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Pirating is ruining my game experience - Lance_Uppercut - 01-03-2010

' Wrote:When you stop focusing on making money, and start playing Discovery as it's meant to be played; using each activity as a means to initiate RP encounters, you will relish the opportunity to get pirated.

[Image: 0098.gif][Image: 0098.gif][Image: 0098.gif]
Post of the week.
[Image: handshake.gif]

Pirating is ruining my game experience - Elsdragon - 01-03-2010

Of course, without Money, you cant buy a ship to RP in.
After all, what are those Big "RP Platforms" for anyway?

Pirating is ruining my game experience - Baltar - 01-03-2010

' Wrote:Of course, without Money, you cant buy a ship to RP in.
After all, what are those Big "RP Platforms" for anyway?

Nobody's saying you can't strive to get them ... but you should not expect to obtain one within your first week of joining the server.

These lulwhut power-traders need to actually "work" their way up to such a power machine. So what if it takes them a month to get one ... it'll take them that long just to build up some role play to go with the beast of a machine.

Pirating is ruining my game experience - RobinTheHood - 01-04-2010

Quote:*headdesk* ... I get it ... you just want something to help YOU out. To heck with role play so long as you get your precious credits.

no, I write about what I am experiencing. duh. about what else.
Quote:Here's a tip for ya. If you notice your prize route that makes you billions of credits is heavily pirated ... what's that tell ya? Don't gotta be a rocket scientist to figure out that you are taking a risk by using that route. Same with mining. The busiest and more lucrative the mining operation or trade route ... the more pirates are likely to be lurking about. So ... find a new route or find a mineral that isn't so heavily watched by pirates. Trouble is you want your cake and eat it too. You want to make the big bucks without having to take a risk doing it ... so you gotta cry to the admins to make a rule so you're safe.

I have tried trading and mining using different routes and locations. and I gurantee you i didnt make any big bucks at all.

Quote:You talk about losing your whole run of cargo/credits? Well ... in "role play" ... you would expect to lose just about everything. In reality ... pirates don't just take 10% and say have a nice day. REAL pirates take everything and then kill the crew or hold the crew for ransom. You do realize that Rule 0.0 applies to everyone right? I mean ... even pirates are supposed to have some fun at their role play right? I don't hear any of you money hungry traders/miners lobbying for pirates to enjoy the game. I'm just glad we've gotten beyond the day when I would undock from Yanagi in Sigma 13 with my pirate to find 3 bounty hunter battlecruisers waiting for me ... yeah ... those days were fun ... getting ganked by bounty hunters in front of your own home base.
I think you watch a bit too much TV when it comes to pirates. well,however, this is NOT reality. hard to swallow, but a fact. Its a game. Games are there to have fun and to have some kind of goal. And with all respect, doing mining for hours only to be shot at after 3 lines of so called "role play" isnt fun.

as i said bevore, try it yourself: mine a full cargo hold and fly into the next sun. then come back and tell me how much fun that was.

Quote:Speaking of blowing up cargo ... what about us smugglers. Talk about violation of Rule 0.0. I smuggle some contraband into New York and guess what I get from the lawfuls? I get drop ALL of your cargo (then watch them destroy it) ... oh ... but that's not all. In addition to watching them destroy my cargo (worth several million credits and maybe a good 30 minutes of my time in online play) ... oh ... now they want me to pay a fine for violating house laws. WHAT? I lose 100% of my cargo AND I gotta pay 2 million credits to the lawful who pulled me over? Go cry me a river traders ... I'm tired of this hypocrisy.
you are comparing things that arent compareable. contraband is meant to be risky. and there is some kind of logic about contrabands and your fate when carrying it and being cought. being pirated by players/factions that are neutral to you and loosing everything (including the time to get it in the first place), all simply because the other wants your money, and not 3 lines of roleplay... isnt fun.

Quote:Another *headdesk* ... "Nice" you say? It would be "nice" to place ... yet another ... limit to my role play? Hmm ... I demand 500k from my targets ... then I get on the forums to find a 5 mil bounty on my head. Logic dictates that if you can afford a 5 mil bounty on my head ... you can certainly pay a 5 mil demand when pirated. How about that for a valid reason? Oh ... and I've seen bounties on pirates for 50 mil ... with the caveat that the pirate can be hit "multiple times" and receive 50 mil EACH time the pirate is destroyed. Oh ... you traders have declared war on pirates and now you wanna cry to the admins to limit our demands? And you guys wonder why pirates are out ganking traders and miners? Cry me a river.
cry me a river. when sitting in a glasshouse, throwing stones is a BAD idea.

