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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 01-17-2011

[Image: lloydtrans.png]
The Penumbra has completed the contract for Ames Research Station and is en route to Gran Canaria to help with the Enclave contract. Manifests for Ames are below.

Ames Research Station
Load 1: Delivery
Load 2: Delivery
Load 3: Delivery
Load 4: Delivery
Load 5: Delivery
Load 6: Delivery
Load 7: Delivery
Load 8: Delivery
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sanford2 - 01-19-2011

[Image: ted_trans.png]

I have delivered two loads of niobium to Gran Canaria.
Transmitting Verification.
Load 1
Load 2
That is all for now.
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 01-23-2011

[Image: lloydtrans.png]
We've begun filling the order for Quantum Multiplexors the Enclave requested.

Virulian Enclave Quantum Multiplexors
Load 1: Delivery
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 01-23-2011

[Image: williamcross.png]
We're on Canaria receiving some repairs after a run in with some trigger happy pirates. We've been doing our part filling the Enclave's order.

Virulian Enclave Niobium
Load 1: Delivery
Load 2: Delivery

Virulian Enclave H-Fuel

Load 1: Delivery

Virulian Enclave Plutonium
Load 1: Delivery
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - fencore - 01-24-2011

[Image: gheis_trans_top.png]
Another contract finished. I carried the goods for the Cerberus contract while the Orinoco provided escort detail out to Minor and back.

Cerberus Contract:
Deuterium: Dropoff
H-Fuel: Dropoff

In addition, I have a cargo scan from a previous run for the Virulian Enclave

Enclave Contract:
Bio-Neural Processors: Dropoff

With the business out of the way, hoo boy, have I got a story to tell...

So, we were headed on out to Minor on the first part of the run. I was carrying Deuterium and the orinoco was providing cover, of course. Now, I've heard some of the stories of what people see out in Nomad space and frankly, I've seen some pretty strange things myself, but cruising through Delta, we saw something that I can't even begin to explain. It was a ship, that much I can fathom, but it was surrounded by electrical discharges, and they were massive! it was sitting right on top of the station, too. Probably should get those blokes checked out, just to make sure they don't have any aftereffects, you know?

So for a few minutes we spoke with this creature who truly appeared to be divine, but there was once an Old Earth author that said "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic" so we do take this with a grain of salt. The creature promptly bid us safe travels and disappeared into nothingness. Orinoco and I continued on our way to Minor.

That's not where it stops, though. On our way back through Theta to pick up H-Fuel from the stock on Corfu and finish out the contract, we ran into this same creature, although with a radically changed appearance.

Upon this encounter, we got significantly more information as to the presence of the creature itself. it claimed a few things. I'll let the communications transcript speak for itself.

