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SCRA Communications Centre - Printable Version

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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-27-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz SCRA
LOCATION: Omega-52 – CPW-Trotsky – СРЩ-Трoцкий


[Image: Katzscomm.jpg]

By my authority, and by order of the Commissariat.

For completing the Hispania Challenge, and making the pilgrimage to see with your own eyes, and touch with your own hands, the wreck of the Hispania Sleeper ship.

I award Lt. Robert Thacker, the Hispania Memorium!

It is good to see that one of your first acts upon returning to the front line was leave your mark for all that follow to see. Be proud of your achievement, I know the Commissariat are!

And for you other slugs out there, my rank is Commissar-Captain. Update your damn files, before I send Vicenta there to do it personally using a shotgun!

Commissar-Captain Alvin Katz
Комисса́р-Капитан 1-го ранга Элвин Кац


Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 01-27-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Commander Vicenta Gonzalez, Provost Marshal's Office
LOCATION: Zhukovsky Station

Reporting that our new maximum security holding cell has been completed on Zhukovsky. The cell is a long room which, when the local artificial gravity is altered, becomes a deep pit, thus allowing any prisoners to be removed for interrogation when needed while being able to keep them detained for as long as necessary. The security key that unlocks the controls for the artificial gravity is known to only me, Provost Marshal Beltsin and the officers on duty at any given time, and is changed daily. All personnel with access to them are vetted thoroughly before beginning their shifts.

In addition, should the prisoner give us trouble, all walls and floors can be electrified at settings ranging from "mild discomfort" to "charred corpse". Two guns mounted in the walls on either side of the door can instantly mow down any prisoner who even thinks about escaping. The walls themselves are made of steel, overlaid on titanium, overlaid on several feet of solid ceramic polymer.

I call it the Maximum Fun Chamber.

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-27-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: SCRA Assets, Guards, and civilian populace

[Image: truth.png]


Be it so noted,

There has never been, nor will there ever be an officer in the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army by the name Lieutenant Nex Vesica.

Any record of this individuals is denied, there is no evidence in any of our databases to their existence. No domiciles maintained, nor family to support claims to the contrary.

Any such information remaining is an obvious forgery perpetrated by our enemies.

Any that say otherwise may find themselves under investigation for High Treason against the state.

Be it also known that Lt. Alexandra Volkova is on our observation list. Any associates must step forward for questioning. Should they fail to do so, and something aberrant is discovered with Lt. Volkova, they will also be observed.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 01-29-2010

COMM ID: Commissariat of TRUTH

TARGET ID: Lt. Commander Lanakov

[Image: truth.png]


You will report to the Commissariat to answer questions pre-taining to your relationship to Lt. Alexandra Volkova.

Your testimony will decide Ms. Volkova's guilt or innocence.

If you are found to be colluding with her in some kind of criminal plot against the Coalition, you will be arrested and share her fate.

You are not under arrest... yet.

Be warned, however, you aren't innocent either... yet.

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Sarawr!? - 01-31-2010

--Incoming Transmission--
--Source Identification--: Lieutenant Commander Katya Vaschenko, Recon Five.
--Source Location: Omega 52, Zhukovsky Station--
--Transmission Target: Coalition High Command--

"My Comrades, I come to you this morning with yet another piece of good news, in conjunction with gathering information on the Quebec system, I have moved on to successfully gather information in the New Hampshire system, Quebec's interstellar neighbor. New Hampshire is considerably better defended than Quebec though it appears none of New Hampshire's planets are habitable. "

"I encountered the Battleship Whitefield of the Liberty Navy immediately upon entrance into the system from Quebec along with several Liberty Navy, Bounty Hunter and even Rheinland military drone patrols, I also located a jump anomaly leading to the Bremen system...not surprisingly this too was guarded by a Libertonian Battleship, The Concord and I can only assume that the Rheinlanders have a similar defense in Bremen...Anyways, the enthusiasm running through me at again evading detection has got me rambling, I will upload the planetary and defensive data gathered now."