Quote:Unfortunately these guys complaining are too busy trying to buy their uber-cap to go gank pirates in. They're just upset its gonna take them a week to get that Cap Armor Upgrade Mark VIII instead of a day.
bull****. is it really so difficult to understand that loosing everything you worked for long at one go repeatedly is NOT fun? i dont know, maybe you have some kind of fetish for that kind of thing or you suffer from masochism, but simply try what I suggested: mine, fly into sun and report how funny it was.

Quote:Strang thing though ... I don't seem to have the difficulty you claim here with my lawful traders. Wonder why that is? I make tons of credits ... but have yet to be pirated in the manner you speak of. Could it be that I don't play in hornets nests? Spread yourself out and find other pastures where there are less chances of you getting pirated. Keep in mind ... if you only go where you get the biggest pay ... you're gonna run into pirates that know you make lots of credits. So ... if you're making 100 mil each trip on 2400 units of whatever mineral you're mining ... you can bet you're gonna get a pirate demanding at a minimum 10 mil (pst ... that's only 10% right? ... public math and all ... but isn't that right?) Oh ... as for the cargo ... if they can actually take it somewhere where they can sell the cargo for the same price YOU can get for it ... they'd just take the cargo ... and they'd likely have a pirate transport or two waiting nearby to haul all that stuff with them.
maybe thats because you play the game a bit longer than me? maybe you have found your trade/mining locations that are save? maybe I have not? Maybe you can understand that for a new player the situation is a bit different than for you?

Quote:And here's the underlying reason behind your plea. Thank you for your honesty. But if you actually get into the role play while you're building up your fortune for that ship and equipment you want so badly ... you might actually enjoy this game ... and you might not have to initiate these type threads in the future. And please take the time to get to know some of us before feeding us to the dogs.
well, the problem is just that the situation hasnt changed at all... I try to roleplay, but oh... there comes the next unlawful just blowing me up after 4 lines of "RP" (Halt - your cargo - you tried to flee - engage" - BOOM)

Quote:Yes ... and lawfuls get away with murder because of the rules. There's no rule that limits a lawful's demand on my smuggler who's got contraband. So I pay double what a trader would ever pay to a pirate. Go figure the logic behind that one.

Question for you ... please ponder seriously before answering. Do you want to "role play" ... or do you want to "rule play"?
maybe you havent noticed, but there ARE rules. RP is regulated and made possible by rules. there have to be rules concerning game mechanics and rules concerning the "roleplay"-part. no rules or bad rules in the roleplay part will lead to anarchy.

your rights end where the rights of others start. (freely quoting a principle of law).
for games it could be easily used too... i think we can agree that the main point of a game is "fun".
when the "fun" of one player limits the "fun" of another player, there is a problem.

for that are rules. one of those rules is that player-player interaction should involve some kind of roleplay. but does roleplay justify every deed commited in its name? obviously no, for there is a lot of potential of ruining other peoples fun in the name of roleplay.

can it be roleplay to shoot down a trader/miner because he was trying to flee? sure, it can be.
can it be roleplay to camp outside an asteroid field and demand all cargo of a miner? sure, it can be.
can it be roleplay to have such a high bounty on ones head it isnt even possible to leave ones base? sure, it can be.

but does that mean that the "fun" of at least one side wont be influenced badly by doing so? obviously not, regarding all the comments here.

its not about setting up strict regulations, its about reinforcing a bit common sense.

I dont know much about the "bounty system", but obviously you have had problems with it. maybe you can explain in more detail, but i would think you wouldnt have to talk about it, when bountys would be limited to 1 kill and then deleted.
you mentioned bounty hunters camping outsider your base... guess what? same happened to me with a corsair just outside my base who demanded 3 million everytime i starded. duh.

as example, yes, i would pirate someone. maybe even destroy him, if this was because of some "RP". what i would not do is to follow him into another system and pirate him again.
another example... I pirated someone who claimed he just had been. well, i asked who it was, got an answer when asking it it was true, let him go. no harm done.
if i was hunting you for bounty, well, i would hunt you down 1 time, collect the bounty and be done with it.

now the problem is, the game can be played differently too.

you have worked your ways around these things - how? i dont know.

