Epic tunes? - Zapp - 05-22-2010
Dunno if this song has a name or not (probably does and I don't know it), but I recorded this myself and absolutely love it. I know both of the people up there!:DAnd you hear my voice in the beginning.
Epic tunes? - Sturmwind - 05-22-2010
This made me drop a tear:
Epic tunes? - Zeltak - 05-22-2010
Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al
Magnus Uggla - Trubaduren (swedish)
Akeboshi - Wind
Epic tunes? - Kuljem - 05-23-2010
This song make my day every single time,I can listen to it over and over and over again,even tho,I'm not fan of that music.....
Epic tunes? - Zeltak - 05-23-2010
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 05-24-2010
Queens of the Stone Age - In the Fade
Queens of the Stone Age - Better Living Through Chemistry
There is always time for QotSA. Rated R ranks among my favourite albums of all time.
Epic tunes? - binTowers - 05-24-2010
Might need tissue, too epic
Epic tunes? - Primitive - 05-24-2010
Kasabian- Underdog
The Cure - In Forest
Muse - Showbizz
Primus - My name is Mud
Faith No More - Evidence
Lou Reed- Wild Side
That should cover couple of epic ones
Epic tunes? - Tathrim - 05-24-2010
Muse - neutron Star Collision (Love is Forever) - Don't care if this is on the eclipse Soundtrack, it's Muse, it's an epic song, and I love it!!!
Pendulum - the Island Part 1 - no explanation needed.
Epic tunes? - Jihadjoe - 05-24-2010
Amplifier - UFOs
Thank you again Renee.