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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Drake - 11-20-2008

//Incoming Transmission . . .
ID: Edward "Eddie" Hawkins, Privateer
Origin: Battleship Derby, Leeds
To: Privateer Command

Message Reads:

Ahoy, Admiral Stuart, I hope this day finds you well.

I'll get right down to business... Since my return to active duty, after my unfortunate long-term 'vacation' in Kusari, I've found myself serving a role more akin to a Peeler than a Privateer. No offense to our mates in the BPA, they're good lads who do much to keep order during these trying times, but I'm looking to return to a more, ah, confrontational role in the war effort.

Unfortunately, we privateers are stretched rather thin and it's a rare occurrence when two or more of us can go hunting together. And while I love my Hussar like she were my own child, she's a tad short on stopping power when it comes to anything larger than a fighter... Therefor, I'd like to requisition a Challenger-class bomber for use against the Kusari threat.

I await your reply with bated breath.

Hawkins out.

//End Transmission.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - dr lameos - 11-20-2008

[Comm ID; Lieutenant Commander George Harrington]

A quick update to the paperwork is needed eh?
First off I must commend the shipbuilders of my latest Templar, 2 weeks and 6 battles later she's still in one piece! Good show chaps.

A busy day indeed, first of all a Molly bomber frightened by my threats and presence alone ran off home.

I received a report from Ensign Robert Jones about a transport carrying a nomadic thruster, I informed him to escort it to Cambridge, where the thruster must be sold, or the pilot in question would be fined. The transport captain complied.

Shortly afterwards a hippy showed up in London, Robert had already engaged him before I arrived. The White Tigers also assisted, although they are still getting used to their Templars. During this time a Zoner arrived piloting an unusual ship I have never witnessed before. Anyhow, before that, the Gaian threat was to be dealt with first.

After a tough battle he fled, my break was overdue so left Robert to deal with the outlandish vessel.

When my shift resumed I encountered the pilot 'William Breen' near Planet London, a mercenary to be precise, sporting corsair weaponry. I instructed him to either remove this weaponry or leave Bretonia. He stalled for rather a while, before some force persuaded him to get going.

Again I'd like to thank the Tigers for their help in that matter, my Templar against that bomber may not have been such a threat.

A rundown:
Molly - FLED
Transport - COMPLIED
Gaian - FLED

Well that was today, I have some other reports I can backdate or present some guncam footage, but the future's more important than the past eh?

Harrington out

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Koolmo - 11-21-2008

Transmission to: BAF Privateer HQ
Comm ID: Reggie

"I'm done! I'm bloody done! I won't go back, I can't it's not worth it! That bloody... garh!"

Lord Sir Reginald Notworthy, the Third, picks up a heavy service pistol and empties it into the viewscreen, while a concerned looking man (holding a cutlass) watches curiously from the hatch.



Transmission Aborted

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 11-22-2008

High Priority Message Imcoming

Source: Ens. Blake Owen

Subject: Lane Hacker Fleet Data

Today I was able to observe a massive Lane Hacker Fleet in Magellan. While on patrol in Cambridge with Ens. Robert Jones, we noticed activity in Magellan consistent with Lane Hacker ships. Our long-range satellites IDed them as Hellfire Legion. I decided to investigate while Ens. Jones stayed to monitor the scanners. While in Magellan I was able to record the following images.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 11-22-2008





Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 11-22-2008


As you can see, the fleet consists of at least three large cruisers or battleships. These ships are consistent with the "Spyglass" battleship stories in size and description. These ships, along with many fighters and bombers, entered California shortly after these photos where taken. We alerted the Liberty Navy, who where already assembling defenses. The Hackers beat the Navy back into New York but where unable to press their advantage. Myself, Ens. Robert Jones, and the Battleship Rodney waited at Manchester for any potential Hacker incursion. Fortunately, they remained in California, then retreated to Vespucci. No Bretonian vessels where harmed in the incident, something that cannot be said of the Liberty Navy. However, three large capitol ships two jump gates from New London are troubling at best.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 11-22-2008

