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Liberty Police, Inc. Feedback - Printable Version

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LPI Feedback - Dashiell - 08-08-2010

Lisa Hunter, Im sorrieezz!

That mine wasnt meant for youz:(

Virgil Redline

LPI Feedback - jimhunter - 08-08-2010

*walks in with a big gun and points it to Virgils head*


nvd, happens all the time, sometimes seems i have a minemagnet mounted constantly.

LPI Feedback - DodgeOld24 - 11-09-2010
Do I have to say more? Don't think so derp.

LPI Feedback - Zelot - 11-09-2010

' Wrote:
Do I have to say more? Don't think so derp.

Yes, I think you need to say more.

LPI Feedback - Dusty Lens - 11-09-2010

' Wrote:
Do I have to say more? Don't think so derp.

As a matter of fact you do.

LPI Feedback - Shagohad - 11-09-2010

I don't understand. Please spell it out for me.

LPI Feedback - Bauer - 11-09-2010

Now, what I've heard it is that the Leavenworth found you attacking the (lagging) San.Fran, or you attacked it near the Leavenworth's vicinity. Something like that. You were then asked to stand down and/or leave. You didn't do either of those things so you were shot at.

What are you complaining about exactly?

LPI Feedback - Lobster - 11-09-2010

[09.11.2010 04:49:31] LPI-Leavenworth: Shaw: OI!
[09.11.2010 04:49:42] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: That bitch attacked first, damnit.
[09.11.2010 04:50:02] LPI-Leavenworth: Shaw: You will stand down pilot.
[09.11.2010 04:50:12] LPI-Leavenworth: Move to me
[09.11.2010 04:50:13] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: And then what, get shot to a pile scrap?
[09.11.2010 04:50:29] LPI-Leavenworth: Shaw: I said stand down.
[09.11.2010 04:50:31] TF7|LNS-San.Francisco: Miranda: you had better forget about all this bub
[09.11.2010 04:50:39] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: And I said screw you, 'officer'.
[09.11.2010 04:50:50] LPI-Leavenworth: Shaw: Very well. Gunners, burn it.
[09.11.2010 04:53:15] LPI-Leavenworth: Shaw: Get out of here.
[09.11.2010 04:53:41] LNS-Glacier.Peak: Beumont: Wow.
[09.11.2010 04:53:56] LNS-Glacier.Peak: Beumont: Warming cannons and engaging the rogue naval gunboat!
[09.11.2010 04:55:22] TF7|LNS-San.Francisco: Miranda: let it go
[09.11.2010 04:55:30] LPI-Leavenworth: Shaw: And don't come back.
[09.11.2010 04:55:35] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: Sorry, an accident to cruise, obviously.
[09.11.2010 04:55:37] LNS-Glacier.Peak: Beumont: Nah, let it burn.
[09.11.2010 04:56:33] LPI-Leavenworth: Shaw: Sheesh...
[09.11.2010 04:56:41] LNS-Glacier.Peak: Beumont: Have a nice day, will ya?
[09.11.2010 04:56:49] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: You're not going to follow me?
[09.11.2010 04:56:58] TF7|LNS-San.Francisco: hell no
[09.11.2010 04:56:58] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: I thought you had balls?
[09.11.2010 04:57:05] TF7|LNS-San.Francisco: we have a turtle to pop
[09.11.2010 04:57:05] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: Hah, sissies.
[09.11.2010 04:57:17] LNS-Glacier.Peak: Beumont: Boyo, turn your butts around right now.
[09.11.2010 04:57:23] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: Nope.
[09.11.2010 04:57:36] LPI-Leavenworth: You okay?
[09.11.2010 04:57:37] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: You can't get me anyway, turdface.
[09.11.2010 04:57:56] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: HAH! Both cruisers, disengaged. Hilarious.
[09.11.2010 04:58:07] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: Hope that will show you for a few hours.

Quote:Now, the way I've heard it is that the Leavenworth found you attacking the San.Fran, or you attacked it near the Leavenworth's vicinity. You were then asked to stand down and/or leave. You didn't do either of those things so you were shot at.

And then you were allowed to get away unimpeded.

LPI Feedback - Dusty Lens - 11-09-2010

' Wrote:[09.11.2010 04:56:58] LNS-Kitty.HawkAssault11: Alexander: I thought you had balls?

How amusing. He dropped the same line on our GMS group when he strolled over with his battleship friend to put the jump on us.

Dodgey. Do not post again in this thread.

LPI Feedback - deepsircar - 09-17-2011

Recruit Officer Grey Falcon reporting for duty! Is there provision for scalps?