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"Cutlass" Bomber - Printable Version

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"Cutlass" Bomber - Mr.Fabulous - 06-03-2009

I don't think the snout has to be extended for the Cutlass. Actually I would like to see some protrusions from the rims at the points where the gunmounts would be... Like as if the rims were comparable to shark-teeth, and boy can a bomber bite!

I'm not sure though if it would work... I just would like the BWBomber to be the one that would look the scariest of the series, so that even full-blown cruisers would think twice running against one Cutlass, ready to CUT that LASSIE into PIECES!!! ARRRR!!!

"Cutlass" Bomber - Grumblesaur - 06-03-2009

Torp tubes will give it the perception that the ship is a bomber and that it is heavier than a Sabre with a few extra bars.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Benjamin - 06-04-2009

I plan on giving it the perception of a bomber by shooting SNACs with it all the time.

"Cutlass" Bomber - tansytansey - 06-04-2009

' Wrote:Torp tubes will give it the perception that the ship is a bomber and that it is heavier than a Sabre with a few extra bars.
But it doesn't make sense to me to put a torp tube inside a torp tube. The actual model of the torpedo launcher is the torp tube.
[Image: torptube.png]
Not only that, but they look ugly as hell, particularly when an Inferno is mounted inside one and half of it is sticking out the sides.
[Image: ewwd.png]

And believe me, this bomber feels anything but light when you're flying it.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Grumblesaur - 06-05-2009

' Wrote:But it doesn't make sense to me to put a torp tube inside a torp tube. The actual model of the torpedo launcher is the torp tube.
[Image: torptube.png]
Not only that, but they look ugly as hell, particularly when an Inferno is mounted inside one and half of it is sticking out the sides.
[Image: ewwd.png]

And believe me, this bomber feels anything but light when you're flying it.

I'm going for the idea of making the hitbox larger than the Sabre's.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Benjamin - 06-06-2009

it already has a hitbox pretty much the same size as the falcata.

"Cutlass" Bomber - tansytansey - 06-06-2009

' Wrote:I'm going for the idea of making the hitbox larger than the Sabre's.
And I disagree that adding torpedo tubes is the way to do it. It's already the same size as the Falcata anyways. Suggest some way to make the model bigger without making it look ugly, and I'll consider doing it. But Torpedo tubes are not the way to do it.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Doom - 06-06-2009

Because of this discussion here Devs are discussing same matter on dev forums. I already stated my position in this matter.

First, none of bombers i made have torp tubes for several reasons. Torp models differ in size. They also have angle of 20 degrees to each side. That requires very large modeled torp tube if we dont want to see actual torp sticking out of the model.

Second, some proposals were made to make torp models smaller or even without the model. However that is not applicable for all torpedos since Inferno and Nova torp are used on other ships then bombers.
There is also point that such torps would be placed inside the model and thus covered by hitbox. Covered by hitbox they cant take damage and be shot off. That is not how we do things around here.

Third, the one tiny fact that NONE of the vanilla ships have modeled weapons or tubes on ships of any bombers without tubes are more consistent with FL design...

Only way of what we can do is making larger torpedo models. But only slightly larger...

As for balancing of the bombers leave that for balancing team, there are ways of countering bombers size.
However, good modeler will take into account ship purpose and balancing issues when model is created and compensate for them by model design.

Torp tubes are not the way to distinguish bombers from fighters...

from todays point of view:

[Image: b1bbomber.jpg]

[Image: f22l.jpg]

not much of a difference....

"Cutlass" Bomber - Jamez - 06-12-2009

What's the status on this ship's progress? Don't say 4.86 or I'll cry.

No really, I will.:(

"Cutlass" Bomber - tansytansey - 06-12-2009

The Ship is completed and ready to be added at any time. It depends whether or it's gonna replace the Falcata or become a new ship entirely. The latter will probably have to wait for 4.86.