but only speaking for me, but i am right in the middle of this. why should it not be possible to follow my own ideas of how my RP-Chars is AND interacting with other players within limits, that allow my own developement as well as the RP of others?

for me personally, i want to roleplay a grumpy, old, lone-wolf, bretonian miner (old man and the sea style). now, the problem is not that i am loosing cargo and/or money, the problem is that I loose ALL of that FAR too often, with MISERABLE role play on top of that. the longest "RP" I had in this game was 7 sentences. and trust me, i really tried.

you speak of 100 million /run? you know what? i have earned a whooping 40 million with my trading char, in 2 days. i have been destroyed about 7 times, lost my cargo just as often. the first time i was destroyed because i couldnt pay 10 million. well, that was after i invested everything in the mining ship and i was on my very first run of getting some money.

can you imagine what "fun" i had?

Pirating is ruining my game experience - Yuri Romanov - 01-04-2010

I'm currently looking for Miners who want to band together to stand a chance against pirates. Xfire Captainpuffy

I understand your frustration, I spent a week putting 3000 units of gold together and was ganked in New London. The buggers wanted the whole load, and wouldn't accept anything else, so I told them to destroy me. If you give me an unreasonable demand I'll give you an unreasonable reply.

In the long run, I just moved away from dublin to a less profitable but safer location.

Since the community seems to be watching this topic, and it some what relates, I think I'll ask.

How do you guys feel about dual boxing? Is it legal? (IE: Running 2 or more machines playing freelancer, having one ship a train and another a vhf, in the same system, working together)

Pirating is ruining my game experience - RonG777 - 01-04-2010

' Wrote:Since the community seems to be watching this topic, and it some what relates, I think I'll ask.
How do you guys feel about dual boxing? Is it legal? (IE: Running 2 or more machines playing freelancer, having one ship a train and another a vhf, in the same system, working together)

Uh, I think that is kind of a No-No . . But don't take my word on it, PM an Admin or a Moderator to be sure. . .

Pirating is ruining my game experience - Naturalist Fouche - 01-04-2010

' Wrote:I'm currently looking for Miners who want to band together to stand a chance against pirates. Xfire Captainpuffy

I understand your frustration, I spent a week putting 3000 units of gold together and was ganked in New London. The buggers wanted the whole load, and wouldn't accept anything else, so I told them to destroy me. If you give me an unreasonable demand I'll give you an unreasonable reply.

In the long run, I just moved away from dublin to a less profitable but safer location.
Since the community seems to be watching this topic, and it some what relates, I think I'll ask.
How do you guys feel about dual boxing? Is it legal? (IE: Running 2 or more machines playing freelancer, having one ship a train and another a vhf, in the same system, working together)

Well... Im sure its not really liked... But how are they going to prove that you are doing it?

That kinda sucks... But it's a good strategy i suppose... But However... Its quite gay..

If you really want to do it i say Go Ahead...

But Realise that you will be sacrificing someone elses fun and playability:)

Pirating is ruining my game experience - casero - 01-04-2010

' Wrote:I'm currently looking for Miners who want to band together to stand a chance against pirates. Xfire Captainpuffy

I understand your frustration, I spent a week putting 3000 units of gold together and was ganked in New London. The buggers wanted the whole load, and wouldn't accept anything else, so I told them to destroy me. If you give me an unreasonable demand I'll give you an unreasonable reply.

In the long run, I just moved away from dublin to a less profitable but safer location.
Since the community seems to be watching this topic, and it some what relates, I think I'll ask.
How do you guys feel about dual boxing? Is it legal? (IE: Running 2 or more machines playing freelancer, having one ship a train and another a vhf, in the same system, working together)

That's against the rules.

1 character per player at the same time... or something like that.

Pirating is ruining my game experience - Kaiden - 01-04-2010

When going on a relatively simple Liberty > Kusari run I got stopped 4 times by pirates! Thankfully I'm such a low level and only in a Rhino that nobody asked for anything more than say 20 cargo pieces. I even got handed 100k for being a good RP.

I dread to think what it'll be like when I have a trans with over 4k cargo cap.

Pirating is ruining my game experience - RonG777 - 01-04-2010

' Wrote:I dread to think what it'll be like when I have a trans with over 4k cargo cap.

If you continue that same good RP as you have done in a Rhino, you shouldn't have any problems. . .
Remember, in a big ship, you make more money faster. you have more credits . . . Share the wealth, be a good sport, and you will find pirating to be a much better experience than you may think . . .