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Discordian Q & A - Dennis Jameson - 05-02-2011

Is a hatter mad because he's mad, or is the mad a hatter because he's a hatter? Furthermore: Is the hat mad, or is the mad a hat?

Discordian Q & A - Zukeenee - 05-02-2011

I feel that by now I've got a relatively firm grip on this lifestyle, so I think I can guess the gist of the answer to this one. But your last sermon got me wondering.

Is everything, in some sense, meaningless? Or do there exist such things in our world(s) that truly are "meaningful"?

And hell, while we're at it: Doug, are you a Turtle?

Discordian Q & A - Agmen of Eladesor - 05-02-2011

' Wrote:Is a hatter mad because he's mad, or is the mad a hatter because he's a hatter? Furthermore: Is the hat mad, or is the mad a hat?

Actually, hatters became mad because they were hatters. Before the days of Mal the Younger - even before the days of Jes the Older - hats were made not with buns, but of felt. The material, not the grab, so keep your hands to yourself. And the way they made felt was with a process that used mercury.

So the hatters would use felt made from mercury, and become poisoned by it. Mercury poisoning causes dementia. So while it's possible to be mad without being a hatter, most likely if you were a hatter then you were mad.

And as long as you keep cats from the hats, then the madness is contained. But once you put a cat in a hat, then you have a mad cat. Unless he was refrigerated, in which case he'd be a cool cat (but still mad).

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-02-2011

' Wrote:Is everything, in some sense, meaningless? Or do there exist such things in our world(s) that truly are "meaningful"?

The "searcher for meaning" is in sombunall respects like the phycisist trying to measure a "quantum" event. The data he attempts to collect is meaningless until he "observes" the event.

(See also: "Satori"; "Brainfart")

Quote:And hell, while we're at it: Doug, are you a Turtle?

Nope. I did try meditating on a huge sea turtle once, but the results were disturbing. When I was done, my shell wouldn't fit through the door.

Discordian Q & A - Capt. Henry Morgan - 05-03-2011

' Wrote:Nope. I did try meditating on a huge sea turtle once, but the results were disturbing. When I was done, my shell wouldn't fit through the door.
Meditate on something like a cat or a ferret and you won't have that problem, Mal. As a nice bonus, cats and ferrets both have their own interesting ways of viewing the world, so it's bound to be an educational experience.

Discordian Q & A - DarthBindo - 05-03-2011

Hey Mal.
I thought you might appreciate this on such an auspecious day.
It's got some sort of deeper meaning. Or not.
Or maybe both.

Discordian Q & A - Death.RunningVerminator - 05-04-2011

Hey mal, can i have a ton of flax without asking a question?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 05-04-2011

' Wrote:Hey mal, can i have a ton of flax without asking a question?


and you can't have one by asking one, either.

Yes, you all have the seed in ya.


Discordian Q & A - DarthBindo - 05-04-2011

Is repetitive listening to disco a sign of enlightment or a crass sellout to the cabbages commercialism?

Discordian Q & A - Death.RunningVerminator - 05-04-2011

Why do you speak for Eris? Can she not speak for herself or does she speak through you?