--Data Upload:Initiated--
--File Transfer: Begin--

Defense Imaging, Battleship Whitefield
Planetary Imaging, Winnipesaukee.
Planetary Data Scan, Winnipesaukee
Planetary Imaging, Boscawen.
Planetary Data Scan, Boscawen.
Planetary Imaging, Colebrook.
Planetary Data Scan, Colebrook.
Planetary Imaging, Laconia.
Planetary Data Scan, Laconia.
Stellar Imaging, Bremen Anomaly.
Defense Imaging, Battleship Concord.
--File Transfer: End--
--Data Upload: Complete--

Katya appears on the monitor again, a stern yet impassioned look on her face and in her eyes as she snapped a salute toward the screen.

"Lieutenant Commander Vaschenko, For the Red Dawn, Out!"

--Transmission End--
--Signal Lost--

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Belco - 02-01-2010

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Stenka Razin
LOCATION: Cloppenburg Base, Bremen
TARGET ID: SCRA High Command

[Image: commid-Razin.jpg]

whilst returning to Bremen after a patrol through Rheinland, myself, Commissar-Captain Katz and comrade Luka were assaulted by the RM. After ordering a retreat to Cloppenburg Base, Katz remained to destroy the perusing fighters. RM ships soon bought backup in the form of 2 cruisers and several more fighters, the Social Credit initiated it's self destruct sequence destroying any valuable information, though the escape pods of the Commissar and several of the crew were tractored in by the nearby cruiser.

I quickly assumed command of the International once Rheinland forces departed, collected the remaining crew and what was left of the Social Credit.

confirmed captured are:
Katz, Alvin - Commissar-Captain
Byk, Pavel - Master-Chief Petty Officer
Ivanov, Ivan - Engineering Specialist 3rd class


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - arvg - 02-01-2010

COMM ID: Lt. Borodin
LOCATION: Bremen System Cloppenburg Base CPW-Social Credit

TARGET ID: SCRA high Command

Commissars, Commanders, Comrades,

I have the regret to inform you of the Capture of a member of High Command whilst on front line duty.

Commissar-Captain Katz was aboard the CPW-Social Credit during a routine patrol that involved tense negotiations with members of the RHA over a recent defectee, one Frau Sommer.

The accompanying fighters, under the command of Lt. Commander Stenka Razin were charged with escorting the Social Credit back to Cloppenburg base, staging point for the upcoming Bremen operation.

The Commissar was attending to reports in his cabin when the Social Credit entered a heavily guarded Rhienland Militar system, running head-long into an advanced wing of Rhienland Wraith VHFs.

The Captain took the helm of the Social Credit as they wing jumped into Bremen to escape the guns of a localized Rhienland Battleship. However Captain Katz decided that the Social Credit was sufficient to cover the fighter withdrawal back to Cloppenburg and ordered the Social Credit to hold position to ambush the pursuing fighters, while the Fighters made for the security of the near by Bundshuch base.

The Gunboat was cleared for action, as Lt. Commander Razin, announced the imminent arrival of a Rhienland Cruiser the RNC-Emden. The Social Credits cruise engines were disabled before they could engage, to ensure that there was no chance for escape as the Cruiser jumped in, literally ontop of the gunboat.

The demand for the Social Credit to surrender was sent moments later.

Point blank range, surrounded by fighters, as more Rhienland troops poured through the jumphole, including a Vice Admiral

The Captain, seeing that there was no other choice, as the assault wing based out of Cloppenburg was only at partial strength, trying to mobilize assistance he did the only course of action that was open to him.

He requested the Rheinlanders give terms for surrender.

While the Admiral blithered on about troops boarding the Social Credit, the Captain was burning code books and sealed orders while Master Chief Byk sabotaged the computer cores and rigged the self-destruct devices with the assistance of Specialist Ivanov. The Captain ordering the rest of the crew into the pods as he made one firm resolution, his ship would never become a Rhienland Prize of War.

That was the last I saw of the Captain, before my pod and those of the crew were ejected. The resulting explosion gutted the Social Credit from stem to stern effectively scuttling the ship and rendering it useless to the Rhienlanders while still salvageable to our technicians.

Reports after the scuttling indicate that the RNC-Emden and Vice Admiral Schprokets were able to capture three of our escape pods, those on the starboard side that were taken by the Captain, Master Chief, and Specialist Ivanov.

