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Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Printable Version

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RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Hunor - 06-03-2016

[Image: gateway_new_tbar_by_hunorgateway-da3y5jd.png]

Greetings Director Ryan Larkin,

I am Alan Shepard the Executive in charge of corporate security Gateway, I think you heard some rumours about me from the people in your circles. The common succcessful projects of recent months proved that we could be efficient and powerful together. But do not get lost in words I would like to get permission from your Crayter Defence Industries to use EVO 2B Nyx - Crayterian Space Superiority Fighter and one of EVO B12 Pytho - Crayterian Strike Bomber.

I do not hide my plans with in relation to these ships. I would like to know better any ability of these Crayterian ships to learn fighting skills from your best pilots to develop my security and escort skills. It is very important for me to get to know 90% 100% tech. of the ships. So this is why I ask all those from you. According to the Crayter Defence Industries protocol I am able to fulfill the commodity requests and to pay the fees. For the skills and technology knowledge I look forward to your opinion.


Alan Shepard,
Executive in charge of corporate security

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Shaggy - 06-03-2016

[Image: 9NMonX5.png]

Good day Mr Shepard,

Indeed I have heard a few rumors, not too many but not to little either. I also know that the Gateway Shipping Inc and Crayter Republic have been friends for some time now, so with this I would like to open Sabah Shipyard up to you to full fill the delivery of the necessary goods for both ships. I can guarantee there will be a Nyx and a Pytho awaiting for you to be pick up Sabah Shipyard.

As for the training, knowledge, and skills about our ships, I would like to direct and offer you to one of our flight instructors from the 15th Hells Angels Squadron.

Thank you Mr Shepard.

Director Ryan Larkin

[Image: kkvmHx6.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Hunor - 06-10-2016

[Image: gateway_new_tbar_by_hunorgateway-da3y5jd.png]

Greetings again Director Ryan Larkin,

I finished to deliver the necessary commodities. I will attach the visual proof below. And thank you for the help I am sure I will get the best training possible by Hells Angel Squadron pilot.

Visual evidence

Guncam nr1:
Quote:[Image: screen5_by_hunorgateway-da5t57c.jpg]

Guncam nr.2:
Quote:[Image: screen6_by_hunorgateway-da5t56z.jpg]

Guncam nr.3:
Quote:[Image: screen8_by_hunorgateway-da5t56r.jpg]

The payment proof:
[Image: screen9_by_hunorgateway-da5t56o.jpg]
I am looking forward to your answer,


Alan Shepard,
Executive in charge of corporate security

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Shaggy - 06-10-2016

[Image: 9NMonX5.png]

Good day Mr Shepard,

I must say that was impressive. We have done the calculations and everything seems to be in order and checked in. Please proceed to the dry docks for your Pytho and Nyx that was already awaiting. We have also received the 25 000 000 SC fee for both ships. So job well done.

The 15th Hells Angels Squadron awaits for you and is willing to give you some training. I have spoke to Squad Leader and they are awaiting for your arrival.

Safe skies, and good luck to you Mr Shepard.

Director Ryan Larkin

[Image: kkvmHx6.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Hunor - 08-08-2016

[Image: gateway_new_tbar_by_hunorgateway-da3y5jd.png]

Greetings Director Ryan Larkin,

I got the new ships in Sabah Shipyard hangar, they are in perfect condition. We flew with them on the Oceana Shipping Platform. The ships will serve in the Blackwing Squadron and in the comming days they will be available for squadron pilots. The previous plan to use the ships for personal motivations was canceled. I have seen a greater advantage in this change. With new technology modules and with experiences and skills acquired by the trainings, this squadron team will be useful for our security and escort missions but the first role will be to use the team in the joint missions. The high level of technology hopefully take advantage in the fights.
To complete the team we want to invest in a second "Nyx" very heavy fighter. If you allow my request I would like to start the deliveries with the necessary components.

Visual evidence about the "Nyx" Very Heavy Fighter
Name: Gateway|-GSE-BWS-Alpha
(GSE = Gateway Security & Escort)
(BWS = Blackwing Squadron)
[Image: screen12_by_hunorgateway-dad7t84.png]

Visual evidence about the "Pytho" Bomber
Name: Gateway|-GSE-BWS-Delta
(GSE = Gateway Security & Escort)
(BWS = Blackwing Squadron)
[Image: screen14_by_hunorgateway-dad7t7h.png]


Alan Shepard,
Vice President & Executive in Charge of Corporate Security,
Blackwing Squadron Cmdr.

