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Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 03-01-2010

~ Incoming Transmission ~
~ ID: Hauptgefreiter Adrian Wiesen ~
~ Location: Battleship Strausberg ~

Guten Tag Meine Herren,
Today I had a practice session with Frau Voelkel and Herr Brackmann for an hour in Braunschweig.
Results of the simulations between me and Herr Brackmann was even, as we both managed to answer each
other's shots good enough, and concerning the fact that in the first two simulations I was in my Bomber,
but then I had to return to Strausberg and get my Wrath instead.
Well, I cant say the same about results against Frau Voelkel, But I believe, keeping the fact that I havent flied
my Wrath for some time now, I did good enough after this long 'pause' on this matter.
I was suggested to set up a new loadout for my Wrath, which was 2 Debilitators and 3 Hornvipers, and after
trying the new guns for a while, I realized I would be better if I return to my Firekiss loadout.
Or even more, I would be glad to fulfill my role as a Bomber Pilot for Military, not an actual Fighter.
As I mentioned before, the practice took around an hour or so, and it was enough to make us all exhausted,
so we returned to Moselle to resupply, rearm and rest.
According to Frau Voelkel, my main problem with Wrath, was moving 'a bit sluggish', which I believe is caused
of not flying it so often. If I see the need of a Fighter Pilot within our force, I will start practicing with my Wrath,
if not, I would keep touch of my Snubnose in case I am needed against a Libertonian Fleet or such.

- Hg.A.Wiesen

~ End of Transmission ~
~ Transmission Terminated ~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - robibiman - 03-01-2010

Incoming transmission
ID: Flieger Simon Fleischer
Location: Planet New Berlin

Guten Tag to all members of the great Rheinland Militar.

Here'z I am to report za patrol who ended in a skirmish against the criminals Red Hessians in ze Dresden syztem.

Vice admiral Walter Kupinsky dizpatched our fighters squadrons for patrol duty. I, Flieger Simon Fleischer, was sent to patrol ze Dresden syztem. Arrived to Lepzig Station, ive beenz provoqued by a Red Hessian fighter: "Karl.Heinz". He was not on ze ship scanner for ze moment so I had to endure hiz passionless speach of propagaenda. Ive warned Vice-Admiral Walter Krupinsky about Red Hessians movement in Dresden and ze told me to not engage if in ze asteroids.

Meanwhile, Jana.Fiedler came to Dresden syztem to support in case of a vicious attack of ze criminals Red Hessians. She got immediatly engaged by a Red Hessian fighter [RHA]Petko.Dimitrov near ze Dresden - New berlin jump gate. I immediatly rushed the area to find out that Karl.Heinz has also moved to Jana.Fiedler pozition. I engaged Karl.Heinz immediatly about 4.5k away of Jana.Fiedler pozition.

Patrolling in Frankfurt system, flieger Helga Sainder hurried up to Dresden syztem to help Flieger Simon Fleischer and Jana Feidler. She finally came into the fight and engaged aproximatively 7 to 8 minutes after the skirmish has begun. Vice admiral Walter Krupinsky converged to Dresden as well to stay back in support.

However, thingz got more complicated when a gunboat, the "Raubvogel", showed up to help Karl.Heinz and [RHA] Petko Dimitrov in the fight. Then Vice admiral entered ze battle field, ordering us all to target ze gunboat. Little moment afterz, another pilot, [RHA]Johannes.Farb had made it too to ze battlefield to help ze others Red Hessians.

We successfully and quickly disposed of the "Raubvogel". We then engaged our previous target. After a little moment, we encountered zanother Gunboat ship, ze "Carl.Ullrich". Again, Vice-Admiral Krupinsky asked us to focus on the gunboat. That what we did. Being ze main target of ze 3 others fighters, ive stayed back ze little bit to distract the 3 fighters from attacking ze teamkolleges of Rheinland militar: Jana.Fiedler, flieger Helga.Stainder and Vice-Admiral Krupinsky. They quickly disposed again of the gunboat "Carl.Ullrich" and came back to our previous target.

Finally, knowing there iz no hope of winning against the mighty Rheinland Militar, ze Red Hessians criminal fled ze battlefield. Vice-admiral Krupinsky congratulated us on our victory and went back to New Berlin. Being serevely damaged in ze fight, i sent my ship to repair.

Due to severe damage to my gun-cam, thiz iz the only intel ive got left.