Transmission to: BAF Admiralty
Comm ID: Lord Commander Sir Roger Brinkley, CC

Hullo, chaps. I see from these here intelligence files that we have considerable brown-trousering over these "Hackers".
Now in my day, a hacker was a bloody plasterer who'd daub your walls in a jiffy for a fiver. But now it seems they are some kind of snotty-nosed tantrum-throwing boffins who favour wild acts of unrestrained idiocy.
However, as Brets and possessing little of the nancy-boy attitude of every other nation in the galaxy, I might suggest we deal with these chaps if and when the matter arises. I'm sure they hardly have the logistical back-up, inclination or spunk to mount an attack on Her Majesty's Domain.
So, young Ensign, the next time you befoul your reports with a morale-mauling choice of words like "troubling" and the like, you'll personally receive a solid and rough rogering from the men of the Queen's Own. This is Bretonia, and with the war taking an apparent turn for the worse, it might be best to keep a brave face and stiff upper lip, lest we destroy our tunics with fear-induced sweating, urination and defecation.
"Spyglass." How bloody serious can you take a threat when they fly ships named after a kind of corrective lens? In my youth, we took young softies like these, made them kneel on the floor and used their arses for parking our bikes.
I expect future intelligence reports to be written in a manner more becoming of a member of the Bretonia Armed Forces, and not in a style that might lead one to suspect it is the penmanship of a woman, Kusari rent-boy or the kind of snivelling weed who can't stomach a pipe of rough shag.

Brinkley out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 11-22-2008

--Incoming Transmission--
Target: BAF Defence Intelligence Staff
Comm ID: Captain Stanley Nelson

Last night, after destroying another KNF fighter in Tau29, I was embarking on a special assignment [Classified Mission ref. B309] when in the Leeds system I encountered a Lane Hacker Gunship near to Planet Leeds. My initial response was not to endanger the valuable cargo I was carrying by engaging him, instead calling up Ensign James Hobart to try and get rid of him whist I completed my mission. As we all know, Hackers are often more than willing to refrain from pirating in Bretonia, and flee peacefully. However, as I passed his vessel, generously not engaging him, the following conversation occured:

[Image: crazydemands1ze5.png]

Aghast at this insult to the crown of Bretonia, I turned around abrubtly and prepared to face him in defence of Bretonia's honour. Even as I did so, however, he already opened fire upon me with a hail of missiles; a most unsporting weapons loadout. Despite this, the instant that the Ensign, in a fighter, engaged his vessel, he fled rapidly. For some reason, he chose Cambridge rather than Magellan; a most foolish move as his only line of escape would be into the corsair infested omegas, who would certainly eat him alive. Clearly he too had realised this as we found him floating around Cardiff, trying to head back towards New London. A prompt engagement by Hobart and a few blasts from my supernova soon saw him sufficiently punished for his earlier snub, and the honour of Carina's Fleet restored.

Nelson out.

--End Transmission--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 11-22-2008

==========Begin Transmission==========
From: Commander Lord George Mountbatten

To: The Bretonian Armed Forces

Re: Resignation

I'm sure that some of you have been aware of this for some time, but I feel that my time has come to retire my commission as an Officer in Her Majesty's Armed Forces. It was not easy to make this decision, but I feel that it is necessary. Recently, I've been called to serve in the House of Lords, and I find that it is becoming increasingly difficult to balance my responsibilities. I have served Her Majesty faithfully, with the exception of that one unfortunate incident, for almost 30 years as an officer in her Armed Forces, and I feel it is time for me to move on to other responsibilities.

For my replacement as Commanding Officer of the HMS Sovereign, I recommend my Executive Officer, Commander Winston Doyle. He is a capable and loyal officer, and he would make an excellent Commander, and would proudly continue the Sovereign's tradition of excellence.

It has been a pleasure serving with you all.

Commander Lord George Mountbatten

==========End Transmission==========
(//I am not actually retiring from the BAF, I'm just changing character names. I've got other plans for Mountbatten)

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Athenian - 11-22-2008

Transmission to: Commander Lord George Mountbatten
Comm ID: Lord Commander Sir Roger Brinkley, CC

Well, George m'lad. I can't say I'm not a trifle diappointed by this. Although it's not, after all, the first misjudgement you have made, what with getting tricked into believeing you were the outpouring of an anointed's loins a while back.

And while I might find the idea of "parliament" rather distasteful and as welcoming as having my genitalia shaved by an irate member of the Artisan Farmers' Alliance, at least you are entering the House of Lords, where you should find an altogether more decent breed of person than that other lavatory, the Commons.

Now, young Doyle is a fine chap, and I'm sure he will do you proud. I, for one, can not fault your pluck and bravura in combat, old chap, and would gladly stand knee-deep in the entrails of a dog-eater again with you in the blink of an eye

Drinks at the Gentlemens' Club on the Norfolk?
