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4.86 Model Issues - Printable Version

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4.86 Model Issues - Zukeenee - 02-17-2012

I... guess this counts as a model bug? I'll post it here, anyway.

There seems to be an issue with targeting a Wyrm or Drake. Take a look at this picture. I have no components or equipment sub-targeted, and the selected Wyrm is sitting absolutely still. Yet the reticule sits just off-center, slightly to the right when looking at the Wyrm from the front. In fact, the entire "window" seems off-center. The same thing happens with NPC Drakes, seen here.

Oh, and maybe this counts as a model-thing, too. Planets have models, right? Anyway, Planet Nice in the Provence system, F6, doesn't appear to have a texture. Or if it does, I just can't see it through the nebula. [1] [2] [3]

4.86 Model Issues - Doom - 02-18-2012

' Wrote:Oh, and maybe this counts as a model-thing, too. Planets have models, right? Anyway, Planet Nice in the Provence system, F6, doesn't appear to have a texture. Or if it does, I just can't see it through the nebula. [1] [2] [3]
try adjusting antialiasing and anisotropic filtering settings....when i put all of mine to full then planets get transparent like that.

4.86 Model Issues - AeternusDoleo - 02-19-2012

No, the texture reference for Planet Nice was indeed faulty. Fixed for update 4. As for planets (and suns): They basically have a radius, always spherical, to which a few textures are applied. They do not have models with geometry.

4.86 Model Issues - Syrus - 02-20-2012

The Shire has a model bug where you can see through the ship. I hope this wasn't reported here before.

Here is a picture:
Quite hard to catch it, but I marked it.

4.86 Model Issues - Anonymous User - 02-21-2012

Model: Bison - Liberty Battle Transport

Bug: Model gets stuck when docking with Tradelanes - sometimes even with Jumpgates

-Bison is in formation with another ship (also a Bison in our case)
-Other ship docks with tradelane
-Bison is bit too far away from the Tradelane so the Autopilot tries to dock hisself
-Bisons Autopilot fails to dock
[Image: bug1d.jpg]
-Bison cant dock with Lanes and sometimes even Jumpgates after this happend
(autopilot flys to lane but flys too far. When it fails to dock it stops so that the middle of the ship is right in middle of the TL ring)
[Image: bug2y.jpg]
(both pics show the position where the Bison gets stuck. The ship wont move on till you return to free flight)

This bug just happens sometimes and can be solved by restarting Freelancer.

Same bug happend me and a friend (diffent PC, different acc/char) so I'm kinda sure it has something to do with the docking-point of the Bison.

4.86 Model Issues - AeternusDoleo - 02-21-2012

Docking issues are a known problem, caused by how our inertia/thrust stats are set in the engines to prevent ships from spinning. Can't be helped really. If you're close enough to the vessel you're in formation with then the lane transition will trigger for you both. If not, leave formation and dock manually. Lining up for the jump gate also shouldn't be a problem unless you're coming towards the entrance from a sharp angle (>60dgr from the front), the autopilot can't make the turn in that case. Do it manually.

[Edit] Gate docking issue should be more or less fixed. Lane, not so much, since I can't set the docking capture range on those damned lanes...

4.86 Model Issues - Ursus - 02-21-2012

' Wrote:Docking issues are a known problem, caused by how our inertia/thrust stats are set in the engines to prevent ships from spinning.
I have been watching the other ships a little, and it seems that some of them like the Big Dragon work very well all of the time and never get stuck, while the Democritus and Titanic get stuck all of the time

Watch a Big Dragon go in a jumpgate from the side, it will navigate all the way to the center then make a 90-degree turn. Meanwhile the Democritus and the Titanic both try to turn into the edge of the gate and end up getting stuck.

Soemthing different there, maybe it can be exploited

4.86 Model Issues - Anonymous User - 02-22-2012

' Wrote:Do it manually.
Thats the point.

You misunderstood my post.

The point is that the ship gets stuck whatever you do.
Even docking manually.
AFTER you had ONE fail-formation-docking.

So after docking in formation failed ONCE you'll never again able to dock (yourself) with any gate/lane till you relog/restart.

4.86 Model Issues - Thyrzul - 03-01-2012

The maquis base in Roussillon seem to have an invisible extension to it's side. May look up my screenshot folder about it or make screens later.

Aet: Already fixed - it was a gallic component that had some texture issues.

4.86 Model Issues - Echo 7-7 - 03-03-2012

The Pelican Armored Transport has uneven light hardpoint placement. Specifically, there are two light points on the starboard side and none in the same position on the port side.

This picture, while old, still whows the current hardpoint placement:

There are no equivalents to R03 and R06 on the port-side of the ship. They are not hidden inside the ship because when using the /pimpship tool, there are no R04 or R05 hardpoints.

Aet: Already noticed this and fixed it. Update 4 will have all light hardpoints active. This was a ship package issue, and pimpship should be able to pick up on the hardpoints after update 4