[Image: namnlst1kopia.jpg]

Red Hessians forces:
Karl.Heinz (Fighter)- Fled the battlefield / severely damaged.
[RHA]Johannes.Farb (Fighter)- Fled the battlefield / unknown status
[RHA]Petko Dimitrov (Fighter)- Fled the battlefield / unknown status
Raubvogel (Gunboat) - Destroyed
Carl Ullrich - Destroyed

Rheinland Militar forces
[RM]fl.Simon.Fleischer (fighter) - alive // 55% hull.
[RM]fl.Helga.Stainder (fighter) - alive // minor damage received
[RM]va.Walter.Krupinsky - alive // minor damage received
Jana.Fiedler - alive // unknown

Glory for ze Fatherland.
Simon Fleischer out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 03-02-2010

~ Incoming Transmission ~
~ ID: Hauptgefreiter Adrian Wiesen ~
~ Location: Battleship Strausberg ~

Guten Tag Meine Herren,
I was still at Moselle from yesterday's Practice Session, so Today I launched to space as I heard there might
be a Situation in Frankfurt.
[Image: rmmdp61.png]
It turned out to be a Pirate Transport Vessel, tagged as "Captain.Kidd" with Outcast Weapons Equipped.
[Image: rmmdp62.png]
Good for him, we had no actual evidence against him, so instead of arresting him, we were ordered to escort
him out of Rheinland Space, and to Omegas. We took positions around the Vessel to escort him toward Omega-3.
To make sure he wont try to Run away, we decided to use Cruise Engines instead of Trade Lanes, which took
a bit longer, but resulted in a situation fully under control.
[Image: rmmdp63.png]
After escorting the Vessel to Omega-3, we returned to New Berlin, which was really quiet, and after making sure
System is Safe, I returned to Strausberg to clean my Ship Hull from all the dust in Omega-7.

- Hg.A.Wiesen

~ End of Transmission ~
~ Transmission Terminated ~

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Wafellini - 03-02-2010

:::ID - Rheinland Military
:::Rank - Flieger
:::Name - Helga Stainder
:::Patrol Intel
:::Incomming transmission

Report from day 3
Patrol routs - Hamburg -> New Berlin ->Frankfurt ->Munich ->Stuttgart ->Omega 7
While I started my duty I got an instant report of Liberty Navy forces in Hamburg. I jumped into the "Bergelmir" Rheinland Bomber cause Herr Drum was spotted, by Frau Katrina Mitzi, fighting with Gunboat and there was a possible Cruiser threat as well and Herr Drum required my assistance with the Gunboat class vessel. Scaners identified two ships of Liberty Navy:
Liberty Navy Gunboat - LNS-Stinson - Ships was taking heavy damage from atacks of Herr Drum and when I arrived I just finished the job on wing of Herr Drum.
Liberty Navy Assault Cruiser - LNS_Armstrong - After quick atack of me and Herr Drum with assistance of Junker ship we manage to destroy the enemy of Rheinland in the name of Kanzler!
All enemy ships were destroyed.

While we were fighting with Liberty Navy ships we received emergancy calls from Omega 7 about a pirate pressence there , possible Corsair GB and a Junker helping him on a Slave liner.
When the job was done in Hamburg Herr Drum ordered immediate response to distract calls and we shall attend to help those workers of Kruger Minerals at once!
When we arrived Corsair was standing by the TL near IMG base with a mantioned Slave Liner standing near by. Junker helping us with LNS ships came with us willing to help with Corsairs problem. Corsairs didn't realize he was friend of Rheinland tried to pay him for destroying us , Rheinland Military officers. Herr Drum was now sure of intentions of the pirate and ordered to engage the hostile. After quick atack of Herr Drum , Frau Katrina and me Gunboat was turn in to dust and me and Herr Drum returned to Rheinland for some more patrol work.

After a bit of patrol duty Klaudia Linn joined us and Herr Drum decided it is time for some fighting practice.
We have a bit of training which I found very intresting and I learned many usefull things.

After taking a short breat (several hours) I came back to duty and Major Alec with Vice Admiral Walter Krupinski were having some trouble in Stuttgart .When I arrived there , they were atacking a Hessian Gunship.First I was ordered to stand down than to help finish the work with the traitor.
We destroyed the vessel and resume patrol work.
Vice Admiral orderem me to patrol by myself to Frankfurt system so I did.
On way to Frankfurt border station , placed next to Jump Gate to Sigma 13 I have detected 3 pirate transport ships carrying slaves. I was ordered to intercept and free those people.
I manage to stop one and after few minutes of trying to stop the train , atacking his shields and ordering him to stop didn't have any effect, Admiral has arrived to back me up. We destroyed the vessel and rescued the "passengers" of the slaver. With help of GMG in Sigma 19 other slavers where destroyed and people have been save. With Kishiro ships help those people have been tracked down with their pods and take to Hegoland.
While we were taking care of the Slavers problem with Vice Admiral Flieger Simon reported Hessians atacking him and another Rheinland Military officer. Vice Admiral stayed by the pods of slaves and waited for the Kishiro transport to save them and ordered me to go and assist with Hessian force.
Rest of report from that action was included in Flieger Simon Fleischer report so I won't be copying same infromation here.
After that victory of Rheinland forces, pirate activity was minimal and no threat was discovered.
I came back to Hamburg Planet for some R&R and decided to go off duty.