Quote:OSI-Resolute: Thou art quite shiny
[Admin]Kingvaillant: Indeed I am, this was the supreme project of the Dom Kavash
OSI-Resolute: We are honored by thine presence, oh Great Experiment!
[Admin]Kingvaillant: it seems so far successful. Their project of a flying lantern does work
OSI-Resolute: The Great Experiment, that which was constructed from the Holy Hypothesis and the Observations of the Oracle
OSI-Orinoco: You wouldn't perhaps know where we could find another of you lantern types could you?
OSI-Resolute: Also, the purple is very trendy
[Admin]Kingvaillant: Sadly, I do not know
OSI-Orinoco: One that......wasn't on perhaps?
[Admin]Kingvaillant: Alas, no
OSI-Resolute: Getting some good long-range shots?
OSI-Orinoco: i already did
[Admin]Kingvaillant: If I was to find one, your powerplant wouldn't be able to handle it
OSI-Resolute: Bah, the Whale can handle anything!
OSI-Resolute: Except guns, that's a no-go
[Admin]Kingvaillant: I am doubtful about the capacities of such ship to handle this hardware
OSI-Resolute: You underestimate the potential of Zoner stubbornness
[Admin]Kingvaillant: It is also not discrete
[Admin]Kingvaillant: Pirates would be able to spot you from the edge of the systems
OSI-Orinoco: It might help keep the Corsairs from shooting Zoners around here.
OSI-Orinoco: If they don't know what it is, they'll assume it to be a weapon.
[Admin]Kingvaillant: If you look at it for too long, it will damage your eyes
[Admin]Kingvaillant: Which in itself can be considered as a passive weapon
OSI-Orinoco: I'm not looking at it, I'm making the navigator look at you.
OSI-Resolute: I'm using a series of mirrors to reflect the rays at a diminshed capacity
[Admin]Kingvaillant: A wise man
OSI-Orinoco: So, what do we call you?
OSI-Resolute: Did you not hear him? He is The Great Experiment!
[Admin]Kingvaillant: You can call me Mom as well
OSI-Resolute: Derived from the Holy Hyopthesis and all that. I went through all this already
OSI-Orinoco: I wasn't paying attention, I was busy watching a movie on the holodisplay
[Admin]Kingvaillant: Alias Multi-stelar observing machine
[Admin]Kingvaillant: now mortals, I must sail the stars and bring light to the hopeless. Farewell you souls
OSI-Orinoco: How did we earn the honor of your presence?
OSI-Resolute: Twice in one night, no less
OSI-Orinoco: Ah, don't go. My navigator is almost blind.
[Admin]Kingvaillant: You've attracted my curiosity human
OSI-Orinoco: Teach him to sleep with my daughter.
OSI-Resolute: XD
[Admin]Kingvaillant: I'm afraid that I must leave you to your lives humans. Many things await me
OSI-Orinoco: Can we like meet you again?
OSI-Resolute: As you wish, Mom. *bows reverently*
[Admin]Kingvaillant: We have evolved from sexuality a long time ago, it is not of our nature anymore to perform such art
[Admin]Kingvaillant: Maybe we will. May your future be fruitful
Clearly, whatever it is has some sort of advanced technology that allows it to perform such feats, such as illuminating himself to such a degree or to instantly teleport where he wishes. The creature known as "Mom" is one that I intend to devote much more time studying. The mystery of Mom will be my quest, and Purple shall forever be the preferred color. I sense there is a third question, however, but that bridge will be crossed once it it approached.

I have transferred everything I know to the board now. May the light of Mom shine upon you all.

Gheis Mace
[Image: gheis_trans_bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Dourden4 - 01-25-2011

[Image: dourden_trans.png]

Got a few backlogged runs to report here. All of them for the VE Contract. Here they are:



These three runs are already factored into our Totals.





Sorry for the delay, gotta get the techs up at HQ to check out the transmitter on this thing next time im in the neighborhood.

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Sanford2 - 01-25-2011

[Image: ted_trans.png]
Delivered three loads of cargo to the VE.
Quantum Multiplexors
That is all.
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 01-25-2011

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Stygio, Omega 49--
--Subject: Contract Fulfillment--

Been busy with the transport today. I just can't seem to stay tied down to that desk.

Virulian Enclave [Image: gabesig2-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Stygian - 01-28-2011

--Comm ID: Gabriel Caudill--
--Location: Stygio, Omega 49--
--Subject: Contract Fulfillment--

And a few more shipments.

Virulian Enclave
  • Ship Hull Panels - 7680 units total: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
[Image: gabesig2-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 01-29-2011

[Image: lloydtrans.png]
Been a busy week, I've attached the manifests. Hope everything is alright at 14. Been crazy down here in the Omegas. I ran some niobium ore for the miners also. I also spoke with a IMG miner who said they have over 20,000 units of ore they need cleaned out of their barge facility.

IMG Supply Contract
Mining Machinery: 3600 units: [1]

Virulian Enclave Contract
Quantum Multiplexors: 7200 units: [1] [2]
Ship Hull Panels: 7200 units: [1] [2] [3] [4]

Some Outcast was pretty put off that I didn't know who he was. He and I chatted for a bit about it; seems he is friends with the Omicroners and Doc. Dunno if its true but he was pretty interested in the fact that every time I run into an Omicroner they leave the area. Said I should ask why they don't like me being around 'em. Told 'em that it didn't bother me, not like I hang out with them anyways. He said he'd have a chat with them about it; though I'm not sure why he cared.
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]