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The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Printable Version

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RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Felicity Willing - 08-19-2018

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Esteemed colleagues and Professors.

Quite an interesting occasion i have observed this morning in Bering. It was the vessel infamous among the rotten ranks of the corporate patsies calling themselves Liberty Navy - The Amenhotep itself floating above the Marshall Station.
It's captain greeted me as i have approached, and we've had a pleasing and fruitful conversation.
Guncam recording and network logs will be applied below. It appears that he soon will hold a discussion with Miss Jade Linford in regards to the current situation in Bering, and i expect to receive the logs of that discussion soon enough, and that is hopefully going to be not the last package of information that will help us to affect the current state of affairs there.


RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Maximillian Largo - 08-19-2018

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Yesterday myself -along with Mr.Thackeray- busted a couple Interspace corrupt corporate lackeys moving through Liberty. They were so dim-witted that they fell in our trap unconsciously. Typical for them, I dare say.

First catch of the day: a weasel callsigned Ontario.Socialist which popped out of the California gate - an unarmored Mastodon supertransport squawking IC transponders. Was halted and extorted for three million credits.

Second catch of the day: another weasel squawking IC transponders, this time a known target, callsign Timbuktu - a Stork-class advanced train. He suffered the same fate as the first prey: halted and extorted for three million credits.

Inbetween, a dim-witted freelancer reprobate callsigned POLYAR thought it was a wise idea to shoot Mr.Thackeray's vessel: needless to add, he quickly met his demise by by my own hands.

Regarding the captain of Timbuktu: it is to be added that he's a very rude (and ignorant) person. While headed to Buffalo, he tipped system-wide our location, much to our surprise. I took the occasion to taunt him a little. Here's the result: 1 - 2 - 3

The two interdictions would count for the completition of the Ruthlessness criteria.

However, I do have a question for the Professorship: since mr.Thackeray gave me a hand in completing my criteria, he might have completed his Synergy criteria - is it possible that said criteria would be completed for myself as well, since I did actually help him out with its own aforementioned criteria?

That is all for now.

Maximillian Largo

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Thackeray - 08-19-2018

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Deadliness - I assisted Ms.Willing in the assassination of a vessel belonging to Forlorn Hope.
Lockdown - I assisted Mr.Blackfriar along with Mr.Pomerov in the performance of a lockdown on the Manchester system. I also scored a kill on a Bretonian Intelligence Operative.
Ruthlessness - I assisted Mr.Largo with the extortion of a Gateway vessel.
Relentlessness - Mr.Caiboche was assisted in the completion of his Relentlessness Criteria by the tracking and extortion of a Freelancer Luxury Liner.
Entrepreneurship - Professor Scorpius was assisted with his Entrepreneurship while I was in command of Mactan Wing's Repossessor.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Felicity Willing - 08-29-2018

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Greetings, esteemed colleagues.

I will be brief. On a routine flight through Kansas i've encountered the least expected sight: a couple of Secret Intelligence Service agents, James Skirka and Zackery Statham, have once again ventured that far from home.
Despite the initial circumstances - they have turned out to be somewhat useful.
Lyrics aside, the black box recording will provide you will the information necessary.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Felicity Willing - 08-30-2018

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Good evening, dear colleagues, esteemed Professorship.

Took my opportunity to accept Natio's invitation to Canberra, had a dialogue with their representative. Haven't met their higher-ups yet, but requested such to be done as soon as possible.
I will be staying at Canberra for a while longer, digging for more information.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Felicity Willing - 08-31-2018

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New information package received, flight logs below.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Felicity Willing - 08-31-2018

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Esteemed colleagues and Professors,

During my stay on Pacifica i have had an opportunity to pick through a cloaking device, and alter it to be more efficient compared to those widely available on Sirius market. The project have been performed and accomplished by the request of the member of Alster Union.


"The Manteau."

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Felicity Willing - 09-01-2018

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Esteemed colleagues and Professors. Today's joint convoy with Natio went overall smooth. The recording and relevant flight logs will be presented below. recording.

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - The Lane Hackers - 09-03-2018
...GUEST-USER01.recognized...PROXY-DETECTED @Geoffacake ...encoding.transmission...

[Image: AdEMWqL.gif]
[Image: 6cZ3tY3.png]

Abteilung 7
Encrypted Video Transmission

.......● RECIPIENTS:.........Spyglass Network
.......● SENDER:-..............Zealous.E
.......● LOCATION:............Leiden Base
.......● PRIORITY:..............█ █ █
.......● SUBJECT:..............LPP-Project document

With the successful delivery of the Interloper which was late on the scheduled, we actually managed to have the engine prototype constructed and ready for installation. It'll take a few days, but overall shouldn't be long. Anyhow, apart from the 'assistance' that my eyes don't keep going too far into the inner workings. I must say, your interloper, while light, seems like one mean invention on the level of Electronic Warfare systems. As far as I recall, there was another prototype that was in use on previous stealth technology programs that we had traded ways with each other. Hopefully this will become a versatile system for long range operations, its fast, highly equipped and certainly has good coverage on its firing arcs... I'm sure you have a limited number of these so having them as 'general combat assets' is highly unlikely and a well made decision is to avoid putting these things in that role.

Other than that... I think my work here is done. Unless you say otherwise or I protest. If you need me, I'll be found where I normally am off hours, the bar.

[Image: DltobJh.png]


Chief Science executive - Zealous.E
"Abteilung 7" - Forschungsinstitut
[Image: 6cZ3tY3.png]

Message End

RE: The Lane Hackers | Internal Comms - Yoshida - 09-03-2018

[Image: aYeyeyU.png][Image: oAsa1LZ.png]

Effective immediately, all ships belonging to Ingenuus Research Group are to be mercilessly plundered for their riches and tech. If they ask why, tell them because of their actions in Bering system.

Zealous Epsilon, we have received your final analysis and reports and I forwarded the data to our scientific team working on this project.

While this is not my field of expertise, I can easily recognize this is a solid and rich work. Congratulations again.

You may stay in Leiden Base for as long as you wish before departing. Two of my men have been assigned to lead you and your team safely to the borders of Liberty. Make sure your "husband" sends someone there to escort you further into Rheinland as we cannot guarantee your safety from that point onwards.

As for your gift you will find it delivered on your ship's cargo hold.

I wish you good fortunes in the days to come.