Addition reports from Kruger Minerals :
Merc called David Williams should be considered Rheinland-hostile because of attend to assist RHA units in battle against Rheinland Military forces in Omega 7.
Here is the proof given to me by my husband Hans Stainder, Miner in Kruger| :
Incomming data:::
Transmission terminated:::

Patrol report ended:::End of transmission

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Envy - 03-02-2010

Incoming Transmission...
Location: Oder Shipyard
ID:Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel

Priority: High

Guten Tag, I bring urgent and bad news as a result of my recent actions. The incident is pretty straightforward; I had just finished attaining the proper IFF for my bomber when the Gas Miners Guild hailed my comms. I was requested to move to Sigma-13 to assist with what I was told were two Corsair gunboats, given our recently relations with the GMG, I didnt see any harm in heading to the scene.

When I arrived to my destination it turned out to be a single Corsair gunboat and another of the same class whose make I could not determine. The ship was small, white and turned nearly as fast as my own ship It turned out the vessels belonged to the Hogosha. As I arrived both parties were already engaged, I asked the Hogosha to discontinue their aggressions. Upon my request they stated that they were attacked and kept firing.

Since it was obvious they would not react to kind words I threatened to assist the GMG, to which they responded with a threat of informing the Naval Forces. I was faced with a difficult decision; no matter what I did someone would look at us negatively. I considered our last altercation with the GMG and decided it would be best to do what I had originally come to do. I opened up on the Hogosha vessels; it goes without saying that they returned fire on me.

It took only a few minutes to rid ourselves of their presence, but before the Corsair gunboat went it, he said he would make good on his threat. I do not know if I made the right decision, but I assumed given their actions and the fact that the Hogosha used technology from an enemy that seems to consistently attack our borders I did the right thing.

If I have performed poorly given the situation at hand, then I fully accept any punishment deemed necessary,

Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel

Transmission Terminated...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Malexa - 03-02-2010

***A letter on normal paper to Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel***
This letter will never show up in the communication logs of the Rheinland Military, nor did it ever exist

[font=Century Gothic]Gefreiter Tanja Voelkel,
You are surely irritated about this letter being written by hand.
The recent incident forces me to take special precautions to ensure nothing will leak.
To get to the subject, I was called for a meeting with Kanzler Rheinhardt this evening and he asked me several unpleasant questions about the Sigma 13 incident nearly 12 hours ago.

I have read several reports about the incident and the only option I have as an honorable soldier, is to salute you and respect your bravery and admire your taken actions beyond the call of duty.
You not only did me proud, but the whole Vaterland, but this is not the reason why I write this letter.

This morning the Kusari Emperor Jien Kogen contacted the Kanzler in a letter, being adressed to him in person. The whole content of the letter is not of your concern, though a certain passage is.
Frau Voelkel, it is believed that you and your men shot at Kusari civilian vessels, of course it was in self defense and to support our new made allies, the GMG.

You stated in your report, that you shot at a Corsair gunboat, nothing else.
I orderer you hereby to stick to this report and not to doubt that you could have shot at Kusari civilians.
The situation was as crystal clear as it could ever get in this large nebula.
You faced a Corsair threat and succuessfully eleminated them.

The rest is of my and the Kanzlers concern.
I admonish you again not to step back from your version of the story, not only for the Vaterlands sake, but for your own.

Burn this letter after you finished reading. Now you know why you recieved my word via this uncommon way.
Do not disappoint me Fraulein, since I trust you well.

[color=#33FF33]Fleet Admiral Malexa Malte

***The letter was sealed with Wax.***

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Razr - 03-03-2010

Incoming transmission :

Source :
Battleship Moselle
Comm ID : Major General Gunther Rall
Subject : Promotions

Guten Abend Piloten,

The time has finally come and your superiors have voiced their final decisions. Promotions have been voted on, and most finalized for those whove shined bright in the past months. Recently there were a few select officers chosen for a field promotion, names Im sure you all know quite well by now.

The first are a pair of talented men; Hans Putzkammer and Xander Vogel who have continually performed above the standard expected of anyone amongst their peers. Both men are hereby promoted from the rank of Hauptgefreiter to Feldwbel with the full backing and bless of the Rheinwehrs High Command.