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Shaggy - 08-08-2016

[Image: 9NMonX5.png]

Good evening Mr Shepard,

We are glad to see you have perfect condition Nyx and Pytho's that are in working order.

The Blackwing Squadron sounds like a very interesting investment that the Gateway security division has made. We are more than happy to support you with further investments to bring our alliance closer. You are supporting our military and we will support you.

You say you would like to invest in a second "Nyx" and we are more than happy to have this investment approved. It will be the same routine as before. So we will be waiting for payments and deliveries to be complete.

This is all for now.

For those we left behind.

Director Ryan Larkin

[Image: kkvmHx6.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Hunor - 08-26-2016

[Image: gateway_new_tbakensir_by_hunorgateway-daegyyd.png]

Greetings Director Ryan,

I am glad to report to you, me and my team finished the required material delivery for the "Nyx" very heavy fighter. With this fighter our squdron team is ready for work. A short description I make here to inform you about squadron duties. The team first role will be to finish the security missions where the Gallic activity and the alien/infected activity is high. Secondly roles are: Locate and neutralize the enemy cloak devices. Assist the Allies with the information obtained and to assist in operations.
I will attach the visual proof about delivery:

Quote:[Image: screen44_by_hunorgateway-daffhd8.jpg]
Quote:[Image: screen47_by_hunorgateway-daffh8z.jpg]
Quote:[Image: screen48_by_hunorgateway-daffh80.jpg]

Cash (10.000.000 million Sirius Credit) sent from Gateway|-GSX-Panam to CR|-Treasury. Verify your bank account about transaction. One extra amount of Plutonium is delivered too, becaouse this item is extra perishable.


Alan Shepard,
Vice President & Executive in Charge of Corporate Security,
Blackwing Squadron Cmdr.

[Image: gatewayshippingavatar_by_medicimania_d8t...8zzto3.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Crayter Republic - 08-30-2016

[Image: 9NMonX5.png]

Good afternoon Mr Shepard,

We are very proud to announce that the "Nyx" for the fighter squadron is hereby complete and just needs the tests flights to be completed before we can hand it over to you. Please bring yourself and the pilot over to Sabah ready for collection.

It seems like a very specialized squadron and it is a pleasure to be able to provide ship coverage for the Gateway Shipping Inc. If there is anything else you wish to purchase don't be afraid to ask. It is always a pleasure to do business with our friends.

The transferred money has been accounted for also. Thank you again.


Director Ryan Larkin

[Image: kkvmHx6.png]

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - TheShooter36 - 11-06-2016

[Image: qEol8R.png]

Greetings again, Director Larkin.

So, i will keep this short and direct, at all both you and me are on some tight schedule. After our talk where i requested a Hydra and an Atlas-Class, i looked over CDI stock list and i am not seeing any mention on Hydra-Class Gunboats at all. with a statement of Crayter Republic will not sell any capital ships to third parties. Before proceeding with any actions and early decisions, i would like to have some information about this situation, Mr. Larkin.

Signed, Robert Stark
Vice President
Gateway Shipping

RE: Crayter Defense Industries @ Sabah Shipyard - Shaggy - 11-07-2016

[Image: 9NMonX5.png]

Welcome Vice President Stark,

We are indeed on tight schedules, especially with the up coming revile the teams on Sabah Shipyard are close to completing for the first flight. But that is secret and I am unable to tell you much more than that.

You are correct about there being no mention to the Hydra Gunboat-class vessel on our stock list, and well I will be honest with you. We don't like other organizations using our military capital fleet for security reasons. There are a few around already but we have not heard from them in months or even years so there names and transponders have been lost within our archives and they also do not respond to transmissions requesting maintenance and so on. So it is more of a security measure than anything else.

But I must say it is a fine ship and well with all the hard work, dedication and support Gateway Shipping have had to the Crayter Republic, I took your request and sent it further to the Parliament board and we had a discussion about this.

I would like to offer you, a Hydra Gunboat-class but it will be costly and will take time. We are asking for delivery costs of all materials to build the ship. So we will inform you of the delivery list if you wish to agree to this and also we ask for a purchase of the ship. The ship price will be 70 000 000.

We hope this seems like a fair and honorable deal.


Director Ryan Larkin

[Image: kkvmHx6.png]