The vessels were observed running towards the secret research facility Lt. Commander Razin identified in one of his earlier reports, Munster. And our observers indicate that no traffic too and from the station has occoured since. Giving us a narrow window of opportunity in which to mount a rescue.

The Social Credit was recovered, and is currently in pieces on the deck of Cloppenburg, Lt. Commander Razin feels it can be repaired given some time, and Lt. Commander Gonzales seems to be in agreement.

I am standing by awaiting further orders, but would like to stress that I am Volunteering for a Rescue Mission!

Lt. Alexi Borodin

Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army
Революционная Армия Коалиции Сириуса


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 02-10-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Commander Vicenta Gonzalez, Provost Marshal's Office
LOCATION: Wedel Mining Facility, Hamburg System

Comrades, I have taken steps towards the liberation of Commissar-Captain Katz from the clutches of the fascist Rheinland pigs. I am assured by our allies in the Rheinland Revolutionary Alliance that Katz has most likely been taken to the cesspit the Rheinlanders call Vierlande Prison, located in orbit of Planet Hannover in the Hamburg system. With this in mind, I set out from Cloppenburg to determine the defences the Rheinlanders have mounted in Hamburg.

I first investigated the Battleship Westfalen, the Rheinland Military's main stronghold in the system, which is located near Planet Kiel and guards the Hudson Jump Gate. The battleship's weapons are strong, but nonetheless I managed to get a guncam shot of the vessel as I flew over it. The swine on board were only able to mobilise one Valkyrie, which my Revolution bomber dispatched easily. Below is my guncam picture:

Battleship Westfalen

I then proceeded to Hannover, to ascertain the defences of Vierlande itself. The station has powerful turrets mounted, and is ringed by weapons platforms. As I approached the prison, the police on board detected me and sent a wave of Banshee light fighters to intercept. I quickly fled after obtaining my guncam shots, and am now with the Unioners on Wedel Mining Facility, which could provide a useful staging point if we do launch an assault on Vierlande Prison. Images of the prison are below.

Vierlande from a distance
Vierlande close up

Viva la Revolucion!


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Luka - 02-11-2010

incoming transmition
Comm ID: Luka
<span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%]

Eh....isn't the nav map conected itself to this?


When i knew of Commisar-Captain Katz i got myself on shock. But then, Angry came and started the scout and al that stuff.

First, I got the record from Vierlande prison and it's surroundings
Second, Of the Defences, It is protected by 6 weapons platforms in and hexagonal position and the prison's own turrets, however, when tested their eficiency they probed not strong enough: while having decent firepower, the guns can be crippled easily and they got a weak spot where they can't shot, it's usefulness would be discused later.

The area is frequently patroled by Rheindland Federal Police's Banshee-class fighters and sometimes cruiser patrols apear with Wratih-class and Gunboat escorts, but they appear rarely.

Analizing the info I got of the prison, an SCRA strike Squad would pass the Defences with ease and get Commissar-Captain Katz, his crew and any other Revolutionaires out of there fast.

I'm standing by for a rescue mission.


Transmission end[color=#cccccc]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - pieguy259 - 02-11-2010

COMM ID: Commissar-Lieutenant Commander Vicenta Gonzalez, Provost Marshal's Office
LOCATION: Vogtland Base, Dresden System

I set out on the Social Credit today to investigate other threats that a strike on Vierlande could face. As it transpires, comrades, the Rheinland Military has a battleship permanently stationed in every one of their systems.

In New Berlin, the Strausberg near Bonn Station:
In Dresden, the Altenburg near the Omega-11 jump hole:
In Stuttgart, the Karlsruhe orbiting Planet Stuttgart:
In Frankfurt, the Koblenz near the Sigma-13 jump hole:
In Munich, the Regensburg at the trade lane junction:

And of course the Westfalen in Hamburg, which I reported on in my last transmission.

Comrades, it is clear that if we are to liberate the Commissar-Captain, we must avoid these battleships. The militaristic pigs will undoubtedly attempt to use them to crush our strike force, but we must maintain our resolve and let the Rheinland tyrants know the People will not be silenced!

I am currently with the Hessians on Vogtland, where I have received word of a seventh battleship in a nearby Omega system. I will attempt to gather more data on it as soon as I can.

Viva la Revolucion!