The last to receive a field promotion would be none other than Tanja Voelkel, showing skills ranging from combat efficiency, to command ability in her short time as an enlistee. There has been a lot of discussion and command has finally come to the decision that Tanja Voelkel hereby be promoted from the rank of Gefreiter to Oberfeldwebel. One would agree this is quite a large jump, but it has been well earned and one can only assume talent runs in the family.

Although the last three have earned their promotions through tradition field and paperwork, they deserve no less merit. Gunter Weissman has been a fine example to the enlisted branch, as well to his fellow officers. Such dedication and ability is only found a few in a generation and his effort has been rewarded with a promotion from Hauptfeldwebel to Oberleutnant.

Adrian Wiesen, also a talented man moving through the ranks rather quickly has caught the eye of his commanders. Not only has he impressed those considered top brass, but there has even been good word spread about him amongst his peers. Congratulations Wiesen, youre promotion from Hauptgefreiter to Feldwebel is effective immediately.

Our last mention happens to be the enlisted Helga Stainder, who was quite correct to say she felt she has proven herself worth of promotion. Having had the pleasure of flying with her myself, she is a solid enlistee and I believe she will make a fine officer in the future. Although some adjustments could be made, the same could be said for anyone else. Your promotion is from Flieger to Obergefreiter is hereby approved.

Those who failed to make the criteria deadline will still have another 48 hours to get the proper paperwork on Admiral Maltes desk. If paperwork is not in within the given time frame, all will be overlooked until the next promotion period. To those who were promoted, congratulations however this means more responsibility will be expected of you; do not take it lightly.


Major General Gunther Rall

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Bazza - 03-03-2010

Incoming Transmission

Location: □

ID: ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▀

For Major General Gunther Rall.

Somewhere along the line I seem to have become the admin girl for the Rheinland Military.

[File Attachment]
[File Name: Military_Pilot_Roster]
[Size: 254.35 kB (260458 bytes)]
[File Type: .gif]
[[Download this file]]

See you in space, sweetie.

Transmission Terminated

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Durandal - 03-04-2010


[color=#FFFFFF]Priority: High
Encryption: High
Destination: Rheinland Military Secure Comms
Source: Flieger Cedric Stahl, Battleship Moselle, Braunschweig
Subject: Report 001

Guten abend... where do I begin..

I received a distress call from Hauptgefrieter Fischer whilst off duty at Moselle. His transmission was scrambled, but from what I could gather he ordered me to proceed to Schatten at once to retrieve some Bio Neural processors, and mentioned something about Wilde in Stuttgart, as well as Feldwebel Wiesen lining up his supernova towards Fischer.

Halfway to Schatten I was contacted by Feldwebel Wiesen who ordered me not to retrieve the processors and remain on standby near the Strausberg. While it was technically disobeying orders, I realized that if there really were Wilde in the area then they could be clouding his judgement. Fischer told me not to listen so I moved onwards towards Schatten and retrieved the processor chips.

Upon my arrival at Fischer's last known location in Stuttgart I discovered him engaged with both Wiesen and a Wraith with strange weaponry and the callsign of "Unschuld". Adrian ordered me back to Braunschweig several times for training excercises, which I found more than suspicious given the scenario. Fischer told me to try to get the processors to his ship, but in attempting to do so I was assaulted by Wiesen.

Oberfeldwebel Voelkel arrived on the scene and requested a sitrep, and I informed her of what I could to the best of my knowledge. She ordered we knock out Wiesen's engines, which I suceeded in doing with Paralyzer missiles.

Fischer disobeyed a direct order from Voelkel however and destroyed Wiesen's ship. I tractored in Wiesen's pod and hauled him back off to the Karlsruhe. After a stern talking to from Voelkel I saw him off to the infirmary, where I assume he is undergoing a psychiatric evaluation now.

Flieger Cedric Stahl, signing off

Rheinland Military Message Dump - aerelm - 03-04-2010

~ Incoming Transmission ~
~ ID: Feldwebel Adrian Wiesen ~
~ Location: Battleship Strausberg ~

Guten Tag Meine Herren,
Today 'something' happened to me ... I dont remember well, But I was released from Medicals just a few minutes ago,
Nothing is wrong with me, from what they told me ... But, I'm not in a condition to serve for a few days.
Please, Don't ask me what happened because I do not, repeat, I DO NOT Remember a thing of this afternoon ...
You might want to talk to Frau Voelkel, Herr Fischer, Herr Stahl or Herr Meinhardt about it, they might be able
to give you a more detailed description of what was going on.

But, to the main point, Hereby I am requesting a few days off Duty, so I can rest a bit and 'get things sorted out'.

Feldwebel Wiesen Out!

~ End of Transmission ~
~ Transmission Terminated ~