreat me and Sinclair went to chase them. We went tre dublin and they Jumped to Edinburg. We didn't fallow because who knows what reinforcements were awaiting us there.

Also in another note I will like to Submit my documents for a Promotion to the rank of Captain

I have
16 Patrol reports
155 Flight hours in a templar
Attitude level of Attitude level of 4
11 Months in the Armed forces
My Responsibility level is still not determent by the Members of High Command

That is all. Davis out
Charles Davis
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]