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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Printable Version

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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Lucas_Fernandez - 07-05-2009

I've been checking the posts and saw that someone said that 2 bombers can defeat a battleship. This is true! Still the situation is far different most of the time, like 2+ gunboats chasing a single bomber or vhf. This especially applies to omicron delta cos there's more capship in the system than fighter/bomber class vessels. In these days, players often fight near bases with their battleships, and before the two guys could shoot him down he docks with a message like "HAHA" and then disconnects, in the other case when the bombers would have to run they are "cowards"... In 4.85 the strengh of the battleships were increased by not a small amount, and bombers were weakened. If we want a cap mod then a bs should be 1credit along with the cap VIII armor. :angry:

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - FooFighter - 07-05-2009

Does the requirement to trade for weeks stop lolwutters from getting their battleship? No? They are quite patient folks when it comes to boring, repetitive tasks.

Does the requirement to trade for weeks stop roleplayers from getting their battleship? I'd say, yes. I've met quite a couple of people on Disco who would love to own a cap for RP reasons, but they simply gave up because when they play the game, they want to enjoy RP here instead of powertrading mindlessly. I am one of these people. I have access to a shared Battleship and that will most likely be the only large ship I'll ever fly. Not because I dislike flying caps or because I can't come up with any RP for one - simply because when I turn on a game, I want to enjoy playing it instead of hitting F3 and watching a movie while my ship flies back and forth generating profits like 12 millions per hour (disclaimer: I'm a corporate trader. I know I could make up to 30 millions per hour in a Zoner Guard Whale, but I think it's horribly ooRP, and so far, I really didn't want to powertrade).

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Jinx - 07-05-2009

by that logic - we could give ships away for free. - the "good" roleplayers that are all responsible, honest and mature get their battleships for free.

and the "bad" players that laugh at roleplay are irresponsible, cheaters, liers and of course usually premature will pay, cause we konw that they don t mind repetitive tasks.

labelling players much?

a good roleplayer that does not want to trade / work for the ship does not deserve it - and that is the only real situation to call someone to "not deserve" something.

99% of all the players consider themselves to be of type one ,,, the "good" ones. - its always the others that are bad.

the price is one of the objective measures that doesn t care for the deserving and the non deserving. - when its about the price. - those that can afford it deserve it - those that do not want to afford it or cannot ... do not deserve it.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Birdtalon - 07-05-2009

I don't think we should reduce the price, but we need another way to make money other than powertrading.

It really is tiring for the mind...

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Cyberanson - 07-05-2009

The problem I see when decreasing the battleship prices, will be the lack of traders in the systems. How many pirates make their money with pirating quiet traders? What would happen if half of these trade drones would disappear, due to lower battleship prices?

The whole economy would be destabilized. Not what we want to happen, isn't it?

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - FooFighter - 07-05-2009

' Wrote:The problem I see when decreasing the battleship prices, will be the lack of traders in the systems. How many pirates make their money with pirating quiet traders? What would happen if half of these trade drones would disappear, due to lower battleship prices?

The whole economy would be destabilized. Not what we want to happen, isn't it?

It worked quite well in .84. Although the trade routes themselves were...of debatable RP value, they yielded nice, fair profits and Battleships, while being quite expensive, were still affordable. Did the number of lolcaps go down in .85 when compared to .84? Locally, yes, but that was mainly because of player faction control (even if you don't allow them to limit the purchase of caps, they can, should and do fight lolcaps by declaring them traitors and shooting them down whenever they dare to enter space, which is a very, very good thing).

Actually, maybe you will get less lolcaps now. But that's mainly because you will see much less caps altogether now since trading was crippled. Only few people have the patience of powertrading for a month just to get a ship that can be taken down by one or two good bomber pilots or a GB with a lot of time and pulse cannons/razors.

Jinx: well, who make up the largest percentage of traders on this server? I once checked the Players Online list when it still was online - about 3/4 of all trader vessels did not even have in-RP names. And when you sit around tradelanes with a pirate char, you will soon learn that most traders aren't exactly the RP-loving type either. It is fact that people who don't value RP very highly make up the largest percentage of traders on this server - most likely because they want their big ships and because, yes, they don't mind powertrading.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - obnoxious1 - 07-05-2009

if anything, they should cost more.

Already a problem with lolwut cap fleets all over Sirius & lowering the prices would make it far worse.
A cap ship, cruiser/destroyer class or larger, should be at a price that is far out of reach for most individuals & limited to be purchased by groups working together to obtain one or more.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Jinx - 07-05-2009

3/4 of all traders at peak times? - of around 180 players - there are roughly 100 transports - and you say that 75 of them are ooRP, powertraders with rediculous names?

anyway - what do you think...

how many battleships ( average ) are on the server? - lets make it easy - out of 200 players ... how many battleships do you believe there are - and what do you think is a "healthy" number?

the problem is the same we had in 4.84 with the BHG... selective perception.

there were many people that claimed, and were 100% CERTAIN that every single BHG they met was flying a capital warship. - every! - the problem there was - they really didn t notice the fighters and bombers. - they evaded their perception, cause they didn t WANT to see them.

when i want to see too many captial warships - i see them around every corner, cause i will look for every slight evidence that they are there.

the only way to make it a bit more objective is to make a real statistic.

run an exell tab for like a year. - measure the shiptypes on the server in the morning, the evening, the night - each day...

you d be surprised ....

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elsdragon - 07-05-2009

no amount of price increases stop LOLCaps

Making a higer price dose not Decrease lolcaps. THey grind in their zoner whales. They come from Grinding games. they grind. RPers dint grind. More LOLcaps the RP caps
More price, more LOLCaps.
Ive seen it

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Dejavu - 07-05-2009

' Wrote:Defo reduce armor prices for cap ships. Its rather a buzzkill saving up 300mil or whatever for a LABC to find you need another 900mil just to make the damn thing worthy in battle.
Yeah its like a kick in the face or a knuckle sandwich.